Imagens das páginas


I. Constitution of the United States-Mr.
Seward's Certificate of the Ratification
of the Anti-Slavery Amendment........1-6

II. President Johnson's Orders and Procla-


Respecting Commercial Intercourse-Trial

and Punishment of the Assassins of Abraham

Lincoln-Arrest of Jefferson Davis, Clement

C. Clay, and others-To re-establish the Au-

thority of the United States in Virginia-

Equality of Rights with Maritime Nations-

The Blockade-Amnesty-Appointing Provis
ional Governor for North Carolina, and other
Insurrectionary States-Freedmen-Suppress-
ion of Rebellion in Tennessee-Paroled Pris-
oners-Martial Law withdrawn from Kentucky
-Annulling the Suspension of the Habeas
Corpus-Declaring the Rebellion Ended-Ap-
pointments to Office-Trials by Military Courts
Against the Fenian Invasion of Canada.

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XIV. President Johnson's Speeches.127-143

On receiving the Proceedings of the Philadel-

phia 14th of August Convention-In New York
-In Cleveland-In St. Louis-Interview with
Charles G. Halpine.

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XXXVII. Members of Cabinet of President John-
son and of 40th Congress, 3d Session....383-384

XXXVIII. President Johnson's last Annual Mes-

sage, December 7, 1868 ..................384-391

Reconstruction and other controverted sub-

XL. XVth Constitutional Amendment....399-406
The Final Vote in Congress-House Joint Res-
olution, (H. R. 402,) and Proceedings thereon in

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LIV Land Subsidies, 1827-1870.563-572 LXI. Miscellaneous

Grant to Indiana in aid of Wabash and Erie
Canal-To Illinois for Illinois Central Rail-
read-To Union Pacific Railroad Company-
To Northern Pacific Railroad.

LV. Restoration of Virginia, Mississippi, and



On Repudiation-Purchase of United States
Bonds Increasing the Currency - Tariff-

.....616 624

President's Message on European War and
American Shipping-Act to Amend the Natu-
ralization Laws, with Chinese, and other Prop-
ositions and Votes thereon-The Cuban ques-
tion, with Propositions and Votes-Bill Regu-
lating Ratification of Constitutional Amend-
ments-New Constitution of Illinois-Plat
forms of Indiana and Ohio.

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