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The skin of the dog is said to be quite free from perspiration, but this is a mistake, as I have often seen the short hairs of a smooth-coated dog glistening with fine beads of liquid, poured out on a hot day, when strong exercise was taken. The tongue, however, is the grand means of carrying off heat by evaporation, and its extensive surface, when hanging out of the mouth, is sufficient for the purpose, as the fluid is carried off more rapidly from the air passing over it in expiration. I am persuaded that a considerable amount of insensible perspiration is constantly going on from the surface of the skin, and that nothing ought to be done which is likely to check it. This, however, is contrary to the generally receive opinion, which is that nothing of the kind takes place in this animal.




Alteratives. Anodynes. - Antispasmodics. - Aperients.-Astringents. - Blisters.-Caustics.-Charges.- Cordials.— Diuretics.- Embrocations.-Emetics. -Expectorants. Fever medicines. · Clysters. Lotions.- Ointments. Stomachics. - Styptics.

Tonics. Worm medicines.

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Administration of



THESE are medicines which are given with a view of changing an unhealthy into a healthy action. We know nothing of the mode in which the change is produced, and we can only judge of them by the results. The most powerful are mercury, iodine, hemlock, hellebore, and cod-liver oil, which are given in the following formulas :

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2.-Hemlock extract, or fresh-bruised leaves, 2 to 4 grains.

Plummer's pill, 1 to 5 grains.

Mix, and give every night, or every other night.

3.-Iodide of potassium, 2 to 4 grains.

Liquid extract of sarsaparilla, 1 drachm.

Mix, and give' in a little water, once or twice a day.

4. Stinking hellebore, 5 to 10 grains.
Powdered jalap, 2 to 4 grains.

Mix into a bolus, and give every other night.

5.-Cod-liver oil, from a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful.

To be given twice a day.


Anodynes are required in the dog chiefly to stop diarrhoea, which is a very common disease in him. Sometimes also they are used for the purpose of relieving spasm. Opium is so little objectionable in the dog that it is almost the only anodyne used; but the dose must be far larger than for human beings, and less than a teaspoonful of laudanum for an average dog will be found to be wholly inert.

For slight purging:

6.-Prepared chalk, 2 to 3 drachms.

Aromatic confection, 1 drachm.

Laudanum, 3 to 8 drachms.

Powder of gum arabic, 2 drachms.

Water, 7 ounces.

Mix, and give two tablespoonfuls every time the bowels are relaxed.


7.—Castor oil, from a dessert to a tablespoonful.

Laudanum, 1 to 2 drachms.

Mix, and give as a drench, repeating it in a day or two if necessary.

For long standing and severe purgation:

8.-Creasote, 2 drachms.

Laudanum, 6 to 8 drachms.
Prepared chalk, 2 drachms.

Powdered gum arabic, 2 drachms.
Tincture of ginger, 2 drachms.

Pepperment water, 6 ounces.

Mix, and give two tablespoonfuls every time the bowels are relaxed, but not more often than every four hours.


Are useful in allaying cramp or spasm, but, as in the case of Alteratives, we do not know how they act. The chief are opium, æther, spirit of turpentine, and camphor, prescribed according to the following formulas :


Sulphuric æther, of each to 1 drachm.
Camphor mixture, 1 ounce.

Mix, and give in any ordinary spasm, as colic, &c.

An antispasmodic injection :


Sulphuric æther,

Spirit of turpentine, of each 1 to 2 drachms.
Gruel, 3 to 8 ounces.

Mix, and inject with a common clyster syringe.


Aperients, opening medicines, or purges, by which several names this class of medicines is known, are constantly required by the dog, though it is a great mistake to give them when they are not absolutely demanded by the necessity of the case. All act by quickening the ordinary muscular action of the bowels, but some also stimulate the lining membrane to pour out large quantities of watery fluid, and others either directly or indirectly compel the liver to increase its secretion of bile. Hence they are often classed into corresponding divisions, as laxatives, drastic purgatives, &c. The chief of these drugs used in the dog-kennel are aloes, colocynth, rhubarb, jalap, ipecacuanha, senna, calomel, and blue pill, all of which act more or less on the liver; while Epsom salts, castor oil, and croton oil open the bowels without any such effect. Syrup of buckthorn is commonly given, but has little effect; and, indeed, the syrup of red poppies is generally substituted for it by the druggist, who seldom keeps the genuine article, from the belief that it is inert.

A mild bolus:

11.-Barbadoes aloes, 10 to 15 grains.
Powdered jalap, 5 to 8 grains.

Ginger, 2 or 3 grains.

Soap, 10 grains.

Mix into one bolus for a large dog, or divide into two or three for

small ones, and give as required.

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