Imagens das páginas

OB, OC, OF, OP; in the way, to, against.

Trude (thrust), ject (throw), stacle (standing); cur, casion (falling); fer,

pose, press.

Out; beyond, not within.

Bid, grow, last, live, let, side, law, cast.

Over; above, beyond, excess.

Balance, hang, top, leap, spread, do, flow, look, load, shoot, value, wise. PARA, PAR; beside, against, from.

Dox (opinion), graph (writing), phrase, site (food); helion, ody (song). PER, PEL; through, by.

Use, form, ennial (year), ceive, sist (stand), fect, forate (bore), chance, cent (hundred); lucid (shining).

PERI; around, about, near.

Patetic (walking), helion, od, phery (bearing), cranium, style (pillar). POST; after. Script (writing), humous (ground), pone (place), mortem PRE; before. [(death), meridian.

Judge, mature, engage, dispose, sentiment, fer, sume (take), vent (come), scribe, side (sit), text (weaving), cision.

PRETER; past, beyond.

Natural, imperfect, mission. PRO, PROF; for, forth, forwards, before.

Noun, ceed (go), gress, tect, pel (drive), spect (look), duce (lead, bring), ject, fusion, logue; fer.

RE; again, back.

Build, call, enter, new, view, pel, lapse (fall), sonant (sounding), strain (draw), bound, place, sist, cline, tain.

RETRO; backwards.

SE; aside, apart.

Cede, vert, spect, grade (walk).

Cede, clude (shut), cant (cutting), duce (lead), lect.


Annual, circle, colon, diameter, vowel; god, cannon; sphere. SINE; without.

Cure (care).

SUB, SUC, SUF, SUG, SUP, SUR, SUS,—SUBTER; under, after, inferior.

Soil, divide, scribe, ject, marine; cor (run), cumb (lie down), ceed; fer, fuse, fix; gest (bring); plant, press; rogate (ask); tain; fuge (fly). SUPER, SUPRA, SUR; above, over and above.

Structure, fine, cargo, fluous, natural; mundane; pass, charge, mount. SYN, SYL, SYM, SY; with, together.

Thesis, tax (placing), opsis (view), agogue (lead); lable (taking), logism (counting); phony (sound), pathy; stem (to make stand, set). TRANS, TRAN, TRA; through, across, over, on the other side of.

Act, plant, gress, Atlantic, pose, port, fer or late (carry), migrate, form, it (going); scribe (write), scend; dition (giving).

TRI; three.
Colored, angular, meter, foliate (leaf), ennial.
Un; not, negation, privation, undoing.

Able, happy, wise, truth, aided, bar, chain, ship, do, twist, horse.
Under; beneath, inferior.

Agent, brush, current, ground, rate, sell, hand, go, mine, sign. UNI; one. Corn (horn), form, florous (flowering), valve (shell). Up; motion upwards, above, subversion.

Turn, raise, rise, hold, land, hill, right, start, set, root.

With; against, from, back.

Hold, draw, stand,

Suffixes, OR Affixes.

The derivatives of this class consist almost entirely of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.

The same suffix is not usually confined to one meaning, but ranges with the principles given under the head of Figures. (See p. 138.) The following are the chief suffixes, with their ordinary meanings:

Able; can be. Conquer-able; can be conquered.

can or should be. Piti-able; can or should be pitied.
having, giving. Comfort-able; having or giving comfort.

Ac; belonging to, like. Elegi-ac; belonging to or like elegy.
Aceous; having the qualities of, consisting of, resembling.

"Crust-aceous animals;" like crabs or lobsters.

Ade; thing. Lemon-aae; drink made of lemons.

"Herb-aceous plants."


group of things or acts. Arc-ade, continuation of arches. CannonAge; state. Bond-age; state of being in bonds, slavery.

act or thing. Carri-age; act of carrying, or that which carries. allowance. Mile-age; what is paid per mile.

collection. Cord-age; collection of cords, a ship's tackle.

Al; having, consisting of Crim-in-al; having crime. Ornament-al. belonging to, suitable to. Parent-al; belonging or suitable to a parent. act. Remov-al; act of removing.

An; belonging to, resembling. Hercu'le-an; large or strong as Hercules. person. African; a person from Africa. Guard-i-an.

Ance, ancy; act or thing. Resist-ance; act of resisting, thing resisting. state. Constancy; state of being constant.

Ant; doing. Pleas-ant; applied to something that pleases.

person. Serv-ant; one that serves.

Ar; belonging to. Po-lar; belonging to the poles.

like, consisting of. Glob-u-lar; like a globe. Titular.
person. Beg-gar; one that begs.

Ard; person. Drunk-ard; one that is habitually drunk.

See CY.

resembling. Hag-gard; resembling a hag in appearance, withered. Ary; belonging to, consisting of. Custom-ary; belonging to custom. person. Ad'vers-ary; one that is adverse or hostile.

thing or place. Infirm'-ary; a house or place for the infirm. Ate; to make, to do. Perpetu-ate; to make perpetual. Officiate. belonging to. Collegi-ate; belonging to a college.

office, government. Caliph-ate; office or dominion of a caliph.

Atic, etic. See Ic. Emblem-atic. Sympathetic.

Cy; act. Pira-cy; act or crime of pirating.

state. Secre-cy; the state of being secret.

office, district. Cura-cy; the office or district of a curate.

Dom; state or thing. Free-dom; state of being free.


country or district, government. King-dom; country ruled by a king.

Ee; person, person to whom. Absent-ee; one that is absent. Trustee. Ed; did or received. Past tense or perfect participle. See p. 47.

furnished with, having. Hilt-ed; furnished with a hilt. Beard-ed. En; to make. Black-en; to make black.

made of, resembling. Gold-en; made of gold, resembling gold, precious as gold. [Dependent Ence, ency, ent. See ANCE, ANCY, ANT. Reverence. Solvency.

Er, eer, ier, or; person. Driver; one that drives. Engineer. Financier. thing. Revolv-er; something that revolves, a pistol.

Er, more; Est, most. Comparison of adjectives or adverbs. See pp. 25, 60. Escent; growing, becoming. Putrescent; becoming putrid.

Ess; female. Host-ess; a female host.

Ferous; bearing, producing. Conif-erous; producing cones, like the pine.

Ful; full of, having of. Care-ful; full of care, cautious.
Fy; to make. Puri-fy; to make pure.

Hood; state or thing. False-hood; state of being false, what is false. state or qualities. Man-hood; state of being a man, noble qualgroup. Sister-hood; a group of sisters.

[ities. Ible. See ABLE. Corrupt-ible. Contempt-ible. Sens-ible. Ic, ical; consisting of, resembling. Metal-lic; consisting of metal. Spher-ica

[a hero.

belonging to, suitable to. Hero-ic; belonging to or becoming having, inclined to. Dropsical; having dropsy. Whimsical. Ice; act, state, or thing. Serv-ice; act of serving, state of serving, thing Ics; science or art. Mechan-ics; the science of machinery.


things collectively. Statist-ics; facts showing the condition of a nation. Ile; belonging to, resembling. Serv-ile; belonging to or like a servant, Ine; belonging to. Alpine; belonging to the Alps.


consisting of, resembling. Alkaline; consisting of or like alkali.

Ing; doing. Ending of the present participle. See p. 57.

act or thing. Shav-ing; act of shaving, what is shaved off. group, material in mass. Bed-ding; materials of a bed. occupation, science, or art. Hunt-ing. Engineer-ing. Farm-ing. Ion; act or result. Union; act of uniting, things united.

act or state. Communion; act or state of communing.

The endings tion and sion, which occur so often, belong to this head. Ish; somewhat. Green-ish; somewhat green.

like. Boy-ish; like a boy.

inclined to. Thiev-ish; inclined to thieve or steal. Snappish. to make, to do. Publish; to make public. Vanish (vain), pass away, Ism; act or mode. Baptism; act or mode of baptizing.

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doctrine or peculiarity. Jesuit-ism. American-ism.
Idiom. Latin-ism; a Latin mode of speech.
Ist; person or doer. Art-ist; one that practises art.
Ite; person, usually of a race, clan, or party. Israel-ite.
Ive; doing. Abusive; abusing.

person or other object. Relative; one related. Captive. Ize, ise; to act the part of. Tyrannize; to act the tyrant.

to make, to give. Legal-ize; to make legal. Author-ize. Less; without, wanting. Care-less; without care, heedless. Ling; an object. Year-ling; something a year old. World-ling.

a small one. Gos-ling; a small or young goose. So, -KIN, -OCK,

-CLE, EL, -ULE, -ET.

Ly; like. Mother-ly; like a mother, kind.

Ment; act or result. Abridg-ment; act of abridging, thing abridged. state. Content-ment; state of being contented.

something that does. Amuse-ment; something that amuses. Ness; state or quality. Happi-ness; state of being happy. Hard-ness.

Ory; doing. Declaratory; declaring.

place. Depository; place of deposit.


Ose; consisting of, inclined to. Jocose; consisting of jokes, inclined to Ous; consisting of having. Fibrous; consisting of fiber. Ambitious. doing, inclined to. Studi-ous; studying, inclined to study. Malicious. Ric (akin to rich, right, realm); district, government, dominion. Bishop-ric. Ship; state or thing. Hard-ship; hard condition, what causes it. act or thing. Wor-ship. Court-ship.

office, dignity.

Clerk-ship, office of a clerk. Lord-ship.

Some; tending to, somewhat. Weari-some; tending to weary. Glad-some inclined to. Quarrel-some; inclined to quarrel.

Ster; person or other

Ude; state or thing.

Ure; act or state.

object. Song-ster; one that sings. See ER.
Infinitude. Multitude.

Exposure; act of exposing, state of being exposed.

thing or result. Enclosure. Temperature.

science, art, or result. Architect-ure.

Y, ry, ty; having. Stony; having stones. Dirty. Gloomy.

consisting of, resembling. Wiry; consisting of or resembling wire. worthy of. Trusty; worthy of being trusted.

state or quality. Honesty, state or quality of being honest. Safe-ty.
objects collectively. Soldiery; soldiers collectively. Revel-ry. Navy
(navis, ship).

place. Grocery; place in which groceries are kept and sold.
art, science, or result. Mason-ry.

Person or Instrument:

ix, n, nt, r.


Ard, ary, ee, ess, ine, ist, ite, ive,

Thing, Act, or State: Ade, age, al, dom, hood, ice, ics, ion, ism, ment, ness, nce, ry, ship, t, th, ude, ure, y.

Most derivative nouns are formed from verbs, adjectives, and nouns. A derivative noun may denote either a person, a thing, an act, or a state.

The person denoted by a derivative noun, when it denotes a person, must be the doer of an act, the receiver of an act, or simply one in some way related to that from which the name is formed. See pp. 158-60.

From the thing, the mind naturally passes to whatever is obviously related to it.

From the act, the mind readily passes to what caused it,-whether a person or an object, or some faculty, skill, or principles, to the result, or to the manner.

From the state, the mind readily passes to what caused it, to what follows from it, to what sustains it, or to what necessarily accompanies it.

Hence affixes are perplexingly variable in their meanings; indeed, so much so, that the pupil will often find it safer to learn, from a dictionary, the meaning of the entire word, than to determine this meaning from his knowledge of the affix. Form and spell, making the requisite euphonic changes; and define:Ard.-Drunk,* dote, slug, dull, cow (verb), Spain, Savoy.

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* Throughout the following exercises, the student should spell and define, from his dictionary if necessary, each word given; and then the derivative word in like manner. Thus :

Ary.-Adverse, statue, note, mission.

Ee. (Generally passive; the person to whom.)-Indorse, pay, patent,
assign, consign, trust, commit, legate, mortgage, lease, less; absent, refuge.
Ess, ine, ix; female.-Lion, heir; hero, Joseph; administrator.
Ist.-Copy, tour, journal, natural, novel, algebra, drug, duel, art, violin,
pian-o; drama, -tist; enthusiasm, -ast, encomium.

Ite.-Favor, Israel, Moab, Jacob.

Ive.-Capture, operate.

N.-America, Africa, Virginia, Kentucky, college, music.

Nt.-Claim, -ant, account, inhabit, combat, dispute, confide, protest,
assist, assail, appeal; study, -ent, preside; oppose, -ponent; act, -gent;
receive, -cipient.

R.-Oversee; lie, -ar, beg, school; farm, -er, hunt, ride, drive, make,
teach, preach, write, speak, wait, plaster, settle, pipe, widow, hat, foreign;
visit, or, edit, profess, survive, speculate, create, govern, conquer, direct,
conduct, protect,; conspire, -ator; compete, -itor; auction, -eer, mountain,
engine, gazette, pamphlet, chariot; cash, -ier, cannon, finance, cloth, glaze;
save, -ior; law, yer, saw; team, -ster, web; poke, -er (thing), revolve,
shut, boil, read, speak, fend, steam, knock, wrap.

Diminutives. (These often imply endearment or contempt.)—
Man, -ikin; lamb, -kin; ring, -let, stream, leaf, plant, cover; lock, -et, mall;
duck, -ling, lord, hire, suckle. Globe, globule; grain, granule; ball, bullet;
cat, kitten; island, isle; isle, islet.

Ade.-Gascon, stock, lemon, baluster; stamp, -ede.

Age.-Use, marry, mile, post, equip, till, folium (leaf), herb, bag,
bond, pupil, parson, hermit, anchor.

Al-Peruse, remove, recite, requite, deny, propose, refuse, dismiss.
Dom.-Free, wise, martyr, thrall, king, duke, earl.

Hood.—Child, brother, man, woman, boy, sister, priest, hardy, lively.
Ice.-Serve, just, lath, lat-tice.

Ics.-Poet, harmony, mechanic, statist (state), phys (nature).

Ion-Commune, precise, act, reflect, possess, expand; and many
other words, in which the ending shows itself in the form of tion or sion.
Ism.-Fanatic, despot, critic, hero, baptize, heathen.

Ment.-Move, pave, content, case, punish, acquire, agree, battle,
settle, complete, refresh, conceal, excite, refine, retire, manage, abridge,
amend, nourish, arm, -ament.

Nce, ncy.-Acquaint, -ance, concord, resist, observ-e, convey, ele-
gant; innocent, -ence, resident, differ, precede; pliant, -ancy, constant;
despond, -ency, ascend.

Ness.-Good, bad, white, bold, sweet, holy, busy, comprehensive.
Ship.-Partner, clerk, scholar, professor, town, workman, horseman,
apprentice, hard, friend, lord, court. See HOOD.

T, th.-Constrain, join, restrain; warm, wide, true, long, strong.
Ude.-Disquiet, serve, solitary, right, rect-.

Ure.-Please, depart, moist, seize, legislate, sign-ature, nourish, nurt-.

D-r-u-n-k-drunk, intoxicated with liquor; d-r-u-n-k-drunk-a-r-d-ard-drunkard, one that is
habitually drunk, a sot. A-d-ad-v-e-r-6-e-verse-adverse, opposing, contrary; a-d-ad-v-e-r-
ver-adver-s-a-sa-adversa-r-y-ry-adversary, one that opposes, an enemy. So comprehensive
is the collection of words here presented, that the defining of the words in the manner in-
dicated, will amply repay the labor of using the dictionary.

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