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He 'll soon find means to make the body follow. Hast. Why, master mayor, why stand you in a


Open the gates; we are King Henry's friends. May. Aye, say you so? the gates shall then be [They descend. Glou. A wise stout captain, and soon persuaded! 30 Hast. The good old man would fain that all were



So 'twere not 'long of him; but being enter'd,
I doubt not, I, but we shall soon persuade
Both him and all his brothers unto reason.

Enter the Mayor and two Aldermen, below.

K. Edw. So, master mayor: these gates must not be shut

But in the night or in the time of war.
What! fear not, man, but yield me up the keys;
[Takes his keys.

For Edward will defend the town and thee,
And all those friends that deign to follow me.

March. Enter Montgomery, with drum and



Glou. Brother, this is Sir John Montgomery,
Our trusty friend, unless I be deceived.
K. Edre. Welcome, Sir John! But why come you

in arms?

Montg. To help King Edward in his time of As every loyal subject ought to do.


30. "A wise stout captain, and soon persuaded", "captain" probably trisyllabic; Keightley, "I' faith, a wise"; Collier MS. "captain he"; Delius (Lettsom conj.), "capitain"; Cartwright, "captain, faith"; Pope, "persuaded soon."-I. G.

K Edw. Thanks, good Montgomery; but we now


Our title to the crown, and only claim Our dukedom till God please to send the rest. Montg. Then fare you well, for I will hence again: I came to serve a king, and not a duke. Drummer, strike up, and let us march away. 50 [The drum begins to march.

K. Edw. Nay, stay, Sir John, a while, and we'll


By what safe means the crown may be recover'd. Montg. What talk you of debating? in few words, If you 'll not here proclaim yourself our king, I 'll leave you to your fortune, and be gone To keep them back that come to succor you: Why shall we fight, if you pretend no title? Glou. Why, brother, wherefore stand you on nice


K. Edre. When we grow stronger, then we'll make our claim:

Till then, 'tis wisdom to conceal our meaning. 60 Hast. Away with scrupulous wit! now arms must rule.

Glou. And fearless minds climb soonest unto


Brother, we will proclaim you out of hand; The bruit thereof will bring you many friends. K. Edw. Then be it as you will; for 'tis my right, And Henry but usurps the diadem.

57. "shall"; Capell (from Qq.), "should.—I. G.


Montg. Aye, now my sovereign speaketh like him


And now will I be Edward's champion. Hast. Sound trumpet; Edward shall be here pro


Come, fellow-soldier, make thou proclamation. [Flourish.

Sold. Edward the Fourth, by the grace of God, 71 king of England and France, and lord of Ireland, &c.

Montg. And whosoe'er gainsays King Edward's


By this I challenge him to single fight.

[Throws down his gauntlet.

All. Long live Edward the Fourth!

K. Edw. Thanks, brave Montgomery; and thanks

unto you all:

If fortune serve me, I'll requite this kindness.
Now, for this night, let 's harbor here in York;
And when the morning sun shall raise his car 80
Above the border of this horizon,

We 'll forward towards Warwick and his mates;
For well I wot that Henry is no soldier.
Ah, froward Clarence! how evil it beseems thee,
To flatter Henry and forsake thy brother!
Yet, as we may, we 'll meet both thee and War-

Come on, brave soldiers: doubt not of the day,
And, that once gotten, doubt not of large pay.

88. In October, 1470, about a year after his escape from York, - Edward, having failed in several schemes for recovering his power,


London. The palace.

Flourish. Enter King Henry, Warwick, Montague, Clarence, Exeter, and Oxford.

War. What counsel, lords? Edward from Belgia, With hasty Germans and blunt Hollanders, Hath pass'd in safety through the narrow seas, And with his troops doth march amain to London;

And many giddy people flock to him. K. Hen. Let's levy men, and beat him back again. Clar. A little fire is quickly trodden out;

Which, being suffer'd, rivers cannot quench.

War. In Warwickshire I have



embarked from Lynn, and sought refuge with the duke of Burgundy, who had lately been married to his sister. Being there fitted out with a fleet and fifteen hundred men, he returned to England, and landed at Ravenspurg, the same place where Bolingbroke had come on a similar errand in 1399. In less than two months after his landing, Edward was again on the throne: but his course was one of inexpressible perfidy; "still bruiting that his comming was not to chalenge the crowne, but onelie the duchie of Yorke"; and when at last, on this ground, he was let into the city of York, he "received the sacrament, and there solemnlie sware to keepe and observe two speciall articles, the one, that he should use the citizens after a gentle and courteous maner, the other, that he should be faithfull and obedient unto king Henries commandments."-H. N. H.

"Enter." In the Folios, Somerset is named in the stage direction, though he had gone with young Richmond into Brittany. The mistake arose, as the Cambridge Eds. point out, from the Quartos, in which Scenes vi. and viii. form but one.-I. G.

2. "hasty Germans"; S. Walker, "lusty"; Cartwright, "hardy."-

I. G.



Not mutinous in peace, yet bold in war;
Those will I muster up: and thou, son Clarence,
Shalt stir up in Suffolk, Norfolk and in Kent,
The knights and gentlemen to come with thee:
Thou, brother Montague, in Buckingham,
Northampton and in Leicestershire, shalt find
Men well inclined to hear what thou com-


And thou, brave Oxford, wondrous well beloved,

In Oxfordshire shalt muster up thy friends.
My sovereign, with the loving citizens,
Like to his island girt in with the ocean,
Or modest Dian circled with her nymphs,
Shall rest in London till we come to him.
Fair lords take leave and stand not to reply.
Farewell, my sovereign.


K. Hen. Farewell, my Hector, and my Troy's true


Clar. In sign of truth, I kiss your highness' hand. K. Hen. Well-minded Clarence, be thou fortu


Mont. Comfort, my lord; and so I take my leave.
Oxf. And thus I seal my truth and bid adieu.
K. Hen. Sweet Oxford, and my loving Montague,
And all at once, once more a happy farewell. 31
War. Farewell, sweet lords: let's meet at Coven-

[Exeunt all but King Henry and Exeter. K. Hen. Here at the palace will I rest a while. Cousin of Exeter, what thinks your lordship? Methinks the power that Edward hath in field

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