Imagens das páginas

Yet I full feyne

Wolde me compleyne,

Me to absteyne

From thys penaunce.

But in substaunce,

Noon allegeaunce1

Of my grevaunce

Can I nat fynde ;

Ryght so my chaunce,

With displesaunce,

Doth me avaunce;

And thus an ende.


WHAN prestis faylin in her sawes,
And lordis turnin Goddis lawes
Ageynis ryt;

And lecherie is holden as privy solas,
And robberie as fre purchas,

Bewar than of ille.

Than schall the lond of Albion

Turnin to confusion,

As sumtyme it befelle.

1 Alleviation.





Ora pro Anglia, Sancta Maria, quod Thomas


Sweete Jhesu, heven-king,

Fayr and beste of all thyng,
You bring us owt of this morning
To come to the at owre ending.


Go forth, King, rule thee by sapience ;
Bishop, be able to minister doctrine ;
Lorde, to true counsaile geve audience;
Womanhode, to chastity ever incline;
Knight, let thy deedes worship determine;
Be righteous, Judge, in saving of thy name;
Riche, do almose, lest thou lese bliss with

People, obey your king and the law;

Age, be ruled by good religion;

True Servaunt, be dredful and keep thee under


And, thou Poore, fie on presumpcion !

Inobedience to Youth is utter destruction; Remember how God hath set you, lo,


And doe your part as ye be ordained to.

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[IN MAKING Reference to the pages of the first VOLUME THE

Aaron, and his fasting, 493.

Abbeys cursed, iii. 519.

Abigail and Nabal, 559.

Absalom, iii. 88.

Absolon, the parish clerk, 124.

Absolon's ornamented shoes, 125.

Absolution, the, of the Friar, 9.

Abstinence a remedy against gluttony, ii. 233.

'Accidie," negligence arising from discontent, ii. 212.
Accoutrements of Emetrius, 83.

Acerbas, called Sichæus, iii. 19, 119.

Achilles, iii. 15.

Achilles and Hector, ii. 294.

Acteon, 79.

Adam and Eve, 557.

Adam, Chaucer's scrivener, ii. 691.

Adam driven out of Paradise for eating, 402.

Adam, his fall the source of sin, ii. 164.

Adam in the field of Damascus, 328.

Adam the father of all, ii. 190.

Adolphus, the fables of, 590.

Adornment of the temple of Mars, 76.

Adrastus, one of the Seven who went against Thebes,

36; ii. 370.

Adultery and its perils, ii. 239.

Adultery, the sin of, ii. 235.

Advocate, an, advises Melibeus, 255.

Advocates and physicians labor for lucre, iii. 406.

Advocato et Diabolo, a story like the Friar's Tale, 469.

Æmilian road, the, 510.

Æneas, his flight from Troy, iii. 7.

Eneas in "paradise," iii. 122.

[blocks in formation]

Eneid, the first lines of, quoted, iii. 6.
Eneid, the, imitated, iii. 58.

Æolus, god of wind, iii. 57.

Æson, iii. 133.

Agaton, an unknown writer, iii. 100.

Age grown shorter than she was, iii. 219.

Age, its safety, iii. 377, 379.

Agenor's daughter, iii. 83.

Agraulos, ii. 518.

Ahithophel, ii. 322.

Alanus de Insulis, the "Universal Doctor," ii. 99, 342 ;
iii. 36.

Albertano of Brescia, 249.

Albertano of Brescia, his Consolatione et Consilii, lxxii.

Alcathoë, i. e., Megara, iii. 152.

Alceste, ballad sung to, iii. 88.

Alchemists, their practices, ii. 88, etc.

Alcoran, the, of Mahomet, 180.

Aldine Chaucer, the, x.

Aldiran, the star, ii. II.

Ale-stake, an, 27.

Alexander, Aristotle's instructions to, ii. 117.
Alexander the Great, and his fortunes, 351.
Alexander's dreams, iii. 34.

Alexandria, 3.

Alexandria, Rome, Troy, and Nineveh, ii. 100.

Algezir, the siege of, 3.

Algous, the inventor of the abacus, ii. 298.

Alhazen, Arabian astronomer, ii. 10.

Alice, the carpenter's wife, serenaded, 126.

Alla in Rome, 205.

Alla, king of Northumberland, 190.

Alla meets Custance in Rome, 207.

Alla mourns for his wife and child, 201.

Alliteration, ii. 134.

Almachius, prefect of Rome, ii. 76.

Almagest, the, of Ptolemy, 426, 432.

Alma redemptoris, 232.

Almsdeeds, ii. 262.

Alnath, the star, ii. 50.

Alphabet, the Old English, v.

Alphonsus of Lincoln, 239.

Ambrose quoted, ii. 137.

Americanism, an, 511.

Amour, William St., iii. 443.

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