Imagens das páginas

FORLORN; "a f.," an outcast; (Collier MS., "all forlorn"); III. iii. 26.

FORSLOW, delay; (Ff. 1, 2, "Foreslow"; Ff. 3, 4, "Fore-slow"); II. iii. 56.

FORSPENT, exhausted; (Ff., "Forespent"; Rann (from Qq.), "Sore spent"); II. iii. 1. FORWARD OF, eager for; IV. viii. 46.

FRETTING, violently agitating; II. vi. 35.

GALLANT, spruce fellow; used ironically; V. v. 12. GALLIA, Gaul; V. iii. 8. GHOSTLY, spiritual; III. ii. 107. GIN, snare; I. iv. 61. GOVERNMENT, self-control; I. iv. 132.

GRANT, granting, bestowing; III.

iii. 130.

HAND; "out of h.," at once; IV. vii. 63.

HAPLY, fortunately; II. v. 58. HARD-FAVOR'D, hard-featured, ugly; V. v. 78.

HASTY, rash, passionate; (Walker conj. "lusty"; Cartwright conj. "hardy"); IV. viii. 2. HAUGHT, haughty; II. i. 169. HAVE AT THEE, take care, be warned; II. iv. 11.

HE, man; I. i. 46.

HEAD, making, raising an army;
II. i. 141.

HEIR, heiress; IV. i. 48.
HENRY, trisyllabic; I. i. 107.
HOLD, stronghold; I. ii. 52.
HOMELY, humble; II. v. 22.
HONESTY, chastity; III. ii. 72.

ICARUS, the son of Dædalus, who, attempting to imitate the example of his father and fly on wings, was drowned (Ovid,

Meta. viii.); V. vi. 21. IMPALE, encircle; III. iii. 189. IMPEACH, reproach; I. iv. 60. INDIGESTED, shapeless; V. vi. 51. INFERRING, bringing forward; II. ii. 44.

INJURIOUS, insulting, III. iii. 78;
unjust, III. iii. 101.
INLY, inward; I. iv. 171.
INVIOLABLE, not to be broken; II.
i. 30.

IRKS; "it i.," it pains; II. ii. 6.
LADE, ladle, bale out; III. ii. 139.
LANE, passage; I. iv. 9.
LAUND, lawn, glade; (Capell,
"lawn"); III. i. 2.
LEVEL, aim; II. ii. 19.
LIME, join, cement; V. i. 84.
LIMED, caught by bird-lime; V.
vi. 13.

'Long, along of, owing to; (Ff., "long"); IV. vii. 32.

MACHIAVEL, used proverbially for

a crafty politician; III. i. 193.

MAGNANIMITY, heroic bravery; V. iv. 41.

MALAPERT, pert, saucy; V. v. 32. MALE, male-parent; V. vi. 15. MAN AT ARMs, armed knight; V. iv. 42.

MANHOOD, bravery, courage; IV. ii. 20.

MARCHES, country-borders; II. i. 140.

MEEDS, deserts, merits; II. i. 36. MERMAID,, siren; III. ii. 186.

HOUR (dissyllabic); II. v. 26, 31, MESS, set of four, "as at great

32, 33, &c.

HYRCANIA, a country on the Cas

pian Sea; I. iv. 155.

dinners the company was usually arranged into fours" (Nares); I. iv. 73.

MIND, mean, have a mind; IV. i.


MISDOUBTETH, distrusts; V. vi. 14.
MISTHINK, misjudge; II. v. 108.
MOE, more; II. i. 170.

- MOTION, proposal; III. iii. 244. MOUGHT, the reading of Ff.; might, could; (Capell (Qq.), "could"; Pope, "might"); V. ii. 45.

MUSE, marvel, wonder; III. ii.


■ NAKED, unarmed; V. iv. 42. NAPKIN, handkerchief; I. iv. 79. NARROW SEAS, English Channel; IV. viii. 3.


NEAT, horned cattle; II. i. 14.
NESTOR, the oldest and wisest

hero before Troy; III. ii. 188. NICE, subtile, sophistical; IV. vii.


→ OBSEQUIOUS, lavish of obsequies; II. v. 118.

+ OF, instead of, from being; III.

iii. 25.

ONLY, alone; (Pope, "alone");
IV. i. 45.

OVERGONE, overcome; II. v. 123.
OVERPEER'D, looked down upon,
towered above; V. ii. 14.

PALE, enclose, encompass; I. iv.


- PARCEL, part; V. vi. 38.

PASSING, surpassing; V. i. 106.

PASSION, violent sorrow; I. iv.

PERIOD, end, finish; V. v. 1.
PIES, magpies; V. vi. 48.

PINCH'D, bitten; VI. i. 16.
PITIFUL, merciful; III. ii. 32.

PLACE; "in p.," present; IV. i.

PLEASETH; "him p.," it pleases
him; II. vi. 105.

PLEASURE, give pleasure; (Ff. 2,
3, 4, "please"; Collier MS.,
"please you too"); III. ii. 22.
POLTROONS, cowards; (Ff., "Poul-
troones"); I. i. 62.
Post, messenger; V. i. 1.
Post, haste; I. ii. 48.
Post, hasten; I. ii. 55.

POSTED OFF, put off carelessly;
IV. viii. 40.

POWER, force, army; II. i. 177.
PRANCING, bounding; II. i. 24.
high-flown dis-

course; I. iv. 72.
PREPARE, preparation; IV. i. 131.
PRESCRIPTION, right derived from
immemorial custom; III. iii.


PRESENTETH, represents (Steevens, "present"); II. v. 100. PRESENTLY, immediately; I. ii. 36. PRETEND, assert; IV. vii. 57. PRICK, mark, dial-point; I. iv. 34. PRIZE, privilege (Warburton (from Qq.), "pride"; Walker conj. "praise"); II. i. 20. PROTEUS, the marine god, who had the faculty of assuming whatever shape he pleased; III. ii. 192.

QUAINTLY, pleasantly; II. v. 24. QUIT, requite, reward; III. iii. 128.

RACKING, moving as clouds; II. i.

RAGGED, rugged; (Ff., "raged");
V. iv. 27.

RAMPING, rampant; V. ii. 13.
RAUGHT, reached; (Ff. 3, 4,
"caught"); I. iv. 68.

REMORSE, pity, compassion; III. i.


RENDS, tears asunder; (Ff., "rents"); III. ii. 175.

REPAIR, repairing hither; (Ff. 1, 2, "repayre"; Ff. 3, 4, "repair"); V. i. 20.

RESOLVE, come to a determination; I. i. 49.

RESPECT; "in r.," in comparison;
V. v. 56.
REST, remain; IV. ii. 8.
RESTETH, remaineth; I. ii. 44.
RETIRE, retreat, flight; II. i. 150.
REVOLT, fall off; I. i. 151.
RHESUS, the Thracian King who

came to the assistance of Troy,
but was slaughtered at night
by Ulysses and Diomede; IV.
ii. 20.

RIDS; "r. away," i. e. gets rid of distance; V. iii. 21. ROOK'D, squatted; V. vi. 47. ROSCIUS, the most celebrated actor of ancient Rome; (Pope's emendation; Ff., "Rossius"; Hanmer (Warburton) "Richard"); V. vi. 10.

SERVICE; "do thee s.," become thy servitor"; V. i. 33. SHAME-FACED, bashful; IV. viii. 52.

SHIP, take ship; (F. 1, "shipt"; Vaughan conj. "shipp'd"); IV. v. 21.

SHOOT, shot; III. i. 7. SHRIVER, confessor; III. ii. 108. SHROUDS, sail-ropes; V. iv. 18. SICILS, Sicilies; I. iv. 122. SILLY, innocent, helpless; II. v. 43; petty, poor; used contemptuously; III. iii. 93.

SINEW TOGETHER, knit in strength; (Ff. 1, 2, 3, "sinow t."); II. vi. 91.

SINON, the Greek who persuaded the Trojans to carry the wooden horse into Troy; III. ii. 190. SITH, since; I. i. 110. SLAUGHTER-MAN, slayer, butcher; I. iv. 169.

SLEIGHT, artifice, trickery; (Rowe, "slight"); IV. ii. 20.

RUINATE, ruin; V. i. 83.
RUTHFUL, piteous; (Ff. 3, 4, SOMETIME, sometimes; II. ii. 30.

"rueful); II. v. 95.

SADNESS, seriousness; III. ii. 77. SANCTUARY, the sanctuary at Westminster, which afforded protection from any persecution; IV. iv. 31.

SCRUPULOUS, "too nice in determinations of conscience"; IV. vii. 61.

SELF-PLACE, self-same place, very place; III. i. 11.

SELFSAME, the selfsame; (Hanmer, "th' self-same"); II. i. 82.

SENNET, a particular set of notes on the cornet or trumpet; I. i. 206.

SEPTENTRION, the North; I. iv. 136.

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SOOTHE, to assent to as being true, to humor; (Ff., "sooth"; Rann, Heath conj. "smooth"); III. iii. 175.

SORT, crew, set; II. ii. 97.
SORTS, turns out well; II. i. 209.
SPITE, vexation, mortification; V.
i. 18.

SPITE OF SPITE, come the worst that may; II. iii. 5.

SPLEEN; "heated s.," fiery impetuosity, heat; (Warburton, "hated s."); II. i. 124. SPORT, disport, amuse; II. v. 34. STALE, laughing-stock, dupe; III.

iii. 260.

STATE, station, rank; III. ii. 93. STAY, linger; III. iii. 40. STIGMATIC, one branded by nature with deformity; II. ii. 136.

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TAKE ON, be furious; II. v. 104. TEMPER WITH THE STARS, act and think in conformity with fate; IV. vi. 29.

TIME; "take the t.," improve the opportunity; V. i. 48. TIREON, seize and feed on ravenously; I. i. 269.

TITLE, claim, right; (Grey conj. "tale"); III. i. 48. TOWARD, bold; II. ii. 66. TROW'ST, thinkest; (Ff., "trowest"); V. i. 85.

TROY; "the hope of T.," i. e. Hec-
tor; II. i. 51.
TRULL, harlot; I. iv. 114.
TRUMPET, trumpeter; V. i. 16.
TYPE, sign, badge (i. e. the
crown); (Lloyd conj. "style");
I. iv. 121.

ULYSSES, the famous king of
Ithaca; III. ii. 189.
UNBID, unbidden, unwelcome; V.
i. 18.

UNCONSTANT, inconstant; V. i. 102.

UNDOUBTED, fearless; (Capell conj. "redoubted"); V. vii. 6. UNREASONABLE, not endowed with reason; II. ii. 26.

UNTUTOR'D, uninstructed, raw; V. ν. 32.

Unwares, unawares; (F. 4, "unawares"; Hanmer, un'wares"; Vaughan conj. "unware"); II. v. 62.

USEST, art accustomed; V. v. 75. VALUED, rated, estimated; V. iii. 14. VANTAGES, advantages; III. ii. 25. VENOM, venomous, poisonous (Capell, (from Q. 3), "venom'd"); II. ii. 138.

VIA, away! an interjection of encouragement; II. i. 182. VISARD-LIKE, like a mask; I. iv. 116.

VOWED, sworn; III. iii. 50.

WAFT OVER, carry over the sea; III. iii. 253.

WANED, declined; (Ff., "wained"); IV. vii. 4. WATER-FLOWING, flowing like water, copious; IV. viii. 43. WEAN ME, alienate myself; (Ff. 1, 2, "waine"; Ff. 3, 4, "wain"); IV. iv. 17.

WEEPING-RIPE, ready to weep; (Ff., "weeping ripe"); I. iv. 172.

WHEN? an exclamation of impatience; V. i. 49.

WILLOW GARLAND, the emblem of
unhappy love; III. iii. 228.
WIND, scent; III. ii. 14.
WISP OF STRAW, a mark of dis-
grace placed on the heads of
scolds; II. ii. 144.

WIT, wisdom; IV. vii. 61.
WITCH, bewitch; (Ff., ""witch);
III. ii. 150.
WITHAL, with; III. ii. 91.
WITTY, full of wit, intelligent; I.
ii. 43.

YOUNKER, stripling; II. i. 24.




1. What are the Chronicle accounts of the traits and person of Henry?

2. Is there any scene in which Margaret is allowed by the poet to exhibit a noble, natural emotion?

3. Describe the dramatic effect of the union of Henry and Margaret.

4. What characters serve especially as types of the feudal baronage at the height of its power?

5. What episodes and incidents has the poet utilized throughout, to give dramatic variety to the handling of the material he had for this play?

6. What is the historic center of action of the Third Part of King Henry VI? Does it coincide with the dramatic crisis?

7. What are the characteristics of Richard, as dramatically set forth throughout the play? In what way are his speeches, as well as his covert comment upon doings about him and upon the characters and estate of others, significant of future events?


8. What was the historic interval between the battle of St. Albans and the parliament at Westminster, the proceedings of which are represented in this act?

9. Compare lines 9 and 55 of scene i, and explain probable cause of variance.

10. What was the earldom by which Richard claimed the crown?

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