Psychological Bulletin, Volume 13American Psychological Association, 1916 Issues for 1904-38 contain the literature section of the Psychological reviews publications. |
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Outras edições - Ver tudo
Palavras e frases frequentes
ability activity Amer analysis animals aphasia appears apraxia areas Association behavior Binaural beats Biol brain cent cerebellum cerebral cerebral cortex cerebrum color combination tones complex concept conclusion consciousness corpus callosum correlation cortex cortical dementia dementia præcox discussion dream effect emotional experimental experiments f. d. ges fact factors faradic finds Freudian function Galton whistle geotropism given individual intensity interest interval introspective investigation judgments Kraepelin laboratory learning lenticular nucleus lesions logical measure memory ment mental method motor movements muscle nerve nervous normal object observers organism paper patient phenomena Phil Physiol pitch present problem Professor psychic Psychol psychology psychometric functions psychopathic RAYMOND DODGE reaction reference reflex regard relation reports scale sensations sensory sensory threshold stimuli strychnine subjects tests thalamus theory threshold tion tones Ueber University visual Yerkes York Zsch
Passagens conhecidas
Página 453 - Pathological Lying is falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, engaged in by a person who at the time of observation cannot definitely be declared insane, feebleminded or epileptic.
Página 11 - In the hospital wards, battle nightmares were common, and severely wounded men would often spring out of their beds. An unexpected analogy to this battle nightmare was found in the anaesthetic dreams.
Página 323 - The chance that such a process of crossing over will occur between any two given points on the chromosome should obviously be greater, the greater the distance between these points. If then the Mendelian factors lie along the chromosome, the amount of crossing over between any two of them will depend on their distance apart. Should two points lie near together a crossover will only rarely occur between them; if they lie further apart the chance of such a crossover taking place at some point between...
Página 467 - He was conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary.
Página 33 - Pennsylvania, this meant that in every case in which there is performed an operation of the mind, there takes place, at the same time, a correspondent, correlative and consentient operation of the body.1 Next there were the Immaterialists of New England and the North.
Página 34 - The first notices of the mind are doubtless those of sense, but directly joined with a consciousness of its perception. Warmth and hunger, and probably some pains, are, perhaps, all the sensations the infant hath before its birth; and when it comes into the light of this world, it is directly impressed with the sense of light and colours, as well as sounds, tastes, odours, and frequent uneasy and painful sensations, all of which still more and more awaken its consciousness; and every fresh notice...
Página 43 - Nominations was adopted, and the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Association for the election of the officers named in the report of the committee for the ensuing year.
Página 68 - Recognition is then due first of all to the fact that when an object is seen again it arouses the same associations that it did when it was first seen. The nervous current traverses the same pathways again that it did before. This condition is essential for recognition but it is not the explanation of the recognition itself. The recognition arises as a conscious awareness that the second discharge has flowed more easily than it would if it had been a discharge to a new object and it has flowed with...
Página 11 - The harmony of the sleep of the exhausted soldier has but one discordant note, and that is the dream of battle. The dream is always the same, always of the enemy. It is never a pleasant pastoral dream, or a dream of home, but a dream of the charge, of the bursting shell, of the bayonet thrust!
Página 366 - The Training of Judgment in the Use of the Ayres Scale for Handwriting," Journal of Educational Psychology, 6:85-98 (1915).