Imagens das páginas
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Aitchison (L.), Rapid Methods for Chemical Analysis of
Special Steels, C. M. Johnson, 59

Aitken (E. H.), Concerning Animals, etc., 590

Aitken (Dr. J.), Forests and Floods, 420; Influence of
Icebergs on Sea Temperature, 561; Streaks upon Lath
and Plaster Walls, 615

Akers (C. E.), Rubber Industry, 362

Albe (Dr. E. E. F. d'), Type-reading Optophone, 4

Alexander (H. G.), Landrail, 265

Algué (Rev. J.) and Rev. M. S. Maso, Rainfall in Philip-

pines, 348

Allen (Dr. E. J.), Artificial Culture of Plankton Diatoms,

273; Deep Sea Exploration, Sir John Murray, Dr. J.

Hjort, 339

Allen (Dr. G. M.), Pattern Development in Mammals and

Birds, 121

Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis, 387

Amar (J.), Food and Strength of Arabs, 498

Ampferer (O.) and others, Geology in Austria-Hungary, 492

Anderson (E.) and E. G. Radley, Pitchstones of Mull, 690

Anderson (G. V.), Nitrous Acid in Rain, 438; Influence of

Weather upon Amounts of Nitric and Nitrous Acid in

Rainfall, 718

Angot (A.), Earthquake of October 3, 273

Appell (Paul), Address to Paris Academy of Sciences, 572
Argentieri (Prof.), Pocket Wireless System, 182

Aries (E.), Chimie Physique Elem., 447
Armstrong (Dr. E. F.), Chemistry of Wheat and Flour, 508
Armstrong (Prof. H. E.), the Place of Wisdom (Science) in

the State: British Association Address, 213
Armstrong (Dr. W. E. M.), I. K. Therapy and Tuber-

culosis, 418

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Baracchi (P.), Canberra for Astronomy, 3493 Australian
Longitudes, 350

Barcroft (J.), the Respiratory Function of the Blood, 331
Bardswell (Dr. N. D.), Preliminary Report on Treatment
of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Tuberculin, 276

Barkla (Prof. C. G.), Problems of Radiation, 671

Barnard (Prof. E. E.), Colours of Stars in the Cluster M 13

(Hercules), 291; Strange Objects Transiting the Sun's

Disc, 401

Barnard (K. H.), Marine Invertebrates, 27

Barratt (T.), Thermal Conductivity of badly conducting

Bartholomew (John) and Co., (1) Orographical Map of
Central Europe; (2) War Map of Europe and
Mediterranean, 391

Basedow (Dr. H.), on Mary Seymour, Last of the Tas-
manian Race, 207

Bassett (H. L.), Elements of Chemistry, 447

Bastian (Dr. H. C.), Production at Will of either Fungus-

Germs, Flagellates, or Amæbæ from Zooglœa, 462

Bates (Oric), the Eastern Libyans, 224

Bausor (H. W.), Chemical Calculations, 447

Bayliss (R. W.), First School Calculus, 389

Bayliss (Prof. W. M.), Faraday's Views on Catalysis, 253
Bayon (H.), Herpetomonidæ found in Scatophaga hotten-

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tion Paper, 547

Burgess (G. K.) and J. N. Kellberg, Changes of Electrical
Resistance of Iron Wire up to 1000° C., 200; (and
others), Rail Steel, 436

Birkeland (Kr.) and M. Skolem, Lines of Equal Intensity Burn (J.), Vital Statistics Explained, 665

Bond (J. Walpole-), Field Studies of Rarer British Birds, 1
Bone (Prof. W. A.) and others, Gaseous Combustion at

High Pressures, 717

Bonney (Prof. T. G.), the Australian Antarctic Expedition,

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Boys (Prof. C. V.), Gyroscopic Motion, H. Crabtree, 332;

Braak (Dr. C.), Remarkable Dry Fog in E. Indian Archi-

Calculating Devices, 471

pelago, 699

Brame (J. S. S.), Fuel, 195

Brasil (L.), Emeu of King Island, 370

Braude (Dr. L.), les Coordonnés intrinsèques, 226


Burnet (J.), Greek Philosophy: Thales to Plato, 223
Burns (Dr. W.), Strawberry Growing in India, 120
Burroughs (John), the War and Germany, 369
Burton (J.), Clay and Pottery Industries, 654
Burton (R. C.), Yunnan Volcanic Rocks, 347
Butler (Prof. J. B.) and J. M. Sheridan, Edanometer for

Braun (J.), Plant-life at the Snow Line, 39
Brewster (G. W.) and C. J. L. Wagstaff, School Statics, 31
Bridges (J. H.), Life and Work of Roger Bacon, 443

Wetted Seeds, 525

Briggs (Dr. W.) and Prof. Bryan, Matriculation Mechanics,

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Bywater (Prof. I.), [Death of], 455

Caillaud and Corniglion (MM.), Treatment of Tetanus, 357
Cain (Dr. J. C.), Openings for British Chemical Manu-
facturers, 61

Brown (Prof. E. W.), Cosmical Physics: British Associa-

tion Address, 184

as Symbol for Multiplication,

363; Colon as Symbol for Ratio and Division, 477;
History of Notation in Trigonometry, 642

Calder (C. C.), Botanical Survey of India, 208

Calkins (Prof. G. N.), Biology, 504

Calman (Dr. W. T.), Scientific Societies and the War, 198

Camichel (M.) and others, The Venturi Meter, 581

Campbell (F. H.), Determination of Vapour Pressures, 437

Campbell (J. M.), Gold in Ashanti, 718

Cannon (Miss), Stars with Peculiar Spectra, 402

Carmichael (Prof. R. D.), Theory of Numbers, 473
Carpenter (Dr. F. A.), Flood Studies at Los Angeles, 570
Carpenter (G. H.) and T. R. Hewitt, Mode of Entry of

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