Imagens das páginas

CHAP. 504.

Toll granted.

Transportion of persons and prop

erty, construction

of wheels and

forms of cars, &c.

Annual meeting.

Directors to be chosen by ballot.

SECT. 5. A toll is hereby granted and established for the sole benefit of said corporation upon all passengers and property of all descriptions which may be conveyed or transported by them upon said road, at such rate as may be agreed upon and established from time to time by the directors of said corporation. The transportation of persons and property, the construction of wheels, the forms of cars and carriages, the weights of loads, and all other matters and things in relation to said road, shall be in conformity with such rules, regulations and provisions as the directors shall from time to time prescribe and direct.

SECT. 6. The annual meeting of the members of said corporation shall be holden on the first Monday in July or such other day as shall be determined by the by-laws, at such time and place as the directors for the time being shall appoint, at which meeting the directors shall be chosen by ballot, each proprietor by himself or proxy being entitled to as many votes as he holds shares, and Special meetings. the directors are hereby authorized to call special meetings of the stockholders whenever they shall deem it expedient and proper, giving such notice as the corporation by their by-laws shall direct. SECT. 7. The corporation is hereby invested with power to make connections with any other road or roads and on such terms as the members may deem expedient and proper, and it is hereby authorized to lease the road either before or after it shall have been completed on such terms and for such time as the members at a meeting regularly called for that purpose shall determine.

Connection with other roads.

May lease road.

Organization, location, &c.,

SECT. 8. If the corporation shall not have been organized and when to be made. the location, according to actual survey of the route, filed with the county commissioners of Cumberland and Oxford counties on or before the first day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and if the corporation shall fail to complete said railroad on or before the first day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, then this act shall be null and void.

Bonds may be issued to aid

of road.

SECT. 9. To aid in the construction and equipment of the construction, &c., Bridgton Branch Railroad, bonds payable to the bearer thereof within thirty years with coupons for interest at three per centum semi-annually, may be issued by any town on the line of said road or any town interested in the construction of said road, in sums not exceeding twenty per centum of the valuation of said towns. according to the state valuation for the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, to be determined by a two-thirds vote of the qualified voters of said city and towns, given in at meetings thereof, called according to law for that purpose. Said Delivery of bonds. bonds shall not be delivered to said railroad company until at least two hundred thousand dollars of the stock of said company has actually been subscribed, paid in and expended in the construction

of said road, which fact shall be determined by the certificate of CHAP. 504. the treasurer of said corporation, under oath, a copy of which certificate shall be recorded by the city or town clerk of each city or town issuing bonds by authority of this act.

SECT. 10. All of said bonds shall bear the same date, and onetwentieth part thereof issued by any city or town shall be made payable each year, after ten years from said date; and it shall be the duty of said railroad company to pay all the 'bonds that may be thus issued for its benefit, with the coupons thereon, as the same shall fall due and become payable.

SECT. 11. Said railroad company shall execute and deliver to the cities and towns issuing bonds as aforesaid, a mortgage of all its property and rights of property in said road, present and perspective, including its franchise, conditional to pay said bonds and coupons as they shall become due, and to hold said cities and towns harmless therefrom.

Date of bonds,

and terms of


Company to property, &c., pay bonds issued towns.

mortgage its

conditional to

by cities and

Failure to pay

coupons as they

fall due, proceed

ings in case of.

SECT. 12. In case said railroad company shall fail to pay said coupons as they shall fall due on said bonds at maturity, and said failure shall continue for the space of sixty days after demand shall have been made on the treasurer therefor, it shall be lawful for the municipal officers of any city or town whose bonds or coupons shall have thus been dishonored, to call a meeting of the municipal officers of the cities and towns named in said mortgage, by publishing a notice of the time, place and object of said meeting, three weeks successively in some public newspaper printed in the counties of Cumberland and Oxford, and if at such meeting, which shall be organized by the choice of a chairman and clerk, the latter to be duly sworn, it shall be made to appear that such failure to pay as aforesaid continues, the municipal officers thus assembled may proceed to choose by ballot, a board of managers consisting of not more than nine members, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum, who shall organize by the choice of a secretary and president, and may choose any other officers which under the charter and by-laws of said company may be chosen by a board of directors, and said board of managers shall be authorized to take possession of said road and all its property and rights of property therewith connected, and operate the same, and shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties and liabilities of a board of directors, and shall hold their offices for one year from the time of their election and until others are chosen in their stead. Said managers shall make a report of their doings Report of manaand of the amount of money they have received and paid out on doings. account of said railroad to a meeting of the municipal officers of the cities and towns aforesaid, at least once in every year, which meeting shall be called by the president and secretary of said board of managers.

When sufficient money has been received by

Managers author

ized to take

possession of

road, &c.

gers of their

when it may be


CHAP. 505. said board of managers, over and above what is actually necessary to pay the expenses of operating said road, including necessary repairs and improvements, to pay all coupons and bonds then due Surrender of road, and unpaid, it shall surrender said road with all its property and rights of property to said company. In the election of said board of managers, the municipal officers aforesaid shall be entitled to one vote for every hundred dollars in bonds issued by their respective cities or towns, and the major part of the municipal officers of each city or town shall control the the vote thereof. While in their possession, said road shall be operated in the name of the managers of the Bridgton Branch Railroad Company. If the failure to pay said coupons or bonds shall continue for the space of twenty full years after possession shall have been taken under the mortgage as aforesaid, the same shall be thereby fully foreclosed, unless prior to that time a sufficient tender of payment shall have been made by or on behalf of said company.

Foreclosure, when completed.

Bonds, certain officers required to sign.

SECT. 13. The bonds herein authorized to be issued, shall be signed by the mayor and treasurer of cities, and one of the selectmen and treasurer of the towns issuing them, and countersigned by the president of said railroad company, and shall contain endorsement, "Issued for the benefit of the Bridgton Branch Railroad Company by the of

SECT. 14. This act shall take effect when approved.

Approved March 23, 1870.




May hold real and personal estate.


Chapter 505.

An act to incorporate the Presumpscot Park Association.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:

SECT. 1. Samuel H. Tewksbury, Charles R. Milliken, W. W, Harris, George W. Ricker, J. S. Lyford, John T. Berry, George Burnham junior, William G. Davis, George Waterhouse, George 0. Goss, Samuel J. Anderson, George Lancaster, Charles E. Jose, James A. McLellan, S. W. Hapgood and L. D. M. Sweat, are hereby incorporated by the name of the Presumpscot Park Association, for the purpose of improving the breed and quality of horses in this state, by means of public exhibitions and the distribution of premiums, and otherwise as in their judgment will best secure the purpose aforesaid; and said society may choose all needful officers, and have power to purchase and hold property, real and personal, to an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, and pass any regulations and by-laws not inconsistent with

the laws of this state which they may deem necessary for the man- CHAP. 506. agement of their own affairs.

SECT. 2. Said society shall have all the police powers at their Police powers. public exhibitions, conferred on agricultural societies by sections seventeen, eighteen and nineteen of chapter fifty-eight of the revised statutes.

SECT. 3. This act shall take effect when approved.

Approved March 23, 1870.

Chapter 506.

An act to continue in force "an act to establish schools in Madawaska territory."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:

and expenditure

SECT. 1. There is hereby appropriated for the support of public Appropriation, schools in the Madawaska district the sum of fourteen hundred of same. dollars, to be expended under the supervision of an agent to be appointed by the governor and council, to whom he shall make returns of all moneys expended under his supervision; and said sum shall be divided as follows, viz: the towns of Fort Kent, Dickeyville, Madawaska, Grant Isle, and Van Buren plantation to have each two hundred dollars; Hamlin plantation, one hundred dollars; St. Francis and Wallagrass plantations, seventy-five dollars each; Cyr, St. John and Eagle Lake plantations, fifty dollars each; provided, the districts in said towns and plantations shall Provisos. in each case furnish a suitable house wherein to keep said schools; and provided furthermore, that before its proportional part shall be paid a town or plantation said town or plantation shall raise, collect, apportion and expend among its school districts the amount herein required of it, viz: Fort Kent, three hundred dollars; Dickeyville and Madawaska, three hundred and twenty-five dollars each; Grant Isle, and Van Buren plantation, two hundred and fifty dollars each; Hamlin plantation, one hundred and twentyfive dollars; Wallagrass and St. Francis plantations, one hundred dollars each; Cyr, St. John and Eagle Lake plantations, fifty dollars each; and the failure of one town or plantation to fulfill the requirements of this act shall not in any way affect the rights of any other town or plantation under this act; neither shall this act in any way be construed as interfering with the powers now belong- town or plantaing to the state superintendent and county supervisor to exercise supervision over the schools of said district; and on compliance with the provisions of this act, the inhabitants of said towns and plantations shall be relieved from the provisions of the statute

Failure of one

town or plantation

to perform re

quirements of this act, shall not affect any other

tion. Supervision of schools.

Inhabitants raising one dollar

relieved from

for each inhabitant for school


CHAP. 507. requiring the sum of one dollar for each inhabitant to be raised for school purposes, and they shall be entitled to receive their proportional part of the state school fund as if they had raised that sum. SECT. 2. The agent shall receive no compensation for his services, and he shall be under one thousand dollar bonds. SECT. 3. This act shall take effect when approved.

Agent shall

receive no compensation for services.

Approved March 23, 1870.

State tax.

Chapter 507.

AN ACT for the assessment of a State Tax for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy, amounting to thirteen hundred fifty thousand four hundred thirteen dollars and one cent.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:

SECT. 1. That each city, town, plantation, or other place hereinafter named within this state, shall be assessed and pay the several sums with which they respectively stand charged in the following lists; the same being in addition to the poll tax of one cent on each poll, a tax of six mills on the dollar of the present valuation, for the current disbursement of the treasury, and for the sinking fund established by an act approved January twentyeight, eighteen hundred sixty-five, and for the sinking fund established by an act approved March seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight.

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