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Passed at the Session Held at the Capitol, in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, 1893.


No. I.

Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arkansas':

That a committee of five be appointed from the Senate with power to confer with a committee of seven from the House, and to draft a bill for the management and control of State convicts.

Approved January 25, 1893.


No. 2.

Resolved by the Senate of the State of Arkansas, the House

of Representatives concurring therein:

That the committee on public charities of the Senate, and the committee on charitable institutions of the House, be and the same are hereby constituted a joint committee whose

duty it shall be to examine the accounts and allowances made on account of the charitable institutions of the State for the past two years.

Approved January 30, 1893.


No. 3.

Resolved by the Senate, the House concurring therein:

That our Senators are directed and our members of Congress requested to urge upon the Congress the importance of the allotment of the lands in the Indian Territory, so far as may be, and to open up the portion not so allotted to settlement, to-wit: The Indian Territory occupied by the five civilized tribes known as the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks and Seminoles.

Approved January 30, 1893.


No. 4.

Be it resolved by the by the House of Representatives of the
State of Arkansas, the Senate Concurring therein :

That the Governor of the State be, and he is hereby authorized, empowered and requested in ordering paid out further sums of money to claimants of the direct taxes, now in the State Treasury, refunded to the State by the United States; and disbursed in part under an act of the General Assembly of Arkansas approved April 9, 1891, entitled, “An Act to refund direct taxes paid to the United States, and for

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other purposes," to make payment to all claimants whose right to such fund may be established by the stub books now on file in the Governor's office, to all claimants or their legal representatives who may hold the original receipts for such moneys paid to the United States officers, and the pro rata shares to all heirs of all deceased persons where a part of such heirs only shall apply for repayment, upon making the usual affidavit heretofore required in such cases, in accordance with the recommendations of Governor James P. Eagle in his message to this body. Approved January 31, 1893.


No. 5.

WHEREAS, The cattle of Arkansas are as healthy as any cattle in the United States, and

WHEREAS, The climate and sanitary condition of the State are as healthy for cattle, swine and sheep as any in the United States, and

WHEREAS, The quarrantine against cattle works a great injustice against the citizens of the State; therefore

Be it resolved by the House, the Senate concurring therein:

That the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States be requested to extend the quarrantine line south of the State of Arkansas.

Be it further resolved, That a copy of these resolution be furnished our Representatives in Congress and United States Senators with the request that they use their influence with the said Secretary of Agriculture.

Approved February 18, 1893.

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