그 To cross the seas to England, and be crown'd 90 Not what you are, I know it will excuse This sudden execution of my will. And so, conduct me where, from company, 100 I may revolve and ruminate my grief. [Exit. Glou. Aye, grief, I fear me, both at first and last. [Exeunt Gloucester and Exeter. Suf. Thus Suffolk hath prevail'd; and thus he goes, As did the youthful Paris once to Greece, But I will rule both her, the king and realm. [Exit. GLOSSARY 90. "To cross"; Walker, "Across." I. G. 97. To “censure” is here simply to judge. "If in judging me you consider the past frailties of your own youth."-H. Ν. Η. 108. Suffolk set forth on this expedition in October, 1444. Thus stands the account in Holinshed: "The earle of Suffolke was made marquesse of Suffolke, which marquesse, with his wife and manie honorable personages of men and women, richlie adorned both with apparell and jewels, having with them manie costlie chariots and gorgeous horslitters, sailed into France for the conveiance of the nominated queene into the realme of England. For king Reiner, hir father, for all his long stile, had too short a pursse to send his daughter honorablie to the king hir spouse."-H. N. H. By ISRAEL GOLLANCZ, M.Α. BUCKLE WITH, join in close fight CORNETS, horsemen, cavalry; IV. with; I. ii. 95. ACCIDENTS, events; V. iii. 4. ACCOMPLICES, fellows in arms; V. ii. 9. ADMONISHMENTS, instructions; II. v. 98. ADVANTAGE, occasion; II. v. 129. AFFECTS, cares for, loves; V. v. 57. AGAZED ON, aghast at, gazing with amazement at; I. i. 126. ALCIDES, Hercules; IV. vii. 60. ALLIANCE, relationship; II. V. 53. AMAZE, throw into consternation; IV. vii. 84. AMORT, "all a.," quite dejected; III. ii. 124. ANTIC, buffoon; (Ff. 1, 2, "antique"; Ff. 3, 4, "antick"); IV. vii. 18. APPARELL'D, dressed; II. iv. 22. APPARENT, evident, plain; II. i. 3. APPREHENSION, conception of me; (Theobald, "reprehension”; Vaughan, “misapprehension" for "this ap.”); ΙΙ. iv. 102. ARGUE, show, prove; II. v. 7. ARGUMENT, token; V. i. 46. ARMS, coat of arms; I. i. 80. As, that; III. i. 16. ASTRÆA, goddess of justice; (Ff. 2, 3, 4, "bright Astræa"); I. vi. 4. ATTACHED, arrested; II. iv. 96. ATTAINT, tainted; V. v. 81. ATTAINTED, tainted, disgraced, II. iv. 92; convicted of capital treason, II. iv. 96. ATTORNEYSHIP, discretional agency of another; V. v. 56. BANDING, uniting in troops; III. i. 81. BANNING, cursing; V. iii. 42. BAY; "stand at b.," a term of the chase, "when the game is driven to extremity and turns against its pursuers"; IV. ii. 52. BEARD; "b. thee to thy face," set thee at defiance; I. iii. 44. BEARING-CLOTH, the cloth or mantle in which the child was carried to the font; I. iii. 42. BENEFIT; "of b.," used in its legal sense of property bestowed by the favor of another; V. iv. 152. BESIDE, besides; III. i. 24. BLOOD; "in b.," in perfect health and vigor; a technical term of the chase; IV. ii. 48. BLUE COATS, blue was the ordinary color of the livery of serving-men; I. iii. 47. Воот; "it is no b.," it is no profit, use; IV. vi. 52. BOUGHT AND SOLD, betrayed; IV. iv. 13. BOUNDS, boundaries, limits; I. ii. 54. Bow, depart (Collier MS., “fly”; BREAK UP, break open; (Gray conjectured "Break ope"); I. iii. 13. BRUITED, noised abroad; II. iii. 68. 79. CENSURE, judgment, opinion; II. CLUBS, "I'll call for clubs", "in any public affray the cry was, 'Clubs! clubs!' by way of calling for persons with clubs to part the combatants" (Nares); I. iii. 84. COAT, coat of arms; I. i. 81. COGNIZANCE, badge; II. iv. 108. COLLOP, slice of meat; V. iv. 18. COLORS, pretence (with play upon the two senses of the word); II. iv. 34. COMMANDMENT, command; quadrisyllabic; (Ff. 1, 2, 3, "commandement"); I. iii. 20. CONCEIT, invention, IV. i. 102; understanding, V. v. 15. CONSENTED UNTO, conspired to bring about; I. i. 5. CONTEMPTIBLE, mean, low; I. ii. 75. CONTUMELIOUSLY, contemptuously; I. iii. 58. CONVEYANCE, dishonest practice; I. iii. 2. COOLING CARD, "something to damp or overwhelm the hope of an expectant"; V. iii. 84. iii. 25. CORROSIVE, fretting, giving pain; (Ff., 2, 3, "corrasive"; Boswell, "a corrosive"); III. iii. 3. COURT OF GUARD, main guardhouse; II. 1. 4. CRAZY, decrepit, weak; III. ii. 89. CRESTLESS, with no right to coatarmor; II. iv. 85. CUNNING, skill; III. iii. 10. DAMASCUS; alluding to the ancient belief that it was near the place where Cain killed Abel; I. iii. 39. DARNEL, a kind of weed, ryegrass, which is thought to be injurious to the eyes; hence the old proverb, lelio victitare (to feed on darnel); "tares" in Matthew xiii. 25, should perhaps properly be rendered "darnels"; III. ii. 44. DEAD, (F. 2, "dread"); I. iii. 34. DEAREST, most precious; III. iv. 40. DENIS; "Saint Denis," the patron saint of France; I. vi. 28. DETERMINED, limited; IV. vi. 9. DEVISE ΟΝ, lay schemes; (Vaughan, "decide"); I. ii. 124. DIFFIDENCE, distrust, suspicion; III. iii. 10. DIGEST, vent; (F. 2, "disgest"); IV. i. 167. DISABLE, disparage, undervalue; V. iii. 67. DISCOVER, tell; II. v. 59. DISEASE, cause of uneasiness, trouble; II. v. 44. DISMAY NOT, be not dismayed; III. iii. 1. DISTRAIN'D, taken possession of; I. iii. 61. DROOPING CHAIR, chair fit for declining age; IV. v. 5. DUE, endue (? give as thy due); (Ff., "dew"; Collier, "'due"); IV. ii. 34. DUMB SIGNIFICANTS, signs, indications; (Pope, “d. significance"); II. iv. 26. EFFUSED, shed; V. iv. 52. ENTERTAIN, maintain, keep; (Collier MS., "enterchange"); V. iv. 175. ENVY, enmity; IV. i. 193. EXEQUIES, obsequies, funeral rites; III. ii. 133. EXIGENT, end; (Vaughan, "exeunt"); II. v. 9. EXPULSED, expelled; III. iii. 25. EXTIRPED, extirpated; III. iii. 24. EXTREMES, "most ex.," greatest FANCY, love; V. iii. 91. the emblem of France; I. i. 80. FORTH, forth from, from out; I. ii. 54. FORTUNE, fate; IV. iv. 39. FRANCE HIS SWORD, France's sword, i. e. the sword of the King of France; (Rowe, "France's"); IV. vi. 3. FROISSART, (Ff., "Froysard"); I. GIGLOT, wanton; IV. vii. 41. GLOSS, specious appearance; IV. i. 103. GOLIASES, Goliaths; I. ii. 33. GRAVE, dignified; (Collier, | "brave"); V. i. 54. GRISLY, grim, terrible; I. iv. 47. GUARDANT, guard, sentinel; IV. vii. 9. HALCYON DAYS; (Ff. 1, 2, “Halcyons days"); calm days; halcyon is the old name of the -King-fisher. In Holland's Pliny occurs the following illustrative passage: "They lay and sit about mid-winter when days be shortest; and the times whiles they are broody is called Halcyon days, for during that season the sea is calm and navigable, especially on the coast of Sicily" (Bk. X., ch. xxxii.); I. ii. 131. HAND; "out of h.," directly, at once; III. ii. 102. HAUGHTY, high-spirited, adventurous; II. v. 79. HAVE WITH THEE, I'll go with - you; II. iv. 114. HEAD, armed force; I. iv. 100. HEART-BLOOD, heart's blood; I. iii. 83. HEAVENS, technically the upper part of the stage (overhung with black when a tragedy was enacted); I. i. 1. His, "his beams"; its; I. i. 10. HUNGRY-STARVED, starved with hunger; so Ff. 1, 2, 3; F. 4, "hungry-starved"; Rowe, hunger-starved"; Boswell, "hungry, starved"; I. iv. 5. ICARUS, the son of Dædalus, "sire of Crete," who, attempting to follow his father's example and fly on wings, was drowned in the sea; IV. vi. 55. $ IMMANITY, ferocity; V. i. 13. - INKHORN MATE, bookish man (used contemptuously); III. i. 99. INSULTING, exulting; I. ii. 138. INTERMISSIVE, having a temporary cessation; I. i. 88. IRKS, grievcs; I. iv. 105. JUGGLING (trisyllabic); V. iv. 68. KINDLY, appropriate; III. i. 131. LATTER, last (F. 4, "later"; Pope, "latest"); II. v. 38. LIE, dwell (Pope, "lyes"); III. ii. 129. LIFT, lifted (old form of past tense); I. i. 16. LIKE, liken, compare (Hanmer, "leave me to"; Vaughan, "take me so"); IV. vi. 48. LINSTOCK, a stick to hold the gunner's match; I. iv. 56. LITHER, soft, pliant; IV. vii. 21. LOADEN, laden; II. i. 80. LONG OF, because of (Ff., "long of"); IV. iii. 33. LowLY, brought low, lying low (Warburton, "lovely"); III. iii. 47. |