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" Ask the faithful youth Why the cold urn of her whom long he lov'd So often fills his arms ; so often draws His lonely footsteps at the silent hour, To pay the mournful tribute of his tears? Oh ! he will tell thee, that the wealth of worlds Should ne'er... "
Tremaine: Or, The Man of Refinement - Página 320
por Robert Plumer Ward - 1825 - 380 páginas
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The Pleasures of Imagination: A Poem in Three Books

Mark Akenside - 1744 - 110 páginas
...with diftrets and pain, To mitigate the iharp with gracious drops -?-;; -.* Of cordial pleafure ? Afk the faithful youth ; Why the cold urn of her whom long he loVd r So often fiUs hi? arms ; fo often draws (?8j{ His lonely foptfteps at the filent hour, •;...
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Letters Concerning Taste: To which are Added, Essays on Similar and Other ...

John Gilbert Cooper - 1757 - 420 páginas
...fwejling with diftrefs and pain, To mitigate the fharp with gracious drops Of cordial pleaTure ? Afk the faithful youth, Why the cold urn of her whom long he lov'd So often fills his arms ; fo often draws 685 His lonely footfteps at the filent hour, To pay...
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A Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man with Those of the ...

John Gregory - 1767 - 290 páginas
...diffipated and unthinking mirth can infpire. * Dr. Akenfide defcribes this very pathetically, -Aflc the faithful youth, Why the cold urn of her, whom long he lov'd, So often fills his arms; fo often draws His lonely footfteps at the filent hour, To pay the...
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SEVERAL HANDS - 1769 - 594 páginas
...pity. The Author obferves, that there are iituations in which we are faid to indulge our grief. " Aflc the faithful youth, Why the cold urn of her whom long he lov'd So often fills his arms > f But aik any befides the faithful youth, whether they wiih to be in...
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The Works of the English Poets: Akenside

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 388 páginas
...gentlenefs together, and how fweet Their force, let fortune's wayward hand the while Be kind or cruel ? Afk the faithful youth Why the cold urn, of her whom long he lov'd, £15 So often fills his arms; fo often draws His lonely footfteps, filent and unfcen, To pay...
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The Pleasures of Imagination: A Poem in Three Books

Mark Akenside - 1744 - 124 páginas
...length may learn what energy the hand Of Virtue mingles in the bitter tide jSc Of cordial pleafure ? AIk the faithful youth, Why the cold urn of her whom long he lov'd So often fills his arms i fo often draws 633 His lonely footfteps at the filent hour, To pay...
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Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical ..., Volume 1

Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society - 1785 - 530 páginas
...fwelling with diitrefs and pain, To mitigate the fharp, with gracious drops Of cordial PLEASURE. Afk the faithful youth, Why the cold urn of her, whom long he loved, So often fills his arm ? So often draws His lonely footfteps, at the filent hour, To pay the mournful tribute of his tears?...
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The New annual register, or General repository of history, politics, and ...

1786 - 828 páginas
...fwclling with diftrefs and pain. To mitigate the (harp, with gracious drops Of cordial Pleufure. ».Ik the faithful youth, Why the cold urn of her, whom long he lovrd, So often fills his arm ? So gften draws His lonely footfteps, at the filent hour, To pay the...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 63

English poets - 1790 - 404 páginas
...gentlenefs together, and how fweet Their force, let fortune's wayward hand the while Be kind or cruel ? Afk the faithful youth Why the cold urn, of her whom long he lov'd, 6*5 So often fiHs his arms ; fo often draws His lonely footfteps, filent and unfeen, To pay...
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Extracts, Elegant, Instructive, and Entertaining, in Poetry, Volume 1

Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 páginas
...fwclling with diftrefs and pain, To mitigate the fharp with gracious drops Of cordial Pleafurc? Aflt on" /- lov'd So often (ills his arms; fo often draws His lonely footfteps at the filcnt hour, To pay the mournful...
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