Imagens das páginas


In the following notes are recorded the more important variations of the text from the readings of the edition chosen as a basis in each case.


Text based on Q1

I. i. 62. feast] fast Q Ff. i. 184. tharborough] Farborough Q. ii. 106. blushing] F2; blush-in Q F1. i. 150. [Dull] Clo. Q. II. i. 88. unpeopled] Ff; unpeeled Q. i. 115, etc. Kath. Q; Rosa. Ff. i. 193. [Exit] Exit. Enter Dumaine Q Ff. i. 195. [Katherine] Rosalin Q Ff; i. 219. Kath.] Q; La. Ma. Ff. i. 221, 222, 224. Kath.] La. Q Ff. i. 254. Ros.] Fi; Lad. Q. i. 255. Mar.] Ff; Lad. 2. Q. i. 256. Kath] Lad. 3. Q; Lad. 2. Ff. i. 257. Ros] Lad. Q; La. 1. Ff. i. 258. Mar.] Lad. Q; Lad. 2. Ff.

III. i. 1. Song] Ff; om. Q. i. 1-67. For Arm., Moth, and Cost., in speech tags, Ff read Brag., Boy, and Clow.

IV. i. 1, etc. Prin.] Quee. Q; Qu. Ff. ii. 67, 80, 85, 89, 95, 107, 135. Hol.] Nath. Q Ff. ii. 75, 106, 152. Nath.] Holo. Q Ff. ii. 80. ingenious] ingenous Q. ii. 95. Fauste... pecus omne] Facile...pecas omnia Q. ii. 99, 100. Venetia, etc.] vemchie, vencha, que non te vnde, que non te perreche Q F1. ii. 123, 154. Hol.] Pedan. Q Ff. ii. 125-132. Given to Nath. Q Ff. ii. 140 Sir Nathaniel] Ped. Sir Holofernes Q; Per. Sir Holofernes Ff. iii. 176. to me... by you] by mee... to you Q Ff. iii. 299–304. These lines, substantially repeated at 320, 350-352, are supposed to be a survival of the earlier form of the play.

V. i. 27. insanie] infamie Q Ff. i. 30. bone] bene Q Ff. i. 31. Bone... Priscian] Bome boon for boon prescian Q Ff. i. 56. third] last Q Ff. i. 125. [Nathaniel] Holofernes Q Ff. ii. 28. cure... . care] care... cure Q Ff ii. 67. pedant-like] perttaunt-like Q ii. 407. affectation] affection Q Ff. ii. 517. least] Ff; best Q. ii. 598. [Moth retires] Exit Boy Q Ff. ii. 773. strange] straying Q Ff. ii. 826. ever] Ff; herrite Q. ii. 834. A wife?] This begins Katherine's speech in Q Ff. ii. 905, 906. Transposed in Q Ff. ii. 926, foul] full Q. ii. 940-1. You... this way] Ff; om. Q.


Tert based on F1

I. i. 55. meaner] meane F1; poor meane F2 3 4 ii. 1. ANTIPHOLUS of Syracuse] Antiphol is Erotes Ff.

II. i. 1. ADRIANA] Adriana, wife to Antipholis Sereptus Ff. i. 64. home] om. Ff. i. 107. alone, alone] F2; alone, a loue F1. i. 110, 111. and tho' ... yet] yet the... and Ff. i. 112. Wear] where F1. ii. 99. tiring] trying Ff. ii. 188. offer'd] free'd Ff. ii. 197. not I] I not Ff.

III. ii. 1. LUCIANA] F2; Juliana F1. ii. 4. ruinous] ruinate Ff. ii. 21 but] not Ff. ii. 49. bed] F2; bud F2. them] thee Ff.

IV. i. 17 her] their Ff. ii. 61. 'a] I Ff. iii. 24. bob] sob Ff. iv. 1. the OFFICER] a Jailor Ff. iv. 45. to prophesy] the prophesie Ff. iv. 149. again] again. Runne all out Ff.

V. 195. Ege] Mar Fat. F1. i. 356-361. Inserted after 345 in Ff. i. 402. ne'er] are Ff.

Text based on F

I. i. 65. leave] love Ff.

II. iii. 41, 42, 44, 57. tied] tide Ff. iv. 196. Is. praise] It is mine, or Valentine's praise F1. v. 2. Milan] Padua Ff. III. i. 326. [kiss'd] om. Ff.

V. ii. 7. Julia. Aside] Pro. Ff. ii. 13 [Julia. Aside] Thu. Ff.


Text based on Qi (Fisher's)

I. i. 10. New-bent] Now bent Q. i. 136. low] loue Q. i. 187. Yours would] Your words Q. i. 216. sweet] sweld Q. i. 219. stranger companies strange companions Q.

II. i. 101. cheer] heere Q. i. 109. thin] chinne Q. i. 247. Re-enter...] Enter Puck (after 247) Q. ii. 77. kill-courtesy] this killcourtesy Q.

III. i. 85. Odorous, odorous] Odours, odorous Qq; Odours, odours Ff. ii. 48. knee-deep] the deep Q. ii. 57. dread] dead Q. ii. 80. so] om. Q. ii. 215. rend] rent Q. ii. 250. prayers praise Q. ii. 257. [but] om. Q; Sir, Ff. ii. 279. doubt] of doubt Q.

V. i. 127. Enter...] Tawyer Ff. i. 193. up in thee] Ff; now againe Q. i. 209. moon used] morall downe Ff. i. 279. gleams] beames Q. i. 330. moans] means Q. i. 379. behowls] beholds Q.


Text based on Qı (Roberts's) and Q2 (Heyes's) I. i. 89. cream] Q2; dreame Q1. ii. 36. who you] Q2; who Q1. ii. 83. Scottish] Qq; other Ff. iii. 65-6. Is . . . would] Q2; Are you resolv'd, How much he would have Q1. II. i. 35. page] rage Qq. ii. 23. well] Q2; ill Q1. ii. 28. incarnation] Q2; incarnall Q1. ii. 33. commandment] Q2; command Q1. ii. 39. confusions] Q2; conclusions Q1. ii. 85. in the end] Q2; at the length Q1. vi. 51. Gentile] Q1; gentle Q2. vii. 69. tombs] timber Qq.

III. ii. 106. plainness] paleness Qq. iii. 1. Enter SHYLOCK, SALARINO] Enter the Jew, and Salerio Q2 (Salarino, Q1; Solanio F1). iv. 21. misery] Q1; cruelty Q2. iv. 49. [Padua] Mantua Qq. iv. 53. traject] Tranect Qq. iv. 63. accoutred] Q2; apparreld Q1. v. 75. far'st] Q1; cherst Q2. v. S2-3. mean it, then In] Q1; mean it, it In Q2.

IV. i. 281. instantly] Q2; presently Q1. i. 326. tak'st] Q2; cutst Q1. i. 434. depends... on] Q2; then this depends upon Q1.

V. i. 114. welfare] Q2; health Q1.

Text based on F

Ind. i. 88. A Player] Sincklo F1.

I. ii. 18. masters] mistris F1. ii. 267. feat] seeke F1.

II. i. 3. gawds] good F1.

III. i. 48-51 to Luc., 52-3 to Bian., 54-8 to Hort., F1. i. 81. change] Fe; charge F1. odd] old F1. ii. 30. [old news] om. Ff. ii. 130. to her love] sir, Love F1.

IV. iii. 63. [Hab.] Fel. F1.

THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR Tert based on F1. Passages in brackets from Q I. i. 45. George] Thomas F. iii. 54. well] Q1; will F. iii. 104-5. Page... Ford] Ford ... Page F.

II. i. 63. Hundredth Psalm] hundred Psalms F. i. 226. Brook] Q1; Broome F (and so throughout). i. 228. Mynheers] An-heires F. III. v. 5-6. and... offal] Q1; like a ... offal, and to be thrown in the Thames F. v. 90. [By the Lord] Q1; Yes F.

IV. ii. 122. ging] F2; gin F1. ii. 194. hag] Q1; rag F. iv. 43. [Disguis'd . . .] Malone, adapted from Q1; om. F. iv. 83. Quickly] quickly F.


Text based on Q

I. i. 1. Enter LEONATO] Enter Leonato... Innogen his wife Q Ff. Pedro] Peter Q.

II. i. 1. Enter LEONATO] Enter Leonato.... his wife Q Ff. iii. 39. Music [within] Musicie Q; and Iacke Wilson Ff.

III. ii. 28. can] cannot Q. iii. 84. statues] F1; statutes Q.

IV. ii. 1. Dog.] Keeper Q. ii. 2, 5, etc. Verg.] Cowley Q. ii. 4. Dog.] Andrew Q. ii. 13, 17. etc. Dog.] Kemp. Q. ii. 53, etc. Verg.] Const. Q. ii. 69. etc. Dog.] Const. Q. ii. 70-1. Verg. .coxcomb!] Cowley. Let them be in the hands of Coxcombe Q.

V. iv. 98. [Bene.] Leon. Q.

[blocks in formation]

I. ii. 40-1. company And sight] sight And company F. iii. 105. curl by] coole my F. 144. damn'd] dam'd F. v. 177. VIOLA] Violenta F.

II. ii. 33. made of,] made, if F. v. 157. born] become F.

III. i. 75. wise men, folly-fallen] wise mens folly falne F. iv. 77. tang] F2; langer F1V. i. 207. pavin] F2; panyn F1.


Text based on Fi

Prol. 19. spar] stirre F.

I. i. 37. a storm] a-scorne F. ii. 92. wit] will F. ii. 260. money] an eye Q. iii. 54. Retorts] Retyres Q F. iii. 228. bid] Q; on F. iii. 293. host] Q; mould F.

II. i. 15. unsalted] Q; whinid'st F. i 48. hare] Q; hard F. ii. 70. soil'd] Q; spoyl'd F. ii. 104. eld] elders Q; old F. ii. 12. brach] brooch F. iii. 86. shent] sate Q; sent F. iii. 109. composure] Q; counsell that F. iii. 115. flexure] Q; flight F. iii. 282. He's

warm] Continued to Ajax Q F. III. i. 172 [Par.] Q; om. F. ii. 23. repured Q; reputed F. ii. 25. tun'd] Q; and F. ii. 216. whose] which Q F. iii. 43. bent) bent why turn'd Q F. iii. 137. fasting] Q: feasting F. iii. 162. rear] neere F. iii. 178. give] goe Q F. iii. 225. air] ayrie ayre F. IV. ii. 10. joys] Q; eyes F. ii. 13. tediously)

Q; hidiously F. ii. 76. Re-enter] Enter Pandarus and F. iii. 9. own] Q; om. F. iv. 4. violenteth] Q; no lesse F. iv. 9. dross] Q; crosse F. iv. 26. strain'd] Q; strange F. iv. 124. zeal] seale Q F. to thee] Q; towards F. iv. 146. Dei] Dio F. v. 96. knight] knight; they call him Troylus F.

V. ii. 10-11. sing... cliff] Q; finde... life F. ii. 43. all hell 's] Q; hell F. ii. 81. Nay .. me] To Dio. Q F. ii. 82. doth take] Q; rakes F. ii. 103. you] Q; me F. iii. 21. give .. use] count give much to as F. iii. 27. brave] deere Q F. iii. 114. broker] brother F. iii. 113-115. om. Q. Cf. x. 32-34. vii. 6. aims] arme F. viii. 20. bait] Q; bed F.

Text based on F

I. ii. 56. Thus] This F. iii. 118. [Diana no] om. F.

II. i. 64. fee] see F. i. 147. fits] shifts F. i. 176.
nay] ne F. i. 195. heaven] helpe F. iii. 68.
After father F inserts [She addresses her to a
Lord. iii. 309. detested] detected F. v. 29.
End] And F. v. 94. Ber.] om. F.
III. i. 9. 1. Lord] French E F. i. 17. 2. Lord]
Fren. G F. ii. 9. sold.] F3; hold F1 2. ii. 20.
E'en] In F. ii. 47, etc. 1. Lord] French E
F. ii. 49, etc. 2. Lord] French G F. ii. 65.
1. Lord] 1 G F. vi. 1, etc. 1. Lord] Cap. E
F. vi. 3, etc. 2. Lord] Cap. G F. vi. 40. ore]
ours F.

IV. i. 1. 1. Lord] 1. Lord EF. i. 10, etc. 1.
Lord Lord E F. ii. 38. Hopelessly corrupt.
iii. 1, etc. 2. Lord] Cap. GF. iii. 2, etc. 1.
Lord] Cap. E F. iii. 158. All's one to him]
Continued to Par. F. iii. 222. lordship] Lord
F. v. 19. [salad] om. F.

V. ii. 25. similes] smiles F. iii. 27. 1. Lord] Gent. F. iii. 158. DIANA] Diana and Parolles F. iii. 216. infinite cunning] insuite comming F.


Text based on F

I. i. 9. Hopelessly corrupt. ii. 120. F marks a new scene here. ii. 138. morality] mortality F. iii. 20. steeds] weeds F. iii. 21. nineteen] fourteen F. Cf. I. ii. 172. iii. 42-3. sight ... it] fight... in F. iv. 52. in hope] and hope F.

II. i.39. vice] ice F. i. 255. day] bay F. ii. 25. God save] 'Save F. iii. 11. flames] flawes F. iii. 40. law] love F. iv. 9. sear'd] fear'd F. iv. 123. this] thy F. III. ii. 41. Free] F2; om. F1. ii. 193. say 't] say F. ii. 237. and] and as F.

IV. i. 76. tilth] tithe F. ii. 47. If] Clo. If F. ii. 103. This] Duke. This F. ii. 104. [Duke] Pro. F. ii. 218. here] om. F. iii. 93. the

under] yond F. iv. 6. redeliver] re-liver F. iv. 29. bears] bears of F. v. 8. Valentinus] Valencius F.

V. i. 428. confiscation] F2; confutation F1.


Text based on Qi

I. 21. fere] Peere Q. ii. 3. Be my] By me Q. ii. 25. ostent] stint Q. ii. 30. am] once Q. ii. 41. blast] sparke Q. iii. 28. ears it] seas Q. iv. 13-14. do. do] to... to Q. iv. 74. him 's] himnes Q. iv. 77-8. fear? The] leave our Q1; feare, the Q4.

II. i. 86. holidays] all day Q. i. 140. father's gift] Father gave Q. i. 171. equal] a goal Q. ii. 14. interpret] entertaine Q. iv. 55. thus] us Q. iv. 56. us] om. Q.

III. 46. fortune's mood] fortune mov'd Q. i. 53. custom] easterne Q. i. 53-4 for

straight] After meet in 55. Q. i. 61. the ooze] oare Q. i. 63. And aye] The ayre Q. ii. 48. ne'er decay] never Q. iii. 7. wanderingly] wondringly Q. iv. 6. eaning] F3; learning Q.

IV. 10. her... heart] hie... art Q. 17. ripe rite] right. sight Q. i. 5. inflaming, etc.] in flaming, thy love bosome Q. i. 20. like] Q4; om. Q1. i. 27. Near... margent] ere... marre it Q. ii. 1. Enter, etc.] Enter the three Bawdes Q. ii. 80. like] om. Q. iii. 12. fact] face Q. iii. 27. prime] prince Q. iii. 28. sources] courses Q.

V. 13. lost left Q. i. 1 [Tyr.] 1. Q. i. 7. [Tyr.] 2. Q. i. 11. [Tyr. Sail.] Hell. Q. i. 70. bounty] beautie Q. i. 72. feat] fate Q. i. 247. life] like Q. iii. 89. preserv'd] preferd Q.


Text based on F

I. i. 29. gain] ioyne F. i. 70. F. begins Sc. ii. here. i. 116. cere] seare F. iv. 50. [not] om. F. iv. 80. [but] om. F. iv. 146. afraid) a Friend F. vi. 108. lie] by F. vi. 109. illustrous] illustrious F.

II. ii. 51. [Goes, etc.] Exit. F._iv. 37. [Phi.] Post. F. v. 16. German one] Iarmen on F. v. 27. may be nam'd] F2; name F1. III i. 19. ribbed and paled] ribb'd and pal'd F. i. 20. rocks] Oakes F. ii. 80. nor there] not heere F. iii. 2. Stoop] Sleepe F. iii. 23. bribe] babe F. iv. 81. afore 't] a-foot F. v. 56. thou, that stands] thou that stand'st F. vi. 28. F. begins Sc. vii. here. vi. 71. I'd] I do F.

IV. i. 19. her] thy F. ii. 57. him] them F. ii. 112. cease] cause F.

V. iii. 42. stoop'd] stopt F.
F. v. 334. mere]

reere F.

v. 262. lock] rock

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

I. i. 50. Bast.] Philip F. But usually F calls Philip Bastard.

II. i. F begins I. ii. here. i. 149. Philip] Lewis F. i. 215. Confronts your] Comfort yours F. i. 325. Cit.] Hubert F (and throughout this scene except 368.) i. 335. run] rome F. i. 368. Cit.] Fra. F. i. 424. niece] neere F. III. 1. F begins II. i. here. i. 75. F begins III. i. here. i. 259. chafed] cased F. i. 271. most] not F. iii. 26. time] tune F. iii. 39. ear] race F. iv. 44. not] F4; om. F1.

IV. ii. 42. when] then F. ii. 117. care] F doubtful; perhaps eare. iii. 71. head] hand F. iii. 155. cincture] center F.

V. i. F begins IV. i. here. ii. 36. grapple] cripple F. ii. 133. unhair'd] un-heard F. vi. 12. eyeless] endless F. vii. mind] winde F.

[blocks in formation]

V. i. 84. North.] Ff. King Q. iii. 106. shall Ff; still Q. vi. 43. the] Q2 Ff; om. Qi


Text based on Q

I. i. 76-7. In faith, It is] Continued to King Qq Ff. ii. 177. thou] the Q. ii. 181. [Bardolph Peto] Harvey, Rossill Qq Ff. iii. 108. base) Ff; bare Q. iii. 201. Hot.] om. Q. iii. 256 for] Ff; om. Q.

II. i. 7. The Ff; om. Q. ii. 118. [fat] In a fragment of Q1. The rest omit. iv. 36. precedent] present Q; president Ff. iv. 135. sun] Q3 F1 sonnes Q1. iv. 192. Prince] Ff; Gad. Q. iv. 193, 195, 199. Gads.] Ff; Ross Q. iv. 434. tristful] trustfull Qq Ff. iv. 441. yet) Ff; so Q.

III. iii. 66. tithe] tight Q.

IV. i. 127. yet] Ff; it Q. V. i. 1. Enter. SIR] Enter... Earle of Westmerland, Sir Qq Ff. i. 2. busky] Ff; bulky Q. i. 25. do] Ff; om. Q ii. 3. undone] Q5; under one Q1. iv. 77 [and exit...fals] the Prince killeth Percie Qq Ff.


Text based on Q1.


Passages in brackets from F Ind. 35. hold] hole Q. I. i. 161. Tra.] Umfr. Q. ii. 55. Where's Bardolph ?] After through it in 53, Q. ii. 111. hath age] Ff; have... an ague Q. ii. 137. [Fal.] Ff; Old. Q. ii. 163. slenderer] Ff; slender Q. iii. 37. Needed] Indeed F. iii. 79. To] om. Q.

II. i. 182. [Basingstoke] Ff; Billingsgate Q. ii. 1. POINS] Poynes, Sir Iohn Russel, with other Q. ii. 17. viz.] Ff; with Q. ii. 126. borrower's] borowed Q. iv. 1, 11. 1. Draw.) Ff; Francis Q. iv. 14. Dispatch] Dra. Dispatch Q. iv. 16, 23. 2. Draw.] Ff; Francis Q. iv. 20. word] word. Enter Will Q.

III. i. 27. sea-boy] Ff; season Q. i. 32. SURREY] Surry, and Sir Iohn Blunt Q. ii. 121. Fal. Prick him] Ff; Iohn prickes him Q. ii. 160. [Fal.] Shal. Q.

IV. i. 34. rags] rage Q. i. 94-5. Hopelessly corrupt. ii. 24. Employ] Ff; Imply Q. 69. [Hast.] Ff; Prince Q. iii. 45. Rome Ff; Rome, there cosin Q. iv. 32. melting Ff; meeting Q. iv. 104. write... letters Ff: wet... termes Q. v. 13. alter'd] vttred Q (Devonshire). v. 161. worst of] Ff; worse then Q. v. 205. [my] thy Q.

V. iv. 1. Enter, etc.] Enter Sincklo and there or foure Officers Q. iv. 4, etc. 1. Bead.] Sineklo Q. iv. 8, etc. Dol.] Ff; Whore Q. v. 16. [Shal.] Ff; Pist. Q. Epi. 35-6. And so ... Queen] After infinitely in 17, Q.


Text based on F

Pro. Enter [CHORUS] Enter Prologue F. I. ii. 1. BEDFORD] Bedford, Clarence F. II. i. 110, 111. Qq; om. F. ii. 139. mark the] make thee F. ii. 148. [Henry] Qq; Thomas F. iii. 17. 'a babbled] a Table F. iii. 26. [and... stone] Qq; om. F. iii. 44. hell-fire] Q; Hell F. iv. 107. pining] Qq; priuy F. III. i. F begins Act II here. Pro. 4. [Hampton] Dover F. i. 32. Straining] Straying F. iii. 32. heady] F3; headdy F2; headly F1. iii. 35. Defile] Desire F. v. 1. the DUKE OF BOURBON] Bourbon Q; om. F. v. 10, 32. Bour.] Brit. F. v. 46. knights] Kings F. vii. 13. pasterns] F2; postures F1.

IV. i. 96. Thomas] John F. i. 308. reckoning, if reck'ning of F. ii. 47. drooping] F2; dropping F1. iii. 13, 14. After 11 in F. iii. 44. live... see] see... live F. iii. 48. Qq; om. F. vii. 1. F. begins Act IV here. V. ii. 12. England] F; Ireland F1. ii. 275. d'une] d'une nostre Seigneur F.


Text based on F

I. i. 49. moist] F2; moistned F1. i. 50. marish] nourish F. i. 92, etc. Dauphin] Dolphin F. i. 131, etc. Fastolfe] Falstaffe F. i. 176. steal] send F. iv. 33. vile] pil'd F.

II. iv. 1, etc. Plan.] Yorke F. iv. 76. faction] fashion F.

III. i. 52. [Som.] om. F. i. 53. [War.] Som. F. i. 54. Som.] om. F.

IV. i. 180. wist] wish F. iii. 17, etc. [Lucy] 2. Mes. F. iv. 16. legions] Regions F.


Text based on F

II. i. 47-8. Are... you] Continued to Glou. F. i. 91. Simpcox] Symon F. i. 131. his] it F. ii. 45-6. was son To . . . son] was to... Sonnes Sonne F.

III. i. 140. suspect] suspence F. ii. 26. [Meg] Nell F. ii. 79, 100, 120. [Margaret] Elianor F. ii. 116. witch] watch F. ii. 146. [Re-enter, etc.] Bed put forth F; Warwicke drawes the curtaines and showes Duke Humphrey in his bed Qq. ii. 366. to] no F.

IV. i. 48. Qq; om. Ff. i. 70. [Lieu... Pole!] Qq; om. Ff. i. 117. Gelidus] Pine gelidus F. vii. 75. But] Kent F.

V. i. 109. these] thee F. i. 201. household] Qq; housed F.


Text based on F

I. i. 268. coast] cost F. ii. 48, etc. a MESSEN

GER] Gabriel F. iv. 50. buckle] Qq; buckler F. II. i. 113. Qq; om. F. i. 131. an idle] Qq ; a lazy F. ii. 89. Since] F2; Cla. Since F1. ii. 133. Rich.] Qq; War. F. v. 55. [dragging, etc.] at one doore: and a Father that hath kill'd his Sonne at another doore F. v. 119. E'en] Men F. vi. 8. Qq; om. Ff. III. i. 1, etc. two KEEPERS] Qq; Sinklo and Humfrey F. i. 24. thee, sour Adversity] the sower adversaries F. ii. 18, etc. [L. Grey] Wid. F.

V. ii. 44. clamour] Qq; cannon F. iv. 27. ragged] raged F.


Text based on F

I. i. 75. to her for his] Qq; for her F. ii. 79. For] Qq; of F. ii. 202. [Glou.] Qq; om. F. ii. 203 Qq; om. F. ii. 226. [Glou.... corse.] Qq; om. F. iii. 114. Q1; om. F. iii. 342, 350, 356. 1. Murd.] Vil. F. iv. 129. 'Zounds] Qq; Come F. iv. 137. [it is... thing] Qq; om. F. iv. 148. ['Zounds] Qq; om. F. iv. 148150. 't is] 1. 'Tis F. iv. 151, 156, 162, 164. [1.] Murd.] 2. Qq Ff. iv. 154, 159, 163. [2] Murd. 1. Qq Ff. iv. 165, 170, 172, 174. [2] Murd.] Qq; 1. Ff. iv. 167. [1.] Murd.] Qq; 2. Ff. iv. 194-5. [to.. sins] Qq; for any goodnesse F. iv. 243. Qq; om. Ff. iv. 264–5. After 273 in F. iv. 270-2 Before 274 in F. II. i. 1. HASTINGS] Hastings, Catesby F. i. 7. Hastings and Rivers] Dorset and Rivers F; Rivers and Hastings Qq. i. 56. unwittingly] Qq; unwillingly F. ii. 84-5 [and... weep] Qq; om. F. ii. 142, 154. Ludlow] Qq; London F. ii. 145. Qq; om. F. iv. 1, 2. Northampton... Stratford] Qq; Stony Stratford, And at Northampton F.

III. i. 97. dread] Qi; deare F. iii. 1. Qq; om. F. iv. 10. [Who... lord] Qq; om. F. iv. 32, 33. Qq; My Lord of Ely F. iv. 57. likelihood] Qq; livelyhood F. iv. 60. Qq; om. F. v. 50. I] Qq: Buck. I F. v. 52. Glou.] Q4; continued to Buck. F. v. 69. But] Qq; Which F. v. 108. notice] Qq; order F. vii. 43. Qq; om. F. vii. 158. my right] Q2; the ripe F; my ripe Q1. vii. 220. Qq; om. F. IV. ii. 84, 85. Qq; om. F. ii. 101-121. [perhaps, tut] Qq; Buck. May it please you to resolve me in my suit. Rich. F. iii. 31. at] Qq; and F. iv. 10. unblown] Qq; unblowed F. iv. 39. Qq; om. F. iv. 41. Harry] Richard Qq; Husband F. iv. 52, 53. Transposed in F; om. Qq. iv. 100, 101, Qq; transposed in F. iv. 102, 104. one] Qq; she F. iv. 103. one] she F. iv. 128. intestate] Qq; intestine F. iv. 323. loan] Loue F. iv. 324. Of ten] Often F. iv. 376. Qq; after 373 in F. thyself misusest] Qq; is self misus'd F. iv. 377. God. . .

« AnteriorContinuar »