Thalman, W. A., 251, 342 Thomson, G. H., 170, 708 Thorndike, E. L., 228, 427, 486, 644, 696, 697,702 Thurstone, L. L., 228 Thurstone, L. S., 409 Tilney, F., 190 Titchener, E. B., 237, 238, 239, 296, 337, 424, 427, 442, 584, 608 TITTEL, M., 18, 18 Toepel, H., 508 Tolman, E. C., 90, 354, 372 Town, C. H., 651 Townsend, H. G., 698 Tramm, K. A., 25, 148 Traumann, E., 509 Stanojevic, L., 152 Starr, H. E., 598 Stearns, A. W., 40, 227 Stearns, W. D., 227 STECHER, L. I., 56, 57 STEINER, G., 378, 479, 480, 481, 491, 492, 493 STEINHAUSEN, W., 5, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 237, 246, 247, 253, 271, 356, 467, 530 Stelzner, H., 523 Stemschein, E., 467 Stenquist, J. L., 50, 166 Stern, K., 405 Stern, E., 61, 227, 279, 292, 606 Toops, H. A., 82, 223, 352, 466 Stern, W., 61, 116, 159, 170, 242, 280, Towne, B. М., 602 292, 293, 427, 588, 590, 637 Sternschein, R., 356 Stevenson, P. R., 337 Stewart, W., 386 Stillman, M. С., 516 Stone, C. W., 43 Storm van Leeuwen, W., 477 Stragnell, G., 391 Strassmann, F., 627 Streller, J., 267 Strong, E. K., 427, 461, 488 Stuchlik, J., 624 Stumpf, C., 472, 473, 584 Stumpf, H., 427 Sturt, M., 673, 683 Sullivan, A. Н., 247 Sully, J., 454 Sunne, D., 70 Sumner, F. С., 679 Sutherland, A. Н., 678 Suttie, I. D., 694 Swan, J. J., 227 SYLVESTER, R. H., 38, 491, 494 Symes, W. L., 182 Szymanski, I. Taft, J., 55, 70 525, 526, 601 Tansley, A. G., 669 Tape, H. A., 703 Taylor, C. K., 182 Tead, O., 228 Terman, L. M., 42, 115, 228,427,516 Thalhimer, W., 688 Trendelenburg, W., 366, 374 Trevan, J., 658 Tridon, A., 62 Troland, L. Τ., 63, 135 Trotsenburg, J. A. v., 141 Troubridge, 390 Tschermak, Α. ν., 19, 118 Tumarkin, A., 609 Turner, E. Μ., 676 Turro, R., 342 Twitmyer, E. В., 100 Ulrich, M., 228 Vaerting, M., 606, 615 Valentiner, T., 292 Van Wagenen, M. J., 46 Veley, V. H., 182 Venturi, 337 Verworn, M., 63, 427 Villa, E., 427 VITELES, M. S., 155, 228, 394, 488 Vix, W., 486 Voelkel, H., 137 Vorberg, G., 396 Waddington, M. M., 427 Waldau, M., 268 Waldberg, L., 605 WALKER, J., 632, 633, 634, 672, 685, Wilde, N., 428 Wallin, J. E. W., 56, 87, 236, 283 686, 687, 692, 693, 694, 707 Wallis, W. D., 668 Walter, H., 406 Warcollier, R., 116 WARREN, H. C., 230, 372, 427, 454 Wilhelm, H., 290 Wilkinson, G., 658 Williams, E. Η., 41 Wilson, W. R., 703 Winkler, H., 409, 600 Winter, W., 480 WIRTH, W., 18, 26, 118, 118, 142, 145, Washburn, M. F., 190, 191, 337, 383, Winzen, K., 142 427,584,599 WASHBURN, R. W., 36, 277 Watson, J. B., 399, 427, 442 Watson, M., 228 Weber, J., 269, 273, 293, 294 Weidmann, F., 267 Weigert, F., 237 Weir, M. A., 519 Weiss, A. P., 586, 665 Weiss, C., 694 Weller, C. V., 427 WELLS, F. L., 63, 143, 275, 462, 686 Werbitzky, W., 595 Werner, H., 61 Wertheimer, M., 582, 584, 585 Weygandt, W., 154 WHEELER, R. H., 7, 8, 9, 25, 28, 35, 36, 39, 40, 55, 116, 262, 380, 608, 661, Wheeler, W. M., 427 Wheeler, T., 51 Whipple, G. M., 228, 428 Whitchurch, A. K., 252, 342, 705 Wichmann, O., 588 252, 257, 428 Witasek, S., 585 Witmer, L., 483, 674 Wittig, K., 627 Wittmann, J., 61, 235 Woeste, O., 160 Woodrow, H., 515 Woolley, H. Т., 228 Wright, J., 428 Wrightson, T., 428 Wunderle, G., 489 Wundt, W., 337 Yepsen, L. N., 702 WICKE, R., 470, 472, 473, 474, 476, 489, Zingerle, H., 643 Yerkes, R. M., 228, 296, 392, 428 Yeung, K. T., 288 Yoakum, C. S., 111, 228, 428, 462 Yokoyama, M., 191 Young, H. H., 462, 519 Young, J., 680 YOUNG, P. T., 63, 101, 191, 249, 352, 354, 372, 373, 382, 383, 385, 596 Young, T., 337 Zabuesnig, K. V., 281 Zahn, 337 Ziegler, L. H., 36 ZIEHEN, T., 5, 32, 33, 34, 35, 123, 124, Zimmermann, F., 620 594, 595 Wiegmann, O., 170, 292 Wiehmeyer, H., 527 Wierma, E. D., 482 WILCOX, L. D., 385 Zirbes, L., 168 Zühlsdorff, E., 169 ZUR STROSSEN, 463, 471, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529 Zwaardemaker, H., 306 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Abstracts, General, 1, 117, 237, 351, Nervous System, 5, 122, 243, 355, Sensation and Perception, 9, 126, 245, 358, 471, 591, 664 668 Motor Phenomena and Action, 21, 137, 252, 373, 479, 600, 670 Effects, Psychological of Drugs, 175 Abstracts, 19, 373, 597, 668 Feeling and Emotion, 185 General, Abstracts, 1, 117, 237, 351, Gestalt-Theorie, 531 Psychology, 39, 154, 276, 514, History of Psychology, 411 Mental Development in Man, 42, Action and Motor Phenomena, Ab- After Image, Flight of Colors in, 307 Proceedings of, 65 Attention, Memory and Thought, Ab- Bright Light, After Image of, 307 Definitions and Limitations of Psy- Disorders, Nervous and Mental, Ab- Drugs, Psychological Effects of, 175 Individual, Racial and Social Psychol- Learning, Theories of, 443 Limitations and Definitions of Psycho- logical Terms, 232 Man, Mental Development in, Ab- Memory, Attention and Thought, Ab- Mental and Nervous Disorders, Ab- Conditions, Special, Abstracts, 30, Motor Phenomena and Action, Ab- Sensation and Perception, Abstracts, 9, Space, Cutaneous, 338 30, 150, 270, 389, 491, 615, 679 Taste and Smell, Psychology of, 297 Vocational Selection, Psychology of, 19 |