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French agents in Switzerland; moft of thefe purchasers came from Swabia. It is faid that the emperor, at the fame time, requires that these agents fhould be fent away from the Swifs territory. It does not appear that any answer has yet been given by the cantons.

Italy, Feb. 18. Nine British men of war and two frigates, under the command of admiral Jervis, have lately arrived at Leghorn from Corfica.

The British fquadron which were blocking up the port of Genoa, have been difperfed by a storm.

ready to act with the army: and great numbers of troops pafs this place continually to join alfo; among the reft, we have remarked the infernal, legion coming from La Vendée.

The arrival of admiral Van Stahel and feveral engineers at this place is not only for the purpose of opening the Scheldt, but in order to cleanse the port of Antwerp, which has been choaked up for ages, in fuch a manner as not to admit fhips to anchor there. These engineers are employed upon a plan for a general repair of the quays and piles. They have frequent conferences with the merchants, in order to be able to fuit them as much as poffible. The minister of marine of the French republic has written a letter on this fubject to citizen Brufli, commiffary of the directory, to the central administration of the department of the two NetherBruffels, Feb. 25. Different troops lands; the fubitance of which letter is, from Thionville, &c. are ordered to the that all proper measures had been taken Mulelle; the republican generals hav-with regard to the opening of the Scheldt ing received precife orders from the di- as far as Antwerp; and he hoped they rectory to act offenfively. A fquadron would foon be crowned with success. of gun-boats have been built, and are

The poft of Cairo has been put in a flate of defence, and a divifion of 4000 Auftrians and Sardinians' put into it, on account of the general belief that the French are difpofed foon to open the campaign. A number of imperial troops have already begun their march for Ceva.


February 13.


from 40 to 28; and feven floops from 18 to 14 guns. An additional force is

ΟΙ NE of the prize Dutch Eaft-India-going out immediately.

men, which fome time fince delivered her cargo in the river, is bought up as a ftore-hip, and is now fitting to carry out troops and flores to the gar rifon of Gibraltar. She is upwards of 1200 tons burthen, high between decks, and are the only fort of veffels that fhould be used on fuch occasions. The confequences of crowding a number of men in a small compass have been lately too obvious. When the voyages have been long, the malady has been dreadful. There are two more of these veffels in the river expected to be taken up in the fame employ.

The British fquadron now in the Eaft Indies, confifis of feven fhips, from 74 to 64 guns; one of 54; fix frigates

Upwards of 40,cool. worth of tobacco and fugar was deftroyed on the quays of Greenock and Port Glasgow, by the late high tides.

Sheriff appointed by his majefty in council for the year 1796. Monmouthshire.

Monmouth, efq.

Henry Barnes, of

And his majefty was pleased to make the following alteration on the roll for Wiltfhire:

Beckett Turner, of Penleigh, efq; to be Gilbert Trowe Beckett Turner...

15. The court-martial which has been fitting for the last three weeks at Sheerneefs, on the mutineers of the De-. fiance man of war, terminated on Thursday, when. of the feventeen unT2


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fortunate and deluded men, nine were ordered to be hanged fix to receive corporal punishment, and two were acquitted.

Stock Exchange, Feb 15. A fecret committes, confiding of five gentlemen, was appointed this day, to ipquinto the late targory of a paper, relpecting a convention between the emperor and the French republic, and are now proceeding in the investigation.

Two perfons frongly fufpected of deep concern in the forgeries of the Paris papers on Friday, and other illicit practices of a fimilar nature, abfconded on Saturday; and no traces of the place of their prefent retreat has been difcovered, though fought with the greatest diligence.

Carlton Houfe, Feb. 16. On the evening of Thursday laf, between eight and nine o'clock, her royal highness the infant princefs, daughter of their royal highnelles the prince and princess of Wales, was chriftened in the great drawing room by his grace the archbifhop of Canterbury: her royal highness was named Charlotte Augufta: the fponfors were their majefties in perfon, and her royal highness the duchels of Brunfwick, reprefented by her royal highaefs the prince's royal.

Leith, Feb. 18. Yefterday an exprefs arrived here for rear-admiral Pringle, and the fquadron of frigates now in Leith Roads, to proceed with every difpatch to join admiral Duncan, the Dutch fleet being now in the North Seas; in confequence whereof, the whale-boats have been employed all night in watering and carrying provifions on beard. They confit of the Ambut ade. Fox, Star, and a large Ruffian frigate.

20. his being the day fixed to celebrate the birth of the princels Charlotte Augufta, the king and queen invited to dinner their royal highneites the prince and princess of Wales, duke and duchels of York, duke of Clarence, prime Eneft, and their ferene highnoffes the flautholder and the prince and princeis of Orange, with the hereditary prince and princefs. After dinner the young princess was introduced to the company, and taid a confiderable

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20. The fame difafirous fortune which befel the fleet for the Weft Indies, under admiral Chriftian, has followed the fleet which failed from Cork on the 9th inft. for the fame deftination.

The Ruffian men of war are equipping for fea, at Chatham and Sheernefs, with the utmoft difpatch. The Ruffian officers declare, the ftorms they have lately been witnefs to, exceed all they ever experienced in Ruffia in the worst, feafons.

Advices from Italy mention that the Culloden, of 74 guns, and the Diadem, of 64, and three frigates, have left the British Mediterranean fleet, in order to ciuife in the Turkish feas, against the French fhips cruifing there, and who are blocking up a British convoy at


The lord lieutenant of Ireland has iffued a proclamation, forbidding the exportation of corn, flour, or potatoes from any of the ports of that kingdom, except in fuch quantities as may be neceflary for the crews of veffels during their voyages.

22. Yesterday morning, at half past fix o'clock, a fire broke out at a cooperage belonging to the victualling office, at Deptford, which for a fhort time threatened devaftation to the furrounding buildings and dock-yard; but by the activity of the firemen it was got under foon after feven o'clock, only damaging the place where it broke out.

23. His majefty has given directions that upon all occafions during his relidence in town, the family coach fhall in future be drawn by the creamcoloured inflead of the black horses.

Haftings, Feb. 23. A French privateer was teen off here this morning the captured a large topfail floop going down channel, not more than two leagues from the fhore of this place. The fignal was immediately hoisted from the fignal tower, on Fairlight-hill, apprifing the cruifers ftationed near Dungeness and Bear's Head, that an enemy

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enemy was on the coaft; and it is hoped from their vigilance and activity, that the privateer and her prize will be taken. They bore away for Dieppe, with a fresh wind from the northward. 23. This morning, at day break, the Elpiegle loop of war, capt. Roberts, which was itationed with a cutter of the Texel, to watch the motions of the enemy, discovered the Dutch fleet coming out to fea. Captain Roberts immediately dispatched the cutter to admiral Duncan in the Downs, with the intelligence, while he followed the enemy to fee the course they food. The cutter arrived at Deal on Wednesday after noon; and foon after, the intelligence was conveyed to the admiralty by means of the telegraph. The celerity of the communication was quick beyond example; the news of the failing of the eiery was known at Deal in about 32 hours after; and it was only four minutes and aa halt in reaching the Admiralty from Deal.

The next morning, at day-break, a fquadron of four fail of men of war, belonging to adiral Pringle's divifion, of which the Glarton, capt. Trollope, was one, fell in with the Dutch fleet, and was in fome measure furrounded. The enemy's force confifted of fix twodecked hips, eight flout frigates, toffly 44 guns, and three finaller veffels; and on deferying our divifion, formed the line. Our hips made fail to get away, and the enemy fhewed no difpofition to chafe them. Soon after, admiral Prių ̧ gle, coming from Leith Roads in à fingle frigate, likewife fell in with the Dutch, and quickly joined the above fquadron of Englifn fhips, which are all returned into Yarmouth Roads, together with the Eipiegle.

Yesterday morning, capt. Trollope arrived in town at the Admiralty with this news, but in the evening returned again to Yarmouth.

The Dutch fleet, when laft feen, was forty leagues N. E. of Yarmouth, fteering a courfe N. by E.

As foon as this news was known in town, orders were fent off to admiral Duncan, who was at the Nore, and has fix fail of the line, including a Raffian fhip, under his comman, to join admiral Pringle; and, at the same time, difpatches were fent to Portsmouth, ordering admiral Harvey to put to fea


with every poffible dispatch. officers who were in town `were likewife ordered to join their relpective fhips without lofs of time.

There never was a greater alacrity thewn than on the prefent occafion to fend out a fleet to meet the enemy. As many fhips as were necellary for this fervice were ready to put to fea, and we have no doubt, ere this, have failed.

While admiral Duncan pusfues the enemy in the North Seas, it is not unlikely that admiral Gardner may be fationed to watch them off Ireland; for we have reafon to think that there is

pretty certain information of the Dutch going north about, for the purpofe of either proceeding to the Cape of Good Hope, or to make fome of the French ports.

Portfinouth, Feb. 23. This morning the wind blowing a tine breeze from E. N. E. his najelly's frigate Hebe, and the Victorieute floop of war, failed from St. Helen's, with all the Welt India merchant hips under, convoy. At eleven o'clock, they had weathered Dunnofe, and stood down channel with a fine and favourable breeze.

Sailed, at the fame time, the Mediterranean fleet, der convoy of the Bofton and Terpuchore; and the Atrican hips under convoy of the Dromedary.

Admiral Gardner failed this morning with the Queen, Royal George, La Julte, Triumph, Valiant, and Bellerophon.

Arrived yesterday from the Downs, with a convoy, the Unicorn and Hind frigates.

Arrived this day from the Downs, a Reet of coalters, under convoy of the Phoebe, captain Barlow.

And a fleet of about twenty fail of tranfports from the Eloe, all from the Downs, under convoy of the Aftiæ and Aurora frigates.

Dover, Feb. 24. The Dutch fleet, confiting of 14 fail, left the Texel yefterday morning, fleering their courie to the northward.

27. The preparations for war continue without intermiffion, by all the powers; and almoft ail the German papers fpeak of the renewal of holities as a matter determined on.

March 1. This day a court of common council was held at Guiluhail,

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