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A certain, safe, and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Salt Rheum. It is an internal remedy, driving out and entirely eradicating the disease, requiring no change in diet or business, and may be taken by children and persons of 'ne most delicate constitutions with perfect safety.


"Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound" is the best medicine for the disease I ever saw. CHAS. A. SMITH, No. 1 Old State House, Boston. After suffering with Rheumatism twenty years, and being confined to my bed several weeks last spring, I was entirely cured by the use of one bottle of "Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound." NORMAN T. AYRES, 75 Franklin Street, Boston. Having been a constant sufferer from Neuralgia for eighteen months, and been driven by excruciating pain to the trial of numberless remedies without obtaining relief, I was induced to try "Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Conpound." I have taken but one bottle, and am entirely well. D. D. BAXTER, Dry Goods Dealer, No. 5 Appleton Block, Lowell, Mass I have been afflicted with Salt Rheum in its worst form for a long time, and suffered more than can be imagined except by those similarly afflicted. I tried one bottle of your Compound, and can honestly say that I believe myself entirely cured. JOHN A. MORDO, Pearl Street House, Boston, Mass. "Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound" has entirely cured me of sufferings of several years' standing. W. E. HODGKINS, No. 1 Old State House, Boston.

My son, ten years of age, has been for three years a great sufferer from Salt Rheum, his hands covered with sores and in constant pain. One bottle of your Compound cured him. J. W. HAMMOND, 99 Milk Street, Boston

"Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound" has entirely cured me of Neuralgia. W. C. THOMPSON, Proprietor Pearl Street House, Boston, Mass.

One half a bottle of your Compound cured me of a severe attack of Neuralgia.

FANNIE S. THOMPSON, Pearl Street House, Boston

I certify that my friend Wm. T. Glidden, Esq., presented me with a bottle of "Gardiner's Rheumatic Compound" in 1856, when I was suffering with a painful attack of Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and that it proved to be of decided benefit ALBERT SMITH, Ex-Member of Congress from Maine.

The undersigned hereby certify that they have used "Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound," for the cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia, and found in every case immediate and permanent relief. We have full confidence in its healing qualities, and would recommend it to all who are afflicted with these harassing diseases as one of the safest and best medicines ever offered to the public.

S. HANCOCK, Jr., 20 So. Market St., Boston; HENRY A. FULLER, 18 So. Market St., Boston; W. H. ALLEN, Boston; ELMER TOWNSEND, 45 and 47 Pearl St., Boston; CAPT. CHAS G. DOLLIVER, Boston; SAMUEL WALES, Jr., City Hotel, Boston; C. KIRMES, 215 Washington St., Boston; HENRY D. GARDINER, Webster St., East Boston; GEO. H. PLUMMER, 1 Maverick Sq., East Boston; ABRAM WEEKS, Webster St., East Boston.

The Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound has been taken by hundreds of persons for Scrofulous Humors with great benefit.


F. C. WELLS & CO., 115 FRANKLIN ST., Wholesale Agents for New-York. For sale by Apothecaries generally throughout the United States. None genuine unless signed by CHARLES 7 GARDINER.


A Choice of Articles of JEWELRY for One Dollar, worth at Retail from Six to Thirty Dollars each, at the





WE give the following explanation in regard to this apparently incredible offer: Several of the most extensive Jewelry Manufacturers, finding it absolutely necessary to realize Cash on their goods, have appointed an agency in New-York, with instructions to SELL, regardlesss of cost. We therefore offer to the public a choice of the most varied and extensive lot of Jewelry ever exposed for sale, all at .

Remember! YOUR CHOICE of the following Articles for $1 each.


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Together with an infinite variety of other styles of Jewelry in sets, all warranted to be worth, at retail, from 300 to 500 per cent more than prices charged by us. Also, Lockets of all sizes, Gold Pens, with Silver Extension Cases, Gold Pencils, and Bracelets of every description, Sleeve-Buttons and Studs, Plain, Gold and Engraved. Also in Onyx, Cameo, Enameled, etc. Every style and variety of Jewelry, of the most tasty and fashionable pattern, we have, and you

TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF ANY THING WE HAVE FOR $1. REMEMBER, that we are selling positively without any regard to the value of the goods, and that another such chance to purchase Gold and Gold-Plated Jewelry CAN NEVER POSSIBLY OCCUR AGAIN. The sale will continue only three months, therefore send early.

Parties in the country who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, can have their orders forwarded by mail; but in addition to the dollar, four three-cent postage-stamps must be sent with each article ordered, to pay the postage. Any person getting up a Club of Ten Subscribers for any of the articles enumerated above, can select an extra one for themselves, free, or in other words, eleven articles will be sent for $10. The goods are all warranted to be double gold-plated-will stand the test of Nitric Acid, and look as well for from two to three years as now. They are exactly the same quality of goods as are sold at all the Jewelry Stores in the country for solid gold, at from five to ten times the amount charged by us.

NOTICE.-Persons who have not had dealings with CORNELL & CO., are referred to the following prominent business firms in New-York, who have kindly permitted us to use their names as reference:

DERBY & JACKSON, Publishers, 119 Nassau St.
JOSEPH RUSSELL, Printer and Publisher, 79 John St.
A. J. VAN WINKLE, Paper Warehouse, 9 Spruce St.
JOHN J. REED, Steam Printer, 43 Centre St.

GEO. HOGG, Bookbinder, cor. Spruce and Gold Sts.
SCRIBNER & DENSLOW, Att'ys & Counselors 29 Wall St
VAN ANTWERP & CO., Bankers, 9 Wall St.

J. F. SCOVILL, Pub. Ladies' Wreath, 86 Howard St.

We could multiply this list to an indefinite extent, but do not consider it necessary. Persons who have friends in the city, can request them to call and examine our stock before ordering. In ordering goods, be particular to give the Post Office, County and State, so that no mistake may be made.

HOW TO SEND MONEY.-Uncle Sam's mail is not a very reliable way of sending money, as there are so many dishonest Postmasters. To obviate this difficulty, money may be sent in a letter at our risk, provided the letter is registered according to the new law, and a receipt taken for the same-although we prefer, where it is convenient, to have a draft on New-York, payable to our order-but if you inclose your money and register your letter, you are sure of your Jewelry

We wish to appoint an agent in every town to solicit orders for us. Persons willing to act in this capacity, will please send to us for instructions. Address all letters to

CORNELL & CO., 36 Howard St., N. Y.


We would call the attentionof Guano Dealers, Planters, and Farmers, to the article which we have on hand and for sale at 40 per cent less than Peruvian Guano, which we claim to be superior, to any Guano or fertilizer ever imported or manufactured in this country. This Guano is imported by


Of New-York, from BAKER'S AND JARVIS' ISLANDS, in the South Pacific Ocean. Sold, genuine and pure as imported by the Cargo, or at retail, by

JOHN B. SARDY, General Agent,

No. 58 SOUTH STREET, Cor. of Wall Street, New-York.

It has been satisfactorily tested by many of our prominent Farmers, and analyzed by the most eminent and popular Agricultural Chemists, (including Professor Liebig of Germany, extracts of whose report and analysis are to be seen below,) and found to contain (as will be seen by our circular) a large per centage of BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME AND PHOSPHORIC ACID, and other animal organic matter, yielding ammonia sufficient to produce immediate abundant crops, besides substantially enriching the soil. It can be freely used without danger of burning the seed or plant, by coming in contact with it, as is the case with some other fertilizers; retain. ing a great degree of moisture, it causes the plant to grow in a healthy condition, and as experience has proved, FREE OF INSECTS. For orders in any quantity, (which will be promptly attended to,) or pamphlets containing full particulars of analyses and tests of Farmers, apply as above.

Prof. Liebig, says, under date July, 1860.

The Baker's Island Guano contains more Phosphoric Acid than any other known fertilizer I regard the discovery of these Guano deposits as a most fortunate event for agriculture The Phosphate of Lime in the Baker's Island Guano is far more easily dissolved than that of bones The agriculturists would be benefitted as much by using 70 lbs. of Baker's Island Guano as by 100 lbs. of Bone Dust The Jarvis' Island Guano would seem to be an excellent means of restoring cotton or sugar plantations whose soil has been worn out by long continued cultivation. I think it is preferable to Peruvian Guano, which being rich in Ammonia, tends rather to great development of leaves and stems.




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The Knickerbocker for 1861.

THE present number completes the FIFTY-SEVENTH VOLUME of the KNICKERBOCKER. largely increased circulation, and the universal approval it has met with from the reading blic, encourages the Publisher to make still further improvements in the ensuing volume. addition to articles on general literature, from the many eminent writers who now contriite regularly to it, its future numbers will contain articles in relation to


From some of the most eminent Statesmen of this country; and also




By several of its most valued Contributors, who have volunteered in defense of their country.

It will be the aim of the Publisher to make the KNICKERBOCKER not only the best Literary magazine published in this country, but, at the same time, a truthful exponent of the times.


THREE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance. Subscriptions may commence with either the first or any subsequent number.

TERMS TO CLUBS.-Two Copies for Five Dollars; Three Copies for Six Dollars; Six Copies for Eleven Dollars; Eight Copies for Sixteen Dollars, with an extra copy, gratis, to the person procuring the Club.


Any person procuring the name of ONE SUBSCRIBER and THREE DOLLARS, or the names of Two SUBSCRIBERS and FIVE DOLLARS, will be entitled to retain ONE DOLLAR for his trouble.

Specimen copies sent gratuitously to those wishing to subscribe or to make up Clubs. Money remitted by mail is at OUR RISK, if the letter be duly registered.


J. R. GILMORE, Publisher,

No. 5 Beekman Street. New-York.

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