Imagens das páginas
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NOTE. The above map is taken from one given in connection with the capture of the place by Van Horn, from Oexmelin's Hist. des Avanturiers, etc. (Trevoux, 1744), vol. i. Cf. Bancroft's Mexico, iii. 193, 213.

herewith reproduced. D'Anville also included one in his series of maps; and others are in the Gentleman's Mag., 1740, p. 242; in A Geog. Description of the Coasts, etc., of the Spanish West Indies (London, 1740); and in Jefferys' Description of the Spanish Islands (London, 1762). The popular geographical collections also furnish maps, generally much the same, as in Prévost's

Voyages (Paris, 1754), xii.; the Allg. Hist. der Reisen (Leipzig, 1755), xiii. pl. 9; and the Staat van America (Amsterdam, 1760), i. 150, 156.

In 1786 we find one of a larger scale in Tomas Lopez's Plano del Puerto de Vera Cruz, and a few years later (l'an ix) another, published by the Marine in Paris. Uricoechea notes that of Ponzoni (Madrid, 1816), an English edition of

The French pirates had their rendezvous at San Domingo, and the viceroy sent a force (1689) to devastate the least inhabited parts of the island; and with a turn of fortune, which easily came in those days of many hazards, the English were found ready to join the Spaniards, in 1695, in an attack on the stronger posts of that island. It proved successful, and the best. French forts were demolished.

Towards the end of the century, events in the north began to have new significance by the attempts of the Jesuits in Lower California to effect

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what force had already failed in, the pacification of the native tribes. This was brought about under the adroit management of Fathers Salvaterra and Kino. Meanwhile, the neighboring ocean was as much infested as ever with the audacious sea-rovers. Dampier was cruising there in 1686, and again in 1704. During his latter cruise, he tried, without much success, to capture the Acapulco galleons. A few years later (1709) Captain Woodes Rogers, sent on a cruise against the French and Spaniards in the Pacific, picked up Alexander Selkirk on Juan Fernandez; and, while he gave a

the official "Marine " map (London, 1838); one showing the attack of the French, Nov. 27, 1838, given in the Annales Maritimes de 1839, as well as the maps made by Vice-Admiral Baudin's orders, which were published by the Marine in 1841;

and a map of the London hydrographical office, based on this French survey, and printed Spanish maps (London, 1847). Cf. Bancroft's Mexico, iii. 193; v. 198.

*From the map in Black's English version of the Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, by Humboldt (London, 3d ed., 1822), vol. i. Cf. maps in the British Museum noted in Calvo, Recueil des Traités, x. 366.

character to De Foe and to posterity, he afforded the Bristol merchants, who fitted him out, what was far more to their purpose, good round dividends on their investment and encouragements to further ventures.1

When England and the Dutch had made it difficult for Spain to keep up intercourse with her American colonies, the Spanish government conferred upon France the privilege of supplying goods to her possessions in the Indies, with a result, from the great liberality of this foreign service, that



would have weaned the Spanish colonies from any dependence on the mother country, if the Treaty of Utrecht (1713) had not brought relief to Spanish commerce. But out of a desire to propitiate England, Spain only substituted one danger for another when she yielded to the English merchants the right to trade at Porto Bello and to supply the colonies with negroes. With true British vigor and with organized methods, the open

1 Dampier, who had had bad luck, was content to take the subordinate post of pilot under Rogers in this cruise.

2 The commercial literature of the time is replete with controversial pamphlets, growing out of this concession of Spain, which was held by

* From Labat's Nouveau Voyage (Paris, 1722), vol. ii.

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From Johann Ludwig Gottfriedt's Newe Welt und Americanische Historien (Franckfurt, 1655).

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ing once made, little limit was put to the trade, which by clandestine plots and official connivance soon reached an extent far beyond the treaty provisions, so that the annual return to Spain by her own vessels was reduced to little more than the royal tax on silver. The armed attempts which the Spanish guarda costas made to prevent this usurpation of trade brought on collisions with the British mercantile marine,1 that very naturally took on national importance and ended in a war 2 (1739), which resulted in Spain's

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Ale Port. B. la Ville.


Miller d'Angleterre.

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D' ACAPULCO sur la Cote du Mexique dans la Mer du Sud a16°45'de Latit.Septent et a108:22 de Longitude Occidentale de Londres.

Piecer de Camar G. Punto del Grifo, ou il y a un nouveau 1. Ile à l'Entrée du Port.

C.le Fort S Diego, ou i'y a...... 100 Fort de 30 Canons.
D4 nouveaux Bastions Chacun de 5 H. Chemin de Mexique.
E. une Batterie de

M.Port Marquis.
N. Maifon de Campagne.

71 Maison de campagne du Gouvernum. Deux Arbres ou le Galion de
K. Echauguettes
Manille attache un Cable.

in A Collection of Treaties, 1648–1732 (London, 1710-32), in 4 vols. Cf. also Calvo, Rec. des Traités, ii. 5; and Occasional papers on the Assiento and the affairs of Jamaica, by William Wood (London, 1716). Dr. Charles Deane has succinctly traced the rise of the English connection with slavery in the West Indies in the Amer. Antiq. Soc. Proc., Oct., 1886, pp. 191–205.

the merchants interested in the trade of Jamaica to be unjust to them. The Carter-Brown Catalogue indicates many of these, -iii. 175, 183, 189, 190, 191, 213, 406, 407, 408, etc. Particularly see, The State of the Island of Jamaica, chiefly in relation to its Commerce and the Conduct of the Spaniards in the West Indies (London, 1726); Some Observations on the Assiento Trade as it has been exercised by the South Sea Company (2d ed., London, 1728); An Answer [to the last] by the Factors of the South Sea Company (London, 1728); A Defence of [some] Observations (London, 1728). This Assiento treaty is given 2 It is curious to observe how, in refuting the NOTE TO THE ABOVE MAP. From the French edition, Genève, 1750, of Anson's Voyage, and appearing in all the editions. It is also given in Prévost's Voyages (1754), xii. 450.


1 Cf. Some Observations on Damages done by the Spaniards (London, 1728); A View of the Depredations and Ravages committed by the Spaniards (London, 1731).

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