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with Michigan, it is because his efforts to obtain the proper data were unsuccessful. His leading intention has been merely to give the salient points in the lives of the persons who pass under consideration, referring the reader, who may desire further information, either to the historical narratives in the present volume, or to the more elaborate biographies hitherto published. Indeed, so far as the numerous officers are concerned, who acquired reputation during the Rebellion, or died the death of heroes, their services were found to have been so well depicted by General Robertson, that the Compiler has generally omitted their names altogether in his department of the work. To the many friends who have kindly assisted him, by their correspondence, he would tender his grateful acknowledgements. And, to the People of Michigan, he now dedicates this Historical Record, as an expression of his regard for their superior intelligence, persevering enterprise and exalted patriotism.

GEORGETOWN, D. C., November, 1870.



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Transition from Territory to State.-Lewis Cass appointed Governor of the Terri-
tory; Its Condition at that Time; l'ublic Lands brought into Market;
First Steamboat on the Lakes; University Founded; Expedition to Explore
the Lakes; The Clinton Canal; G. B. Porter appointed Governor; Mode
of making Surveys; Controversy with Ohio; State Organized....
History as a State and Present Condition.-Admission of Michigan into the Union
as a State; Stevens T. Mason the first elective Governor; Act passed for
establishing University of Michigan; Other Events of his Administration ;
Organization of the Militia; Administration of William Woodbridge and
J. Wright Gordon; Branches of University Established; Grand Lodge of
Free Masons; John S. Barry Elected Governor; Administration of Alpheus
Felch and William L. Greenly; Epaphroditus Ransom elected Governor;
Progress of Agriculture; Re-election of Governor Barry; Great Rail-
road Conspiracy Case; Commercial Advantages of Michigan; Adminis-
tration of Robert McClelland and Andrew Parsons; Election and Re-elec-
tion of Kinsley S. Bingham; Ship Canal at the Falls of St. Mary; Moses
Wisner elected Governor; Election to the same Office of Austin Blair,
Henry H. Crapo, and Henry P. Baldwin; and Complete List of Governors
under French, English, and American Rule.............................

Education.-University of Michigan; Its Professors and Instructors; General

Features; Homeopathic Controversy; Action on the Admission of Women

as Students: Possessions and Advantages; Observatory; Adrian College;

Albion College; Kalamazoo College; Michigan Female College; State

Agricultural College; Hillsdale College; Public Schools of the State;

State Normal School; State Reform School; Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb

and Blind; Superintendents of Public Instruction; Asylum for the In-

sane; State Prison; Public School Statistics; Union School System, and

List of Incorporated Literary Institutions.....

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129 1290

Introductory.-The American Rebellion; Unprepared condition of Michigan; Val-

edictory Message of Governor Moses Wisner; Sentiments of Governor

Austin Blair; War Meeting in Detroit; Flag Song of Michigan Troops;

Organization of Troops and provision for Ways and Means; Special Session

of the Legislature and its Action; Curious Telegram.........

Raising of Troops.-The First Regiments; The Secretary of War to the Governor
of Michigan; Camp of Instruction; Progress of Recruiting; Message of
Governor Blair; Action of the Legislature; Re-inforcements Demanded;
Action of the Adjutant General; Patriotism of the Churches; Additional

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