Imagens das páginas

him to the heart. The reft locked | and the villains have escaped with

their booty. What am I to think of all this?" Thus penfive and perplexed, he laid him down to reft, and, after fome time spent in gloomy reflections, fell afleep.

In his dream he fancied himself feated on the top of a high mountain, where he was accofted by a venerable figure in long white garments, who afked him the caufe of the me

the doors, and after tying all the women and children, began to ranfack the houfe. One of the children continuing to make loud exclamations, a fellow went and ftrangled it. They had nearly finifhed packing up fuch of the moft valuable things as they could carry off, when the mafter of the houfe came home. He was a fmuggler as well as a farmer, and had just returned from an expedi-lancholy expreffed on his counte tion, leaving his companions with their goods at a neighbouring public houfe. Surprifed at finding the doors locked, and at feeing lights moving about in the chambers, he fufpected fomewhat amifs; and, upon liftening, he heard ftrange voices, and faw fome of the failors through the windows. Be haftened back to his companions, and brought them with him juft as the robbers opened the door and were coming out with their pillage, having firft fet fire to the houfe in order to conceal what they had done. The fmuggler and his friends let fly their blunderbuffes in the midst of them, and then rushing forwards, feized the furvivors and fecured them. Perceiving flames in the houfe, they ran and extinguifhed them. The villains were next day led to prifon amidst the curfes of the neighbourhood.

The good Solitary, on hearing of the event, at firft exclaimed, "What a wonderful interference of providence to punish guilt and protect innocence!" Pauling a while, he added, "Yet had providence thought fit to have drowned thefe failors in their paflage from the fhip, where they left to many better people to perish, the lives of three innocent perfons would have been faved, and thefe wretches would have died without fuch accumulated guilt and ignominy. On the other hand, had the mader of the house been at home, inftead of following a lawlefs and defperate trade, he would perhaps have perifhed with all his family,

nance. "It is (faid he) because I am unable to reconcile the decrees of providence with my ideas of wif dom and juftice." "That (replied the ftranger) is probably because thy notions of providence are narrow and erroneous. Thou feekeft it in particular events, and doft not raise thy furvey to the great whole. Every occurrence in the univerfe is providential, because it is the confequence of thofe laws which divine wildom has established as most productive of the general good. But to felect indi vidual facts as more directed by the hand of providence than others, because we think we fee a particular good purpofe answered by them, is an infallible inlet to error and fuperftitien. Follow me to the edge of this cliff." He feemed to follow.

"Now look down (faid the stran ger), and tell me what thou feeft."



Ifee (replied the Solitary) a hawk darting amidst a flock of small birds, one of which he has caught, while the others efcape." "And tanft thou think (rejoined the ftranger), that the fingle bird, made a prey by the hawk, lies under any particu lar doom of providence, or that thofe which fly away are more the objects of divine favour than it? Hawks by nature were made to feed upon living prey, and were endowed with strength and swiftnefs to enable them to overtake and mafter it. Thus life is facrificed to the fupport of life. But to this destruction limits are fet. The fmall birds are much more numerous and prolific


than the hirds of prey; and though they cannot refift his force, they have dexterity and nimblenefs of flight fufficient in general to elude his purfuit. It is in this balance that the wifdom of providence is feen; and what can be a greater proof of it, than that both fpecies, the deftroyer and his prey, have fubfifted together from their first creation? Now look again, and tell me what thou feeft." "1fee (faid the Solitary) a thick black cloud gathering in the fky. I hear the thunder rolling from fide to fide of the vault of heaven. I behold the red lightning darting from the bofom of darkness. Now it has fallen on a stately tree and flattered it to pieces, striking to the ground an ox fheltered at its foot. Now it falls again in the midst of a flock of timorous fheep, and feveral of them are left on the plain;-and fee! the fhepherd himself lies extended by their fide. Now it ftrikes a lofty spire, and at the fame time fets in a blaze an humble cottage beneath. It is an awful and terrible fight!"

"It is fo (returned the ftranger); but what doft thou conclude from it? Doft thou not know, that from the genial heat, which gives life to plants and animals, and ripens the fruits of the earth, proceeds this electrical fire, which afcending to the clouds, and charging them beyond what they are able to contain, is launched again in burning bolts to the earth? Muft it leave its direct courfe to ftrike the tree rather than the dome of worship, or to fpend its fury on the herd rather than the herdfman Millions of millions of living creatures have owed their birth to this active element; and fhall we think it ftrange if a few meet their deaths from it? Thus, the mountain torrent that rushes down to fertilife the plain, in its courfe may fweep away the works of human industry, and man himself with them; but could its benefits be purchased at another price?"

tolerably comprehend; but may I prefume to afk whence have proceeded the moral evils of the painful fcenes of yesterday? What good end is anfwered by making man the fcourge of man, and preferving the guilty at the cost of the innocent?"

"That too (replied the venerable ftranger) is a confequence of the fame wife laws of providence. If it was right to make man a creature of habit, and render those things eafy to him with which he is most familiar, the failor muft of course be better able to fhift for himfelf in a fhipwreck than the passenger; while that felf-love which is effential to the prefervation of life, muft, in general, caufe him to confult his own fafety preferably to that of others. The fame force of habit, in a way of life full of peril and hardship, nuft conduce to form a rough, bold, and unfeeling character. This, under the direction of principle, will make a brave man; without it, a robber and a murderer. In the latter cafe, human laws ftep in to remove the evil which they have not been able to prevent. Wickednefs meets with the fate which fooner or later always awaits it; and innocence, thought occafionally a fufferer, is proved in the end to be the fureft path to hap pinefs."

"But (refumed the Solitary) can it be faid that the lot of innocence is alway preferable to that of guilt in this world?"

"If it cannot, (replied the other) thinkeft thou that the Almighty is unable to make retribution in a fu ture world? Difmifs then froin thy mind the care of single events, tecure that the great whole is ordered for the best. Expect not a particular interpofition of heaven, becaufe fuch an interpofition would feem to thee feafonable. Thou, perhaps, wouldft, ftop the aft machine of the universe, to fave a fly from being crushed under its wheels. But innumerable “All this (faid the Solitary) I flies and men are crushed every day ; 3 H-a


yet the grand motion goes on, and will go on, to fulfil the benevolent intentions of its author."

He ceafed, and fleep on a fudden | left the eyelids of the Solitary. He looked abroad from his cell, and beheld all nature fmiling around him. The rifing fun fhone on a clear fky. Birds were fporting in the air, and fifh glancing on the furface of the waters. Fleets were pursuing their feady courfe, gently wafted by the pleafant breeze. Light feecy clouds were failing over the blue expanfe of heaven. His toul fyrapathifed with the feene, and peace and joy filled his bofom.



ING Edward the Confeffor reclining one afternoon on his bed, fomewhat indifpofed, with the curtains nearly drawn round about him, one of his courtiers came into the chamber; where finding the king's casket open, (which Hugoline the chamberlain, who was juft gone out, of the room, had accidentally left fo) he took out as much money as he could weil carry, and went away.

Inftigated by an infatiable avarice, he food returned; and finding every thing in the fame fituation, and no interruption likely to enfue, he again filled his pockets. He even did fo a third time; when the king, who had lain ftill and patiently beheld the pillering of the courtier, could no longer contain himfelf, but fpqke to him in the following manner: "I think you had better (faid Edward, calling him by his name) be content with what you have got, and retire whilft you are well; for, if Hugoline returns and finds you here, you may not only be obliged to refund, but the theft may coft you your life,"

The courtier, alarmed at the found of his royal mailer's voice, and terified at his adinonition, haftened

away with the utmost speed. No fooner was he gone than the chamberlain came in, and finding a confderable deficiency in the cafh he had left, began to be much alarmed:which the good-natured king perceiving, bid him not be uneafy at the lofs, as he that had it ftood more in need of it than they did,

ENIGMATICAL LIST of BIRDS, WO-fifths of unbaked pafte,


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- and two-fourths of a covering to hide the face.

2. Two-fixths of an inftrument,one-fourth of the reverse to poor,and a confonant.

3. Three fevenths of a sporting dog-one-fourth of to ramble,-and three-fifths of a part of a spur.

4. Two fifths of a joint,-and two-thirds of to conclude.

5. Half a man's name,—and a prepofition,

6. Two-thirds of to weep,-a vowel,-and one-fifth of a colour. 7. One-fifth of a fempeft,-a common name for a failor,- threefourths of fcraped linen,and onefourth of to yawn,

8. Two-fourths of a man's name, -one-fourth of an uproar,—and a metal.

9. One-third of a covering for the head,-two-fifths of terrible,and one-fourth of to falute.

10. Two fixths of to rule,-two confonants,-three-fixths of a part of the hand, and two-eights of to baptife.

11. Three fifths of a flower,-onefixth of a villain,-and a confonant.

12. Two fixths of a child's plaything,-two-thirds of to provoke, and one-third of a negative particle.

13. One fourth of a fine fruit,two-thirds of a limb,-two-fourths of a thick cord,-and one tenth of a place of worship.

14. Two-thirds of an earthen veffel,-and one-third of to hiccup. GEORGE FAITHFUL.



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[The ftory of thefe elegant and accomplished ladies is well known. It is now fifteen fummers fince they have withdrawn themfeives from the bustle of the fashionable world, to lead a life of philolophic repofe in a ro mantic cottage in Llangollen Vale,

in Wales. Mifs Seward, who has

been on a visit to the ladies, lately addreffed to them the following beautiful ftanzas. Lady E. Butler is fifter to lord Mountgarrat, of the kingdom of Ireland; and mifs Ponfonby is a near relation to the eminent family of that name in Ireland.]

[blocks in formation]

Thro' Eleanora's and her Zara's mind, Early though genius, tafte, and fancy flow'd; [com bin'd, Though all the graceful arts their pow'rs And her laft polith brilliant life be flow'd; [morn, The lavith promifer, in youth's foft l'ride, pomp, and love, her friends, the Tweet enthufialts feorn.

Then rofe the fairy palace of the vale, Then bloom'd around it the Arcadian bowers; [and pale, Screen'd from the ftorms of winter, cold Screen'd from the fervors of the fultry hours, [rofe, Circling the lawny crefcent, foon they To letter'd eafe devote, and friendhip's foit repofe.

Smiling they rofe beneath the plaftic hand Of Energy and Tafte-nor only they : Obedient Science hears the mild command, [day, Brings every gift that speeds the tardy Whate'er the pencil fheds in vivid hues, Th' hiftoric tome reveals, or fings th' enraptur'd Mufe.

How dearto enter, at the twilight grey,

The dear minute lyceum of the dome, When, thro' the colour'd cryftal, glares" [th'ring gloom, Sanguine and folemn 'mid the gaWhile glow-worm lamps diffufe a pale

the ray,

green light,

Such as in molly lanes illume the night.

Then the coy fcene, by deep'ning veils o'erdrawn, [ftill;

In fhadowy elegance, feems lovelier Tall fhrubs, that fkirt the femi-lunar lawn,[bill; Dark woods that curtain the oppofing While o'er their brows the bare cliff faintly gleams, And, from its paly edge, the eveningdiamond tftreams.

What firains Zolian thrill the dufk expanfe, [play,


As riling gales with gentle murmurs Wake the loud chords, or every fenfe [away! While ia fubfiding winds they fink Like diftant choirs, when pealing organs blow,' [flow. And melting voices 'blend, majestically

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*Lyceum-The library, fitted up in the Gothic tafte; the painted windows of that form. In the elliptic arch of the door, there is a prifmatic anthorn of variouslytinted glais, co: ta ning two large lamps, with their reflectors. The light they fhed refembles that of a volcano, gloomily glari Oppofite, on the chimney-piece, a couple of fmal lamps, in marble retervoirs, affift the prifmatic lanthorn to fupply the place of candles, by a light more confonant to the ftyle of the apartment,— to the pictures it,contains of abfent friends, and its aërial mulic.

† Evening-ftar.

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[From Poems, by G. D. Harley, of the Theatre-Royal, Covent Garden.] "YOUNG Lubin was a fhepherd boy, Who watch'd a rigid mafter's fheep,

And many a night was heard to figh, And many a day was feen to weep: For not a lambkin e'er was loft,

Or wether stray'd to field remote, But Lubin ever was to blame,

Nor careful he, nor penn'd his cote. Yet not a truftier lad was known

To climb the promontory's brow; Nor yet a tenderer heart e'er beat,

Befide the brook in vale below. From him ftern winter's drifting fnow, Its pelting fleet, or frott fevere, Or fcorching fummer's fultry ray,

Ne'er forc'd a murmur, or a tear. For ah! the varying feafons had To every hardship form'd his frame; Though ftill his tender feeling heart, By nature nurs'd, remain'd the fame. But whither fhall the orphan fly

To meet protection's foftering power? Oppreffion waits the future day,

When mifery marks the natal hour. An orphan lad poor Lubin was:

No friend, no relative had he! His happielt hour was dash'd with woe, His mildeft treatment-tyranny. It chanc'd that o'er the boundless heath

One winter's day his flocks had fpread, Ey hunger urg'd to feek the blade,

That lurk'd beneath its fnowy bed. And hous'd, at eve, his fleecy charge, He, forrowing, mifs'd afavourite lamb, That thunn'd the long-perfifting fearch,

Nor anfwer'd to its bleating dam. With heavy heart he fhap'd his way,

And told fo true, fo fad atale, That almoft pierc'd the marble breast Of ruthlefs Rufus of the vale. Poor Lubin own'd his flocks had fray'd, Own'd he had fuffer'd them to go; Yes! he had learn'd to pity them, For often he had hunger'd too: And had he, to their pinching wants, The unmpp'd neighb'ring bounds deny'd,

They fure had dropp'd—as furely too, The pitying thepherd boy had died.

"Then die!"-th' unfeeling mafter faid,

Which, till he found his favourite lamb, And fpurn'd him from his clofing door,

He vow'd, fhould ne'er admit him


Dark was the night, and o'er the wafte The whifling winds did fiercely blow, And 'gainft his poor unhelter'd head,

With arrowy keenness came thefnow: The fmall thick fnow, that Eurus drives

In freezing fury- o'er the plain, And with unfparing vengeance, fcores

The callous face of hardieft fwain. Yet thus he left his matter's houfe,

And shap'd his fad uncertain way, By man unnotic'd and forfook,

And follow'd but by—truffy TrayPoor trufly Tray! a faithful dog;

Lubin and he were young together: Still would they grace each other's fide, Whate'er the time, whate'er the weather.

Unlike to worldly friends were they,

Who feparate in fortune's blaft!They fill were near when fair the sky, But nearer ftill when overcaft. When Labin's random ftep involv'd

His body 'neath the drifted fnow, Tray help'd him forth; and when Tray fell,

Poor Lubin dragg'd him from below. Thus, 'midft the horrors of the night,

They enter'd on the houseless heath; Above their heads no comfort broke,

No little cheering ftar they faw,

Nor round about, nor underneath.

To light them on their dreary way; Nor yet the diftant twinkling blaze

Of cottage industry saw they. Nay e'en that. moft officious guide Of those who roam and those who mope,

Retiring Will o' Wifp, refus'd

To trim the lamp of treach'rous hope, Nor parish bell was heard to ftrike

The hour of "tardy-gaited night;" No noise, but winds, and screams of thofe

Ill-omen'd birds that shun the light. Benumb'd at length his fliff ning joints, His tongue to Tray could fcarcely foeak;

His tears congeal'd to icicles; His hair hung clattʼring 'gainft his cheek.


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