Imagens das páginas

into a ten years' truce with the Dutch, French, and English; but Holland purposely protracted the negotiations till Nassau could secure Bahia and Maranham. It was no easy task, however, for Nassau to gain much in the face of Portuguese revolts, and his later rule brought him scant success and no credit. His treachery and deceit failed of its purpose, and in 1644 he returned to Holland.

The principal work on Nassau's government is Caspar Baelæus's (or Caspar van Baerle's) Rerum per octennium in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum sub præfectura Comitis J. Mauritii, Nassovia comitis Historia (Amsterdam, 1647; 2d ed. Clivis, 1660; in German, Cleve, 1659, 1684). Johan Nieuhof was in the country for nine years, in the employ of the West India Company, and his Zee en Lant Reise (Amsterdam, 1682; in English in Pinkerton's Voyages, xiv. pp. 697881) covers the period 1640-1649, extending beyond Nassau's term.

The withdrawal of Nassau, and the less conciliatory measures of his successors, induced a serious revolt under the lead of a rich Portuguese merchant, Joam Fernandes Vieira, who finally succeeded in luring the Dutch into the country, where, at the battle of Tapicura, he completely routed them, Aug. 3, 1645. Other successes followed on the Portuguese side, and it was not long before the insurgent leader was in a position to threaten Recife and Olinda.

Meanwhile affairs were complicated by advices from Lisbon. The Portuguese king dreaded an alliance between Spain and the Dutch, and was anxious to avert it by conciliatory conduct towards Holland. His consequent orders were enough to show Fernandes that he was not to be sustained in his vigorous onsets against the Dutch. Hesitating to obey the royal orders, the faction of the king made an attempt to kill him. In Europe some diplomatic fence and not a little courteous deceit were going on between the Portuguese ambassador Francisco de Sousa and the government of the States; but it all ended in open war. The Dutch sent a fleet and 6000 troops to succor Recife, where it arrived in 1646. Two years later 6000 more troops were sent over; but the great preponderance of the Dutch in the field did not prevent the Portuguese leaders, Fernandes and Vidal, gaining over them a victory on the hillsides not far from Recife, and it was not long before the Portuguese occupied Olinda.

There is a "Histoire de ce qui c'est passé en la guerre faite au pays du Brezil entre les Portugais et les Hollandais, 1644-1648, avec la carte et description du Recif par Pierre Moreau," contained in Relations veritables et curieuses de Madagascar et du Brésil; avec l'histoire de la

dernière guerre faite au Brésil entre les Portugais et les Hollandais (Paris, 1651). A Dutch translation of Moreau appeared at Amsterdam, 1652: Beschryving van de Berverten der Fortuguezen in Brasil. The Journael ofter Kort discours notende de rebellye der Portugesen, 1645 (Arnheim, 1647) is an important source of the Portuguese


A Portuguese Brazil Company was soon created, and this strengthened the hands of the Portuguese in various ways. It sent a fleet to succor Fernandes, but when it arrived it found that this leader had won a second victory over the Dutch forces, on the old battlefield near the Guararape hills. Events all converged towards a successful close of the war for the Portuguese, and attacking Recife by sea and land, that redoubtable port fell into their hands in 1654, and this practically ended the long struggle. The Portuguese were at last masters.

The general literature of the war is extensive, and it can be conveniently surveyed in sections of the Catalogo de Historia do Brazil (vol. i. pp. 484, 494; Supplemento, pp. 1653, 1656, etc.). So far as the Dutch chronicled its events, the titles can be found in Asher and in Muller's Americana (1872), nos. 185–286.

There are a few important contributions of more or less general scope before the Portuguese achieved their crowning success: —

Relations veritables et curieuses de l'isle de Madagascar et du Brésil (Paris, 1651).

Matthias van den Broeck's Journael... wegen de revolte van de Portuguese in Brasiel (Amsterdam, 1651). It has a view of Pernambuco (Recife) and the sea-fight. Richard Fleckno, the English dramatist, visited Brazil not long before this, and we have his observations in his Relation of ten years' Travells (London, 1654?).

Perhaps the best account near the events is Duarte da Albuquerque Coello's Memorias diarias de la guerra del Brasil (Madrid, 1654; in Portuguese, with annotations, Rio, 1855). Later we have:

Francisco de Brito Freyre's Nova Lusitania, historia da guerra brasilica (Lisboa, 1675).

Luis de Menenez, Conde da Ericeyra's Historia de Portugal restaurado (Lisbon, 1679, 1710; 2d vol. 1698; new ed. 1751-59, in 4 vols.) is of importance for the period 1640 to 1668.

The period 1624-54 is covered in Father Raphael de Jesus's Castrioto Lusitano, ou historia da guerra entre o Brazil e a Hollanda (Paris, 1844, original ed., Lisbon, 1679).

The war has some individualized expositions in two works of the present day :·

P. M. Netscher's Les Hollandais au Brésil: notice historique sur les Pays-Bas et le Brésil au 17e siècle (La Haye, 1853).

1 There is a likeness of Fernandes Vieira in Castrioto Lusitano: Parte I. Entrepresa e restauração de Pernambuco e das capitanias confinantes (Lisboa, 1679).

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* From the Mémoires de M. du Guay-Trouin (Amsterdam, 1740). There is a fac-simile map in Varnhagen's Hist. do Brazil (1877), p. 8o; also see Sieur François Frogers's Relation of a Voyage, 1695-97 (London, 1798), and Giuseppi's Istoria delle Guerre del Regno del Brasile (Roma, 1698), lib. vi. 155. Cf. José de Souza's Memorias historicas do Rio de Janeiro (Rio, 1820, etc.), in eight volumes; and Balthazar da Silva's Annaes do Rio de Janeiro contendo a descoberta e conquista deste paiz, a fundação da cidade (Rio, 1834-35), in seven quarto volumes. Cf. other titles in Cat. de Hist. do Brazil, i. p. 471.

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Varnhagen's Historia das lutas com os hollandezes do Brazil desde 1624 a 1654 (Vienna, 1871; new ed. improved, Lisbon, 1872), which led to a pamphlet controversy between Netscher and Varnhagen (1873-74).

/ The Portuguese confirmed in their possession of Brazil, a difference soon began between the courts of Lisbon and Madrid as to the bounds to be settled upon as dividing their South American realms. It was manifest that the old bull of Alexander VI, establishing a line of demarcation, was not going to satisfy Portugal under the new conditions; but the question of its validity was seriously discussed in 1681.1

This was but the beginning of the disputes which lasted as long as each power had a footVhold on the continent.2

An insurrection which took place in 1683-84 in Maranham raised a fear for a while that the neighboring French in Guiana would become involved, but an expedition sent out by the king in 1685, under Gomez Freyre, rapidly quelled the rising.

The finding of gold in 1691 in the southern parts of the country changed the centre of population, and, sending a new tide of immigration thither, it gave Rio de Janeiro an importance as the outlet of the new treasure which it had not before had, and ultimately (1763) caused the transfer to that magnificent bay of the seat of the general government of the country. A supposition that the product of the mines was laid up in great store in Rio excited the cupidity of the French, and they resolved to attack the town. They made a foolhardy raid from their fleet in 1710, and the imbecility of the Portuguese commander did not prevent the invading force being entoiled in the streets of the town and captured. Little mercy was shown to the prisoners; and mercantile eagerness in the French ports, with governmental patronage, soon caused a fleet for reprisals and other gain to be dispatched under the famous French sealeader, René du Guay-Trouin. He arrived off the bay Sept. 11, 1711, and found a Portuguese

fleet had just preceded him, and was within. Its commander lacked courage, and beached and fired his ships. His spirit pervading the garrisons of the forts, they were speedily captured and the town occupied. The French admiral soon exacted a large ransom for the town, and, departing with his plunder, he sought to lay Bahia under contribution, but failed. Thence recrossing the ocean, and encountering much peril and disaster, he reached home; and still, despite his later misfortunes, was enabled to pay a profit of almost a hundred per cent. into the hands of the expectant merchants.

The documentary sources on the French side of this expedition are given in Eugène Sue's Histoire de la Marine française (v. 300). Cf. Du Guay-Trouin's Mémoires (Amsterdam, 1748); Frédéric Koenig's Du Guay- Trouin (Tours, 1876); Norman's Corsairs of France (p. 231); and the titles in the Catal. de Hist. do Brazil (i. 516). The Treaty of Utrecht (1713) came opportunely to confirm the Portuguese in their possessions, and to stay the French cupidity.

A frenzy for the newly found diamond fields soon led expeditions to roam or tarry in the interior, and added to the allurements of gold mines, which of late had incited adventurous spirits to push into the interior. Cf. Nuno Marquez Pereira's Compendio Narrativo do Peregrino da America (Lisbon, 1728, 1750).

During the period now ensuing till the coming of the royal house of Portugal, the titles are numerous, and may be found in the Catal. de Hist. do Brazil (i. pp. 494, 522; Supplemente, 1656, 1658, etc.). The settlement of the bounds with Spain on the south had forced a war with the Guaranis to push them beyond the Uruguay. The interference and not always concealed hostility of the Jesuits had brought on events (17591767) which finally ended in their expulsion.3 A Spanish fleet in 1777 had captured St. Catharine's Island and the southern parts of the peninsula formed by the ocean and the Uruguay; but under a treaty between the two powers, brought about by Florida Blanca, while the future territory of Uruguay was confirmed to

1 Cf. Calvo's Recueil des Traités, i. pp. 1, 190, for the bull and its history. See also ante, Vol. II. p. 13, 14, 43, 45, 108, 441, 592. The bull has recently been printed from Eden in the Catholic Historical Researches, Oct., 1886, p. 71, and in Howley's Eccles. Hist. Newfoundland, p. 66. Cf. Navarrete's Opúsculos, ii. 47; American Catholic Quarterly Rev., iii. 339.

2 The negotiations are best followed in Calvo, Recueil des Traités, ii. 242 (1750, etc.); iii. 128, with an historical notice; iv. 126, 333; vii.; viii.; ix.; x. Documents relating to the bounds of Brazil are noted in the Catalogo de Hist. do Brazil (i. p. 892), and maps appertaining (i. p. 178).

3 The story of the Jesuit missions is an interesting one. Cf. titles in the Catal. de Hist. do Brazil (i. 784), and Watson's Spanish and Portuguese So. America, ii. ch. 5. Cf. Simao de Vasconcellos' Crónica da Companhia de Jesus do estado do Brazil (Lisbon, 1663), the introduction of which appeared also separately as Noticias curiosas e necessarias sobre o Brasil (Lisbon, 1668), and the same author's Vida do Padre Joseph de Anchieta (Lisbon, 1672); and Manoel da Fonseca's Vida do Padre Belchior de Pontes (Lisbon, 1752). 4 Cf. Frezier's Relation du Voyage (Amsterdam, 1717) for a map.

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Kingdom of Portugal, Algarves, and Brazil. Quiet, however, did not long prevail. Jealousies between the native Brazilians and the hordes of dependants of the royal family, which had followed them to the country, and the defections of some among the natives, in order to gain titular distinctions from the crown, brought about serious disturbances. A revolt at Pernam

the archives, treasures, and royal family went aboard the Portuguese and British fleets and were transported to Rio de Janeiro, where they arrived March 7, 1808, and found safety for the material wealth and an asylum for the royal dignity. The country passed out of a colonial condition when, in Dec., 1815, a decree made it a kingdom, as an integral part of the United * From Mémoires de Monsieur du Guay-Trouin (Amsterdam, 1740); cf. Sue's Marine française, v. 95.

buco, in 1817, was put down, and no native soldier was trusted thereafter in the royal army. The constitutional revolution in the mother country in 1821 at once had its counterpart in Brazil, which induced Dom John VI to embark for Portugal, leaving his son, Dom Pedro I, to govern in his stead. The National Cortes at Lisbon soon ordered the prince's return and the abolition of royal tribunals at Rio; but Pedro decided to refuse, and to cast in his lot with the Brazilians, while the Portuguese troops in the garrison capitulated and were sent home. On the 7th of Sept., 1822, Dom Pedro determined that Brazil should be independent, and on the 12th of Oct. he was proclaimed constitutional Emperor. For a while the Portuguese government maintained by the troops a contracted dominion at Bahia and at a few other ports; but within three years, the court at Lisbon acknowledged the independence of the new power.

It was not till March, 1824, that a constitu

tion was adopted which was acceptable to both monarch and people. The way to it had been a thorny one; but the emperor's courage and fairness suppressed a revolutionary spirit that could have profited by an opportunity and a weaker ruler. But courage did not make Dom Pedro prudent; his war with Montevideo, in which he was worsted, showed something of the inconsiderate autocrat, and he seemed to forget, as years went on, those ardent promises which so conciliated the Brazilians when he began his rule. So his people and even his army deserted him, and, with a mob before the palace on April 7, 1831, he abdicated in favor of his son, the present emperor, Dom Pedro II.

The literature of this later period is extensive, and will be found in the Catal. de Hist. do Brazil (i. pp. 573, 607; Supplemento, 1661, 1663). Cf. João Manoel Pereira da Silva's Historia da fundação do Imperio brazileiro (Rio, 1864-68), in seven volumes.


THE VALLEY OF THE LA PLATA RIVER. - Alexander Dalrymple's Catalogue of authors, who have written on Rio de la Plata, Paraguay, and Chaco (London, 1807), is arranged chronologically, and includes some titles omitted in Pinelo's Epitome (1737). There is a collection of historical documents from 1500 down, including a chronology of the basin of the La Plata, in Martin de Monsey's Description géographique et statistique de la Confédération Argentine (Paris, 1860), in three volumes. The Coleccion de obras y documentos a la historia de la provinceas del Rio de la Plata, edited with notes by Pedro de Angelis (Buenos Ayres, 1836), in six volumes, is a source of importance. Hermann Burmeister's Description de la répu blique Argentine (Paris, 1876), as it is called in the French translation from the German, contains for a first part a history of the discovery and geography of this region.

The cartography of the La Plata Valley and of its several divisions is best traced from the time of Wytfliet and his contemporaries in the enumeration of maps in Uricoechea's Mapoteca Colombiana; to be supplemented by those mentioned in the Brit. Museum Map Catalogue (London, 1887), and by the MS. maps in the British Museum, referred to in Calvo's Recueil des Traités (x. 326). The maps of the last century can be represented by such as Herman Moll's, as given in the Voyage to Buenos Ayres, by Acarete du Biscay (London, 1716); that in Pedro Lozano's Descripcion chorographica (Cordoba, 1733); those in Charlevoix's Paraguay, made by Bellin (1756); the composite maps in general collections, like those in Prévost's Voyages (xiv.), and the German equivalent, the Allg. Hist. der Reisen, 1758 (xvi.). There are also occasional fresh observations in the accounts of such explorers as Bougainville. Maps of the present century are abundant, and one of the most widely circulated of the early part of the century is that in Ignacio Nuñez's Noticias de las Provincias unidas del Rio de la Plata (Londres, 1825; in English, 1825; in French, Paris, 1826).2

The maps of Paraguay alone, of which Sanson's of 1650 is one of the earliest, are enumerated in Uricoechea's Mapoteca Colombiana (p. 178, etc.). That in Acarete du Biscay's Acc. of a Voyage up the River de la Plata (London, 1698) shows the views at the close of that century. The leading cartographical ideas of the next century are found in D'Anville's map, given in 1733 in the Lettres Édifiantes (vol. xxi.), and later in the English translation of Muratori's Missions of Paraguay (London, 1759). Bellin contributed the maps to Charlevoix's Histoire du Paraguay (Paris, 1756-57). Delisle's map is used in Bernardo Ibañez de Echavarri's Histoire du Paraguay (Amsterdam, 1780). The MS. maps in the British Museum are noted in Calvo's Recueil des Traités (x. 331). For a recent nap see Geographical Magazine, Sept., 1875.

1 Cf. A. J. Pernetty's Hist. d'un Voyage aux isles Malouines, 1763-64 (Paris, nouv ed., 1770), or Hist. of the Voyage to the Malouine (or Falkland) Islands, 176364 (London, 1771; 2d ed., 1773), with its chart of La Plata and plans of Buenos Ayres and Montevideo.

A later work by the same author is in better esteem: Noticias históricas de la república Arjentina (Buenos Ayres, 1857).

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