KING LEAR. ACT THE FIRST. SCENE I. An Antechamber in King Lear's Palace. Enter Edmund. Edm. Thou, Nature, art my goddess; to thy law My services are bound: why am I then Depriv'd of a son's right, because I came not In the dull road that custom has prescrib'd?, Why bastard? Wherefore base? when I can beast A mind as gen'rous, and a shape as true As honest madam's issue? Why are we Held base, who, in the lusty stealth of nature Take fiercer qualities than what compound The scanted births of the stale marriage-bed? Well then, legitimate Edgar, to thy right Of law I will oppose a bastard's cunning. Our father's love is to the bastard Edmund As to legitimate Edgar; with success I've practis'd yet on both their easy natures — Here comes the old man, chaf'd with the information, Which last I forg'd against my brother Edgar; A tale so plausible, so boldly utter'd, And heighten'd by such lucky accidents, That now the slightest circumstance confirms him, And base-born Edmund, spite of law, inherits. Enter Kent and Gloster. Glost. Nay, good my Lord, your charity O'ershoots itself, to plead in his behalf; First-born and best-belov'd.—O, villain Edgar! And time yet clear the duty of your son. Glost, Plead with the seas, and reason down the winds, Yet shalt thou ne'er convince me: I have seen see here Inverted nature, Gloster's shame and glory : Whilst Edgar, begg'd of Heaven, and born in honour, His realms amongst his daughters. Heav'n succeed it! Kent. I grieve to see him. With such wild starts of passion hourly seiz'd, As render majesty beneath itself. Glost. Alas! 'tis the infirmity of his age: Yet has his temper ever been unfixt, Chol'ric, and sudden. [Flou ish f Trumpet . Hark, t ey approach. [Exeunt Gloster, Kent, and Edmund. Enter Cordelia and Edgar. Edg. Cordelia, royal fair, turn yet, once more, 4 And, ere successful Burgundy receive Cast back one pitying look on wretched Edgar. Cord. Alas! what wou'd the wretched Edgar with The more unfortunate Cordelia, Who, in obedience to a father's will, Flies from her Edgar's arms to Burgundy's? [Exeu t. CENE II. A Room of State in the Palace. Flourish of Trumpets—Drums. King Lear upon his Throne. Albany, Cornwall, Burgundy, Kent, Gloster, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, Captain of the Guard, Knights, Pages, Gentleman with the Map, Gentleman with the Crown, Lords, Ladies, &c. &c. discovered. Lear. Attend, my lords of Albany and Cornwall, With princely Burgundy. Alb. We do, my liege. Lear. Give me the map. -Know, Lords, we have divided In three our kingdom, having now resolv'd Long in our court have made your amorous sojourn, And now are to be answer'd. - Tell me, my daughters, Goneril, our eldest born, speak first. Gon. Sir, I do love you more than words can utter, Beyond what can be valu'd rich or rare; Nor liberty, nor sight, health, fame, or beauty, Are half so dear; my life for you were vile; As much as child can love the best of fathers. Lear. Of all these bounds, e'en from this line to this, With shady forests, and wide skirted meads, Reg. My sister, sir, in part, exprest my love; Lear. Therefore, to thee and thine hereditary, Cord. Now comes my trial.---How am I distrest, That must with cold speech tempt the chol'ric king, Rather to leave me dowerless, than condemn me To Burgundy's embraces! Lear. Speak now our last, not least in our dear love,— So ends my task of state, Cordelia, speak; Cord, Now must my love in words, fall short of theirs, As much as it exceeds in truth.—Nothing, my Lord. Lear. Nothing? Cord. Nothing. Lear. Nothing can come of nothing; speak again. Cord. Unhappy am I that I can't dissemble: Sir, as I ought, I love your Majesty, No more, nor less. Lear. Take heed, Cordelia; Thy fortunes are at stake; think better on't, And mend thy speech a little. Cord. O my liege! You gave me being, bred me, dearly love me, And I return my duty as I ought, Obey you, love you, and most honour you. Lear. And goes thy heart with this? Cord. So young, my lord, and true. Come not between a dragon and his rage. |