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may never be reproved. Hear us, O Lord, through the same Jesus Christ, to Whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and for evermore. Amen.(St. Thomas' Day).


O Almighty God, whose dear Son did suffer the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, help me to bear the load of trouble which so terribly oppresses me. Life seems dark, and dreary, and hopeless to me. If it please Thee lighten my load. Strengthen me in body and in mind; make me able to see the light and the truth. May I realize that my life is in Thy all-powerful and loving hand, and that in the end all must be well. Raise my thoughts to the eternity of blessedness which is prepared for Thy faithful servants. O Lord, if it please Thee, ease my burden, and give me power to endure what Thou seest good to lay upon me, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Almighty Father, Who didst suffer Thy Son to be lonely and misunderstood here upon earth, help me in my lonely hours, when all others are away. May I ever realize that Thou art near me and that I am never alone. May I learn to feel this more and more, that I may pray to Thee, speak to Thee, and feel Thy gracious presence at all times in the solitary hours of the day, in the long watches of the night.

Father, though I live with others, I am lonely in spirit. Their thoughts and ways are not as mine. I long to rise to a higher and more spiritual life-to dwell nearer Thee, and there are so many hindrances and obstacles. Thou knowest my thoughts and desires. Show me, I pray Thee, how to live as I should-teach me to use my hindrances as stepping-stones to higher things, and ever let me cling to Thee for guidance, and help; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


O Almighty God, Maker and Keeper of all the earth, help us in the sore trial of being separated. May our love be not weakened but strengthened when we are parted. May our souls meet daily before Thee, though our bodies are far apart. Be Thou to each of us our Father and Protector. Bring us together again in safety at Thine appointed time, and when this life is over, join us together for eternity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Disappointment in Children.

O God, Who lettest Thy people know Thee as a Father of the perfect Son, comfort me, I pray Thee, in my sorrow over my child who has gone astray. My heart is wrung with grief-no one can help me but Thou only. Turn, I beseech, the erring one back to the fold-let the wanderer come to himself. Revive in his heart the

love to Thee and

to his earthly parents.

Forgive, for Christ's sake, all that he has done wrong, and may there be joy in my home, and among the angels over the sinner that repenteth. Into Thy hands I humbly commend him. Thy love is greater and wiser than mine, only spare him and ease my troubled heart, O Father; for the sake of Thy dear and perfect Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for one insane.

O Lord Jesus Christ have pity upon us in our great trouble. Thou, Who when on earth didst have compassion on the afflicted in mind and their families, hear our prayer. If it please Thee restore soon our dear one to a sound mind, and so long as Thou seest good to continue the trial, give us patience. to bear it, and faith to look forward to his being restored to his former self and to the perfected life beyond the grave. In this time of our tribulation, good Lord, deliver us. Amen.

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