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Padua, The Taming of the Shrew: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. iv; Act V, sc. i, ii BARDOLPH, King Henry IV: Part 1, Act II, sc. ii, iv; Act III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. ii; Part 2, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. i, ii, iv; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. i, iii, v; King Henry V: Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. ii; Merry Wives of Windsor: Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. v; Act IV, sc. iii, v BARNARDINE, a dissolute prisoner, Measure for Measure: Act IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. i BASSANIO, friend to Antonio and suitor to Portia, The Merchant of Venice: Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i
BASSET, of the Red-Rose or Lan- caster faction, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act III, sc. iv; Act IV, sc. i
BASSIANUS, brother to Saturninus, Titus Andronicus: Act I, sc.
i; Act II, sc. ii, iii BATES, soldier in King Henry's army, King Henry V: Act IV, sc. i
BEATRICE, niece to Leonato, Much Ado About Nothing: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. iv; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. ii, iv
BEAUFORT, Henry, great-uncle to the King, Bishop of Winches- ter, afterwards Cardinal, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. i, iv; Act
IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, iv; Part 2, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. i, ii, iii BEAUFORT, JOHN, see Earl of Somerset, King Henry VI BEAUFORT, THOMAS, DUKE OF EXETER, great-uncle to the king, King Henry V: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii, iv; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. iii, vi, vii, viii; Act V, sc. ii; King Henry VI: Part 1, Act I, sc. i; Act III, sc. i, iv; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, v; Part 3, Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. v; Act IV, sc. viii
BEDFORD, DUKE OF, brother to King Henry V, King Henry V: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i, iii; Act V, sc. ii; King Henry VI: Part 1, Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. ii
BELARIUS, a banished lord, dis- guised under the name of Morgan, Cymbeline: Act III, sc. iii, vi; Act IV, sc. ii, iv; Act V, sc. v
BELCH, SIR TOBY, uncle to Olivia, Twelfth Night: Act I, sc. iii, v; Act II, sc. iii, v; Act III, sc. i, ii, iv; Act IV, sc. i, ii; Act V, sc. i
BENEDICK, a young lord of Pa- dua, Much Ado About Noth- ing: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, ii, iv
BENVOLIO, nephew to Montague, and friend to Romeo, Romeo and Juliet: Act I, sc. i, ii, iv; Act II, sc. i, iv; Act III, sc. i
BERNARDO, an officer, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Act I, sc. i, ii
BERTRAM, count of Rousillon, All's Well That Ends Well: Act I, sc. i, ii; Act II, sc. i, iii, v; Act III, sc. iii, v, vi; Act IV, sc. ii, iii; Act V, sc. iii
BEVIS, George, follower of Jack Cade, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. ii, vii
BIANCA, mistress to Cassio, Othel- lo: Act III, sc. iv; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i
BIANCA, daughter to Baptista, The Taming of the Shrew: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. ii; Act V, sc. i, ii
BIGOT, LORD, King John: Act IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. ii, iv, vii BIONDELLO, servant to Lucentio, The Taming of the Shrew: Act I, sc. i, ii; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. ii, iv; Act V, sc. i, ii
BIRON, lord attending on the King, Love's Labor's Lost: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. ii
BLANCH, of Spain, niece to King John, King John: Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. i
BLOUNT, SIR JAMES, King Rich- ard III: Act V, sc. ii BLUNT, SIR WALTER, King Henry IV: Part 1, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. i, iii; Part 2, Act IV, sc. iii
BOLINGBROKE, HENRY, Duke of Hereford, son to John of Gaunt, afterwards King Henry IV, King Richard II: Act I, sc. ii, iii; Act II, sc. iii; Act
III, sc. i, iii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. iii, vi BOLINGBROKE, a conjurer, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act I, sc. iv; Act II, sc. iii
BONA, sister to the French Queen, King Henry VI: Part 3, Act III, sc. iii BORACHIO, follower of Don John, Much Ado About Nothing: Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. ii; Act V, sc. i
Воттом, а weaver, A Midsummer- Night's Dream: Act I, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i, ii
BOULT, Pericles, Prince of Tyre: Act IV, sc. ii, vi BOURBON, DUKE OF, King Henry V: Act III, sc. v; Act IV, sc.
BOURCHIER, CARDINAL: see Arch- bishop of Canterbury, King Richard III
Boy, Troilus', Troilus and Cres- sida: Act I, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii
BOYET, lord attending on the Princess of France, Love's Labor's Lost: Act II, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. ii BRABANTIO, a senator, Othello: Act I, sc. i, ii, iii BRAKENBURY, SIR ROBERT, Lieu- tenant of the Tower, King Richard III: Act I, sc. i, iv; Act IV, sc. i
BRANDON, SIR WILLIAM, King Richard III: Act V, sc. iii BRANDON, King Henry VIII: Act I, sc. i
BRUTUS, DECIUS, conspirator, Julius Cæsar: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i
BRUTUS, JUNIUS, tribune of the people, Coriolanus: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, ii, iii; Act III, sc. i, iii; Act IV, sc. ii, vi; Act V, sc. i
MARCUS, Julius Cæsar: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. ii, iii; Act V, sc. i, ii, iii, iv, v BUCKINGHAM, DUKE OF, King Richard III: Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i, ii, iv, v, vii; Act IV, se. ii; Act V, sc. i
BUCKINGHAM, DUKE OF, King Henry VIII: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i
BUCKINGHAM, Duke of, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act I, sc. ii, iii, iv; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. iv, viii, ix; Act V, sc. i
BULLEN, ANNE, Maid of Honor to Queen Katharine, afterwards Queen, King Henry VIII: Act I, sc. iv; Act II, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. i
BURGUNDY, DUKE OF, King Henry V: Part 1, Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. ii, iii; Act IV, sc. vii; Act V, sc. ii
BURGUNDY, DUKE OF, King Lear: Act I, sc. i
BusHY, servant to King Richard II, King Richard II: Act I, sc. iii, iv; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i
BUTTS, DOCTOR, physician to the King, King Henry VIII: Act V, sc. ii
CADE, JACK, a rebel, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. ii, iii, vi, vii, viii, x
CÆSAR, JULIUS, Julius Cæsar: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i
CÆSAR, OCTAVIUS, triumvir, An- tony and Cleopatra: Act I, sc. iv; Act II, sc. ii, iii, vi, vii; Act III, sc. ii, vi, viii, xii; Act IV, sc. i, vi, xi; Act V, sc. i, ii
CÆSAR, OCTAVIUS, triumvir, Julius Cæsar: Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, v
CAITHNESS, nobleman of Scot- land, Macbeth: Act V, sc. ii, iv
CAIUS, DOCTOR, a French physi- cian, Merry Wives of Windsor: Act I, sc. iv, Act II, sc. iii; Act III, sc. i, ii, iii; Act IV, sc. ii, v; Act V, sc. iii, v CALCHAS, a Trojan priest, taking part with the Greeks, Troilus and Cressida: Act III, sc. iii CALIBAN, a savage and deformed slave, The Tempest: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i CALPURNIA, wife to Cæsar, Julius Cæsar: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii CAMBRIDGE, EARL OF, King Henry V: Act II, sc. ii CAMILLO, A Lord of Sicilia, The Winter's Tale: Act I, sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. ii, iv; Act V, sc. iii
CAMPEIUS, Cardinal, King Henry VIII: Act II, sc. ii, iv; Act III, sc. i
CANIDIUS, lieutenant-general to
Antony, Antony and Cleopatra: CATO, the Younger, friend to Bru- Act III, sc. vii, x
tus and Cassius, Julius Cæsar:
King Richard III: Act III, CELIA, daughter to Frederick, As
King Henry V: Act I, sc. i,
CAPHIS, servant, Timon of Ath- ens: Act II, sc. i, ii CAPUCIUS, Ambassador from Em- peror Charles V, King Henry VIII: Act IV, sc. ii
CAPULET, head of his house at variance with the house of Montague, Romeo and Juliet: Act I, sc. i, ii, v; Act III, sc. i, iv, v; Act IV, sc. ii, iv, v; Act V, sc. iii
CAPULET, LADY, wife to Capulet, Romeo and Juliet: Act I, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. iv, v; Act IV, sc. ii, iii, iv, v; Act V, sc. iii
CARLISLE, BISHOP OF, King Rich- ard II: Act III, sc. ii, iii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. vi CASCA, conspirator, Julius Cæsar: Act I, sc. ii, iii; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i
CASSANDRA, daughter to Priam; a prophetess, Troilus and Cres- sida: Act II, sc. ii; Act V, sc. iii
CASSIO, lieutenant to Othello, Othello: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. i, iii, iv; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, ii CASSIUS, conspirator, Julius Cæ- sar: Act I, sc. ii, iii; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. ii, iii; Act V, sc. i, iii
CATESBY, SIR WILLIAM, King Richard III: Act I, sc. iii; Act III, sc. i, ii, v, vii; Act IV, sc, ii, iii, iv; Act V, sc. iii, iv
You Like It: Act I, sc. ii, iii; Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. ii, iv, v; Act IV, sc. i, iii; Act V, sc. iv
CERIMON, a lord of Ephesus, Pericles, Prince of Tyre: Act III, sc. ii, iv; Act V, sc. iii CHAMBERLAIN, LORD, King Henry VIII: Act I, sc. iii, iv; Act II, sc. ii, iii; Act III, sc. ii; Act V, sc. iii, iv
CHARLES, wrestler to Frederick, As You Like It: Act I, sc. i, ii
CHARLES VI, king of France, King Henry V: Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. v; Act V, sc.
CHARLES, Dauphin, afterwards King of France, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act I, sc. ii, v, vi; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. ii, iii; Act IV, sc. vii; Act V, sc. ii, iv
CHARMIAN, attendant on Cleopa- tra, Antony and Cleopatra: Act I, sc. ii, iii, v; Act II, sc. v; Act III, sc. iii, xi, xiii; Act IV, sc. ii, iv, xiii, xv; Act V, sc. ii
CHATILLON, ambassador from France to King John, King John: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i CHIRON, son to Tamora, Titus Andronicus: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, ii, iii, iv; Act IV, sc. ii, iv; Act V, sc. ii
CICERO, senator, Julius Cæsar: Act I, sc. ii, iii
CIMBER, METELLUS, conspirator,
Julius Cæsar; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i
CINNA, conspirator, Julius Cæ- sar: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i CINNA, a poet, Julius Cæsar: Act III, sc. iii CLARENCE, DUKE OF, son to King Henry IV, King Henry IV: Part 2, Act IV, sc. iv, v; Act V, sc. ii
CLARENCE, DUKE OF, brother to King Edward IV, King Rich- ard III: Act I, sc. i, iv CLARENCE, Duke of, see GEORGE PLANTAGENET
CLAUDIO, young gentleman, Measure for Measure: Act I, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. ii; Act V, sc. i
CLAUDIO, a young lord of Flor- ence, Much Ado About Noth- ing: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, iii, iv
CLAUDIUS, servant to Brutus, Julius Cæsar: Act IV, sc. iii CLAUDIUS, King of Denmark, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i, ii, iii; Act IV, sc. i, iii, v, vii; Act V, sc. i, ii CLEOMENES, A Lord of Sicilia, The Winter's Tale: Act III, sc. i, ii; Act V, sc. i
CLEON, governor of Tarsus, Per- icles, Prince of Tyre: Act I, sc. iv; Act III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. iii
CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt, An- tony and Cleopatra: Act I, sc. i, ii, iii, v; Act II, sc. v; Act III, sc. iii, vii, xi, xiii; CLERK OF CHATHAM, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. ii
Act IV, sc. ii, iv, viii, xii, xiii, xv; Act V, sc. ii CLIFFORD, LORD, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. viii, ix; Act V, sc. i, ii; Part 3, Act I, sc. i, iii, iv; Act II, sc. ii, iv, vi
CLIFFORD, YOUNG, son of Lord Clifford, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act V, sc. i, ii CLITUS, servant to Brutus, Julius Cæsar: Act V, sc. v CLOTEN, son to the Queen by a former husband, Cymbeline: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. i, v; Act IV, sc. i, ii
COBWEB, a fairy, A Midsummer- Night's Dream: Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i COLLATINUS, Rape of Lucrece: COLVILLE, SIR JOHN, King Henry IV: Part 2, Act IV, sc. iii COMINIUS, general against the Volscians, Coriolanus: Act I, sc. i, vi, ix; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i, ii, iii; Act IV, sc. i, vi; Act V, sc. i CONRADE, follower of Don John, Much Ado About Nothing: Act I, sc. iii; Act III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. ii; Act V, sc. i CONSTANCE, mother to Arthur, King John: Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. i, iv CORDELIA, daughter to Lear, King Lear: Act I, sc. i; Act IV, sc. iv, vii; Act V, sc. ii, iii
CORIN, a shepherd, As You Like It: Act II, sc. iv, Act III, sc. ii, iv, v; Act V, sc. i CORIOLANUS, see CAIUS MARCIUS CORNELIUS, a physician, Cymbe- line: Act I, sc. v; Act V, sc.
CORNELIUS, a courtier, Hamlet,
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