Imagens das páginas

American Spanish provinces, but the titles are included in the lists in the first volumes of his Mexico and Central America, and at intervals in the progress of the movements he gives long notes to the matter, as for instance where (Mexico, iv. 64) he discusses the mass of contemporary publications on the deposing of Iturrigaray. Of this last kind, the books of Juan Lopez Cancelada, the editor of the Gazeta de México,1 and among them chiefly his Verdad Salida y Buena Fé guardada (Cadiz, 1811), which was answered in a vindication of Iturrigaray by José Beye de Cisneros, and in Cancelada's reply, Conducta del Exmo. Senor Iturrigaray (Cadiz, 1812), we find the chief official documents on the fall of that ruler. He found another defender in Servando Tereso Mier y Guerra (pseud. José Guerra), who, having narrowly escaped arrest, fled to London and there published in 1813 his Historia de la Revolucion de la Nueva España (1808-1813), in which, while he defended Iturrigaray, he bitterly denounced Cancelada. He continued the story of the revolution down to the date of publication, and depended largely for the material for the period subsequent to his own escape upon the documentary evidence. As Mier went on in his narrative he swung to the republican side, and made Hidalgo his hero, which led to the distrust of Mier by Iturrigaray, so that, his allowance being stopped, he was put to t straits. But a few copies of his book were distributed, as the bulk of the edition was lost on a vessel bound to Buenos Ayres.2 Bustamante's Martirologio de algunos de los primeros insurgentes (Mexico, 1841) is concerned with the revolutionary and later careers of those implicated against the viceroy in 1811.

Bancroft points out the difficulty of securing from contemporary documents very trustworthy testimony of the career of Hidalgo. The press was in the hands of the royalists, and did not hesitate to circulate false statements for political effect. Hidalgo's period has been treated among later writers in a single volume which was published of the Memorias para la historia de las Revoluciones de México (Mexico, 1869) by Anastacio Zerecero, a violent advocate of the revolution. Of the more comprehensive writers notice will be given later.

The earliest account of Mina's expedition in 1817 is in William Davis Robinson's Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, in which the author made use of the journal of Brush, the commissary-general of Mina. Robinson knew the field, and had had some experience with Spanish methods in trading operations that brought him into the custody of the law, from which he escaped to tell all he could to injure the Spanish name. Some part of his denunciation was omitted in the Spanish translation, and Bustamante finds not a little to refute and something to add. Bancroft (Mexico, iv. 686) tells how he has collated the rival accounts, and gathered other details from different sources, in the account which he gives of the expedition (Ibid. iv. ch. 28).

The literature illustrative of the Iturbide period is extensive, and naturally groups itself round his own Memoirs, which, with an appendix of documents, was published in London in 1824.5 Beside the Historia of Bustamante, elsewhere mentioned, we have the Iturbide of Cárlos Navarro y Rodriguez (Madrid, 1869), a Spanish and monarchical view, and the Apuntes históricos sobre D. Augustin Iturbide of José Ramon Malo (Mexico, 1869), a companion of the emperor, and prompted to say what he could in his defence, as does José Joaquin Pesado in his El libertador de México (Mexico, 1872). When Iturbide's remains were removed in 1838 to the Cathedral in Mexico, José Ramon Pacheco made the Descripcion de la Solemnidad (published by order of President Herrera, Mexico, 1849) the vehicle of an interpretation of such a patriotic intent of Iturbide as was hardly recognized in nis day.

1 Bancroft speaks of Diaz Calvillo's Noticias para la Historia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios (Mexico, 1812) as an emphasized rescript of the versions of events given in the Gazeta (Mexico, iv. 374).. On the opposing journalistic phases of the movement in Spain at this time, see Ibid. iv. 450.

2 Bancroft's Mexico, iv. 452.

3 Mexico, iv. 287, where he gives a long list of miscellaneous references.

Philad., 1820; London, 1821; in Spanish, London, 1824.

5 Cf. Mémoires autographes (Paris, 1824), and Denkwürdigkeiten (Leipzig, 1824).

For the period following the consummation of the movement for independence, and through all the revolutionary changes, Bancroft's foot-notes still are the completest record of sources, and he occasionally masses his references, as in vol. v., pp. 67, 147, 249, 285, 344, etc.

The condition of Mexico since its independence was confirmed has been the subject of a few books of good character, which may supplement the story in Bancroft. Such are the Mexico of H. G. Ward (London, 1829), who was the representative of England in the capital in 1825-27; Brantz Mayer's Mexico as it was and as it is (Philad. 3d ed., 1847), Mr. Mayer having been the secretary of the American legation, 1841-42; the Die äusseren und inneren politischen Zustände der Republik von Mexico (Berlin, 1854, 1859) of Emil Karl Heinrich von Richthofen, at one time Prussian minister in Mexico, but he only slightingly follows the course of political events, giving rather a commentary on their results. The Méjico en 1842 of Luis Manuel del Rivero (Madrid, 1844) takes that date as a point to glance back over American history, not confining the survey, however, to the later period. The revolution which resulted temporarily in the placing of Maximilian on the throne produced, and was in part instigated by, sundry publications, which for those political ends ran over the course of Mexican independence.

The period of the presidency of Anastacio Bustamante, from 1836 to the elevation of Santa Anna, is covered in a somewhat impetuous way in C. M. Bustamante's El Gabinete (Mexico, 1842).

The period of Santa Anna, with his ups and downs, is traversed in part (1821-1833) in Juan Suarez y Navarro's Historia de México y del General Santa Anna (Mexico, 1850), - the author being a partisan of that leader; and C. M. Bustamante also specially treats a later period in his Apuntes para la historia del gobierno de Santa Anna, 1841–44.1

The story of the revolution in the Central American provinces, with their later changeful destiny, is told in the third volume of Bancroft's Central America, with a full complement of references.

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Moreau de Saint Méry in his Loix et Constitutions des Colonies françaises de l'Amérique (Paris, 1784), and a part of Raynal's well-known work was also published separately as a Histoire philosophique et politique des isles françaises dans les Indes occidentales (Lausanne, 1784).

In the first half of the eighteenth century the cultivation of sugar in the British islands drew home capital in a large degree to what were known as the Sugar Islands, and the division of opinion as to legislation concerning them produced a mass of pamphlets.1 Oldmixon in his

1 Carter-Brown Catalogue, iii. pp. 137, 143, 147, 150, etc.
*From the Nouveau Voyage (Paris, 1742), vol. i.

compilation, The British Empire in America (London, 1708), had caught the popular interest; but in his later edition, in 1741, he much improved his account. G. M. Butel-Dumont's Histoire et Commerce des Antilles Angloises (Paris, 1758; in German, Leipzig, 1786), and Bellin's Description géographique des isles Antilles possedées par les Anglais (Paris, 1758), with its maps, denotes the interest with which the French were watching the English development. The most considerable account, however, of these English possessions came in Bryan Edwards' History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies (London, 1793), in


two volumes, to which a third was added in 1801. There was an abridged edition of the first two in 1794 and 1798, and the whole was reissued in four volumes in 1806, at Philadelphia, and in five volumes in 1819, at London. A French translation appeared at Paris in 1801. The book did not fail to incite some conflicting

1 There was a German translation at Lemgo, 1744.

judgments, as appeared in William Preston's Letter to Bryan Edwards (London, 1795). There are later histories of the islands by Captain Thomas Southey, Chronological Hist. (London, 1827); by R. M. Martin (London, 1836); and the Histoire générale des Antilles (Paris, 1847-48) of Adrien Dessalles, in five volumes. This author used material in the Archives de la Marine.

One of the most interesting observers of the early years of the eighteenth century was the author of the Nouveau Voyage aux isles d'Amé rique, the priest Labat, - a book originally published at La Haye in 1724, but issued in a more complete form at Paris in 1742.2 It has maps of the principal islands.

What is now considered the best history of Cuba is that of Jacobo de la Pezuela, Historia de la isla de Cuba (Madrid, 1868); though Ramon de la Sagra's Historia de la isla de Cuba (Habana, 1831; Sabin, xviii. pp. 24042) was for a long time a principal source. The student cannot neglect the observations of Humboldt in his Essai politique sur l'isle de Cuba (Paris, 1826). The lesser ones are E. M. Masse's L'isle de Cuba et la Havane (Paris, 1825), and M. M. Ballou's History of Cuba (Boston, 1854). Cf. José Antonio Saco's Coleccion de papeles sobre la isla de Cuba (Paris, 1858), and V. de Rochas's "Cuba sous la domination Espagnole" in the Revue contemporaine (vol. lxx., lxxi.).

The principal event of the war in 1762 was the siege and capture of Havana (Aug. 13) by the English fleet under Admiral Pococke and the Duke of Albemarle. The Spanish documentary source is a Recueil de documents sur la Havana: Enquête faite par ordre du Roi au sujet de la prise de la Ha vane (cf. Leclerc, no. 1357), and the CarterBrown Catalogue (iii p. 355) shows a collection of proceedings against the officers of the place conducted in 1764 The leading contemporary English historians of the war, Entick and Mante, give the details, and the official accounts of the English (being beside in the Gazette) may be found at the end of a conglomerate Account of the Settlements in America (Edinburgh, 1762). Cf. Atlantic Monthly, vol. xii. An Authentic Journal of the siege of the Havana by an officer (London, 1762) has prefixed a plan,


2 There is a Dutch ed., Amsterdam, 1725; German, Nuremberg, 1782.

8 Cf. on Saco's works on Cuba, etc., Sabin's Dictionary, xviii. p. 212.

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4 Bachiller, in an appendix to a literary history of Cuba, describes the books published in that island from the introduction of printing to 1840, the earliest in 1724; but Harrisse (Bib. Amer. Vet., p. xxxviii) points out one dated 1720; but he disbelieves the statement of Ambrosio Valente that a book was printed as early as 1698.

*After a print in the Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden (Weimar, 1807). On Humboldt in the New World, see ch. 3 of Bancroft's California Pastoral.

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hands of the English, by a combined attack of land forces under General Venables and a fleet under Admiral Penn, sent out by Cromwell. We have the report of an eye-witness in a Brief and perfect journal of the late proceedings and success of the English army in the West Indies continued until June 24, 1655, by I. S. (London, 1655), and another contemporary account in A brief description of the island of Jamaica, and a relation of

possessing the town of St. Jago de la Vega, with the routing of the enemies from their forts and advance, and taking the said island, May 10, 1655; and of course the events of the capture enter into the official records and general and naval histories of England and the Commonwealth. There are various papers relating to the expedition in the Calendar of State Papers, Colonial series, vol. i., and on the subsequent history of From Gage's Voyage (Amsterdam, 1720), vol. ii. Cf. view from Montanus (1670), ante, Vol. II. p. 202; and that on the map in An account of the Spanish settlements in America (Edinburgh, 1762). VOL. VIII. - 18

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