Imagens das páginas
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a-merce-ment ǎ-měrse'měnt con-ver-sion

kon-věr shun

[blocks in formation]

as-cen-sion ǎs-sĕn'shun de-cep-tion

as-sem-blage as-sem'bladje de-cep-tive as-ser-tion ǎs-sĕr'shun de-clen-sion


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dě-věl up
dé-věr jense

kō-ĕr'siv di-ver-gence

com-mer-cial kom-mer'shal di-gres-sion

com-mence-ment kom-mense'ment


The generous Yarico', was a person of high birth. Aware that the tenderness which she felt for the unfortunate stranger', would be displeasing to her parents', she found it necessary to disguise it. She carried Inkle to a remote cave', supplied his daily wants', and administered to his comfort. Her affection became so strong for him', that she could scarcely exist but in his presence'.

6 Fearing he would grow weary of his confinement', she would take the opportunity of her parents' absence', and conduct him into her father's beautiful orange groves'; persuade him to lie down and slumber', and anxiously watch by his side, lest he should be disturbed'. His little dwelling was adorned with all the art that native elegance could suggest', and unsuspecting innocence employ', to make it appear pleasing to her lover's eyes`.

The charming Indian had the happiness to find that InHe understood her language', and the felicity of hearing him

express the strength of his gratitude', and the force of his love'. He represented the joys that would await them', if they could only reach England. He painted his love in such glowing colours', that the confiding brunette had not a doubt of its sincerity', and plighted her faith to become the partner of his flight whenever a vessel should arrive to receive them. 8. A ship soon appeared'. The delighted Yarico', forgeting her duty, and thinking only of her love', left the happy abode of her doting parents', and commited her keeping to the plighted faith of her beloved Inkle'. The vessel was bound for Barbadoes'; and all Inkle's ideas of acquiring wealth', returned with double force'. Love', which had been nothing more than a transient passion', and which had acquired its foundation in interest', now yielded to a higher claim'. His freedom once obtained', the means were forgotten'; and the unfortunate Yarico', was considered a tax upon his bounty'..

9. As soon as the vessel arrived in port', the merchants crowded round it for the purpose of purchasing slaves`. The despicable Inkle was animated at the sight', and', resolving to relieve himself of what he called a burden', offered the beautiful Yarico', his amiable deliverer', to the highest bidder. In vain she threw herself on her knees before him', and pleaded her tenderness' and affection.--The heart that was dead to gratitude', was lost to love`,-The helpless Yarico', was doomed to a life of slavery!!


(1) B sold goods to the amt. of $2186.15 and charged the owner 3 1-2 pr. ct. com. and 1-4 pr. ct. storage, what was the amt. of his bill? Ans. $103.84 (2) What brokerage has B on £2150 at 2 pr. ct.?

Ans. $43

(3) What is the insurance on $5630. at 7 34 pr. ct.? Ans. $436.325 (4) A's ship and cargo, at sea, is worth $17654, and ensured at 18 3-4 per cent. what is the premium? Ans. $3310.125

(5) B's amount of sales for D, is $3450, at 4 1-2 per cent. his loan to D is $1872.50 on Int. for 14 1-2 mo. at 7 per ct. what is the balance due to D? Ans. $1263.87 (6) A recd. of B on consignt. a lot of pork, and advanced him $500 on int. at 6 pr. ct. a year, at the end of two months

he closed the sales, and recd. $626, charging 4 pr. ct. com and storage $31.50 how does the account stand?

Ans. $63.50 B's due. (7) B. sold 8632 Spanish milled dollars for 7-8 pr. ct. premium, and took a bill on London at par; for how much sterling money was it drawn. Ans. £1959-9-6.


RULE 19. The infinitive mood may be governed by a verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, or participle. As, he ought to read the first authors, &c.

You ought not read too hastily.--This sentence is faulty, because the verb read is in the infinitive mood and under the government of the verb ought, but has not the sign of that mood, therefore the prepos tion should be introduced. Thus:--You ought not to read too hastily.

It is better live on a little than out live a great deal. I wish him enjoy health and the blessings of life. Joseph wanted act his part and do his duty.

OBS. 1. There are some verbs which require the use of the infinitive mood after them, without the sign of the preposition; -to wit, make, need, bid, dare, see, feel, hear and let;-but when any of these follows the past participle, the sign is added. They heard him to speak. He was heard to speak. They dare not to proceed lest thee be made stop.

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OBS. 2. When, so, is followed by as, it may govern the infinitive mood. Thus:-He would report so as to be heard. But when the infinitive mood follows, as, it may be governed by a verb understood. Thus:-He liked nothing so much as to see his friend; that is, as he liked to see his friend.

OBS. 3. The infinitive mood may have the import of a noun, and become the subject or the object of a verb. Thus:

To play is pleasing to children; children love play, or, play is pleasing to children, children love play.

This mood may also be used independent of the rest of the

sentence. Thus:

To tell the truth, he is in fault. To begin, let us tread back the wheel.


di-men-tion dē-men ́shun ex-cheq-uer ěks-tshěk'ur dis-cern-ment diz-zěrn ́měnt ex-cres-cense ĕks-krěs ́sense dis-cred-it dis-krěd'it ex-emp-tion ĕgz-ěm ́shūn

[blocks in formation]

dis-pleas-ure dis-plězh ́ūre ex-pert-ly

ěks-pĕrt lē


dis-rěl'ish ex-pres-sion


dis-sem-ble dis-sĕm'bl


ĕks-těr ́năl

[blocks in formation]

1. Religion is the daughter of heaven', the parent of virtue," and the source of true felicity.-She alone gives peace' and contentment'; she divests the heart of corroding care'; pours upon the soul a flood of serene delight', and sheds an unmingled sunshine upon all the objects of life'.

2. By her', the spirits of darkness are banished from the earth', and angelic ministers of grace', hover', unseen', amid the regions of morality'. Among men she promotes love' and good will;-raises the head that hangs down'; heals the wounded spirit'; dispels the gloom of sorrow', and sweetens the cup of affliction.` She blunts the sting of death', and breathes around her votaries the odours of perpetual spring`.

3. Lift up your head', O Christian'! and look forward to yon calm, unclouded regions of mercy', unsullied by vapour, and unruffled by storms', where holy friendship', never changes,-never cools'. Soon you will burst this clay-prison of the body',-break the fetters of mortality',-rise to endless life', and mingle with the skies`.

4. Corruption has only its limited duration; happiness is now in the bud;` a few days', or weeks', or months at most', and then the bud will expand in full perfection'. Now, virtue droops under a thousand galling pressures`;—Then, like the earth at the return of spring', she shall renew her youth', replenish her vesture', rise' and reign', in never fading lustre.


NOTE. Discount, or rebate, as it is often called, is an abatement from the amount of money due some time hence, for the consideration of present payment; and it should be no more nor less than the Int. which would accrue on the given sum, for the given time and at the given rate.


Find the amt. of $100, or £100, for the time and at the rate proposed.

2. As that amt is to $100 so is the given sum to the present worth. Thus:

(1) What is the present worth of $850 due 3 months hence, discounting at 6 pr. ct. per ann?

100×3÷÷2=1.50+100-$101.50. amt. of 100 for 3 mo.

at 6 pr. ct.

Then as 101.50: 100 :: 850: 837. 44 Ans.

For 850X100÷101.50=837.44 nearly.

OBS. 1. The present worth subtracted from the given sum, will exhibit the rebate.



In the first example,-850-837.44 $12.56 dis.

(2) What is the discount on $420 for 2 years, at 6 pr. ct. a year? Ans. $45. (3) What is the present worth of $775.50 due 4 years hence, at 5 pr. ct. per annum? Ans. $646.25. OBS. 2. When discount is required on any sum without regard to time, it is found the same as sim. Int. on the sum for one year. Thus:

(4) What is the discount on $476 1-2 at 7 per cent? 476.5X.07=33.355 Ans. $33.355. (5) What is the discount on £782, at 6 per cent?

Ans. £46-18-4-1-2.

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