Imagens das páginas


The DUCHESS of York delivering the Colours of the Essex Light Dragoons, at Bath, to their Colonel, Montague Burgoyne, Esq.


The Continuation of De Courville Castle in our next.

P. Q.'s Essay shall appear.

Hilario's Moral Tale is not fufficiently moral, and not very interesting.

C. L.'s Complaints seem to relate entirely to a private transaction, of no importance to the public.

Received, Clariffa D.'s Letter.-J. B.'s Eslay.-T. W.'s Enigma.Lines to Miss C1. - The Coy Milkmaid; a Song. Various Enigmatical Lifts, &c.

[blocks in formation]

THE HE season of the year is now arrived when it becomes us to express our gratitude, so justly due, to that Public from which we continue to receive such candid and generous encouragement. On such an occasion we would wish our profeffions to be manifeftly exceeded by our exertions; nor can we doubt but our future efforts to obtain the fame approbation will be attended with the same success.

The original design of our Mifcellany, we trust, has been, and will continue to be, adhered to with unremiting care. It was intended to be the Repository of original productions of Female Genius, and the "Abstract al brief Chronicle" of the manners, literature, and events of the times; to combine entertainment with instruction suitable to the elegance and delicacy of the Female Mind; to cherish the dawning understanding of early youth; and, carefully avoiding whatever may tend to indecorum or licentiousness, to instil the precepts of virtue, the only folid foundation of true enjoyment.

To our Correfpondents every grateful acknowledgment is undoubtedly due; their contributions have been numerous and valuable. To fome of them, however, we must beg leave to hint the impropriety of a practice, of which they have





occasionally been guilty, and which, when it happens, places us in a very disagreeable situation. Pieces, principally Tales or Novels, have been transmitted to us unfinished, and continued for several months, after which the authors, tired of what was at first their amusement, have thrown up their pen, and neglected to gratify the curiofity they had excited in their readers, by concluding their work. We hope this will happen no more, but that all who begin any History, or other composition to be continued from time to time, will think their honour engaged to fish it, as it was only on that implied condition that it was inserted. At the same time it gives us great pleasure to recollect, that the number of such imperfect pieces to be found in our Miscellany is very small indeed, compared with that of those which have been carefully and judiciously completed.



now enter on the Twenty-seventh Volume of the LADY'S MAGAZINE. The series of years it has continued to be published may, certainly, be confidered as a fufficient proof of the approbation with which it has been received by the Publie. For that approbation it is incumbent on us, once more, to express our fincerest gratitude; and we hope, 1 it is scarcely necessary to add, that this gratitude will excite the most unremitting attention still to continue to merit the fame favour.




Engaved for the Ladies Magazine.



The Royal Palace of Windsor

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