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Subject to

Transfers ordered
From. To.



posites, .$9,546,862 67....$1,128,664 40....88,418.983 02....$241,000....$205,000 9,750,547 37.... 1,072,986 73.... 8,678,343 09.... 707,487.. 11,784,393 59.... 783,606 37.... .11,001,569 67.... 376,000.. 13,000,698 72.... 1,159,140 07.... 11,842,341 10.... 336,000.. 13,470,063 58.... 1,862,781 38.... 11,608,064 65....1,260.000....1,130,000 July.. ................ 12,484,888 36.... 3,014,630 35.... 9,890,006 39....1,616,500........1,459,500 August......... 11,132,637 66.... 3,121,460 28.... 7,725,797 38.... 730,221.... 442,721


It appears, at the date of the last statement, that there was $1,179,879 on deposite with the Canal Bank, New-Orleans; and outstanding drafts drawn against for $1,267,182, being an overdraft of $87,302.

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There was, however, a sum of $312,500 ordered transferred from other quarters, to meet it. The treasury notes authorized, to the amount of $11,000,000, have not been issued, from which it appears that the

treasury had on hand, August 1st, $7,725,797 balance in bank, and $11,000,000 of notes, equal to $18,725,797, in excess of the ordinary revenues, to meet war expenditures, until Congress meets in December. The expenditures will probably take place, and the war be vigorously pushed, while attempts at negotiation for peace are being made. The message of the President, asking for authority to appropriate $2,000,000 to the facilitating of a peace, was well received by the whole country. The bill passed the House, and was defeated in the Senate by the Hon. John Davis, of Massachusetts, by the practice of one of those Parliamentary tricks which sometimes can frustrate the most important measures for the national welfare. The consequences may be only the continuance of the war some months longer, at a great damage to the national industry and welfare. The settlement of the Mexican question, on the basis of equivalents," is probably the only means by which the affair can speedily be concluded. Mexico owes the United States $2,000,000 of adjusted claims, and probably $1,000,000 unadjusted. The expenses

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of this war, which she has thrust upon us, are at least $20,000,000, actual outlays, to say nothing of the damages which she should pay. If $2,000,000 in money are added, it will be equal to $25,000,000 paid and relinquished to Mexico, for which ample concessions of territory must be demanded. The line of the Rio Grande, to where it touches at 27° longitude-the parallel 30° N. longitude; thence following that line to the Gulf of California; thence down the middle of that gulf to the ocean, should at least be the southern boundary of the United States. This will give the United States the harbors, rivers, and outlets, in a manner similar to that by which England has the northern bays by the Oregon treaty.

The settlement of this question, in a manner to leave no room for future dispute, will remove the last obstacle to a long season of prosperity. The elements of trade and commerce have to adjust themselves to the operation of the warehouse and independent treasury bills; the action of which must retard, if not prevent the recurrence of revulsion through overwrought paper credits.


The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England: with a Treatise on the Popular Progress in English History. By JOHN FOSTER. Harper & Brothers, N. York.

THERE is no task more agreeable to the lover of civil and religious liberty than to trace, with an able writer, the progress of the people through the gigantic obstacles of every age, towards a better understand ing and nearer attainment of those inalienable rights which the God of Nations intended they should possess. But how greatly is that pleasure enhanced when the writer can soar above party and religious prejudices, and give us a minute and perfect mirror of the past.

The bane of English historical writing has ever been the general desire to subserve the purposes of the present, by the garbed statements of the bigot, the placehunter, or the overweening aristocrat. Mr. Foster's work is unusually free from these defects; and although he seems rather inclined to attack that favorite dogma of Ca

tholicity, papa non potest errare, yet, making every fair allowance, we should say that it is written in a lofty tone of impartiality. The first number of the series contains, besides a sketch of popular progress in England, the life of Sir John Elliot, one of the most celebrated statesmen and o.ators of the reigns of James I. and Charles I., and also the life of the great Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Stafford. It will be remembered that Elliot was one of those undaunted patriots who then lifted their voices against the undue exercise of the kingly power; and that Wentworth was an aristocrat and courtier, whose occasional speeches in favor of the people must rather be attributed to his treatment by the former king, (for instance, his dismissal from the office of Keeper of the Archives,) than to any philanthropic sympathies. Both these great men are so identified with the events of their epoch, that their lives form a very appropriate introduction to those of the more violent revolutionary period, and of the bloody and ty rannical reign of the Protector.

A Text-Book of Chemistry, for the use of commenced life, it appears, in the service Schools and Colleges. By JOHN WIL- of the East India Company, and served LIAM DRAPER, M. D., Professor of Che- through the Burmese war, after which, on mistry in the University of New-York, a visit to China, he imbibed the desire, Member of the American Philosophical which grew into a passion, to explore the Society, &c. Harper & Brothers. hitherto comparatively unknown Indian The art of Chemistry has, of late years, Archipelago. To do this required extrabecome so intimately blended with the ordinary efforts. He returned to Engdaily pursuits of most mechanical busi- land, purchased the Royalist, belonging to ness, that it is of a growing importance to the Royal Yacht Squadron and Navy, all practical men, to be well acquainted picked a crew, and inoculated them with with the theory. The art of calico-print- his views; he cruised for three years in ing particularly illustrates the great advan- the Mediterranean and elsewhere, until a tages of an application of this art. The perfect understanding of each other had art of dying is probably as old or older, sprung up. In 1838 he sailed on his own rethan the manufacture of tissues. It is, sponsibilty for Borneo. The volume before however, only of late years that many and us, comprising No. XVIII. of Harpers' New various colors can be produced by the Miscellany, opens with, and is chiefly same materials, through improvements in composed of the Journal of Mr. Brooke, art. It is true, to a certain extent, that embracing in a lively manner his numermany of the ordinary principles, causes ous and thrilling adventures among that sinand effects, of chemical combinations are, gular race, and the progress of events until and have been, long known to practical he had consolidated and established a sort men but little acquainted with the science of sovereignty, and become the agent of of chemistry; and it is also true, that the British Government. The agency of many theories of the same as applied to the Dido in the matter, was to aid in the the arts by eminent philosophers, are suppression of the piracies in those seas, known to practical men to be untrue. which are a great obstacle in the way of Theory is, however, daily assimilating it. that development of the resources of the self to the practical application of known country, the extent of which Mr. Brooke Jaws to useful results, and with the spread describes in glowing terms. The work is of the higher branches of the science of intense interest, and may be regarded among operatives, the greatest results may as indicating a new feature in the extenbe looked for. The work of Dr. Draper sion of British power in India. is eminently calculated to forward this desirable result. It purports to contain an outline of the lecture delivered upon the subject at the university. It is intended as a manual, arranged in such division as practice has shown to be suitable for daily instruction, and embellished with numerous wood cuts.

Expedition to Borneo, by H. M. S. Dido, for the Suppression of Piracy, with extracts from the Journal of James Brooke, Esq., of Sarawak, now Agent for the British Government in Borneo. By Capt. the Hon. HENRY KEPPEL, R. N. Harper & Brothers.

Notwithstanding the great power of the English in the Indian and China seas, and the length of time they have had control in that region of the world, there appears to have been but little disposition, among either the government or the people, connected with it, to push discoveries or make explorations among the adjacent islands of the Malayan Archipelago. The settlement of New South Holland, resulted from the use of it as a penal colony; and its present importance has resulted from the multiplicity of the convict demands. An interest, it appears, has now been excited in the other islands through the extraordinary exertions and adventures of Mr. James Brooke. This gentleman

French Domestic Cookery; combining Elegance with Economy. Harper & Brothers, New-York.

This volume is translated from a French

work entitled La Cuisiniere de la Campagne et de la Ville. If we consider for a moment the great difference existing in feel assured that even in these there is the cookery of all polite nations, we must much that is susceptible of improvement, and that all which tends to diffuse a knowledge of this art as practised in the civilized parts of the world, is of the utmost impor tance. It is only by examining the best recipes adopted in the culinary practice of every country that want of knowledge can be detected, and those ameliorations introduced which are most conducive to health, economy, and a refined epicurean taste. The heavy meals of animal food in which the Englishman almost invariably indulged, have of late years been very often superseded by the light, varied, and more wholesome repas a la Francaise; whilst the French on the other hand, owing to a greater intercourse between the two people, have overcome, in some degree at least, their characteristic indifference to roast beef, plum pudding, et tout ce qu'il y a de solide. But numerous instauces might be adduced to show the advantages arising from the more general adoption of


Notices of New Books.

the French cuisine. This nation has long
regarded cookery as an art worthy of the
exercise of "genius," and produced some
great professors whose names will be men-
tioned with honor by the bons vivants of
all ages. We are much pleased, therefore,
to find in the work before us such a clear
and comprehensive collection of their best
and most national receipts; but besides,
there is a full description, neatly illustrated
by woodcuts, of their most curious and
useful culinary utensils; with instructions
for carving, and an interesting view of the
German, Polish, Spanish, and Italian sys-
tems of cookery.

The Redskins; or, Indian and Ingin:
being the Conclusion of the Little page
Manuscripts. By J. FENNIMORE COOP-
ER. Burgess & Stringer, New-York.

No class of writers occupy a more agree;
able or desirable position in the ranks of
literature than those successful novelists
who have sought chiefly to illustrate the
history, habits and traditions of their na-
tive land. They might well claim the
brightest honors their country can bestow.
But when they also succeed in making
their best and happiest productions the
vehicle of some great and hitherto unre-
recognised truth, or of the defence of some
essential but obscured principles of justice,
they are entitled to the measureless grati-
tude of mankind. Mr. Cooper has done
much to raise and extend the social and
literary reputation of the United States,
both at home and abroad; he has presented
to the world some of the most beautiful
and graphic pictures of that eventful pe-
riod in our history which will long serve
"to point a moral or adorn a tale;" whilst
his striking daguerreotypes of Indian life
have awakened the deepest interest of
foreigners, in all that relates to even the
wildest and most sequestered parts of the
country. Our majestic mountains, deep
vallies, impenetrable forests, foaming riv-
ers, and even our dreary prairies, are
placed, by the gifted writer of romance,
as in one panoramic view before their eyes;
and they are lost in wonder at the magni-
ficence and inconceivable extent of our
territory. Such is the important service
which Mr. Cooper has rendered us; and
in noticing his more recent works, it would
be strange, indeed, were we not to award
him our tribute of respect and admiration.
The volume of the Littlepage Manuscripts,
now before us, is based upon those "anti-
rent" troubles which, but a short time
since, threw the country into a state of ex-
citement. Although a "novel," in the
general acceptation of the word, nearly all
the incidents and colloquial matter spring
from the difficulties between landlord and
tenant; the hero, Frank, being one of the
class of persons.
former "obnoxious"

The Indians are a friendly party, who by
some ingenious means are introduced on
his estate, and who act as a sort of protec-
tion to his family; the Ingins are the dis-
affected tenantry, who, with painted faces
and calico dresses, not only assume the
name but every peculiarity of the savages,
except the courage that would enable them
to put their designs into execution. The
chief arguments of these anti-renters seem
to resolve themselves into this simple pro-
position, that as they or their ancestors
had obtained from their landlord leases in
perpetuity at an almost nominal rent, and
had occupied and cultivated these lands
for a certain term of years, they themselves
should become the absolute possessors of
the soil, thereby abolishing the fee-simple,
which they regarded as the residue of
European feudality. Mr. Cooper has fully
explained the fact, that these tenants, or
rather their predecessors, had been amply
rewarded (for after trouble) by large con-
cessions of land from the landlord which
had been held out as the inducements for
its cultivation. The argument is so clearly
ments that we are somewhat surprised at
in favor of adherence to existing engage-
the elaborate manner with which Mr.
Cooper has sustained a point on which
every sensible and intelligent man must
concur. The book is, however, decidedly
clever and amusing, contains many spright-
y and laughter-moving conversations, and
tend greatly to enlighten those benighted
is interspersed with remarks which must
men, whose motives of self-interest, or
false views of liberty and patriotism, have
blinded them to the fact, that in all ages
and countries the relations of landlord and
tenant must naturally exist. We trust that
Mr. Cooper will take up, ere long, some
a still wider difference of opinion; for we
important question upon which there is
feel assured that if he should then display
but half the ability and soundness of rea-
sion of this, he might render an infinitely
soning that he has evinced in the discus-
greater service to the community.

Temper and Temperament. 1 vol. By
Mrs. ELLIS. Harper & Brothers, New

We are always highly gratified at receiving a copy of any work from the graceful and philanthropic pen of the gifted authoress of "the Women of England." In all ages a distinct understanding as to the chief duties of social life has contributed more or less to the well-being of society; but in the present stage of refine ment, as these obligations have become more complex, and the subservience to conventionalism almost universal, they require the most conscientiously faithful and exquisitely delicate and skilful exposition. Those authors who would serve the world

by increasing human happiness, must look deeply into the heart of man; examine with jealous care the artificial influences by which he is surrounded, and well appreciate the lofty purposes of his creation. Such writers are alone capable of defining and illustrating the real duties and essential observances of modern and refined social life. They alone are worthy the glorious object of demonstrating to the world, that true happiness and distinction lie in the reconciliation of will and duty, and in the indulgence of those lofty and delicate traits of sentiment and character which should be regarded as the true tests of a more refined civilization. Mrs. Ellis has nobly enrolled and distinguished herself in this cause, and has produced several works which exercise a most salutary and agreable influence. The charming

volume before us is another step in the useful course she has pursued. Both temper and temperament are so varied by worldly circumstances, considerations of health, education, and a thousand unknown causes, as to present a never-ending theme for speculation. The practical object of the above work is, however, to show the absolute necessity of making ourselves acquainted with every phase of the cha racter of those with whom we come most in contact, or who exercise the greatest power over our destinies. The fair authoress gives a very interesting disquisition on temper and temperament, as relatively considered, and supplies two of the most touching stories or sketches we have read for some time. These are entitled the Managing Wife," and "the Imprisoned Mind," and serve most aptly to illustrate her theory.


Napoleon and his Marshals. By J. T. HEADLEY. Vol. 2. New-York: Baker & Scribner. 1846.

We have canvassed at some length in previous numbers Mr. Headley's merits and defects as a writer and the present volume confirms the opinions we then advanced. It would be difficult to find a subject better adapted to the author's powers. His forte is description -both scenic and adventurous-especially the latter. The idea was a happy one to group together the lives of the remarkable men who were so instrumental in carrying out the designs of Napoleon. It was a marked trait of the emperor-no small element of his success-that he was gifted with rare sagacity in the choice of his officers. Various in character as his marshals were, they were all endowed with brilliant qualities; and Mr. Headley has given us vivid daguerreotypes of their exploits, such as present their battles and Alpine marches with dramatic effect to the imagi

nation. In many of the theories and speculations of Mr. Headley, we find it impossible to follow him. As a guide to reflec tion we hesitate often to commit ourselves to his suggestions; but as a painter and delineator of events and scenery we cannot but award him high praise.

Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate; their influ ence upon the health, intellect, and the moral nature of man.

This is the title of a small volume translated from the French of A. St. Arroman, and published by Towsend Ward, of Philadelphia. The writer quotes the opinions of several distinguished medical practi tioners upon the subject. Many of their views are doubtless erroneous, and contrary to those entertained by the majority of experienced tea and coffee drinkers. But the opinion of Dr. Begin, with respect to the nature of tea, is so just and will be so generally recognised, that we cannot refrain from giving the substance of it. He says that it facilitates digestion, excites perspiration, and has been used for the cure of rheumatism and many diseases of the skin. Mr. Percival, another writer referred to, recommends it as calming nervous affections; whilst Monsieur Lemery awards it the still higher praise of augmenting the mental powers, giving activity and development to thought, and producing hilarity and contentment. Those, however, who are desirous of reading the ablest and most interesting dissertation we have yet seen on this delightful and salutary beverage, should read the pamphlet published some few months since by the Pekin Tea Company, New-York, wherein its various medicinal and moral properties are arrayed with a clearness and force which carry conviction with them.

Memoirs and Essays on Arts, Literature, and Social Morals. By Mrs. JAMESON. New-York: Wiley & Putnam, 1846. We are happy to see Mrs. Jameson's name on the title-page of a new volume. Her books are always suggestive, and pos sess that happy mixture of enthusiasm and discrimination which forms the most delightful critices on literature and art and life. Her Diary of an Ennuyée-hackneyed as is the scene of the book-abounds with freshness and originality. Her "Loves of the Poets" is a delightful compilationthe very romance of biography. "Characteristics of Women" is, however, the work upon which her fame rests. It coutains more thought than any other work from a female pen of modern times. The intellect of Mrs. Jameson is decidedly masculine, but the spirit in which she writes is full of that delicate sympathy and chastened ardor so native to a woman's genius.

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