Imagens das páginas
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very rogues, now they be out of fervice

Roderigo, D. P..

Roe. Here comes Romeo, without his roe, like a dried herring
-Whip to your tents, as roes run o'er the land

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-The Slies are no rogues

Induc. to Tam. of the Shrew.

Having flown over many knavish profeffions, he fettled only in a rogue
Let him call me rogue for being fo far officious; for I am proof against that title,
and what shame elfe belongs to 't

W.'s Tale. A

2 3492 2

Ibid. 4

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- A very filthy rogue

Trails and Cref. 5 4

888 250

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1 Henry iu. 24452233

nobles of the Troil. and Cref.2 1 H. iv.3

Roguery. There is nothing but roguery to be found in villainous men
Reifting. I have a roisting challenge sent amongst the dull and factious
Roll. All the courses of my life do fhew I am not in the roll of common men
Remage. The chief head of this post-hafte and romage in the land
Roman. One in whom the ancient Roman honour more appears, than any that draws
breath in Italy

Why should I play the Roman fool, and die on mine own fword
I will imitate the honourable Roman in brevity

Hamlet. I

We are come off like Romans, neither foolish in our stands, nor cowardly in retire Ib. 16709 127 I would not be a Roman of all nations, I had as lieve be a condemn'd man

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Ibid. 4 5 7301 8 797 117 831

Ant. and Cleop. 413
Titus Andronicus.

John hath made his peace with Rome; what is that peace to me Am I Rome's flave, what penny hath Rome borne, what men provided, nition fent

The nurse of judgment

Abhor this dilatory floth, and tricks of Rome

Cymbeline. 5 5 924218
Hamlet. 5 2 1041129

Othello. 4 11068213

Whofe gratitude towards her deferved children is enroll'd in Jove's own book - The honour'd gods keep Rome in safety, and the chairs of justice supply'd with worthy men

K. Jobn. 5 2 what mu

4082 28

Ibid. 5


4082 33

Henry uiii. 22

681 250

Ibid. 2 4


Cor. 3 1

722 151

thou haft loft the breed of noble bloods

J. Cæfar. 1

Ibid. 3 3 7251-4 2743221

- Here is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome, no Rome of safety for Octavius yet

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Let Rome in Tyber melt! and the wide arch of the rang'd, empire fall Ant, and Cleop. 1 1 767224
Doft thou not perceive that Rome is but a wilderness of tygers

Titus Andron. 3 I

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Romeo, nurfe's description of

Romish. To mart as in a Romish stew

Ronyon. Your ronyon

Road. An early firrer, by the rood

Rook'd. The raven rook'd her on the chimney's top

Room. O lawful let it be, that I have room with Rome to curfe a while
And all the unlook'd-for iffue of their bodies, to take their rooms, ere I can place

Bear. It is impoffible you should take root

3.Henry vi. 3 2 Much Ado About Nothing. 1 And will not once remove the root of his opinion, which is rotten, as ever oak or ftone was found

But that myself fhould be the root, and father of many kings

Winter's Tale 2 3 342 211
Macbeth. 31 372 1,60

But fet his murdering knife unto the root from whence that tender spray did sweetly

And rape, I fear, was root of thine annoy

He cut our roots in characters

3 Henry vi. 2 6 615237 Titus Andronicus. 418452 5 Cymbeline. 42 9151,20

Rooted. They rooted between them fucl; an affection as cannot but branch now W. T.
Thy truth and thy integrity is rooted in us, thy friend
Rope. Thou drunken flave, i fent thee for a rope

Henry viii. 51
Comedy of Errors. 4| 1|

33322 6972 50 113|1 45

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842119 969

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5 H 4

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Rope-maker. God and the rope-maker bear me witnefs

A. S. P. C. L.

Comedy of Errors.4| 4| 115|1|38
Rom. and Jul. 3 2 9851 4
Comedy of Errors. 4 I 112 1 52
Ibid. 4 4 115211
Ibid. 4 4 116

Ropery. What faucy merchant was this, that was fo full of his ropery Romeo and Juliet. 2 4 979|2|34

Rope-tricks. He'll rail in his rope tricks

Rofalind. D. P.

Rofaline. D. P.

Rofcius. What scene of death hath Roscius now to act

When Rofcius was an actor in Rome

Taming of the Shrew. 1
As You Like It.

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2/10141 43

Rofe. I had rather be a canker in a hedge, than a rose in his grace
Fair ladies mafk'd, are roses in the bud

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124/2/61 168261

At Christmas I no more defire a rofe, than wifh a fnow in May's new fangled fhews

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Say, that the frown; I'll fay the looks as clear as morning rofes-newly wash'd with dew

1 261 222

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Taming of the Shrew. 2 But when you have our rofes you barely leave our thorns to prick ourselves, and mock us with our bareness

All's Well. 42 296 155 King Jobn. 1 13891 6 Richard ii. 51 434159

My face fo thin, that in mine ear I durft not stick a rofe
But foft, but fee, or rather do not fee, my fair rose wither
To put down Richard, that sweet lovely rofe, and plant this thorn, this canker, Bo-

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-, red and white, origin of their becoming the badges of the Houfes of York and Lancafter

1 Henry iv. 1 3446241

1 Henry vi. 2 4 552231

I fee no reason if I wear this rofe, that any one should therefore be fufpicious Ibid. 4 1 561110 I cannot reft, until the white rofe, that I wear, be dy'd even in the luke-warm blood of Henry's heart

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We will unite the white rofe and the red:-fmile heaven upon this fair conjunction

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Against the blown rofe may they stop their nofe, that kneel'd unto the buds

Antony and Cleop. 311 788227

What's in a name? that which we call a rofe, by any other name would smell as fweet

The roses in thy lips and cheeks fhall fade to paly ashes

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Rosemary. For you there's rosemary, and rue; these keep feeming and winter long

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Ibid. 3 2 102123

Ibid. 3 41024|1|26

Ibid. 4 5 1030112

it needs muft

Othello. 5 2 1075247

favour all the
Winter's Tale. 4 3 3502



Rem. & Jul. 2

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Rover. Next to thyfelf, and my young rover, he's apparent to my heart
Rogue-mont. At Exeter, the mayor in court'fy fhew'd me the castle, and called it-

Rouge-mont: at which name I started

Rough. For I am rough, and woo not like a babe

In any cafe be not too rough in terms

Richard in. 4 2 658 159 Tam. of the Sbrew.2 I 261143

2 Hen. vi. 495981133 Rough.

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Cymbeline. 4 2

9162] 8

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Rough. As rough, their royal blood enchaf'd, as the rudeft wind
Rough-caft. Let him have some plaster, or some lome, or some rough-cast about him to
fignify wall

Mid. Night's Dream. 3
Rougb-bew. There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will

Round. Am I fo round with you, as you with me
The queen your mother rounds apace

Hamlet. 5 2 1037112

And chastise with the valour of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round

Your reproof is something too round

And on your heads clap round fines, for negle&t

Com. of Err. 2
Winter's Tale. 2

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I will be round with him, now he comes from hunting
I went round to work

Timon of Athens. 2

2 810123

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'Tis like you'll prove a jolly furly groom, that take it on you at the first so roundly

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And fell fo roundly to a large confeffion, to angle for your thoughts Troi. and Cref. 3
Round-man. You whorefon round-man! what's the matter
Roundure. 'Tis not the roundure of your old faced walls
Round-womb'd. Whereupon fhe grew round-womb'd


874 1 19

1 Henry iv. 2
K. Jobn. 2
Lear. I

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Roufe. The king doth wake to-night, and takes his rouse
O'ertook in his roufe

Hamlet. 1

929 118 410052 44 Ibid. 2 11009|1|56 Othello. 2 3 1055155

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If you know that I profess myself in banqueting to all the rout, then hold me dangerous

of nations

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All's Well.


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Tim. of Athens. 4 3
Cymbeline. 5

820 114



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Hamlet. 2 2/10142 20

Cymbeline. 4 4

Meaf. for Mcaf.4
1 Henry vi. 1

1 Henry iv. 2

972 22

25452 35

4 454149

Henry viii. 1 1 672148 3 639 110

Richard iii. 1


Mer. of Venice. bloody wretch Richard iii. 5 4

Royalties. These long-ufurped royalties from the dead temples of this
have I pluck'd off, to grace thy brows withal
Royalty. Now hear our English King, for thus his royalty doth speak in me
And then all this thou seeft, is but a clod and module of confounded royalty Ibid. 5
My father, and my uncle, and myself, did give him that fame royalty he wears
1 Henry iv. 4

Reynish. The roynish clown, at whom so oft your grace was wont to laugh, is alfo miffing

Rubs. To leave no rubs, nor botches in the work


669 2 13

K. John. 5 2

4091 6


4112 4

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Madam, we'll play at bowls; 'twill make me think, the world is full of rubs R. ii. 3 4

We doubt not now, but every rub is smoothed in our way
What rub or what impediment there is

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Rubb'd. 'Tis the duke's pleasure, whose disposition, all the world well knows, will not be rubb'd, nor stopp'd

Lear.[2] 2 942|1|31

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Rubbing. I fear too much rubbing


unparagon'd, how dearly they do't

A. S. P. C.L.
Lowe's Labour Loft 43 158/210

Comedy of Errors. 3 2 111241
Cymbeline. 22 902131
Twelfth Night. 4 310154
Cymbeline. 4 2 917119

Rubious. Diana's lip is not more smooth and rubious
Ruddock. The ruddock would with charitable bill bring thee all this
Ruddy drops. As dear to me as are the ruddy drops that vifit my fad heart Julius Cæfar. 2
Rude boys. And the deserves, a lord, that twenty fuch rude boys might tend upon

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All's Well. 3 2
Julius Cæfar. 1

Rudens. This rudeness is a fauce to his good wit
Rudefay. To give my hand, oppos'd against my heart, unto a mad-brain rudefby, full
of spleen

- be gone,

Taming of the Sbrew.3 2 264 247
Twelfth Night. 41327116
King John. 5 7 411266
all the winter

Rue. Nought fhall make us rue, if England to itself do reft but true
For you there's rosemary and rue; these keep seeming and favour


But what thou art, heaven, thou, and I do know; and all too foon I fear

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Here did the drop a tear; here, in this place, I'll fet a bank of rue, grace

France thou fhalt rue this treafon with thy tears

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If you deny them, all the land will rue it

the tears I fhed, a mother's tears in paffion for her fon

Winter's Tale. 433502& the king shall

Richard ii. 1 3 418122 four herb of

Ibid. 34 431 131 Henry vi. 3 559 129 2 Henry vi. 2458225 3 Henry vi. 604/221 Richard iii. 3765615 Titus Andron. 1 2 832/2/36

There's rue for you;—and here's fome for me, we may call it herb of grace o

Sundays: you may wear your rue with a difference Ruffs. With ruffs and cuffs, and fardingals and things

I'll murder your ruff for this

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Hamlet. A



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Taming of the Shrew. 21
Richard .24

Antony and Cleop. 41

Othello, 2 11051140

Ruffle. Were an Antony would ruffle up your spirits, and put a tongue in every wound of Cæfar's

To rule in the commonwealth of Rome

Alack, the night comes on, and the bleak winds do forely ruffie
With robbers' hands, my hofpitable favours you should not ruffle thus

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Julius Cæfar. 32 756261
Titus Andron. 1 2 834222
Lear. 24 945 2 57
Ibid. 3 7


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Sleek o'er your rugged looks
Rugged. And approach the rugged'ft hour that time and spight dare bring 2 Hen. iv. 1
Rug-headed. We must fupplant those rough rug-headed kerns
Ruin. Kneeling before this ruin of fweet life

Come thou new ruin of old Clifford's houfe

Richard ii. 2 1 421 147 King Joba. 4 3 405 124 2 Henry vi. 5 2 601259

Reftor'd me to my honours, and, out of ruins, made my name once more noble

Henry viii. 680136

Thou art the ruins of the noblest man, that ever liv'd in the tide of times J. Cafar.31 754 215

The ruin fpeaks, that fometime it was a worthy building Ruinate. Shall love, in building, grow fo ruinate

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I will not ruinate my father's house, who gave his blood to lime the

Cymbeline. 4 291827 Comedy of Errors. 3 2 110221

Then afterwards, to order well the ftate; that like events may ne'er

Rule. If you priz'd my lady's favour, at any thing more than contempt, give means for, this uncivil rule,

Margaret shall now be queen, and rule the king: but I will rule both

and realm

ftones together


3 Henry vi. 5 1



Titus Andron. 5 3 855 236


Twelfth Night. 2 3 315228
would not
her, the king

1 Henry vi. 5 6 5702 13 Titus Andron. 1 2 8332 5 2 Henry vi. 5 16001 34 Trail, and Greff 13 86224 Ibid. 5 2 886246 Lear. 3 2 9462 46 Two Gent. of Verona.12 25/2 4

Thou shalt rule no more o'er him, whom heaven created for thy ruler
To-morrow yield up rule, refign my life
The fpeciality of rule hath been neglected
If there be rule in unity itself, this is not fhe
Rumble thy, belly full! fpit, fire! (pout rain



Ruminate. Then the plots, then the ruminates, then the devifes Merry Wives of Wind,|2|2
And inly ruminate the morning danger

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Henry v.4 cb
1 Henry vi. 5 6
Henry viii.
Titus Andronicus. 5 2

A. S. P. C. L. 561237 527 116

5702 6


6761 32


likes an hoftefs, that hath no arithmetic but her brain, to set down her reckoning

Troilus and Creffida. 3 3 877 112 As thou dost ruminate; and give thy worst of thoughts the worst of words Othello. 3 3 1060 250 Ruminated, But what I know is ruminated, plotted, and fet down

1 Henry iv.13 447 228 2775 233 1241 253

Ant. and Cleop.2

'Tis a ftudied, not a prefent, thought by duty ruminated Rumination. My often rumination wraps me in a most humourous fadness As You L. It. 4 Rumour. I will be gone; that pitiful rumour may report my flight, to confolate thine ear

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Induc. to 2 Henry iv.


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Merry W. of Windfor.1

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Merch. of Venice. 2 2

203 219

1 Henry iv. 2 4

453 5

Ibid. 24

454 246

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What need's thou ran so many miles about, when thou may'ft tell thy tale the
nearest way

-We may out-run, by violent swiftnefs, that which we run at, and

I am forry, that the Duke of Buckingham is run in your displeasure

Runagate. White-liver'd runagate

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Spread thy close curtain, love-performing night! that runaway's eyes may wink

Runner. 'Tis sport to maul a runner

Running. And, ftarting fo, he feem'd in running to devour the way

Running banquet. Some of thefe fhould find a running banquet ere they
Rupture. It is a rupture that you may easily heal

Rufbes. In which cage of rushes, I am fure, you are not a prisoner
The rushes ftrew'd

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Let wantons, light of heart, tickle the fenfelefs rushes with their heels
Man but a rush against Othello's breaft, and he retires
Rufh-candle. If you please to call it a rufh-candle, henceforth I vow it shall be so for



Tam. of the Shrew. 4 5 273136

Rub d. Thy fault our law calls death; but the kind prince, taking thy part, hath rufh'd
afide the law


Rufing. Smelling fo fweetly (all mufk) and fo rufling
Ruffia. This will laft out a night in Ruffia, when nights are longeft there M. for Meaf, 2 I
Ruffians. And are apparell'd thus, like Mufcovites or Ruffians Love's Lab. Loft.5

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Ruf I were better to be eaten to death with a ruft, than to be scour'd to nothing with
perpetual motion

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