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" The governor shall have the power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons after conviction, for all offenses except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such conditions and with such restrictions and limitations, as he may think proper, subject... "
The Amended Constitution of the State of New York, Adopted by the Convention ... - Página 31
por New York (State) - 1869 - 169 páginas
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Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821 Assembled ...

New York (State). Constitutional Convention, Nathaniel Hazeltine Carter, William Leete Stone - 1821 - 722 páginas
...term for which he shall have been elected. SEC. V. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons after conviction, for all offences, except treason and cases of impeachment. Upon convictions for treason, he shall have power to suspend the execution of the sentence, until the case...
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Laws of the State of New York, Volume 1

New York (State) - 1823 - 516 páginas
...term for which he shall have been elected. SEC. V. The governor shall have power to-' grant reprieves and pardons after conviction, for all offences, except treason and cases of impeachment. • Upon convictions for treason, he shall liave power to suspend the execution of the sentence, until the case...
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The Constitution of the State of New York, Together with the Rules and ...

New York (State). Legislature - 1887 - 102 páginas
...commutations and pardons after conviction, for all offenses except treason and cases of impeachment, upon snch conditions, and with such restrictions and limitations, as he may think proper, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons. Upon conviction...
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Manual of Parliamentary Practice

1826 - 228 páginas
...term for which he shall have been elected. SEC. 5. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons after conviction, for all offences except treason and cases of impeachment. Upon convictions for treason, he shall have power to suspend the execution of the sentence until the case...
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The American's Guide: Comprising the Declaration of Independence : the ...

1828 - 494 páginas
...the term for which he shall have heen elected. 5. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons after conviction, for all offences, except treason and cases of impeachment. Upon convictions for treason, he shall have power to suspend the execution of the sentence, until the case...
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A History of the State of New York: From the First Discovery of the Country ...

Francis Smith Eastman - 1828 - 320 páginas
...term for which he shall have been elected. SEC. v. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons after conviction, for all" offences except treason and cases of impeachment. Upon convictions for treason, he shall have power to suspend the execution of the sentence until the case...
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The Revised Statutes of the State of New-York: Passed During the ..., Volume 1

New York (State) - 1829 - 826 páginas
...convene the legislature or the senate only, on extraordinary occasions. TITLE ig To grant reprieves and pardons after conviction, for all offences, ' except treason and cases of impeachment, and to suspend<the execution of the sentence or conviction for treason, until the case shall be reported...
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The New-York State Register for ... 1830-[1831]: With a Concise United ...

1830 - 428 páginas
...term lor which he shall have been elected. SEC. V. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons, after conviction, for all offences, except treason and cases of impeachment. Upon con. victions for treason, he shall have power to suspend the execution of the sentence, until the...
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Democracy in America, Volume 1

Alexis de Tocqueville - 1838 - 354 páginas
...the term for which he shall have been elected. 5. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons, after conviction, for all offences except treason and cases of impeachment. Upon convictions for treason, he shall have power to suspend the execution of the sentence until the case...
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Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York for the Year ...

New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1871 - 548 páginas
...shall have the power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, after conviction, for all offenses except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such...restrictions and limitations, as he may think proper, suhject to such regulation as may he provided hy law relative to the manner of applying for pardons....
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