1 ANECDOTES OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF LONDON FROM THE ROMAN INVASION TO THE YEAR 1700; INCLUDING The Origin of British Society, Customs and Manners, TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Illustrations of the Changes in our Language, Literary Customs, ILLUSTRATED BY EIGHTEEN ENGRAVINGS. BY JAMES PELLER MALCOLM, F. A. S. THE SECOND EDITION, VOLUME I LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER ROW. INTRODUCTION. THE Author has nothing to add to his former observations on the subject of the present work, beyond the very sincere hope that the Volumes now offered may prove as acceptable to the Publick as the Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of the Eighteenth Century: which he flatters himself will be the case, on reflecting that they contain many long-forgotten and most curious articles of information, derived from various authorities, and from one of the most antient and valuable sources in the British Metropolis - the Library of Sion College; the President, Governors, and Librarian of which deserve the highest praise, for their liberal indulgence to J. P. MALCOLM. |