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group, was originally present in the form of oxide or in that of suboxide. That the lead, if present in large proportion, is obtained partly in the form of a chloride, and partly in the precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid in the acid solution, can hardly be thought an objection to the application of this method, as the removal of the larger portion of the lead from the solution, effected at the commencement, will only serve to facilitate the examination for other metals of the fifth and sixth groups.

As already remarked, a basic salt of teroxide of antimony may separate from potassio-tartrate of antimony, for instance, or from some other analogous compound, and precipitate along with the insoluble chloride of silver and subchloride of mercury, and the sparingly soluble chloride of lead. This precipitate, however, is readily soluble in the excess of hydrochloric acid which is subsequently added, and exercises therefore no influence whatever upon the further process. The application of heat to the fluid mixed with hydrochloric acid is neither necessary nor even advisable, since it might cause the conversion of a little of the precipitated subchloride of mercury into chloride.

Should bismuth or chloride of antimony be present, the addition of the washings of the precipitate produced by hydrochloric acid to the first filtrate will cause turbidity, if the amount of free hydrochloric acid present is not sufficient to prevent the separation of the basic salt. This turbidity exercises, however, no influence upon the further process, since hydrosulphuric acid as readily converts these finely-divided precipitates into sulphides, as if the metals were in actual solution.

In the case of alkaline solutions, the addition of hydrochloric acid must be continued until the fluid shows a strongly acid reaction. The substance which causes the alkaline reaction of the fluid combines with the hydrochloric acid, and the bodies originally dissolved in that acid separate. Thus, if the alkali was present in the free state, oxide of zinc,. for instance, or alumina, &c., may precipitate. But these oxides redissolve in an excess of hydrochloric acid, whereas chloride of silver would not redissolve, and chloride of lead only with difficulty. If a metallic sulphur salt was the cause of the alkaline reaction, the sulphur acid, e. g., tersulphide of antimony, precipitates upon the addition of the hydrochloric acid, whilst the sulphur base, e. g., sulphide of sodium, transposes with the constituents of the hydrochloric acid, forming chloride of sodium and hydrosulphuric acid. If an alkaline carbonate, a cyanide, or the sulphide of an alkali metal was the cause of the alkaline reaction, carbonic acid, hydrocyanic acid, or hydrosulphuric acid escapes. All these phenomena should be carefully observed by the analyst, since they not only indicate the presence of certain substances, but demonstrate also the absence of entire groups of bodies.

To $188.

A judicious distribution and economy of time is especially to be studied in the practice of analysis; many of the operations may be carried on simultaneously, which the student will readily perceive and arrange for himself.

In cases where the analyst has simply to deal with metallic oxides of the sixth group-e. g., teroxide of antimony-and of the fourth or fifth

group-e. g., iron or bismuth-he need not precipitate the acidified solution with hydrosulphuric acid, but may, after neutralization, at once add sulphide of ammonium in excess. The sulphide of iron, &c., will in that case precipitate, whilst the antimony, &c., will remain in solution, from which they will, by addition of an acid, at once be thrown down as tersulphide of antimony, &c. This method has the advantage that the fluid is diluted less than is the case where solution of hydrosulphuric acid is employed, and that the operation is performed more expeditiously and conveniently than is the case where hydrosulphuric acid gas is conducted into the fluid. Finally, I must once more remind the student that the perfect purity of the reagents, and their application in correct quantity, rank amongst the most indispensable conditions of successful analysis. This applies more particularly to hydrosulphuric acid, especially when used in the gaseous form. In such cases, students often lose sight of the circumstance that hydrosulphuric acid gas fails to precipitate highly acid solutions unless they be previously diluted with water.

To § 191.

Besides the methods described in the systematic course to distinguish between cadmium, copper, lead, and bismuth, the following process will also be found to give highly satisfactory results. Add carbonate of soda to the nitric acid solution as long as a precipitate continues to form, then solution of cyanide of potassium in excess, and heat gently. This effects the complete separation of lead and bismuth in the form of carbonates, whilst copper and cadmium are obtained in solution in the form of cyanide of copper and potassium, and cyanide of cadmium and potassium. Lead and bismuth may now be readily separated from one another by means of sulphuric acid. The separation of the copper from the cadmium is effected by adding to the solution of the cyanides of these two metals in cyanide of potassium, hydrosulphuric acid in excess, gently heating, and then adding some more cyanide of potassium, in order to redissolve the sulphide of copper which may have precipitated along with the sulphide of cadmium. A residuary yellow precipitate (sulphide of cadmium), insoluble in the cyanide of potassium, demonstrates the presence of cadmium. Filter the fluid from this precipitate, and add hydrochloric acid to the filtrate, when the formation of a black precipitate (sulphide of copper) will demonstrate the presence of copper.

To § 202.

The analysis of cyanogen compounds is not very easy in certain cases, and it is sometimes a difficult task even to ascertain whether we have really a cyanide before us or not. However, if the reactions of the substance under examination upon ignition (§ 174, A, I. 2, e [8]) be carefully observed, and also whether upon boiling with hydrochloric acid any odor of hydrocyanic acid is emitted (§ 178, 2 [34]), the presence or absence of a cyanide will generally not long remain a matter of doubt.

It must above all be borne in mind that the insoluble cyanogen compounds occurring in pharmacy, &c., belong to two distinct classes. Viz., they are either SIMPLE CYANIDES, or COMPOUNDS OF METALS WITH FERROCYANOGEN or some other analogous compound radical.

All the simple cyanides are decomposed by boiling with concentrated hydrochloric acid, into metallic chlorides and hydrocyanic acid. Their analysis is therefore never difficult. But the ferrocyanides, &c., to which indeed the method described § 202 more exclusively refers, suffer by acids such complicated decompositions that their analysis by means of acids is a task not so easily accomplished. Their decomposition by potassa (or soda) is far more simple. The alkali yields its oxygen to the metal combined with the ferrocyanogen, &c., the oxide thus formed precipitates, and the reduced potassium or sodium forms with the liberated radical soluble ferrocyanide, &c., of potassium (or sodium, as the case may be). But several oxides are soluble in an excess of potassa, as, e. g., oxide of lead, oxide of zinc, &c. If, therefore, the double ferrocyanide of zinc and potassium, for instance, is boiled with solution of caustic potassa, it dissolves completely in that menstruum, and we may assume that the solution contains ferrocyanide of potassium, and oxide of zinc dissolved in potassa. Were we to add an acid to this solution, we should of course simply re-obtain the original precipitate of the double ferrocyanide of zinc and potassium, and the experiment would consequently be of no avail. To prevent this failure, conduct hydrosulphuric acid into the solution in potassa. This serves to convert into sulphides all the heavy metals which the potassa holds in solution as oxides. Those sulphides which are insoluble in potassa, such as sulphide of lead, sulphide of zinc, &c., precipitate, whilst those which are soluble in alkaline sulphides, such as bisulphide of tin, tersulphide of antimony, &c., remain in solution, and separate only upon the addition of an acid.

The fluid filtered from the precipitated oxides and sulphides accordingly always contains the cyanogen as ferrocyanide, &c., of potassium— provided, of course, the analyzed compound is really a double ferrocyanide, &c. From most of these compounds-ferrocyanide, ferricyanide, chromicyanide, and manganocyanide of potassium-the cyanogen partly separates as hydrocyanic acid, upon boiling the solutions with sulphuric acid, and may thus be readily detected by this means, should the direct way of detecting the radicals not succeed. But the cobalticyanide of potassium is not decomposed by sulphuric acid, and the analyst is accordingly directed to effect the detection of the compound radical in that salt by means of solution of nickel, manganese, zinc, &c. By fusion with nitrate of potassa, all these double compounds suffer decomposition, cobalticyanide of potassium not excepted. The reason why the fusion of these double compounds with nitrate of potassa should be preceded by evaporation with an excess of nitric acid, is simply to prevent the occurrence of explosions. Caution is always highly advisable in this operation.

If you simply wish to examine for certain bases in simple or compound cyanides, and for that purpose to destroy the cyanogen compound, mix the body under examination with 3 parts of sulphate and 1 part of nitrate of ammonia, and heat in a porcelain crucible under a chimney, to carry off the fumes. Complete decomposition ensues even at a moderate heat, the whole of the cyanide volatizing in form of cyanide of ammonium and products of the decomposition of the latter, whilst the metals are left behind as sulphates (Bolley).




§ 227.

THE detection and separation of the vegeto-alkalies, or alkaloids, is a task of far greater difficulty than that of most of the inorganic bases. Although this difficulty is in some measure owing to the circumstance that scarcely one of the compounds which the alkaloids form with other substances is absolutely insoluble or particularly characterized by its color or any striking property, yet the principal cause of it must be ascribed to the want of accurate and minute investigations of the salts and other compounds of the alkaloids, and of the products of their decomposition. We consequently generally see and apprehend the reactions only in their external manifestation, but without being able to connect them with the causes producing them, which makes it impossible to understand all the conditions which may exercise a modifying influence.

Although therefore, in the present imperfect state of our knowledge of these bodies, an attempt to define their deportment with reagents, and base thereon a method of effecting their separation, or, at least, their individual detection in presence of each other, must of necessity fall very short of perfection, yet, having made a great many experiments on the nature and behavior of these substances, I will attempt here, for the benefit of young chemists, and more particularly pharmaceutists, to describe in some measure the reactions which the most important of the alkaloids manifest with other bodies, and to lay down a systematic method of effecting their individual detection.

The classification of the alkaloids into groups, which I have adopted, is based upon their deportment with certain general reagents. I have verified by numerous experiments the whole of the reactions described in the succeeding paragraphs.


The volatile alkaloids are fluid at the common temperature, and may be volatilized in the pure state as well as when mixed with water. They are accordingly obtained in the distillate when their salts are distilled with strong fixed bases and water. Their vapors, when brought in contact with those of volatile acids, form a white cloud.

[blocks in formation]

1. Nicotia, in its pure state, forms a colorless, oily liquid, of 1.048 sp. gr.; the action of air imparts a yellowish or brownish tint to it. It boils at 482° F., suffering, however, partial decomposition in the process; but, when heated in a stream of hydrogen gas, it distils over unaltered, between 212° and 392° F. It is miscible in all proportions with water, alcohol, and ether.

Nicotia has a peculiar, disagreeable, somewhat ethereal, tobacco-like odor, an acrid, pungent taste, and very poisonous properties. Dropped on paper, it makes a transparent stain, which slowly disappears; it turns turmeric paper brown, and reddened litmus paper blue. Concentrated aqueous solution of nicotia shows these reactions more distinctly than the alkaloid in the pure state.

2. Nicotia has the character of a pretty strong base; it precipitates metallic oxides from their solutions, and forms salts with acids. The salts of nicotia are freely soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether; they are inodorous, but taste strongly of tobacco; part of them are crystallizable. Their solutions, when distilled with solution of potassa, give a distillate containing nicotia. By neutralizing this with oxalic acid, and evaporating, oxalate of nicotia is produced, which may be freed from any admixture of oxalate of ammonia, by means of spirit of wine, in which the former salt is soluble, the latter insoluble.

3. If an aqueous solution of nicotia, or a solution of a salt of nicotia mixed with solution of soda or potassa, is shaken with ether, the nicotia is dissolved by the ether; if the latter is then allowed to evaporate on a watch-glass, the nicotia remains behind in drops and streaks; on warming the watch-glass, it volatilizes in white fumes of strong odor.

4. Bichloride of platinum produces in aqueous solutions of nicotia whitish-yellow, flocculent precipitates. On heating the fluid containing the precipitate, the latter dissolves, but upon continued application of heat it very speedily separates again in form of an orange-yellow, crystalline, heavy powder, which, under the microscope, appears to be composed of roundish crystalline grains. If a rather dilute solution of nicotia, supersaturated with hydrochloric acid, is mixed with bichloride. of platinum, the fluid at first remains clear; after some time, however, the double salts separate in small crystals (oblique, four-sided prisms), clearly discernible with the naked eye.

5. Terchloride of gold produces a reddish-yellow, flocculent precipitate, sparingly soluble in hydrochloric acid.

6. Solution of iodine in iodide of potassium and water, when added in small quantity to an aqueous solution of nicotia, produces a yellow precipitate, which after a time disappears. Upon further addition of iodine solution, a copious, kermes-colored precipitate separates; but this also disappears again after a time.

7. Solution of tannic acid produces a copious, white precipitate, which redissolves upon addition of hydrochloric acid; but if a large quantity of hydrochloric acid is then added to the solution, an abundant precipitate again makes its appearance.

8. If an aqueous solution of nicotia is added to a solution of chloride

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