OC Alen. Had all your quarters been as safely kept Bast. Mine was secure. Reig. And so was mine, my lord. Char. And, for myself, most part of all this night, About relieving of the sentinels: 70 Then how or which way should they first break in? Puc. Question, my lords, no further of the case, How or which way: 'tis sure they found some place But weakly guarded, where the breach was And now there rests no other shift but this; Alarum. Enter an English Soldier, crying 'A Talbot! a Talbot! They fly, leaving their clothes behind. Sold. I'll be so bold to take what they have left. Using no other weapon but his name. 80 [Exit. 53. "your quarters"; "your," so F. 1.; Ff. 2, 3, 4, "our”; “quarters"; so Ff. 1, 2, 3; F. 4, "Quarter." I. G. 77. Plans or schemes. The plot of a play was formerly called the platform.-H. Ν. Η. 81. This retaking of Orleans is a fiction of the Poet's. In fact, little advance was made towards taking the city after the death of Salisbury; though, according to Holinshed, Talbot, Fastolfe, and others, "caused bastilles to be made round about the citie, and left nothing unattempted, that might advance their purpose." Thenceforth the siege was turned into a blockade, but supplies and reinforcements were still received into the place. We are told that on one occasion the French, emboldened by success, made an assault on the bastille that was kept by Talbot; who "issued foorth against them, and gave them so sharp an incounter, that they, not able to withstand his puissance, fled like sheepe before the woolfe again into the citie." After "the maid" and her convoy entered the town, which was in April, 1429, the English did not stir from their entrenchments; and in May they gave over and withdrew.-H. N. Η. Enter Talbot, Bedford, Burgundy, a Captain, and others. Bed. The day begins to break, and night is fled, Tal. Bring forth the body of old Salisbury, Now have I paid my vow unto his soul; And that hereafter ages may behold 10 Shall be engraved the sack of Orleans, And what a terror he had been to France. I muse we met not with the Dauphin's grace, Nor any of his false confederates. 20 Bed. 'Tis thought, Lord Talbot, when the fight be gan, Bur. Myself, as far as I could well discern ning, Like to a pair of loving turtle-doves 30 We'll follow them with all the power we have. Enter a Messenger. Mess. All hail, my lords! Which of this princely train Call ye the warlike Talbot, for his acts So much applauded through the realm of Tal. Here is the Talbot: who would speak with France? 19. "muse" marvel.-H. N. Η. 20. "Arc," Rowe's emendation of "Acre" of Ff.-I. G. him? Mess. The virtuous lady, Countess of Auvergne, By me entreats, great lord, thou wouldst vouch- 40 To visit her poor castle where she lies, That she may boast she hath beheld the man Whose glory fills the world with loud report. Bur. Is it even so? Nay, then, I see our wars Will turn unto a peaceful comic sport, When ladies crave to be encounter'd with. You may not, my lord, despise her gentle suit. Tal. Ne'er trust me then; for when a world of men 50 Could not prevail with all their oratory, Will not your honors bear me company? Capt. I do, my lord, and mean accordingly. 60 [Exeunt. 38. "Auvergne"; Rowe's emendation of F. 1, "Ouergne"; Ff. 2, 3, "Auergne”; F. 4, "Avergne.”—I. G. 41. "Lies," that is, where she dwells.-H. N. H. ne SCENE III Auvergne. The Countess's castle. Enter the Countess and her Porter. Count. Porter, remember what I gave in charge; And when you have done so, bring the keys to me. Port. Madam, I will. [Exit. Count. The plot is laid: if all things fall out right, I shall as famous be by this exploit As Scythian Tomyris by Cyrus' death. Enter Messenger and Talbot. Mess. Madam, According as your ladyship desired, 10 By message craved, so is Lord Talbot come. Count. And he is welcome. What! is this the man? Mess. Madam, it is. Count. Is this the scourge of France? Is this the Talbot, so much fear'd abroad I see report is fabulous and false: 6. "Tomyris," queen of the Scythian tribe of the Massagetæ, who defeated Cyrus' invading force, and captured and slew himself (в.с. 529).-С. Н. Н. |