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firmed. To determine, however, the actual amount of ozone in the atmosphere is a problem of surpassing difficulty, on account of the extremely small proportion in which it exists, even when at a maximum. Its presence can be easily discovered by any of the ordinary iodised starch papers, or even more readily by white bibulous paper which has been moistened with a dilute solution of iodide of potassium, and allowed to dry spontaneously in a dark room. If a slip of this paper is exposed for five minutes to a current of air, which will be often supplied by the wind, or may be produced by walking briskly, it will be found to have acquired a delicate red tint, if ozone be present even in the smallest quantities. The tint will be best observed by comparing the slip after exposure with another slip of the same paper which has not been exposed. The action of the diffused light of day on the paper is rarely perceptible after so short an exposure, but this source of error can be easily avoided by enclosing the paper in a hollow cylinder of wood.

Although with the experimental resources now at our command, we can scarcely venture even to estimate the actual amount of ozone at any time present in the atmosphere, yet it may be possible, as Schönbein long ago proposed, by applying a chromatic scale to the indications of the test-papers, to ascertain approximately its relative amount, in different localities, and its variations in the same locality. Such estimates must, however, be most uncertain, since the shades of colour produced on testpaper hardly admit of being defined by numbers; and in this particular case they are liable to a special source of error, as there can be little doubt that a large but unknown part of the ozone in

[blocks in formation]

the air which comes into contact with the paper is catalytically destroyed, and produces no chemical effect whatever. At the same time the ozonometer, especially when used with an aspirator, does unquestionably give indications of value regarding the ozone states of the atmosphere, and till more accurate methods are devised these observations ought certainly to be continued.

Ozone is rarely found in the air of large towns, unless in a suburb when the wind is blowing from the country; and it is only under the rarest and most exceptional conditions that it is found in the air of the largest and best ventilated apartments. It is, in fact, rapidly destroyed by smoke and other impurities which are present in the air of localities where large bodies of men have fixed their habitation, and I have often observed this destructive action extending to a distance of one or two miles from a manufacturing town, even in fine and bright weather.

Ozone is rarely, if ever, absent in fine weather from the air of the country, and it is more abundant, on the whole, in the air of the mountain than of the plain. It is also said to occur in larger quantity near the sea than in inland districts. It has been found to an unusual amount after thunderstorms-a fact

which is favourable to the view that the presence of ozone in the atmosphere is due to the action of the free electricity of the latter on the oxygen of the air. The amount of ozone in the air is greater, according to some observers, in winter than in summer, in spring than in autumn; according to others, it is greater in spring and summer than in autumn and winter. As regards the influence of day and night, the observations do not all tell

the same tale. Ozone has usually been found more abundantly in the air at night than by day, but some careful observers have found the reverse of this statement to be true.

Schönbein was the first who attempted to connect the fluctuations of atmospheric ozone with the prevalence or absence of epidemic disease; and since this suggestion was first published, numerous observations have been made in different countries with the view of ascertaining whether there is really any connection between the indications of the ozonometer and the health of a district. It has been asserted, for example, as the result of observation, that an outbreak of cholera is accompanied by a marked diminution of atmospheric ozone; but this statement has been disproved by later and more trustworthy observations. On the whole, I think it may be safely asserted that no connection has yet been proved to exist between the amount of ozone in the atmosphere and the occurrence of epidemic or other forms of disease.

The permanent absence of ozone from the air of a locality may, however, be regarded as a proof that we are breathing, if I may venture to use the phrase, adulterated air. Its absence from the air of towns, and of large rooms, even in the country, is probably the chief cause of the difference which every one feels when he breathes the air of a town, or of an apartment however spacious, and afterwards inhales the fresh or ozone-containing air of the open country. It is, indeed, highly probable that many of the most important actions, by which the products of vegetable and animal waste are removed by oxidation from the air, are due to the action of ozone, and could not be effected by ordinary or inactive oxygen. If the amount of ozone in the atmosphere appear too small to produce such large results, we must remember that, from its powerful affinities, ozone is being continually used up, and must, therefore, be constantly renewed.

The physiological action of ozone on the animal system is a subject of interest, and I am able to state the general results of two independent inquiries-one conducted a few years ago, by Dr. Redfern, in Queen's College, Belfast, the other recently communicated to this Society by Mr. Dewar and Dr. McKendrick. Dr. Redfern's experiments have not been published, but he has kindly supplied me with the following note on the subject:-"The general results," he says, "I obtained from about forty experiments conducted from May to September, 1857, to find the effects of oxygen and ozone on different animals, are as follows. The respiration for a very short time of oxygen, containing about ith part of ozone, is certainly fatal to all animals. The same gas, when passed over peroxide of manganese and freed from ozone, is comparatively harmless, even when respired for long periods. Respiration of such a mixture of ozone for thirty seconds kills small animals, some dying after respiring it only fifteen seconds, whilst similar animals will live in good health for months after respiring oxygen alone for thirtyseven hours, the carbonic acid being removed during the experiment. Death is not due to the closure of the glottis, for it Occurs when a large opening has been made in the trachea. Ozone causes death by producing intense congestion of the lungs with emphysema, and distention of the right side of the heart with fluid or coagulated blood, frequently attended by convulsions. If ozone be respired in a dilute form, the animals become drowsy and die quietly from coma, the condition of the lungs and heart being the same, except that the emphysema is less marked. Animals which have respired oxygen for more than twelve hours will now and then die suddenly from the formation of coagula in the heart, even after they have appeared in good health for some days."

The following are the conclusions which Mr. Dewar and Dr. McKendrick have deduced from their researches. Inhalation of an atmosphere highly charged with ozone diminishes the number of respirations per minute, and reduces the cardiac pulsations in strength, the temperature of the animal being at the same time lowered from 3° to 5° C. After death the blood is found to be in a venous condition. Neither the capillary circulation nor the reflex activity of the spinal cord is appreciably affected. The same remark applies to the contractility and workpower of the muscles. Ozone acts on the coloured and colourless corpuscles of the frog like carbonic acid. Ciliary action is not affected by ozonised air or oxygen, but if the layer of liquid be very thin, the cilia are readily destroyed.

The thermal changes which accompany many of the reactions of ozone are well marked, and their investigation, which has been undertaken by Mr. Dewar, promises to yield a valuable addition to our thermo-chemical knowledge.




HE eye of the frog is a beautiful and brilliant object, and relatively large. It is furnished with two eyelids, but, unlike those of man, it is the inferior one which is the more movable. In addition to these it is defended by a third eyelid, called the victitating eyelid, which is similar to that one which may be seen (if watched for) so frequently and rapidly to cross the eye of birds, e.g. of a hawk.

Daciylethra, which have very small eyes. In Amphiuma they are completely wanting, and in Proteus and in the ordinary and unchanged skin of the head. Ophiomorpha the minute eyeballs are covered with the

The ear of the frog's class presents us with the incipient condition of that part as an organ destined to respond to sonorous vibrations conveyed to it by the atmosphere.

In man the internal ear (enclosed in the densest bone

[subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][graphic][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed]

FIG. 74.-I. The left side; and II. the right side of the Heart dissected. I-LA, the left auricle; PV, the four pulmonary veins; cd, a style passed through the auriculo-ventricular aperture; MV, the mitral valve: ab, a style passed through the left ventricle into the aorta; RA, RV, parts of the right side of the heart; PA, pulmonary artery. II.-RA, the right auricle; VCS, superior vena cava; VCI, inferior vena cava, the styles fe, ca, being passed through them into the auricle; ab, style passed through the auriculo-ventricular aperture; TV, tricuspid

valve; RV, right ventricle; SL, semi-lunar valves at the base of PA, the pulmonary artery, through which the style gh is passed; LA, LV, auricle and ventricle of the left side of the heart.

This structure, however, is no mark of affinity to birds, as it is one which reappears, when wanted, in widely different forms. Thus we find it in the whale, i.e. in the

FIG. 76.-Section of heart. a and b, openings of the auricles into the ventricle; c, opening of the aortic bulb into the ventricle.

of the skull, named, from its density, "petrous ") is a very complex organ. The aperture, surrounded by the folds of the external ear, leads by a canal towards a cavity called the tympanic cavity, which cavity is shut off from the exterior by the tympanic membrane (or drum of the ear), which stretches across the canal at a considerable distance from its external aperture. On the inner side of the tympanic cavity lie the convoluted tubes (richly supplied with nerves) which constitute the real organ of hearing or internal ear.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

FIG. 75.-The Frog's Heart. The ventricle is below s, the aortic bulb is on the left of s, and ends in six aortic trunks, three on each side. The first of these (1), ends in the carotid gland (a), whence spring the lingual (7), and the carotid (c), arteries. The second trunk (2), is the root of the great dorsal aorta. The third trunk (3), ends in the pulmo-cutaneous artery (r), and the pulmonary artery (P), which is shown sending ramifications over each lung.

highest class of the Vertebrate sub-kingdom, and in certain sharks, i.e. in the lowest class of the same.

Eyelids do not exist in all members of the frog's class. Even in its order they are extremely minute, in Pipa and

* Continued from p. 307.

FIG. 77.-Diagram of section of Frog's heart. LA, left auricle; RA, right auricle; V, ventricle; s, movable septum dividing the left aortic passage ip from the right aortic passage ip; v, valve; 3. 3, aortic trunks leading top, pulmonary artery and r, cutaneous respiratory artery; 2,2, aortic trunks going to form the great dorsal aorta; cgld, carotid gland interrupting the flow of blood into /, the lingual artery, and c, the carotid artery.

Although the tympanic cavity is shut off from the exterior by the tympanum, it nevertheless is not altogether shut off from the exterior, since it communicates with the back of the mouth by a long and narrow canal termed the Eustachian tube.

It is the existence of these Eustachian openings into the

ear from the mouth which causes people when intently listening to keep their mouth slightly open.

In the frog there is no such external canal, but the tympanum is plainly to be seen in the way already described, on the side of the head, covered only by a slightly striated portion of the skin of the body. The Eustachian tube, however, still exists in the frog, though it is short and wide, and the opening of each is to be seen on one side of the back of the mouth.

This condition of things, however, does not exist in all the members of the frog's order, still less of his class. But in Proteus, Siren, and Menobranchus there is no tympanic cavity whatever, and the organ of hearing is simply imbedded in the skull, and probably responds but to sonorous vibrations conveyed to it by the denser aquatic medium, and not at all, or but very imperfectly, to those of the atmosphere.

In the ordinary efts we still meet with an Eustachian canal, but the tympanum is absent.

In the frog's own order, as in Pelotates and Bombinator, we may fail to find any tympanum, while the Eustachian tubes are all but obliterated, being reduced to the most minute dimensions.

Another condition, however, may be presented which offers a singular contrast, and is the more remarkable from the widely separated geographical situations of the forms which present it. In the South American Pipa, as well as in the South African Dactylethra, the two Eustachian tubes run together and open at the back of the mouth, by a median and common aperture.

Strange to say, this is the very condition which exists in birds, though most certainly it cannot be taken as any sign of affinity. In the crocodile these tubes have also a common median opening, but, unlike birds, each tube has also its own lateral opening into the throat, so that there come to be three Eustachian openings.

Can the resemblance between Pipa and Dactylethra in this matter be taken as a serious indication of genetic affinity, in spite of the wide, deep, and probably ancient Atlantic which rolls between the two species now?

This is a question which cannot be confidently answered, seeing in how many other instances structural peculiarities have evidently had an independent origin. Nevertheless, the fact that these two genera agree also in the small size of the eyes, rudimentary eyelids, and vastly expanded sacral transverse process would seem to point to some ancestral and fundamental relationship. If so, however, it is remarkable that no other such forms, or no intermediate ones should have been preserved, seeing that neither kind can be suspected of having migrated to its own habitat from the existing habitat of the other; and therefore that forms similar to that from which we may, if we please, conceive both to have been derived must have had a more or less widely extended geographical distribution and have been numerous in order to have given origin to genera in many respects so different as the two in question.

The Circulation of the Frog

Not only every animal, but every living being, requires, in order to carry on the functions of life, to interchange some of the gaseous elements of its body with gases of the medium (air or water) in which it happens to live.

Another function of extreme generality is that of conveying to all the parts and organs of the body nutritious matter for their growth or for the repair of those destructive effects which the processes of life inevitably produce

in them.

In all members of the highest sub-kingdom of animals (i.e. in all Vertebrata) these processes of gaseous interchange and nutrition are effected by means of closed vessels, along which the stream of nutritious fluid (the blood) is continually carried in a definite and constant course. During some or other part of that course the


blood becomes exposed to conditions specially favourable to the gaseous interchange, the blood parting with carbonic acid gas and ootaining in its place an increased supply of oxygen.

This process of blood oxygenation is termed respiration, and the organs which subserve it are termed respiratory or breathing organs. Such organs in man are the lungs. The central organ of circulation in man is, as all know, the heart, which is a muscular organ, divided into four chambers, or cavities.

These chambers are called "auricles" and "ventricles," and there are two of each-there being an auricle and a ventricle on the right side and also on the left.

Blood that has performed its nutritive functions, and is therefore charged with carbonic acid gas, is called venous blood, and is conveyed by the veins to the right auricle, whence it passes into the right ventricle, which sends it to the lungs for purification.

The oxygenated, or arterial blood, is returned from the lungs to the left auricle, and hence it is directly transmitted to the left ventricle, whence it is driven through the great artery (the aorta) into other arteries, and so distributed all over the body. The aorta passes downwards in front of the backbone, when it is called the descending aorta. Before turning downwards, however, it gives off great arteries to the arms and head, the carotid arteries carrying blood to the latter.

Now it is very important that the blood should not proceed in a direction the reverse of that indicated, and to prevent such misdirection, or regurgitation, special valves are placed at different openings; these valves freely allowing the blood to flow in the proper direction, but instantly opposing an effectual obstacle to a contrary flux.

The openings of the auricles into the ventricles are guarded by valves, as also is the opening of the left ventricle into the aorta, and that of the right ventricle into the artery going to the lungs.

The valve which guards the entrance into the right ventricle is called tricuspid, and consists of three flaps attached by delicate tendinous cords in such a way as to hinder the tending backwards of the flaps into the right auricle, and so allowing the blood to flow back into that chamber.

The valve which guards the entrance into the left ventricle is called mitral (from a fancied resemblance to a bishop's mitre), and consists of two flaps. The aperture leading from the left ventricle to the aorta is guarded by three crescentric flaps-called the "semilunar" valves of the aorta.

In man the whole of the blood is sent to the lungs for purification during each circuit of this most important fluid, and every organ is supplied with oxygenated blood.

If in any animals the process of purification is incomplete it is manifestly desirable that these organs of the body, the functions of which are the most important, should be supplied with that part of the blood which is pure. This consideration eminently applies to the brain, the director and controller of the entire body.

Now all birds and beasts without exception, share with man this perfect aëration of the entire blood, the whole of the blood in the classes Mammalia and Aves being purified in the lungs before being distributed to the body.

The conditions by which the frog, at the various stages of its existence, oxygenates its blood and directs the purificd stream in the most desirable manner, are curious and instructive.

It is generally known that the lower air-breathing Vertebrates (Reptiles and Batrachians) have the heart less completely divided than in the higher classes, so that the oxygenateu (or arterial) blood and the unoxygenated (or venous) blood become mixed in the single or imperfectly divided ventricle.

It might well be supposed, and in fact has generally

been so, that in animals with a heart so imperfectly divided, the blood sent to the lungs would be necessarily a mixture of venous and arterial fluid, and similarly that the blood distributed by it to all the organs and parts of the body is alike a mixture of pure and impure fluid.

In fact, however, this is by no means the case, and in the frog, in spite of the reception into a single chamber of both venous blood from the body, and of arterial blood from the lungs, special mechanical arrangements effect such a definite distribution of the two sorts of blood, that the unoxygenated fluid from the body is sent to the purifying respiratory surfaces (lungs and skin), and that the pure oxygenated blood alone goes to the head and to

the brain.

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The second, or systemic trunk (2) meets its fellow of the opposite side beneath the spine, and thence passes backwards as the great dorsal (in man descending) aorta, giving off arteries to all parts of the body.

The third, or pulmo-cutaneous trunk (3) ends by dividing into two arteries. The anterior of these (r) goes to the skin (which, as we have seen, is in the Frog an important agent in respiration), the posterior one (p) goes to the lungs.

The heart itself is of a more or less spongy texture, but the main cavity of the single ventricles open at its extreme right into that of the aortic bulb (c). In close proximity to the opening are the openings from the right (5) and the left (a) auricles respectively.

The aortic bulb is constitutionally divided by a movable septum (Fig. 77, s) in such a way, that the passage on the right side of it leads to the carotid and systemic arterial trunks, while the passage on the left side of it leads to the third pair of trunks-namely, those ending in the pulmonary and cutaneous arteries; moreover, there is a valve in the first of these two passages which tends to retard the flow of blood (v).

The consequences of these arrangements are as follows:

When the auricles contract, the venous blood from the right auricle (RA) is sent into both right and left passages of the bulb, but by the action of the valve (7), and by the structure of the carotid gland, the blood is checked on the right side (ip), while on the left it runs freely into the pulmo cutaneous trunks (r and p), and thus the respiratory structures receive unmixed venous blood for purifi


As the lungs get gorged with blood, the resistance on the two sides of the septum of the bulb becomes at first equalised and soon becomes the greater on the left side; then the septum is forced over to the left, and the blood, now mixed with pure blood, flowing in from the left auricle, flows freely along the systemic arteries (2 and 2). The obstruction of the carotid glands (c gld) being the greatest and the last to be overcome, the carotid and lingual arteries (c and 7) receive the very last of the blood -that, namely, which coming from the left auricle is purely arterial-and in this way oxygenated blood only is supplied to the head, sense organs, and brain.

It should be borne in mind that in order to develop * "Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Physiologie der GefässSystemes." In the third volume of the "Denkschriften der MathematischNatur-wissenchaftlichen classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften." Vienna: 1852.

this most beautiful and complex apparatus, the co-ordinate development in due proportion of these beneficial obstructions and checks must have been simultaneously effected in order that their purpose should be duly served. In other words, to account for its formation by an indefinite series of minute happy accidents would seem to require such a successive occurrence of coincidences as to become an improbability so great as to be indistinguishable from impossibility. ST. GEORGE MIVART

(To be continued.)




ROM the two visits made by the Challenger to Bermuda we learn a good deal about the vegetation of that island. Along the coast, which in some parts is irregular and rocky, and in others of a sandy nature, frequently with heaps of drifted sand, may be seen in abundance a species of Borrichia, a low shrub belonging to the compositeæ, B. arborescens D.C. being common in the West Indian Islands, and noted for having both glabrous and silvery leaves on the same plant, as well as the two forms on separate plants. In close proximity to the Borrichia was seen Tournefortia gnaphalodes R.Br., a Boragineous shrub from 2 to 6 feet high, with white flowers and downy leaves, and Ipomea pes-capra Sw. with its long stem, which frequently creeps to 100 feet or more, and its purple flowers. In the crevices of the rocks grow Euphorbia glabrata V., a shrubby glabrous plant common to the West Indies, and on the shores of Florida, Honduras, &c. A species of Tamarix is also abundant, as well as Conocarpus erectus L, and Coccoloba uvifera Jacq., known in the West Indies as the seaside grape, from the violet-coloured, pulpy acid-flavoured peiranth; an astringent extract like kino is likewise prepared from the bark, and the bark itself is used for tanning leather.

Many trailing plants scramble about on the sand dunes, assisting to bind the loose sand together. Amongst the most important of these is a hard, prickly grass, probably a species of Cenchrus, Cakile æqualis L.'Her, a singular cruciferous plant allied to our Sea Rocket, and a species of Scævola. The Mangrove Rhizophora mangle L.) occurs in swamps similar to those which have been so often described by travellers; but beside the true mangrove swamps, there are others occupied by trees of Avicennir, A. nitida Jacq. being known in the West Indies as the black, or olive mangrove.

In the peat bogs, or marshes, which are surrounded by low ranges of hills, the most striking character of the vegetation is the ferns; species of Osmunda are abundant, as well as Pteris aquilina L. Some of the marshes, however, have their special character of fern vegetation some species, as for instance Acrostichum aureum L. (Chrysodium vulgare Fee), being found only in particular spots. The Junipers (Juniperus bermudiana Lun.) also thrive in the marshes, but none of the trees at present standing approach in size those that are occasionally found below the surface. These large trunks usually lie at a depth of about two feet. The average diameter of the trunks of existing trees may be taken at from two to three feet, and these are mostly unsound in the centre owing to the marshy ground in which they grow. The largest known living trees in the island measure respectively fifty-nine inches and thirty-nine inches in diameter; the first is hollow, but the second is apparently sound. Amongst other noticeable marsh plants are Myrica cerifera L., a shrub the berries of which, in Central America, yield wax from which candles are made, and Rhus toxicodendron L., the Poison Oak of North America.

In the fresh-water ponds or lakes inland, some of which are a quarter-mile long, and often are in close contiguity

to a peaty marsh, though the waters appear not to be affected by the peat but are said to be salt at certain periods, occur abundance of confervæ and minute alga, as well as a species of Ruppia. In the shady damp hollows, at the entrances of the caves, is usually seen a rich growth of ferns, jessamine, and coffee trees of good size. The general features of the indigenous vegetation of the islands are the Junipers, Lantana camara L., a verbenaceous shrub which grows in dense masses, and the Oleander, which also grows in abundance and is used for hedges. A few trees of the Date and Cocoa-nut palms may occasionally be seen, but their fruit produce is not sufficiently abundant to be of any importance. One of the greatest pests in the island in the form of a weed is | Leucana glauca Bth., which sends down its tap roots to a great depth, and is difficult to eradicate. It is a leguminous plant, and in its native state forms an ornamental tree.

The least cultivated part of the island is at Paynter's Vale, where_orange and lemon-trees luxuriate in their wild state. From the prevailing dampness of the atmosphere all over the island, a species of Nostoc abounds not only in the caves and on the rocks near the seashore, but also amongst the roots of grass on lawns. Out of about 160 flowering plants collected in Bermuda Morus rubra, Hibiscus arborea, and Chrysophyllum cainito are the only three that do not occur in an absolutely wild state. Perhaps not more than Ico are true Bermuda plants. Many of the plants of the island were no doubt originally brought from the West Indies by the Gulf Stream, or the cyclones. The presence of American plants is perhaps to be traced more to the migrations of birds, which come in large numbers, more especially the American Golden Plover. Then, again, to account for the presence of other plants, there is the fact of the annual importation of large quantities of hay, and also of seeds, such as onion seed from Madeira and potato seed from America, with which other seeds are, no doubt, constantly introduced. Shipwrecks, also, which occur on the coast, are probably fruitful sources from whence new plants arise; as a proof of this, it is stated that a vessel with a cargo of grapes was recently wrecked and the boxes of grapes washed ashore, the seeds of which, being saved, were sown, and produced an abundance of young plants.



HE Society of Arts seems to be increasing its efficiency every year, "lengthening her cords and strengthening her stakes;" quite recently a Chemical Section has been added, which we believe will be productive of much practical benefit. At the opening of this Section on the 6th inst., the chairman, Dr. Odling, gave a valuable and interesting address, which, by the courtesy of the secretary of the Society, we are able to present to our readers :

I have been desired by the Council to say a few words at this introductory meeting on the importance of Industrial Chemistry, but really to do so is to urge upon you a theme which requires no advocacy, I should think, on the part of anyone, and I am afraid it would be as tedious as thrice-told tales. If we look at the objects with which we are surrounded and consider how very few of them are in a state in which they are presented to us by nature, we shall find that the metamorphoses to which they have been subjected are essentially chemical ones; that is to say, wherever we find one kind of matter in nature, and somehow or other the matter is turned into another kind of matter, we submit it to a chemical change; and how very few indeed of the different kinds of matter with which we are surrounded are really in their primitive forms. When we have mentioned wood and stone, I mean building stone, we have mentioned almost all.

When we consider the gas which, though now gas, was a short time ago in the form of coal, or the glass of our windows which a short time back was in the form of sand, soda, and limestone, or if we look at the plaster of our rooms, which was originally limestone, which has undergone varied metamorphoses, and more particularly I might direct your attention to the metallurgical industries, especially iron, which was a short time before in the ironstone-all these are instances of the chemical metamorphosis to which we subject the different natural objects, and so change one kind of matter into another. Among all these metamorphoses which are of a chemical nature there are some to which we more particularly apply the name of chemical manufactures. In reality, a brick is as much a product of chemical change; it was not originally the same matter it now is, but was produced by a change of chemical composition of its elements. But among these more particularly called chemical manufactures, the production of which is conducted in works which are called chemical works, are those performed in so-called alkali works; and I think I need have no hesitation in saying that these works have proceeded to a far greater development in this country than in any other, notwithstanding the fact that among the constituents received and metamorphosed by these works are many which are of foreign extraction, more particularly the pyrites, or other sources of sulphur, and the manganese or other sources indirectly of the chlorine manufactured at these works. And we see, that in the course of lectures which has been provided for us, three have reference especially to these manufactures, which are conducted exclusively at works which are denominated chemical works. We have a process for the manufacture of soda by Mr. Vincent; another on pyrites, as a source of sulphur, copper, and iron, by Dr. Wright; and another on the manufacture of chlorine, by Mr. Weldon.

Starting from the crude substances, coal and limestone, and pyrites and common salt, we have a production of soda which will be treated of more particularly in Mr. Vincent's address. Then we have the further manufacture of copper, sulphur, iron, and chlorine, which are the necessary economical concomitants. It is indeed remarkable, at the present day, how much the production of chemical manufactures takes in the working up of what were formerly waste products. Perhaps we could not have a more singular instance of this than in the utilisation to which that class of refuse, which was formerly known as burnt pyrites, is now put. Not only do we obtain from the original pyrites sulphur in a form which was formerly thrown away on a very large scale, but, moreover, copper and iron, which were also formerly thrown away in the burnt pyrites. And we have also one very remarkable product now obtained from pyrites on a comparatively large scale, and I may say, with regard to the manufacture of copper from pyrites, that the amount now produced-as Mr. Wright will tell you-from a material which was formerly thrown away, constitutes a very large proportion of the entire quantity now manufactured in the United Kingdom.

But in addition to that there is a very considerable manufacture of silver now going on also extracted from these waste pyrites. This extraction of silver from these pyrites, in which it occurs in an exceedingly minute proportion, has an essential interest for chemists in this point of view, that the processes which are adopted for its extraction really resemble most closely the processes which purely scientific chemists adopt in the laboratory. The pyrites are first of all heated with common salt, whereby the copper is converted into chloride of copper soluble in water, and the silver into the state of chloride of silver, which is soluble in the common salt solution; and not only so, but in this process of removing the soluble copper and the soluble silver from these pyrites,

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