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"The work is a marvel-for clearness, fulness and accuracy nothing could be better. In every page the master hand is discernible. Nothing is shirked; every difficulty is faced and met Everything is so simply put that the layman can, without legal aid, find what he wants, and understand what he reads."-Law Notes.

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Anything on Company Law which comes from Mr. Palmer comes with a stamp of authority upon it."—The Accountant.

"A very convenient guide to the vast mass of Company Law."-Solicitors' Journal.

"A very useful addition to works on Company Law, and of especial use to students and business men who need a clear exposition by a master hand."—Law Journal.

"The subject is dealt with in a clear and comprehensive manner, and in such a way as to be intelligible not only to lawyers but to others to whom a knowledge of Company Law may be essential."-Law Students' Journal.

"From any book on Company Law to which Mr. Palmer puts his name we expect much, and we are not disappointed in his new work... Popular in style, also accurate, with sufficient references to authorities to make the book useful to the practitioner. Like Mr. Palmer's other works, this book has the merit of giving practical suggestions and hints. It will be of service not only to lawyers but to the large number of men of business who must often, without professional assistance, make important decisions as to companies."-The Times.

"This invaluable work may be heartily commended to everyone who is connected with or largely interested in any form of joint stock enterprise; it should be in the office library of every business man."-The Joint Stock Companies Journal.

"It was a happy thought which inspired the author to reproduce his lectures in the shape of this book. There is no lack of works on Company Law-of big books and little books, but the big books are voluminous and the little ones meagre and jejune. The present work realizes a golden mean and supplies a long-felt want. All the principal topics of company are dealt with in a substantial manner, the arrangement and typography are excellent, and the whole of the Statute Law -an indispensable adjunct-is collected in an Appendix. Perhaps what practising lawyers and business men will value most is the precious quality of practicality. Mr. Palmer's unique experience as a company draftsman enables him to know exactly what are the difficulties, the points which really arise in the formation and management of companies, and from this treasury of his experience he has drawn generously for the benefit of his readers. The book is, we feel sure, predestined to popularity."-Law Quarterly Review.

"The name of Mr. F. B. Palmer attached to a work on Company Law at once guarantees its worth."-Financial News.

STEVENS & SONS, Ltd., 119 & 120, Chancery Lane, London.





With an Appendix


COMPANIES ACTS, 1862 to 1900, and RULES, &c.

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119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE,

Law Publishers.

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THE fact that four large editions of this Work have been sold since its publication in 1898, that the Work is now in common use in the United Kingdom and has followed the Author's larger work to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and the United States, affords convincing evidence that it has been found serviceable.

The object of the Work is to set forth the leading provisions of the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1900, and at the same time to show, by reference to the principal decisions, how the Acts have been interpreted by the Courts, and how the provisions thereof have been supplemented by the application of the general rules of law and equity.

The Acts alone, as pointed out in the Preface to the first edition, afford a very inadequate view of the law regulating companies incorporated thereunder; but the Acts plus the decisions constitute a great and, for the most part, admirable system of Company Law built up with the assistance (at the Bar and on the Bench), and illuminated by the genius, of a host of great lawyers-a system which prevails

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