Imagens das páginas




Jan. 22. The lady of H. Harford, of New Cavendish-ftreet, efq. of a daughter.

29. The lady of William Frafer, of Queen's-fquare, efq. of a daughter.

Feb. 1. The right hon. lady Elizabeth Cole, lady of Thomas Cole, of Twickenham, efq. of a daughter.

10. The lady of William Bofcawen, of Baker-ftreet, Portman-square, efq. of a fon.

12. The lady of major Metcalfe, one of the directors of the East India Company, of a fon.

16. The lady of Samuel Whitbread, of Lower Grofvenor-street, efq. of a fon.

The lady of Walter Boyd, of Sack. ville street, efq. of a fon.


Jan. 20. Henry Stevens, efq. of
Merton College, Oxford, to miss Ann
Catharine Henrietta Pritchard of St.
Julien en Auvergne.

Capt. Wheatley of the first regiment
of guards, eldest fon of William
Wheatley, of Lefney-house, Kent, efq.
to miss Jane Williams, daughter of
Thomas Williams, efq. member of
parliament for Great Marlow, Bucks.

The rev. John Jefferys, fon of Dr.
Jefferys, canon refidențiary of St. Paul's
cathedral, to miss Charlotte Byron, of

Captain Glanville, of the royal
Cornwall regiment, to miss S. Fan-
shawe, fecond daughter of commiffion-
er Fanshawe, of Plymouth dock-yard.
The bon. Alexander Brymer, of
Preston, Lancashire, to mifs Harriet
Dobson, youngest daughter of the
late governor of Nova Scotia.

John Alexander Hunter of York, efq. to mifs Henrietta Saul, daughter and co heiress of the late Thomas Saul, of Lancaster, efq.

Jackfon, fecond daughter of the rev.
Dr. Jackion, canon refidentiary of St.

Nathaniel Sunpson, efq. of the Southe Sea-houfe, to Mrs. Jackfon, widow of the late Thomas Jackson, of Fannington in the county of Limerick, efq.

Feb. 4. Samuel Scott, of Gowerftreet, efq. to mifs Ommanney, of Bloomsbury square.

6. John Reade, of Ipsden, Oxfordshire, to mifs Scott, eleeft daughter of major John Scott, of Bromley, Kent.

Jofeph Kelly, esq late of the 42d regiment, to Mrs. Carden, widow of John Carden, of Cardenftown, Ireland, efq.

15. Major Robert Dundas Macqueen, of Braxfeld, to miss Lillias Montgomery, fecond daughter of colonel Montgomery, of Collsfield.


Jan. 17. William Mackenzie, of Pitlurdy, efq.

The rev. Mr. Blomefield, rector of Fiersfield, Norfolk.

Mrs. Elizabeth Shipley, of Maidftone, Kent, third daughter of the late bishop of St. Afaph.

20. Mrs. De Bathe, of Brompton, widow of colonel De Bathe.

The rev. Thomas Williams, clerk, chancellor of the cathedral church of Chichefter.

George Rawfon, of Dawson-ftreet, Dublin, efq. member of parliament for the borough of Armagh, and one of the commiffioners of ttamps in Ireland.

23. Lieutenant colonel John Perryn, of the rath regiment of foot. Thomas Bradford, of Norton in the county of Durham, efer

2 The hon, Robert Fitzmaurice Deane, cldeft fon of lord Muskerry. Thomas Hulley, of Salisbury, efq. Major R. Douglas of the invalids. Feb. 3. The lady of Robert Raynef

Capt. Jackfon, of the Carnatic Eastford, of Barchanger, Eliex, efq.

Indiaman, to miss Harriet Goodchild.

The rev. Dawson Warren, vicar of
Edmonton, to mifs Charlotte Lucy

13. Mr9. Taylor, of Maidstone, Kent, mother of C. Taylor, elq. M. P. for the faid borough.


Lady's Magazine;


Entertaining Companion for the FAIR SEX, appropriated folely to their Use and Amusement.

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This Number is embellished with the following Copper-Plates, viz.

1. A new Pattern for a Frock, Gown or Apron. 2. The Baptifm of the Infant Princess. 3. A View of the City of Vienna; and 4. Tit for Tat. Music by R. Hudson, M. B.

LONDON, Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, No. 25, Paternoster Row, where Favours from Correspondents will be received.



Jemima's proffered communications will be very acceptable.

E. R's Essay is confiderably too long and incorrect.

Stanzas presented to Miss H. Gough by J. P. Binham, in our next.

Received; Henry and Louisa; or the Soldier's Return, a Tale.-Effay on Charity by L. M.-Verses to Mifs A. H. by W. H.-Sonnet by H. D.-Elegy by F. R.-Song by I. O.- Enigmatical Lifts by T. M. Í. K.

and Unohoo.


Engraved for the Ladies Magazine

AView of the City of Vienna.



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