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House met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Funkhouser moved to dispense with the reading of the journal; when,

On motion of Mr. Boyle,

A call of the House was ordered, and the call having been made, it appeared that the following members were absent:

Messrs. Archer, Barber, Bragg, Brown, Buckley, Cantrill, Caswell, Chapman, Cockle, Constant, Creel, Cummings, Dawson, Eddy, Ela, Enloe, Erwin, Glover, Griffith, Grubb, Hansford, Harrington, Harpoie, Hart, Hick, Higgins, Hodges, Janney, Kinney, Kretsinger, Linder, Logan of Sangamon, Lukins, McConnell, Mann, Marshall, Martin, Miller, Morris, Morrison of Hancock, Morrison of Monroe, O'Conner, Omelveny, Ozburn, Prevo, Reynolds, Robb, Robeson of Woodford, Robinson of Menard, Rutledge, Stanley, Starkweather, Scehorn, Sherman, Shumway, Sims, Slocumb, Stickney, Stookey, Swing, Thmoas of Morgan, Tucker, Underwood, Wallace, Wardlaw, Watson, Wilcox, Williams, Williamson and Wright.

On motion of Mr. Boyakin,

The further proceedings under the call were dispensed with.
Mr. Randolph called for the reading of the journal.

Mr. Grubb presented the petition of Joseph G. Perry of Pike county, for services during the disturbances in Hancock county, in the fall of 1845; which, without reading, was, on his motion, referred to the committee on Claims.

Mr. Glover presented the petition of Freeman Mills, Isaac Hardy, and two hundred and twenty others, praying the passage of a law establishing a ferry at La Salle; which, without reading, was, on his motion, referred the committee on State Roads.

Mr. Austin presented the petition of one hundred and forty-five citizens of Illinois, praying for the repeal of the law in relation to punishment by death for treason and murder; which, without reading, was, on his motion, referred to the committee on the Penitentiary.

Mr. Mann presented the petition of H. S. Gordon and others, praying for a repeal of the present law in regard to the sale of ardent spirits; which was read, and referred to a select committee of nine, to consist of one from each Judicial Circuit.

Ordered, That Messrs. Mann, Higgins, IIodges, Slocumb, Dawson, McConnell, Kinney, Shumway, and Cockle, be said committee.

Mr. Swing, presented the remonstrance of four hundred and forty-five citizens of Mason county, praying against a removal of their county seat; which, without reading, was, on his motion, referred to the committee on Counties.

Mr. McConnell, presented the petition of sundry citizens of Stephenson county, in relation to furnishing religious instruction to the convicts in the penitentiary; which was read, and, on his motion, referred to the committee on the Penitentiary.

Mr. Seehorn, presented the petition of Henry Newton and others, praying for the passage of an act incorporating the town of Lima, in

Adams county; which, without reading, was, on his motion, referred to the committee on Banks and Corporations.

On motion of Mr. Seehorn,

The rule was dispensed with, and leave given him to introduce a bill for An act to incorporate the town of Lima, in Adams county;" which was read, and

Ordered to a second reading, when,

On his further motion,

The rule was again dispensed with, and the bill read a second time by its title, and referred to the committee on Banks and Corporations.

Mr. Peirson moved to dispense with the rule, to enable him to introduce a bill; which was not agreed to.

A message from the Governor, by Mr. Cooley, Secretary of State. Mr. Speaker: I am directed by the Governor to lay before the House, a communication in writing.

Mr. Denning, from the committee of Finance of the two Houses, to which was referred a joint resolution, requiring them to examine into the affairs of the late Auditor of Public Accounts, inade a report in relation thereto; which was read.

Mr. Janney moved to lay the report on the table.

Mr. Mann, moved to amend the motion, by adding the words, "and print five hundred copies."

The question was then taken on the motion to lay on the table and print, and decided in the negative.

On motion of Mr. Boyakin,

The report was referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

A message from the Senate, by Mr. Moore, their Secretary:

Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill, in which they ask the concurrence of the House of Representatives, entitled

"An act to incorporate Jubilee College."

Mr. Janney, from the committee on Claims, to which was referred the petition of Edward Bonney, praying compensation for services rendered, and expenses incurred, pursuing the murderers of the late Col. Daven port, reported that the committee are of opinion that the subject is one which is entirely within the control of the Executive, and asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

The question being taken on discharging the committee from the further consideration of the petition, it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Janney,

Leave was granted to Mr. Bonney to withdraw from the files of the House, his petition and accompanying papers.

Mr. Janney, from the committee on Claims, to which were referred sundry petitions and claims for compensation for subsistence, clothing, forage, and materials furnished the Illinois militia, during the disturbances in Hancock county, in 1845 and 1846, reported a bill for "An act making appropriations to individuals therein named for subsistence, clothing, forage, and materials furnished the Illinois militia, under the command of Brig Gen. John J. Hardin, and Major W. B. Warren, during the years one thousand eight hundred and forty-five and six."


On motion of Mr. Janney,

The rule was dispensed with, and the bill read the first time by the title, and

Ordered to a second reading.

On his further motion,

The rule was again dispensed with, and the bill read the second time. by the title.

Mr. Reynolds moved to refer said bill to the committee on Finance; when,

On motion of Mr. Thomas of Morgan,

The vote just taken on dispensing with the rule, and ordering the bill to be read the second time by the title, was reconsidered.

The bill was then read a second time, and

Ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.

Mr. Hick, from the committee on Banks and Corporations, to which was referred a bill for An act to incorporate the Illinois Retreat for the Insane," reported the same back, with an amendment; which was read, and concurred in, and the bill, as amended, was

Ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.

On motion of Mr. Thomas of Morgan,

The rule was dispensed with, and the bill read the third time by the tith, and passed.

Grdered, That the title be as aforesaid, and that the Clerk inform the Senate Laereof, and ask their concurrence therein.

A message from the Senate, by Mr. Moore, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have adopted the accompanying preamble and reso ption, authorizing the Secretary of State to deliver to the mayor and others, of Springfield, a quantity of wood, to be distributed, under their direction, among such of the citizens of this place as are suffering for the want of that necessary article, and are unable to procure it, at this incl men song

In the adoption of which, I am directed to ask the concurrence of the House of Representatives.

On mo ion of Mr. Thomas of Morgan,

The rul: was dispensed with, and the message just icceived from the Senate was taken up for consideration; when,

Mr. Ears moved to amend the resolution, by adding, "that eight cords be furnished to the inhabitants of Joe Daviess county."

On motion of Mr. Morris,

The proposed amendment was laid on the table.

Mr. Miller moved to amend the resolution, by adding, "and that the Secretary furnish the bike quantity to each county in the State.

On mot on of Mr. McLain,

The proposed amendment was laid on the table, by yeas and nays, on the demand of Messrs Sims and D'Wolf, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative, are,

Messrs. Archer, Austin, Bailey of Rock Island, Barber, Blakeman, Boyakin, Bragg, Brown, Campbell, Casey, Caswell, Chapman, Constant, Creel, Cross, Cummings, Cunningham, Curts, Davis, Dawson, Denning, D'Wolf, Ela, Enloe, Everett, Fry, Funkhouser. Glenn, Gilmore, Glover, Griffith, Grubb, Hanstord, Harrington, Harpole, Higgins, Hodges, Huff

man, Janney, Johnston, Little of Fulton, Little of Will, Lukins, McConnell, McLain, Mann, Martin. Miner, Morris, Morrison of Monroe, Omelveny, Ozburn, Peirson, Prevo, Randolph, Remann, Reynolds. Robb, Robeson of Woodford, Robinson of Menard, Rutledge, Stanley, Stark, Starkweather, Seehorn, Sherman, Shumway, Slocumb, Smith, Stickney, Stokes, Stookey, Thomas of Morgan, Tucker, Turner, Wardlaw, Watson, West, White, Wilcox, Williams, Williamson and Mr. Speaker.-83. Those who voted in the negative, are,

Messrs. Bailey of Fulton, Cantrill, Eads, Hart, Kinney, Marshall, Miller, Morrison of Hancock, Morten, Sims, Swing and Wallace.-12. Mr. Martin moved the previous question; which was not agreed to. Mr. Higgins moved to amend the resolution, by adding the following: "and that the members of the Legislature hereby pledge themselves to pay for the same."

On motion of Mr. Omelveny, The main question was ordered.

The question recurring on the amendment proposed by Mr. Higgins, it was decided in the negative.

The question was then taken on the adoption of the preamble and resolution, and decided in the affirmative, by yeas and nays, on the demand of Messrs. Mann and Johnson, as flows:

Those who voted in the affirmative, are,

Messrs. Archer, Bailey of Rock Island, Blakeman, Boyle, Buckley, Campbell, Caswell, Chapman, Cockle, Cr el, Cross, Cunningham, D'Wolf, Ela, Enloe, Everett, Funkhouser, Glenn, Gilmore, Glover, Griffith, Grubb, Hansford, Harrington, Higgins, Hodges, Huffman, Janney, Kinney, Little of Will, Lukins, McLain, Martin, Miner, Morris. Or elveny, Ozburn, Remann, Reynolds, Robb, Robeson of Woodford, Robinson of Menard, Stanley, Stark, Sherman, Slocumb, Smith, Stickney, Stokes, Stookey, Thomas of Morgan, Tucker, Turner, Wardlaw, Watson, West, Wilcox, Williams and Williamson.-59.

Those who voted in the negative, are,

Messrs. Austin, Bailey of Brown, Bailey of Fulton, Barber, Boyakin, Bragg, Cantrill, Casey, Curts, Davis. Dawson, Eads, Epperson, Harpole, Hart, Hick, Johnston. Little of Fulton. McConn 1, Mann, Marshall, Miller, Morrison of Monroe, Morton, Prevo, Rutledge, Starkweather, Seehorn, Shumway, Sims, Swing, Underwood, Wallace, White and Mr. Speaker.-35.

Messrs Brown, Constant, and Logan of Sangamon were excused from voting on said question.

Mr. Archer submitted for adoption the following resolution; which was read, viz:

Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring herein, That the two Houses of the General Assembly will adjourn sine die, on the first Monday of February next.

The question being on the adoption of the resolution, the yeas and nays were demanded by Messrs. Reynolds and Prevo,

Mr. Bailey of Brown, moved to lay the resolution on the table.

On this motion, the yeas and nays were demanded by Messrs. Sherman and Reynolds.

Pending the question,

On motion,

The House adjourded until 2 o'clock, P. M. ¡


House met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Speaker laid before the House a communication from the Governor, in reply to a resolution adopted on the 2d instant, relating to the condition of the banks of this State; which was read, when,

On motion of Mr. Boyakin,

Said communication was referred to the committee on Banks and Corporations.

Engrossed bills of the following titles were severally read the third time, and passed, viz:

"An act for the relief of Charles W. Dodd;"

"An act to authorize John Wood to lay out a part of the north west quarter of section eleven, township two south, range nine west, as a bury. ing ground, and to convey the same, or a part thereof, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Quincy, on terms to be mutually agreed upon between the parties;'

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"An act to authorize the county of Pulaski to borrow money;" and "An act in relation to the records of Kendall county."

Ordered, That the titles, severally, be as aforesaid; and that the Clerk inform the Senate thereof, and ask their concurrence therein.

On motion of Mr. Boyakin,

A bill for "An act to provide for calling a Convention to amend the Constitution of this State," was taken from the orders of the day, and read the second time; when,

Mr. Morris moved to refer the bill to the committee of the whole House, and make it the order of the day for Thursday next.

Mr. Boyakin moved to make it the order of the day for Monday next. On motion of Mr. Cockle,

The main question was ordered.

The question then recurring on the motion made by Mr. Morris, it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Griffith,

The rule was dispensed with, and leave given him to introduce a bill for" An act regulating the selection of grand and petit jurors;" which was read, and

Ordered to a second reading.

On motion of Mr. Underwood,

The rule was again dispensed with, and the bill read the second time by its title; when,

On motion of Mr. Thomas of Morgan,

Said bill was referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

On motion of Mr. Griffith,

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