THE EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, AND Sondon Review Containing the Viterature, HISTORY, Politics, Simulet jucunda et idonea dicere vitæ THE European Magazine, For JULY 1791. [Embellished with, 1. A FRONTISPIECE, representing SIR THOMAS ERPINGHAM'S GATE, at NORWICH. 2. A PORTRAIT OF JAME DUCHESS of GORDON. And 3. A VIEW in the DOMAIN of the CONVENT OF VALLOMBROSA] Bowles's Confiderations on the respective French State-Papers: including I. Memoir, or Proclamation, left by the French King, and presented to the National Affembly of France on Tuefday June 21, 1791-II. The National Affembly to the French-III. Copy of the Orders given by M. de Bouille-IV. Letter of M. D'Orleans to the Authors of the Journals-V. M. Simolin, the Ruffian Ambaffador, to M. Montmorin-VI. Letter of M. De Bouille to the National Affembly VII. M. Roederer's Answer to M. Bouille-VIII. Declaration of Two Hundred and Ninety Deputies on the Decrees which fufpend the Exercise of the Royal Authority, and which infringe the Inviolability of the facred Perfon of the King-IX. Note from the King to the National Affembly, on July 9-X. A Letter from the Spanish Ambaffador to M. de Montmorin, dated the 8th of July Theatrical Journal: including Plan and Character of the Hon. Major North's "Kentish Barons," a Comic Opera; and of Mrs. Inchbald's "Next Door Neighbours," a Comedy; with the Prologue and Epilogue to it, &c. Poetry: including Sonnets, &c. by Charlotte Smith, &c. &c. 45 48 57 68 Riots at Birmingham 71 77 39 Toafts given at the Revolution Dinner at 40 LONDON: Printed for J. SEWELL, Cornhill; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS to CORRESPONDENTS. We are obliged to W. H. Reid for the Ode he has tranfmitted us; but it has been so often printed, that it would afford no entertainment to our readers. Mr. Reberdeau's Prologue came too late for this Month. We have no objection to print it in our next. Mr. W.'s Views are received. We are much obliged to him for them. One is in the hands of the engraver. By a mistake which was not feen until too late to remedy, several Pages of Poetry intended for this Month have unfortunately been omitted. AVERAGE PRICES of CORN, from July 11, to July 16, 1791. Wheat Rye Barl. Oats Beans s. d. s. d.s. ds. d.s. d. COUNTIES upon the COAST. COUNTIES INLAND. 5 810 C2 72 43 2 Suffolk Norfolk 03 42 8 Hertford 13 6 82 23 7 6 44 43 62 03113 52 Cambridge 5 52 102 6 43 100 02 104 6 Northumberl.5 63 93 32 1 Northampton 6 Cumberland 6104 Westmorld. 6 85 33 112 100 • 53 9 Lancashire 6 6 60 Nottingham 6 14 13 42 02 649 Somertet 6 20 Devon 03 32 33 91 103 4 Cornwall Hereford 02 111 100 • Worcester 6 23 70 02 104 4 Hants 62 590 5 02 60 00 02 02 112 5100 04 92 23 11 30 02 102 53 I I • 92 43 6 WALES. Bucks 6 10 03 12 5/3 ४ South Wales 7 8004 11 8/2 139 58- W.N.W. 3 per Cent. Conf.823 per Cent. 1751, — N. Navy & Vitt. Bills Long Ann. 245-16ths Exchequer Bills 16ths Irish Lot. Tick. |