140. FRÖHLICH, A., und KREIDL, A., Pharmakologische Untersuchungen über die Wärmenarkose an marinen Krebsen (Palaemon). Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1921, 187, 90-101. Erwärmung über bestimmte Temperaturen bringt bei allen Tieren reversible Zustände von Refexlosigkeit hervor ("Warmenarkose"; beim Frosch z. B. 37-38° C). Verfasser finden, dass durch verdünntes Meerwasser, Vermehrung des Mg-Geholts, Strychnin, Cocain etc. der Entritt der Lähmung um mehrere Grad nach unten verschoben wird. Eine Verschiebung nach oben gelang nicht. Als Sitz der "Warmenarkose" werden die Vorderteile des Centralnervensystems angesehen. Wegen der Deutung der Versuche siehe das Original. BETHE (Frankfurt a/M.) 141. FRÖHLICH, A., und KREIDL, A., Lichtreaktionen bei Krebsen (Palaemon). Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1921, 187, 102-104. Palaemon zeigt bei Vergiftung mit Campher oder Phenol auf Belichtung, noch deutlicher auf Beschattung einen Refexsprung. Bei Vergiftung mit Strychnin oder Ammoniak, wo ebenfalls die Reflexe gesteigert sind, bleibt die Ueberempfindlichkeit für Licht resp. Beschattung aus. BETHE (Frankfurt a/M.) 142. SCHAEFER, G., Beiträge zur Physiologie des Farbenwechsels der Fische. 1. Untersuchungen an Pleuronectiden. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1921, 188, 25–48. Die Kontraktion der Chromatophoren bei elektrischer Reizung der Haut kann reflektorisch durch das Centralnervensystem oder (nach Ausschaltung desselben durch Curare) durch lokale Beeinflussung zu Stande kommen. Das Reflexcentrum sitzt in der Medulla (elektrische Reizung derselben giebt Aufhellung, Zerstörung der Medulla Verdunklung der Haut). Leitungsweg durch den Sympathicus; daher bewirkt Nikotin Expansion, Adrenalin Kontraktion der Chromatophoren. BETHE (Frankfurt a/M.) BOOKS RECEIVED DREVER, J. The Psychology of Everyday Life. New York: Dutton, 1921. Pp. v + 164. $2.50. HURST, A. F. The Croonian Lectures on the Psychology of the Special Senses and their Functional Disorders. London: Oxford University Press, Frowd, H., 1920. Pp. v + 123. CAMPANELLA, T. C. Dentice di Accadia. Florence: Vallechi, 1921. Pp. 304. STERN, W. Die Differentielle Psychologie in ihren methodischen Grundlagen. (Dritte Aufl.) Leipzig: Barth, 1921. Pp. iii+ 545 LIPMANN, O. Abzahlende Methoden und ihre Verwendung in der Psychologischen Statistik. Leipzig: Barth, 1921. Pp. 78. M. 15. STERN, E. Die Feststellung der psychischen Berufseignung und die Schule. Leipzig: Barth, 1921. Pp. 153. M. 30. KATZ, D. Zur Psychologie des Amputierten und seiner Prothese. Leipzig: Barth, 1921. Pp. 118. M. 28. WITTMANN, J. Ueber das sehen von Schweinbegungen und Schenkorpern. Leipzig: Barth, 1921. Pp. viii+204. M. 22. GOLZ, B. Wandlungen Literatischer Motive. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1920. Pp. 94. M. 6. FREYER, H. Die Bewertung der Wirtschraft im Philosopho phischen Denken des 19. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1921. Pp. 174. M. 26. WERNER, H. Die Ursprunge der Metapher. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1919. Pp. viii+238. M. 14. BISSEL, A. The Role of Expectation in Music. New Haven: 1921. Pp. i+74. REED, J. The Coal Problem. Washington: 1921. Pp. 22. GESELL, A. Exceptional Children and Public Schoo! Po'icy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921. Pp. 66. BALDWIN, B. The Physical Growth of Children from Birth to Maturity. Iowa City: The University, 1921. Pp. 411. MONROE, W. S. Report of Educational Tests for '19-'20. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1921. Pp. 64. 25 cts. OTIS, A. S. Otis General Intelligence Examination. Yonkers: World Book Co., 1921. HENMON, V. A. C. Henmon French Tests and Henmon Latin Tests. Yonkers: World Book Co., 1921. CLARK, W. W. Supervised Conduct-response of Delinquent Boys. California: Whittier, 1921. Pp. 14. Statistical Report of Infant Mortality for 1920. Baltimore: American Child Hygiene Association, 1921. Pp. 16. The Journal of Educational Method, Vol. 1, No. 1. Chicago: 1921. Pp. 46. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Diseases, Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 4. Boston: 1920. Pp. 135. R. S. WOODWORTH. Psychology. A Study of Mental Life. New York: Holt, 1921. Pp. x + 580. S. NACCARATI. The Morphologic Aspect of Intelligence. (Arch. of Psychol., No. 45, 1921.) Pp. 44. 70 cts. H. H. GODDARD. Psychology of the Normal and Subnormal. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1919. Pp. xxiv +349. M. S. PITTMAN. The Value of School Supervision. Baltimore: Warwick & York, 1921. Pp. x + 129. A. G. PEAKS. Periodic Variations in Efficiency. Baltimore: Warwick & York, 1921. Pp. 95. W. S. HERTZOG. State Maintenance for Teachers in Training. Baltimore: Warwick & York, 1921. Pp. 144. A. TRIDON. Psychoanalysis, its History, Theory, and Practice. New York: Huebsch, 1919. Pp. ix + 272. $2.00. W. LAY. Man's Unconscious Spirit. The Psychoanalysis of Spiritism. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1921. Pp. 337 A. COHEN-KYSPER. Rücklaufige Differenzierung und Entwicklung. H. A. BROWN. A Study of Ability in Latin in Secondary Schools. G. OWEN. Nursery School Education. New York: Dutton, (no date). Pp. 176. $2.50. J. A. GOLDBERG. Social Aspects of the Treatment of the Insane. New York: Columbia Univ., 1921. Pp. 247. $2.50. W. H. R. RIVERS. Mind and Medicine. London: Longmans, Green, 1919. I sh. NOTES AND NEWS DR. P. T. YOUNG, of the University of Minnesota, has accepted an associateship in psychology at the University of Illinois. THE nomination of Dr. Walter B. Cannon, of the Harvard Medical School, to serve in the Medical Reserve Corps of the U. S. Army, with the rank of brigadier-general, has been confirmed by Congress. Ar the recent meeting of the Optical Society of America, Dr. L. T. Troland of Harvard University was elected President for a term of two years. Ar the recent meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held at Toronto, Dr. Raymond Dodge of Wesleyan University was elected Vice-president and Chairman of Section I (Psychology). THE death is announced of Max Verworn, professor of physiology at the University of Bonn, at the age of 57 years. Ar the meeting of the American Psychological Association held at Princeton, December 28-30, 1921, the following officers were elected: President, Knight Dunlap, Johns Hopkins University; Members of the Council, 1922-1924, Warner Brown, University of California, and F. L. Wells, Boston Psychopathic Hospital; Treasurer, Samuel W. Fernberger, University of Pennsylvania. Edwin G. Boring, Clark University, continues as Secretary. Nominees for appointment to the Division of Anthropology and Psychology of the National Research Council were Edwin G. Boring, Clark University, and J. McKeen Cattell, Garrison, N. Y. ON December 27, 1921, The American Psychological Association constituted a Section of Consulting Psychologists, with membership open to persons then members of the Section of Clinical Psychology. The necessary papers for taking out such membership have been mailed to the addresses of authorized persons. Any authorized person desiring these papers and not receiving them is invited to communicate with the representative of the Association's Committee, Dr. F. L. Wells, 74 Fenwood Rd., Boston, Mass. Applications received before May 10 will be completed on or about June 1. Subsequent applications will be completed as promptly as the routine of correspondence permits, and not later than the following annual meeting of the Committee. Further notice will be given. when the Committee is in a position to take up applications from persons other than those authorized as above. A COMMITTEE of the Optical Society of America is making arrangements for bringing out an English translation of Helmholtz's Handbuch der physiologischen Optik, as a memorial of the hundredth anniversary of von Helmholtz's birth. It is desired that all interested may have an opportunity to contribute to the project; contributions, no matter how small, may be sent to Adolph Lomb, Esq., care of Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. Any one subscribing as much as $15.00 will receive a copy of the complete work when it is issued. |