Imagens das páginas


[Figures in italics refer to pages; others to enactment numbers.]


Absence, from board meetings, Ohio, 241; of statute
granting power, Kans., D 17.
Academies, receiving state aid, Me., 494.
Academies and high schools, 15. See also Second-
ary schools and High schools.

Access to school, convenience of, N. J., 30.
Accounts, accurate, to be kept of school money, Ill.,
D630; of school funds, Va., 175; uniform, N. Dak.,
Accrediting of high schools. See High schools, ac-
crediting of; with agricultural and mechanical col-
lege, Okla., 1291 (11).

Acquisition of public lands, Oreg., 403.

Act, independent, not a revision of statutes, Fla.,
D 10.

Acts, of Iowa assembly, Iowa, D 15; of boards of
education, ratified, Ariz., 199.

Additional bond issue, Ind., 556.


Additional territory for school districts, Cal.,
Adjustment of school district, Nebr., 341.
Administration of estates or funds, Ohio, D 243.
Administrative control of education, 1-57.
Administrative units, formation, division, and con-
solidation, 314-61.

Admission, public schools, restricting periods of,
Pa., 917; to the school for the blind, Mich., 1552; to
the school for the deaf, N. C., 1539.
Adult indigent blind, instructor for, Del., 1548.
Ad valorem taxes, Tex., 448.

Advantages, school, equalizing, Vt., 486.
Advisory board, district, Tenn., 162.

Affairs, prudential, management of, Ind., D 196.
Age limit for admission to school for the blind
changed, Mo., 1553; N. Mex., 1555.
Agent of the State, Ky., D 201.
Agreements, restrictions as to, Ohio, 242.
Agricultural and mechanical colleges, appropria-
tion, Iowa, 1316; Miss., 1323; Ky., 1370; La., 817;
diplomas and degrees, La., 817; establishing dis-
trict high schools as branches of, Ga., 1277;
farmers' institutes, Cal., 1206; farmers' institutes,
Colo., 1207; fire insurance, Okla., 1339; funds,
Idaho, 1311; head of system of agricultural and
industrial education, Okla., 1291 (7); land-grant
funds, Wyo., D 1356; for negroes, increasing
proportion of federal appropriation, N. J., 1285;
retirement of professors, Carnegie Foundation,
La., 877; retirement of professors, Carnegie Foun-
dation, Mass., 878; surveys, Okla., 1291 (9).
Agricultural college, Mich., 27 (8); abolished, Fla.,
D 67, D 1406; anniversary, Mich., 1416; ceramics,
N. J., 1422; short courses, N. J., 1423.
Agricultural colleges, 1402-1449.
Agricultural experiment station, Mass., 1415;
N. Dak., 1431. See also Experiment station.
Agricultural extension work, Iowa, 1410.
Agricultural, industrial and normal college, Ga.,


Agriculture, county schools of, Mich., 1281;
Miss., 1282; Wis., 607, 1295; elementary, urging
passage of the Burkett-Pollard bill, Utah, 1179;
elements of, taught, Okla., 42; establishing dis-
trict high schools of, Ga., 1277; Okla., 1291 (14);
establishment of departments of, Va., 107; ex-
periment farms, Colo., 1305; Del.. 1306; Mo., 1325;
Nebr., 1329; S. Dak., 1342, 1343; instruction,
public schools, Ark., 1176; Mass., 1399; Okla.,
1291 (2); Tex., 1178; instruction in, state normal
school, Mass., 910; Okla., 1291 (6); instruction,
summer schools, N. J., 939; state board of, Mich.,
27 (7); state director of instruction in, Okla.,
1291 (8).

Aid, state (see also Appropriations, state); agricul-
tural and mechanical college, Miss., 1323; agricul-
tural high schools, buildings and support, Okla.,
1291 (18); agricultural schools, county, Miss.,
1282; correspondence teaching, state university,
Wis., 1203; county high schools, Ala., 1213, 1214
1215; establishment mining trade school, Wis.,
1296; evening schools, N. J., 1196 (2); farmers'
institutes, Ala., 1205; for George Peabody College
for Teachers, Tenn., 898b; for school census in
certain districts, N. Y., 959 (5); higher educational
institutions, Fla., 1308; high schools, S. C., 1261;
high schools giving normal training, Nebr., 923;
Va., 926; history, local, for promoting study of,
Me., 1166; indigent pupils, higher institutions,
N. Mex., 1332; industrial education, Conn., 1274
(4); industrial education, N. Y., 1287 (4); Okla.,
1291 (18); manual training, Wis., 1181; medical
inspection, Mass., 1122; normal and industrial
schools, Va., 919; normal schools, Ala., 900, 901,
902; Ark., 903; Me., 922 (a); Mass., 910; Nebr., 923;
normal schools, agricultural education, Okla.,
1291 (6); normal schools, buildings, Conn., 905;
Wis., 921; normal schools, for negroes, Md., 909 (a);
normal schools, for negroes, buildings, N. C., 913;
normal schools, summer, Idaho, 933; Minn., 936;
public schools, buildings, Ala., 706; Sakakawea,
site for statue of, N. Dak., 696; salaries of teachers
in unorganized districts, N. Dak., 864; State
School for Boys, Me., 1583; state universities,
Ala., 1360; Minn., 1375; Miss., 1376; Nebr., 1328;
Okla., 1382; Oreg., 1341; Tenn., 1385, Wis., 1393;
summer courses, N. J., 939; Teachers' Annuity
Guild, Conn., 872; teachers' institutes, Ariz., 928;
teachers' institutes, traveling expenses, Fla., 932;
testing sight and hearing, Va., 1125; text-books
free, Md., 1141; text-books for state orphan insti-
tutions, Cal., 1568; transportation, rural schools,
Wis., 1020; to weak school districts, Ohio, 867.
Air, pure, requirement in school, Ind., 229 (13).
ALABAMA: 1, D 2, 58, 116, 117, D 118, 290, 314, 453,
493, 706, 759, 760, 830, D 831, 899, 900, 901, 902, 949,
1143, 1144, D 1145, 1205, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1273, 1303,
1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1402, 1450, 1488, 1531, 1563.
Alabama Girls' Industrial School, Ala., 1273, 1303.
Albany, N. Y., teachers' pensions, N. Y., 886.
Allowance, for printing, Ariz., 61; to county clerk,
Ariz., 182.

Alteration of school district boundaries, Kans., 333;
Nebr., 341.

Alumni representatives on board of trustees, Conn.,


Amelioration of condition of the blind, N. J., 1554.
Amendments, state constitutions, special levy for
educational institutions, Fla., 1307; to school
laws, Iowa, D 15.

Amusements, exhibitions and shows, licenses of,
Mass., 25.

Annexation of adjacent territory for school pur-
poses, Ill., 326; Kans., 330; Ohio, 349; Wash., 360.
Anniversary of founding of agricultural college,
Mich., 1416.

Annual limit of state aid, Wis., 507.

Apology for offense, insufficient, Iowa., D 129.
Apparatus, school, adoption by state text-book
commission, Okla., 1151; appropriation for, Wis.,
114; deficiency in, Wis., 492.

Appeal, from decision of commissioner, N. Y., D 88;
to state board of education, N. J., D 84.
Application, for a special school tax, Tex., 663; for
state aid, to be approved, Wis., 492; to state
superintendent, N. J., D 31.

Appointment, of a relative an offense, Okla., 43;
of free students, N. C., 1489; of parish school

[Figures in italics refer to pages; others to enactment numbers.]

directors, La., 73; of superintendents of public
instruction, N. Mex., 32; of teachers, 14; of
teachers, according to merit list, N. Y., 229 (9).
Apportionment, of appropriation, Okla., 478; of
forest reserve fund, Nebr., 367; of income of school
funds, Okla., 478; of school funds, Ill., D 127; Ga.,
464; Ky., 465; Utah, 485; Tex., 530; of state school
funds, 453-492; detention schools, N. J., 1615;
educational institutions, N. Dak., 1336; forfeit
for nonenforcement compulsory education_act,
Del., 1026; model schools, Wash., 920; teachers'
institutes, Ariz., 928, 929; transportation, N. J.,

Appraisal of school property, Okla., 401; Conn.,
510, 511.

Appropriation, by county board made from gen-
eral not from district fund, N. C., 1518; federal,
Okla., 478; for agricultural college, Mass., 1399;
for beneat of university, Ky., 1397; for college,
N. H., 1504; for educational Commission, Ill., 12;
for experiment stations, Ala., 1402; Ill., 1409;
N. Dak., 1431; for experiment stations, increased,
Ala., 1450; Ariz., 1451; Colo., 1452; Conn., 1453;
Del., 1454; Fla., 1455; Ga., 1456; Idaho, 1457;
Ill., 1458; Ind., 1459; Kans., 1460; Ky., 1451; Me.,
1462; Minn., 143; Mont., 144; Nebr., 14 5; Nev.,
1466; N. Lex., 1467; N. C., 14.8; Ohio, 1470; Okla.,
1471; Pa., 1472; Tenn., 1473; Tex., 1474; Utah,
1475; Vt., 1475; Va., 1477; Wash., 1478; Wyo.,
1479; for high schools, N. C., 148; for institute
for the blind, Me., 1550; for orphan home, Pa.,
1507; special, to university, Ga., 1407; restrictions
of, Ohio, 242.

Appropriations, state (see also Aid, state), for
preparation of schoolhouse plans, Wis., 712,
state, text-book commission, Mo., 1147; state,
text-book commission, Okla., 1151 (27).
Approval, of application for state aid, Wis., 492;
of buildings an i sites, 70-712; of plans of school
buildings, N. Y., 229 (4); of qualified voters of
city, ass., 210.

Arbor Day, Lont., 1182; N. J., 1184.

ARIZONA: 59, 60, 61, 119, 182, 183, 315, 316, 317, 454,

455, 45, 538, 611, 612, 676, 732, 761, 762, 763, 854,
928, 929, 957, 968, 984, 1021, 1126, 1185, 1304, 1451,

ARKANSAS: D 3, D 62, 120, D 184, 439, D 539, D 540,
613, 733, 808, 903, 930, 1022, D 1105, 1175, 1361,
1362, 1353, 1532, 1547, 1565.

Arkansas State Normal School, establishment,
Ark., 903.

Artesian wells upon school lands, S. Dak., 407.
Assembly, Iowa, acts of Iowa, D 15.

Assessed valuation basis of bond issue, Wis., 610.
Assessing and collecting school taxes, Ga., 618.
Assessments, for drainage purposes, Wash., 414;
of school taxes, change in record book, Va.,
668; under constitutional provisions, Okla., 302.
Assignee of purchasers of school lands, N. Dak., 396.
Assistance, clerical, for commissioner, R. I., 98;
to weak school districts, Ohio, 476.
Assistant county superintendents, Minn., 138.
Athletic association, Mich., D 1299.
Athletics, football, right of authorities to prohibit
game, Iowa, D 1093.

Attainments, of pupils, N. J., 30.

Attendance, at county school conventions, Oreg.,
155; average daily, Ariz., 456; Cal., D 457.
Attendance, compulsory, Ariz., 10-1; Cal., 1025; Del.,
1026; III., 1031; Iowa, 1032; Mont., D 1038; Mich.,
1041, D 1042, 1043; N. J., 1054; N. Y., 1055, 1056,
1057; Ohio, D 1067; Okla., 1068; Oreg., 1069; Wis.,
1085; Wyo., 1087; age certificates certain schools,
Mass., 1037; Campbell County, Tenn., 1074; certia-
cates, Pa., 1070, 1071; deaf and blind children, S.
Dak., 1073; deaf and feeble-minded, exe nption of,
N. Dak., 1064; deaf children, Mich., 1039; Minn.,
1046; N. C., 1061; exemption, N. II., D 1035; for full
term in cities, Nebr., 1052; Goldsboro Township,
N. C., 1059; Indian children, N. C., D 1062, 1063;
S. Dak., 1072; local option, N. C., 1060; local option,
Va., 1079; payment to widowed dependent mothers
of children subject to, Okla., 1068; Richmond
County (Augusta), Ga., 19 8; St. I ouis, Mo., 1040;
Scott County, Tenn., 1074, 1075; unorganized
towns, Vt., 1077.

Attendance, indigent children, Ga., 1028; nonresi-
dents, Ariz., 984; nonresidents, Idaho, 986; of non-
residents, Me., 495; officers (see Truant officers);
school, 15; teachers' institutes, Ariz., 9.9.
Attorneys, school, provided for, Minn., 217.
Audit, of books and records, Mich., 135.
Audit and payment of claims, Va., 533.
Auditor, to publish loans from school funds, Ind.,
Authority of school districts to levy taxes, Kans.,
632; of school inspectors, Mich., 297; statutory, ab-
sence of, Kans., D 18; to appoint janitors, Mass.,
209; to compile school laws, Oreg., 46; to employ
teachers, Ill., D 626; to establish state board of
agriculture, Mich, 1418; to levy taxes delegated,
N. C., D 651.

Authorization, of building necessary, Ill., D 628, 629;
of state treasurer to pay school moneys, Okla., 432;
of university to receive as a branch any other uni-
versity, Wis., 1513; to borrow money for school
purposes, N. J., 580.

Authors of text-books, N. Y., 229 (11).
Average daily attendance based upon five preced-
ing years, Me., 495; must be no less than six, Vt.,
486 (4).


Balance, of dog tax to go school fund, Mich., 516;
unexpended, Ariz., 538.

Ballot, forms of, Mich., 297.

Baltimore, playgrounds, Md., 1197, 1197 (a); teach-
ers' pensions, Md., 877 (a).

Basis, of apportionment of school funds, Wash.,
110; of distribution of school funds, Pa., 481; of
state aid for high schools, Vt., 502; of taxation
last assessment roll, Cal., 614.

Beliefs, religious or political, shall not control, Vt.,

Beneficiary scholarships in agricultural college,
S. C., 1438.

Benefits of grant accepted, Fla., D 1406.

Benton High School, prohibiting sale of liquors
near, La., 738.

Bequests, legacies, and gifts taxed, Okla., 446.
Betterment of rural schools, Wis., 492.

Bible reading, N. Y., 313-516; Tex., 316–320.
Bibliography of education, legislation, 16.

Blank forms, registers, courses of study, examins-
tion questions, Ariz., 61.

Blind and deaf children, Utah, 1542-1544.
Blind children, education of, 1547-1557; compelled
to attend school, N. C., 1556; S. Dak., 1073; of the
State, condition of, N. J., 1554; provided for,
Mich., 27 (15).

Board, may contract with boards of other districts,
N. H., 647; of agriculture, state, Mich., 27 (7); of
arbitration, change of boundaries, Mo., 339; of
commissioners for sale of lands, Oreg., D 404; of
division or apportionment, Vt., 486 (2).
Board, state teachers' training, to arrange system
of normal instruction, Ind., 922.
Board of education, cit, dismissal of teachers, Cal.,
D 832; N. Y., 845; created, Me., 208; Tenn., 258;
W. Va., 276; cit, employment of teachers, (al.,
831; county, teachers' contracts, Ala., 830; D 831;
head of department of public instruction, N. Y.,
229 (1); in cities, Ohio, 236; levy of taxes, Ohio,
D 38; local, authority to control fraternities,
Minn., 1005; local, no ination of teachers, Ala.,
830, D 831; local, relief of indirent pupils, Ohio,
947; local, tenure of teachers, Ohio, D 852; local,
transportation of pupils, D 1009; state, Mich., 27
(6); state, certi cates, Kans., 86; Mich., $20;
state, contracts waiving qualifications of teachers
illegal, Ill., D 835; state, normal instruction in
high schools, Va., 926; state, pension regulations,
R. I., 833; state, retirement of teachers, Va., 896;
state, to constitute teachers' training board, Ind.,
922; to hold over, Okla., 245; to make rules, Ill.,
D 195; to make and enforce rules and regulations,
Nev., D 224.

Board of educational examiners, Nev., 29.
Board of estimates, fixed sum to be raised for school
purposes, N. J., 525.

[Figures in italics refer to pages; others to enactment numbers. ]

Board of estimates and apportionment, N. Y., 229

Board of health, state, D 714; state, required to in-
spect schoolhouses, Mass., 719.

Board of inspection for schoolhouses, N. Dak., 707.
Board of inspectors, in place of city council, Minn.,
D 222; to employ clerks, Minn., 217.
Board of regents, of agricultural colleges, Okla., 1436;
of university, Mich., 27 (3).

Board of school trustees, empowered to issue bonds,
Ind., 555; statutory, Ind., D 196; incorporated,
Tex., 261.

Board of trustees, of college abolished, Ga., 1408;
of institute for the deaf, Ala., 1531; reconstitu-
tion of N. C., 1429.

Board of supervisors, Mich., 135.

Board of visitors, provided for, N. C., 1429.
Boards and officers, educational institutions, ap-
propriation for salary and expenses, Okla., 1338;
state, accountability for expenditures, La., 1318;
N. Dak., 1335; annual inventories of property,
N. Dak., 1337; University of Arkansas, Ark.,

Boards of school inspectors, Ill., D 194, 624; not to
levy taxes, Ill., D 626.

Body corporate, board of regents, Mich., 27 (4).
Bond, for ordnance and ordnance stores, S. C.,
1485; of district clerk, N. J., 226; of treasurer,
Minn., 218; Mich., 518.

Bond issue for repair of schools, Miss., 642.
Bonds, county school, Va., 177; exempted from
debt limit, Minn., 571; exempted from taxation,
S. C., 592; for the liquidation and payment of
claim, Ind., 1497; held by school fund, Kans., 421;
illegally issued, Ind., 554; issued for school pur-
poses, S. Dak., 100; Tex., D 309; Cal., D 542;
Conn., 543-547; Del., 548; Ind.,555,558,559; Nebr.,
576; Nev., 577; N. J., 579; N. Y., 581; N. Dak.,
584; Okla., 585; R. I., 590; S. C., 591; S. Dak., 593;
Tenn., 594; Tex., 596; Utah, 599; Wash., 601, 604;
W. Va., 605; Wis., 608, 609; not to exceed 10 per
cent of property, Kans., 562; to erect high school
building, Kans., 563; Mont., 575; to pay indebted-
ness, Kans., 562; Ind., 557.

Bonds and indebtedness, building bonds for state
university, Idaho, 1312, 1314, D 1315; constitute
lien on district property, Va., 709; county high
schools, Nebr., 1247; county high schools, Cal.,
1221; county high schools, buildings, and sites,
Colo., 1225; experiment farm, Del., 1306; fire pro-
tection, Utica, N. Y., 695; University of Virginia,
Va., 1346.

Bonds and notes, canceled, Ind., 557.
Borrowing money authorized, Ark., D 539.
Boston, authorizing vacation schools, playgrounds,
etc., Mass., 1197 b; school nurses, Mass., 1123;
teachers' pensions. Mass.. 880.

Boundaries of school districts, Oreg., 156; Ala., 314;
Ariz., 316; Cal., D 320; Ga., 322; Iowa, 328; Kans.,
333; Minn., 338; Mo., 339; Nebr., 341; W. Va., 361.
Branch station of state experiment station, La.,


Buffalo, N. Y., teachers' examinations, N. Y.,
D 776.

Building, for school for the feeble-minded, Me.,
1559; bonds for payment for labor and materials,
S. Dak., 700; fund limited, W. Va., 489; must
first be authorized before tax is levied. Ill., D 628.
Buildings and sites, 14, 676-705; approval of plans,
706-712; decoration, sanitation, and inspection,
713-731; engineering department, state univer-
sity, Minn., 1375, higher educational institutions,
Idaho. 1312, 1313, 1314, D 1315; in prohibition
districts, 732-748; normal schools, appropria-
tions, Conn., 905; state aid, district agricultural
high schools, Okla., 1291 (18); state university,
Wash., 1388; Wis., 1393.

Buildings and supplies, local tax levy for, W. Va.,

Burkett-Pollard bill, urging passage of, Utah, 1179.


CALIFORNIA: 4. D 5. 63, 64, 121, 185, D 186. D 186,
318, 319, D 320, 362. 417 (a), D 457, 508. 541 D 542,
614, 749. D 832. D 833. D 834. 855. 904. 950, 969, 1023,
1024, 1025, 1088, 1107, 1127, 1139 a, 1155, 1177,

D 1190, 1193, D 1194, 1206, 1220, 1221, 1222, D 1223,
D 1224, 1364, 1365, 1491, 1492, 1514, 1566, 1567, 1568,
306-310, 310–313.

Cancellation of warrants paid, Cal., 509.

Care, of historical collections, Iowa, 1516; of school
lands, N. Mex., 32; of school property, duty of
board, N. Y., 229 (4); of the feeble-minded, Me.,

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching, La., 877; Mass, $78.

Cases, of extreme emergency, Ky., D 22; of indi-
gence of feeble-minded, N. Dak., 1561.
Census, of blind and deaf persons, Idaho, 1534; of
children, basis of distribution of funds, Pa., 481;
taken by board of trustees, Ariz. 183.

Census, school, 949-966; Del., 1026; N. Dak., 475,
961; Tenn., D 483; Mont., 956, 957; Tex., 963;
Wash., 965; biennially, by local authorities, la.,
949; changing year of quadrennial, Miss., 955;
creating census boards in cities, N. Y., 959; defect-
ives, La., 953; defining census child, Cal., 950;
enumeration of defectives, Ohio, 962; quinquen-
nial, N. J., 958; upon change in boundaries of dis-
trict, Va., 964; what to include, Conn., 95.
Census board, in cities, N. Y., 959.
Centralization of small schools, Vt., 486.
Centralized schools, control of, Ohio, 348.
Ceramics, instruction in, N. J., 1422.

Certificate, general, to pay warrants, Wash., 536; of
election returns, Ala., 290; Pa., 305; of expenses,
sworn to, Vt., 486 (3); of necessity by board equal
to an authorization, Ill., D 629; of qualiLcation,
R. I., 249; of vaccination, Ark., D 184.
Certificates, highest state, N. Dak., 90; of teachers,
Nev., 29; N. Mex., 32; S. Dak., 100; Ind., 839-342;
Ariz., 454; of teachers, must be shown, Idaho, 193;
of teachers repealed, Iowa, D 130; without
examination, Wash., 112. See also Teachers'

Certificates and examinations of teachers, 759-796.
Chair for forestry in state university, I a., 1413.
Chairman, of division boards, Ky., 133; of school
board, Minn., 221.

Change, of boundary of school district, N. Y., 345;
Minn., 520; of name, of agricultural college, S. Dak.,
1440; of name, of college, Ky., 1499; of name, of
high school district, Cal., 318; of name, of reform
school, Pa., 1507; of name, of school, La., 135,
1549; Ohio, 1540; Utah, 1542; Mass., 1558, 1560.
Charges against teachers, Cal., D 186.
Charleston, S. C., teachers' retirement fund, S. C.,

Charter, city, N. Y., D 33, 230, 231; Tenn., 257
Tex., 262; not to be granted by special law, S. C.,
D 352; special, Tex., D 664.

Check list used in election, N. H., 646.
Chicago, Ill., high-school fraternities, Ill., D 1090,
D 1091; pension fund for teachers, Ill., 874. D 875.
Child labor, Ark., 1022; Ariz., 1021; Cal., 1024, 1025;
Fla., 1027; Ga., 1029; Idaho, 1030, 1033; Ky., 1034,
1035; La., 1036; Mich., 1044; Minn., 1045; Miss., 1047;
Mo., 1048; Mont., 1050; Nebr., 1051; N. Y., 108;
N. C., 1060; Ohio, 1066; Pa., 1071; Vt., 1076; Va.,
1078; Wash., 1080, 1081, 1082; Wis., 1086; Camp-
bell county, Tenn., 1074; certificates, Pa., 1070;
St. Louis, Mo., 1049; Scott county, Tenn., 1075.
Child labor and truancy, 1021-1087.
Children, not vaccinated, excluded from school,
N. Y., D 34; on island, can not be held under the
compulsory attendance act, Mass., D 335; totally
deaf or blind, Utah, 1543.

Church bodies and alumni to elect trustees, Ind.,

Circulating library for the blind, Utah, 1524.
Cities, of the first class, schools under control of
board, Okla., D 45; Wis., D 288; of the second
class, Va., 358; reincorporated, Wis., 284; under
commission. S. Dak., 253.

City, included in term town, R. I., 250; may levy
a tax to complete a building, Ill., D 553.
City charter, must harmonize with law, Cal., D 5;
subject to general laws, Cal., D 542.
City comptroller and treasurer, N. Y., 229 (12).
City council, performing duties of board of educa
tion, Minn., 217; refused to levy tax, Ga., D 551;
to act as school board, Minn., D 222.
City government, branch of, Ill., D 194.
City school board, may be sued, Ky., D 201.

[Figures in italics refer to pages; others to enactment numbers.]

City school districts, condemnation of property for
school purposes, Minn., 689; Nebr., 690; loan of
literary fund for building purposes, Va., 710;
nonliability for damages for pupils' injuries, Ky.,
D 716; removal of restriction as to location of
high schools, Wis., 704; title to property, Ky., D
City school systems, authority to provide annual
school excursions, N. J., 1186; dependent and de-
linquent children, Utah, 1616; parental schools,
Wis., 1617; permanent census boards, N. Y., 959;
teachers' institutes, Wash., 946; tenure of teach-
ers, Cal., D 832; uniform text-books, Mo., 1147 (3).
City superintendent of schools, Nev., 29.

City treasurer, compensation, Va., 172; reports of,
N. Dak., 527.

Civil city, government of, Ind., D 196.

Civil government, instruction, N. C., 1168.

Civil-war claims, added to school fund, Vt., 435 (1).
Classification, of public lands, Oreg., 403; of school
districts, Ariz., 454.

Classification and arrangement, method of, 13.
Clay working and ceramics, instruction in, N. J.,

Clerical assistance to county superintendents, N. J.,


Clerk, of school board, Va., 270; Wis., 282; performs
duties of treasurer, Ohio, 528; to keep records,
N. Y., 229 (6); not to take fees, N. Y., 229 (6); to
administer oaths, N. Y.. 229 (6).

Clerk of school districts, allowance, Ariz., 182.
Closing a school, for lack of pupils, Mass., D 26.
Clothing provided for indigent deaf and blind chil-
dren, N. C., 1528.

Code, political, Cal., 122.

Codification of school laws, Iowa, 14.
Collection of local senool tax, Ga., 322, 618.
College, agricultural, branch of university, Ga., 1396;
of mines, Mich., 27 (10); properties transferred to
county boards of education, Tenn., 1508.
Colleges (see also Universities and colleges), may be
supported by tax, Ohio, 653; recipients of interest
of fund from sale of land, Fla., D 363; of agricul
ture and the mechanic arts (see Agricultural and
mechanical colleges).

Collegiate course, branches of, in agricultural insti-
tution, Ga., 1396.

Collinwood school fire relief commission, Ohio, 37.
COLORADO: D 6, 509, 677, 975, 1089, 1207, 1225, 1305,
1366, 1403, 1452, 1493, 1569, 1570, 1571, 1610.
Colored children, no exclusion of, Kans., D 17.
Colored people, school districts for, Del., 321.
Colored school taxes, Del., 616.
Columbus Day, declaring legal holiday, Colo., 975.
Commercial courses in high schools, Me., 495.
Commission, allowed to county treasurer, Va., 177.
Commission, agricultural and industrial education,
Okla., 1291; educational, created, Ill., 12; Ky., 20;
for control of summer normal schools, Idaho, 933;
for examination normal school facilities, Vt., 918;
for the blind, state, Mass.,1551; high-school build-
ing, Haverhill, Mass., 12:3; industrial education,
Md., 1278; Mass., 24, 1279, 1280; N. J., 1284; Okla.,
1291; on state text-books. Kans., 71; school fire,
Ohio, 37; text-book, salaries, per diem, Mo., 1147
(2); N. C., 1150; Okla., 1151 (23); text-book uni-
formity, Cal., 1127; Idaho, 1146; Mo., D 1133,
1147; Mont., 1148; Nev., 1149; N. C., 1150; Okla.,
1151; Tex., 1153; to amend, revise, and collate
the laws, Pa., 47; to devise method of expanding
school system, Va., 52; to examine and codify the
laws, Iowa, 14; to recodify the code of school law,
Wash., 53.

Commission plan, for cities, S. Dak., 253.
Commissioner, of deeds, N. Y., 229 (6); of educa
tion, city, N. Y., 229 (2); of education, state, his
powers, N. Y., D 88; of land office to make leases,
Okla., 401; of public reports, N. J., 83; of public
works, N. Y., 229 (13).

Committee of appraisement, Conn., 510.
Common council, to investigate corporations, Ind.,
D 197; to supervise and investigate, Ind., D 196.
Common schools, free, Mont., D 28; income fund,

N. Mex., 392; meaning of term, Okla., 1151 (25);
Kans., D 1236; organization of, Ohio, D 40; pro-
vided for by constitution, Cal., D 457.

Compensation, of board of education, N. Mex., 32;
Ohio, 239; W. Va., 277; of clerks of boards, Ohio,
153; Nev., 224; of convention members, Oreg.,
155; of county auditor, Iowa, 383; of county board,
Fla., 124; Utah, 167; of county high-school trus-
tees, Kans., 132; of county officers, S. C., 158; of
county superintendents, Mo., 141; Tex., 166; of
district clerks, N. J., 226; of members of board of
examiners, Iowa, 70; for school commissioners,
Tenn., 256; of school director, Wis., 278; of school-
district treasurer, Wis., 278; of state superintend-
ent, Mich., 27 (2); La., 72; of tax assessor, La.,
516; of township officers, Mich., 296.
Compilation of school law, Dakota, N. Dak., 35.
Complaints of citizens, Pa., 48.

Composition, of state board of education, Cal., 63.
Compulsory school attendance, child labor, tru-
aney, 1021-1087; Okla., 42; Ń. Y., 229 (5); act
interpreted, Tex., D 335; made more rigid, W.
Va., 54. See also Attendance, compulsory.
Compulsory education, S. Dak., 100; of deaf chil-
dren, Wis., 1546.

Condemnation of property for school purposes, Ind.,
679; Ariz., 676; Cal., 671; Ill., 678; Mich., D 1987.
Conditions, of common schools, inquiry, Conn., 8;
under which state aid is withheld, Wis., 506.
Congress, memorialized by Wisconsin legislature,
Wis., 55; to decide use of fund, S. C., 376.
CONNECTICUT: 7, 8, 65, 66, 188, 189, 291, 458, 459, 460,
510, 511, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 734, 772, 905, 951,
985, 1120, 1140, 1226, 1274, 1404, 1405, 1453, 1494.
Connecticut Teachers' Annuity Guild, state aid,
Conn., 872.

Consolidation, of administrative units, 314-361; of
rural school districts, Minn., 408; of school dis-
tricts, W. Va., 54; Ariz., 317; Ga., 322; Ill., 326;
Iowa, 327, 325; Kans., D 334; N. J., 344; Conn.,
511; N. J., 579; size of school sites, Iowa, 682 (see
also Union school districts); of schools, 984-1020;
Ind., 958, D 989; Mo., 1002; Ohio, 1011; Wis., 1020.
Constitution, contravention of, Wis., D 287; directs
the levying of school taxes, N. C., D 652; new, of
Michigan, Mich., 27; of Oklahoma, Art. XI,
Okla., 400; of Oklahoma quoted, Okla., 42;
state, prohibits support of religious denomination,
Tex., D 377.

Construction of schoolhouses, Mass., 568; N. J., D
692; paid for on the rental plan, Okla., 654; with
reference to lighting, heating, and ventilation,
N. Dak., 707.

Contagious diseases (see also Medical inspection
and vaccination); Čal., 1107; Conn., 1120 (5);
prohibiting school attendance from quarantined
places, Oreg., 1110; teachers' salaries during
close of school because of, N. Mex., 859.
Contract, awarded to lowest bidder, N. J., D 228;
between district board and state board, Ill., D
627; for school buildings, to include bond for
prompt payment for labor and material, S. Dak.,
700; for school supplies, N. J., D 228; not impaired
by new law, Fla., D 1406; of teachers, 14.
Contravention, of the state constitution, Wis., D

Control, by board of trustees, Tex., D 664; of public
education, 1-57; of public lands, Oreg., 403; of
public schools, Cal., D 5; Fla., D 10; Mich., 27;
Ala., D 118; Tenn., 259. See also Management
and government of schools.

Controller of taxes, N. J., 472.

Controversies under school law, N. J., D 84.
Controversy, between a citizen and school board,
N. J., D 31.

Conveyance, of land to U. S. Government for
weather station, Mich., 1417; of real estate belong-
ing to educational institutions, Va., 1510, 1511; of
schoolhouses and lands, N. J., 343.
Convenience of access to school, N. J., 30.
Conventions, county school board, Oreg., 155.
Conversion of the school fund, Cal., 417 (a).
Convicts, pay for their hire, S. C., 1439.
Cooperation, of State and nation, Wis., 55; with
farmers for demonstration farms, N. Dak., 1434.
Corporal punishment, 1101-1103; N. C., D 1101;
Tex., D 1102.

Corporate entity of school district, Cal., D 320
Corporate powers of school districts, Va., 27"

[ocr errors]

[Figures in italics refer to pages; others to enactment numbers.]

Corporate property, subject to local taxation, Ga.,

Corporate rights of College of Agriculture, N. C.,
Corporation, a municipal, Mich., D 215; municipal,
empowered to employ a superintendent, Cal.,
D 187; for the maintenance of schools, Wis., 1513.
Correspondence course, University of Wisconsin,
Wis., 1203.

Cost of county schools of agriculture, Wis., 607.
Counties, division of property Letween, Okla., 372.
County, may lend money to district, Va., 600; to
build schoolhouses, Okla., D 45; unit of school
organization, Ky., 133.

County advisory board, Tenn., 162.

County board of education (see also Board of edu-
cation, county); S. Dak., 100; Minn., 137; com-
pensation, S. C., 158; eligibility, Ala., 116; per
diem, S. C., 160.

County boards and their officers, 116–181.
County commissioner, of schools, Mich., 134; power
of, Fla., D 617; to act where Loard fails, Ohio, 240.
County courts, appoint board of education, Tenn.,
165; levy taxes for school purposes, Oreg., 656.
County examiner, superseded, Ark., 120.
County free high schools, Mont., D 28.
County high-school fund, Kans., 132.
County road and school fund, Utah, 378.
County school boards, powers and duties, Va., 178.
County school district of the first class, Utah, 169.
County school examiners, Ohio, 154.

County superintendency of schools (see also Super-
intendent of schools, county); abolished, Nev., 29.
County superintendent, 32; to act in emergency,
Ky., D 22.

County supervision of schools, Tex., 166.

County taxation for school purposes, C11-D 664.
County treasurer, compensation, Va., 172.
Coupon bonds, Tex., 595.

Course of instruction in ceramics, N. J., 1422.
Course of study, agriculture, secondary schools,
Okla., 1291 (11); commissioner of high schools,
Ind., 1230; creating state committee to prepare,
Utah, 1100; district agricultural high schools, Ga.,
1277; elementary agriculture, Ark., 1176; elemen-
tary agriculture, Cal., 1177; Tex., 1178; for dis-
trict schools, Utah, 108; grammar-grade postgrad-
uate, Cal., 1155; high schools giving normal train-
ing, Nebr., 923; high-school postgraduate, Cal.,
1220; history, state and national, N. C., 118;
industrial branches, Okla., 1291 (2); in schools of
N. Mex., 32; local geography and history, l ́e.,
1166; public schools, elementary agriculture,
Okla., 1291 (2); requiring instruction in English
branches at least half day, Wis., 1163; sanitation,
Utah, 1173; special studies, Vt., 1162; state, Vt.,
1161; state constitution, Del., 1164; state normal
schools, N. Dak., 914; Öreg., 917; state system of
normal instruction, Ind., 922; teachers' institutes,
Okla., 942; temperance instruction, N. C., 1172.
Court of common pleas, authorized school directors
to borrow money, Pa., 586.

Courts, juvenile. See Juvenile courts.
Courts, levying taxes for school purposes, Oreg., 656.
Credit, loaned and faith pledged, N. C., D 583.
Creditors and liens, Pa., 588.

Crimes, punishment of, N. J., 370.

Critic teachers paid in part by school district, Ill.,
D €27.

Custodian, of joint school districts, N. J., 526; of
schoolhouses, N. Y., 229 (2); of school moneys,
N. J., 526.


Damages, dogs killing sheep, Mich., 517, 519; for
injuries to pupils, liability of district sustained,
Wash., D 728.

Data, demanded in reports, N. Dak., 91.
Date of district meetings, Okla., 302.

Days for special observance, 1182-1185 (see also Holi-
days, Columbus Day, Lincoln's Birthday, etc.);
Arbor Day, Mont., 1182; N. J., 1184; Flag Day,
N. J., 1167; Jamestown Landing, N. H., 1183;
programmes, Kans., 1165; Rhode Island Inde-
pendence Day, R. I., 1169.

Deaf and dumb, education of, 1531-1546,

Deaf, blind, and feeble-minded, instruction for,
Mich., 27 (15); Vt., 1530.

Deaf children compelled to attend school, N. C.,
1556; Minn., 1046; Mich., 1039; S. Dak., 1073; ex-
empted from compulsory act, N. Dak., 1064.
Decisions of federal and state supreme courts, 299-
Decisions, of school directors final, Pa., D 49; of
state board of education, Cal., D 6; of state su-
preme courts (see index numbers preceded by D).
Decoration of school buildings, 713-731.
Defective children (see also Blind, Crippled, Deaf,
and Deaf and dumb children); enumeration,
New Orleans, La., 953; deaf and blind, Ind., 1574;
regulating importation into State, Md., 1583a.
Defective hearing. See Medical inspection, sight
and hearing.

Defective sight and hearing. See Medical inspec-
tion, sight and hearing.

Defectives, education of, 16, 1528-1562; Ark., D 62;
Okla., 42; enumeration, Ohio, 962.

Defects in sale of school lands, Ohio, 398.
Defenders Day, making legal holiday, Md., 977a.
Deficiency in apparatus and equipment, Wis., 492.
Deficit in school fund, Mich., 519.

Definition, of depopulated school districts, Kans.,
331, 332; of elementary school, Vt., 486; of grades
of instruction, Fla., 461; of membership and
powers of board of investment, Minn., 77; of
powers and duties of educational commission, Ill.,
12; of provision of founder's will, Colo., 1493; of
school age, Okla., 42; of school status, Cal., 4; of
school year, S. Dak., 100; of suitable school facili-
ties, N. J., 30; of term "colored children," Okla.,
42; of term "electors," Wis., D 313; of term
"town," R. I., 250; of white and colored schools,
Okla., 44.

Degree-granting institutions, Ohio, 1506.
Degrees (see also Teachers' certificates; academic,
conferred, Ohio, 1506; Ind., 1496; certificate with-
out examination to holders of, Mich., 820; holders
of, exempted from examinations, Mich., 820; nor-
mal schools, Ill., 810, 811, 812, 813.
DELAWARE: 9, 123, 292, 321, 418, 548, 549, 550, 615,
616, 856, 1026, 1164, 1306, 1454, 1533, 1548, 1572.
Delinquent children (see also Juvenile courts); Ala.,
1563; Ariz., 1564; Ark., 1565; Cal., 1566, 1567;
Idaho, 1573, 1575; Ky., 1577, 1578; La., 1580, 1581;
Mich., 1586; Minn., 1587; Mont., 1590; Nebr.,
1592; Oreg., 1600; Tenn., 1603; Wis., 1008; Wyo.,
1609; detention homes, Colo., 1610; Iowa, 1611;
Kans., 1575; Minn., 1587; Nebr., 1614; N. J.,
1615; Utah, 1616; industrial schools, Me., 1582;
Mass., 1584, 1584 (a); N. II., 1593; N. C., 1596; re-
form schools, Cal., 1566; Colo., 1571; Del., 1572;
Ind., 1574; Vt., 1605; Wash., 1606; Wis., 1608;
state orphan homes, Okla., 1599; truant and pa-
rental schools, Wis., 1617; truant schools, Mass.,


Delinquents and dependents, education of, 16,

Demonstration farms, experiment stations for, N.
Dak., 1434.

Demonstration of arid land, Utah, 1443.

Department, of agriculture, appropriation for, Va.,
107; of education, recognition of graduates from,
Md., 818; of education, West Virginia University,
validating diplomas from, W. Va., 826; of public
instruction, N. Y.; 229, 232; of public reports,
N. J., 83.

Dependent children, Ariz., 1564; Ark., 1565; Cal.,
1567, 1568; Colo., 1570; Ky., 1577, 1578; La., 1580,
Dependents and delinquents, education of, 16, 1563-

Depopulated school districts, Kans., 331, 332.
Deposit of school moneys, N. Dak., 371; Mich., 518;
Wyo., 537.

Depositories for school moneys, Ohio, 528.
Deprivation, of equal protection of law, Ky., D 21.
Deputy, commissioner of school lands, N. Dak., 427;
county superintendent, N. Dak., 152; state su-
perintendent, secretary of board, Wash., 111, 113;
superintendent, Nev., 29; appointment of, Utah,


Detention schools, 1610-1617.

Determination of cases of emergency, Ky., D 22.

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