OR, A TREATISE ON COLOURS AND PIGMENTS, AND OF THEIR POWERS IN PAINTING, &c. BY GEORGE FIELD, AUTHOR OF “CHROMATICS; OR, AN ESSAY ON THE ANALOGY AND HARMONY OF COLOURS;" AND OTHER WORKS. "Nostrates juvet artifices, doceatque laborem ; DU FRESNOYΥ, ν. 257. LONDON: CHARLES TILT, FLEET STREET. SOLD BY BOOKSELLERS, PRINTSELLERS, AND ARTISTS' COLOURMEN. 1835. FINE ARTS DEPARTMART LAI VARD COLLEGE. : TO SIR MARTIN ARCHER SHEE, PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY, AND TO THE ARTISTS OF BRITAIN. GENTLEMEN, THE subject of the following Treatise is so essentially your own, that this address would be vain and uncalled-for, were it not due as a mark of respect and grateful attachment to yourselves, and an acknowledgment of the constant approbation and friendly attention with which you have encouraged the author, and identified him with yourselves and your pursuits. You, Gentlemen, have attained imperishable honour, by achieving for your country the only requisite to her transcendent reputation-PREEMINENCE -PREEMINENCE IN ART; and it needs not inspiration to foretell, that, by engrafting a refined taste on the prescripts of nature and science, you will consummate a school of colouring which is already celebrated and followed throughout Europe; and |