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cut off. There were about fifty citizens spectators of the fight, and all applauded the energy and tact of Colonel Sigel in conducting his retreat, and in posting his men at every point where he could reach his mounted enemy. His conduct satisfies the Union men here that he can be relied upon as a military commander."


asssist the subjugation of the State to the rebellion, by stirring up enemies to her peace from without. Leaving Jefferson City the 20th of May, the day before Governor Jackson's truce with General Harney was signed, having no confidence, he tells us, in that armistice, he arrived in three days at Fort Smith, in Arkansas, where he had the satisfaction of an interview with General McCulloch, who had just made his appearance in that quarter. "Since then," said he, "in Arkansas, Tennessee and Virginia

As an indication of the animus of the leaders of the insurgents at this time, we may present a passage of a treasonable manifesto addressed "To the People of Missouri, issued on the 8th of July at Nashville, by the Lieutenant-Governor my efforts have been directed unceasof Missouri, Thomas C. Reynolds, who like the rest of the rebel administration, had left the seat of government in anticipation of the approach of General Lyon, and who, it appears from his own statement, had since, diligently occupied his time in fomenting the revolt. As early as the middle of January Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds had been instrumental in securing a hearing before both Houses of the General Assembly of Missouri, of a Mr. Russell, an agent of Mississippi, who boldly presented himself a fortnight after the formal secession of that sovereign State, to address loyal Missouri, by the most glowing appeals to her pride and interest, her destiny as the Empire State of the South, controlling the trade of the West from the territory of the Hudson Bay Company in one direction, to Santa Fe in another; promising all this and more if the State would join the Southern Confederacy. Having thus paved the way for revolt at home, Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds, in due time, engaged as a propagandist of his principles abroad. Going beyond Governor Jackson, in May, in his demand for "open, immediate and vigorous war," he was now, in July, seeking to

ingly, to the best of my limited ability to the promotion of our interests, indissolubly connected with the vindication of our liberties and our speedy union with the Confederate States. Rest assured of the profound sympathy with which the people of the Southern Confederacy regard our condition; though engaged in a war against a powerful foe, they would not hesitate still further to tax their energies and resources, at a proper time, and on a proper occasion, in aid of Missouri. The avowed and decided policy of the Confederate States is to add her to their numbers as soon as her sovereign people desire the union. That desire being unquestionable to any one acquainted with their real sentiments, her union with her Southern sisters is merely a question of time, and the opportunity which the course of events will sooner or later certainly afford.” “I rejoice to learn, from various sources," he adds, mingling instruction in the art of war and appeals to heaven with his incitements, "even amid the present gloom, you remain confident of final success. We are draining to the very dregs the bitter cup of Federal usurpation; but the medicine was needed to cure the

diseases of our body politic. The military advantages lately obtained by our oppressors are not surprising, for our perilous uprising at the call of our Governor was made without the previous concert with your natural allies, which was almost indispensable for success. But the fortune of war is prone to change; be ready to take advantage of it. Do nothing weak; nothing rash. Whenever a favorable opportunity occurs, rally to the standard of your Governor, or those coöperating with him; but partial uprisings, in defenceless positions, or without due concert of action, are worse than useless. Watch the opportunity to strike with effect. Meanwhile let each one of you quickly prepare; nearly all of you doubtless are aware that your ordinary rifles and shot guns with Minié balls are equal to the weapons of your foes, and in your practised hands will rarely fail of their marks. Be not impatient of delay. Success in war depends greatly on a proper combination of preparation, precaution and daring; on blows surely given at the right time and place. You have this inestimable advantage; if the hopes given you, by me now and by others, of effective aid, should incite the enemy to increase his forces in Missouri, he but weakens himself elsewhere and hastens in Virginia his own defeat, which is your victory; if he remains inactive, he but shortens the time of your captivity. Be of good cheer; be but true to yourselves, invoking the aid of the Almighty, who has so visibly favored the Southern cause, and sooner or later the deliverance will surely come."

While such was the desperate resolution of the insurgents to inflict the deadliest evils upon the country, and while

they were committing the most odious acts of tyranny in the suppressing of freedom of speech, breaking up postal communications, destroying railroads and bridges, and performing other cruel acts of devastation, it is instructive to contrast the spirit in which the national officers in Missouri entered upon the work forced upon them, of maintaining the reasonable authority of the Government. We have seen the conciliatory terms of the Proclamation issued by General Lyon. The language of the officers under his command, who preceded him ou the march in Missouri to the southward was the same. Two proclamations were issued on the 4th of July-one by Major Sturgis, another by General Sweeny. Both promised to loyal citizens the amplest protection in the enjoyment of their rights and liberties, and sought to relieve them from the usual oppressions and even inconveniences of war. to representations artfully made by the insurgents, that the object of the movement of the army was "to steal and set free the slaves, and thereby encourage a servile insurrection," and commit various injuries on persons and property, he said: "The Government and troops thus vilified you are called upon to judge for yourselves. Upon our march thus far, we have religiously observed the laws of your State, and protected you in the full enjoyment thereof. In no instance has property been seized for the use of the troops. Everything required has been fairly purchased, and its full equivalent paid for in gold. We have been ever diligent in guarding the soldiers from committing the least impropriety, and wherever detected, have punished them with extreme severity."*

In answer

* Proclamation of Major S. D. Sturgis, Camp Washing ton, near Clinton, Mo., July 4, 1861.



Equally emphatic was the declaration of Convention on taking the oath of office, General Sweeny, in command or an ad- will show his lively sense of the danger vance portion of the southwest expedi- and responsibility of the work before tion at Springfield. "The troops under him. "Gentlemen of the Convention," my command," said he, "are stationed said he, "what is it that we are now in your midst by the proper authority of threatened with? We apprehend that our Government. They are amongst we may soon be in that condition of anyou not as enemies, but as friends and archy in which a man, when he goes to protectors of all loyal citizens. Should bed with his family at night, does not an insurrection of your slaves take place, know whether he shall ever rise again, it would be my duty to suppress it, and or whether his house shall remain intact I should use the force at my command until morning. This is the kind of danfor that purpose. It is my duty to pro-ger, not merely a war between different tect all loyal citizens in the enjoyment divisions of the State, but a war between and possession of all their property, slaves included." General Sweeny, who issued this proclamation, a native of Ireland, but who had lived in America from his childhood, had acquired distinction in the Mexican war as an officer of a New York regiment of volunteers. He had lost an arm at Churubusco, subsequently served in the west, and at the outbreak of the rebellion held the rank of Captain in the 2d Regular Infantry. He was then made Colonel, and afterwards Brigadier-General of Volunteers.

On the first of August the popular Convention of Missouri, which had been elected at the call of the late Legislature, were reassembled at Jefferson City, Missouri, and in consequence of the recent proceedings in the State holding the office of Governor vacant, elected a distinguished citizen, who was one of its members, Hamilton R. Gamble, Provisional Governor in place of the disloyal Governor Jackson. No one apparently regretted the necessity of this step more than Governor Gamble himself, but some civil government was required, and the Convention thus undertook to supply the need. A passage from the new Governor's address, which he delivered to the

neighbors, so that when a man meets those with whom he has associated from childhood, he begins to feel that they are his enemies. We must avoid that. It is terrible. The scenes of the French Revolution may be enacted in every quarter of our State, if we do not succeed in avoiding that kind of war. We can do it if we are in earnest, and endeavor with all our power. So far as I am concerned, I assure you that it shall be the very highest object—the sole aim of every official act of mine to make sure that the people of the State of Missouri can worship their God together, each feeling that the man who sits in the same pew with him, because he differs with him on political questions, is not his enemy-that they may attend the same communion and go to the same heaven. I wish for every citizen of the State of Missouri that, when he meets his fellowman, confidence in him may be restored, and confidence in the whole society restored, and that there shall be conversations upon other subjects than those of blood and slaughter; that there shall be something better than this endeavor to encourage hostility between persons who entertain different political opinions, and

something more and better than a desire to produce injury to those who may differ from them."

says they will help us to expel from our
borders the population hostile to our
rights and institutions, treating all such
as enemies if found under arms.
It re-
mains to be seen whether General Pillow
and other officers of the Confederate
States will continue their endeavor to
make Missouri the theatre of war, upon
the invitation of Governor Jackson or of
any other person, when such invasion is
contrary to the act of the Confederate
States, and when the invitation given by
the Governor is withdrawn by the peo-
ple. We have sought to avoid the rav-
aging our State in this war, and if the
military officers of the Confederate States
seek to turn the war upon us, upon the
mere pretext that they are invited by a
State officer to do so, when they know
that no State officer has authority to give
such invitation, then upon them be the
consequences, for the sovereignty of Mis-
souri must be protected."

To aid the national Government in warding off the enemies of the State coming from abroad; to preserve, as far as possible, peace within its borders, was the task. A special Proclamation of Governor Gamble on the 3d of August, further showed his desire to discharge the duty in a conciliatory spirit. Again was the policy of the Government distinctly announced as one of non-interference with the peculiar institution of the State. In choosing him as Governor, the Convention, he said, had given an assurance sufficient to satisfy all "that no countenance will be afforded to any scheme or to any conduct calculated in any degree to interfere with the institution of slavery existing in the State. To the very utmost extent of Executive power that institution will be protected." He warned the citizens against obedience to the requisitions of Governor Jackson and the "Military act" of the late Legislature, which the Convention had annulled, and urged a new organization of the militia for the defence of the State. Of The forces under my command are the foreign enemies who were its assail- your neighbors, and we come at the inants he said: "The State has been stance and request of the Governor of invaded by troops from the State of your State as allies to protect you against Arkansas, and a large force, under Gen- tyranny and oppression. As Tennesseeeral Pillow of Tennessee, has landed ans, we have deeply sympathized with upon the soil of Missouri, notwithstand-you. When you were called to arms ing the Congress of the Confederate and manifested a determination to resist States, in their act declaring war against the usurper who has trampled under his the United States, expressly excepted feet the Constitution of the Government, Missouri as a State against which the and destroyed all the guards so carefully war was not to be waged. General Pil-prepared for the protection of the liberlow has issued a proclamation, addressed to the people of Missouri, in which he declares that his army comes at the request of the Governor of this State, and

The Proclamation of General Pillow alluded to, was dated New Madrid, in the southeastern portion of the State, on the Mississippi. It was addressed to the People of Missouri, and read thus :

ties of the people by our fathers, and when you called for help, Tennessee sends her army, composed of her cherished sons, to your aid. We will help


you expel from your borders the population hostile to your rights and institutions, treating all such as enemies if found under arms. We will protect your people from wrong at the hands of our army, and while we have every reason to believe that no violence will be done to the rights of your true-hearted and loyal people, the General commanding begs to be informed if any case of wrong should occur. To the gallant army under his command, who hold in their keeping the honor of Tennessee, though composed of Tennesseeans, Mississippians and Kentuckians, he appeals as a father to his children, to violate the rights of no peaceable citizen, but to guard the honor of Tennessee as you would that of an affectionate mother, cherishing you as her sons. The field for active service is before you. Our stay here will be short. Our mission is to place our down-trodden sister on her feet, and to enable her to breathe after the heavy tread of the tyrant's foot. Then, by her own brave sons, she will maintain her rights and protect her own fair women from the foe, whose forces march under banners inscribed with 'Beauty and Booty' as the reward of victory. In victory the brave are always merciful, but no quarter will be



shown to troops marching under such a banner. In this view, and for these purposes, we call upon the people of Missouri to come to our standard, join our forces, and aid in their own liberation. If you would be freemen, you must fight for your rights. Bring such arms as you have. We will furnish ammunition, and lead you on to victory. That the just Ruler of nations is with us is manifested in the glorious victory with which our arms were crowned in the bloody field of Manassas."

It was the era of Proclamations in Missouri. From this same place, New Madrid, Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds, the last day of July, issued his Proclamation to the People of Missouri authorizing the proceedings of General Pillow, whom he had brought from Tennessee; and a few days after, Governor Jackson himself issued another, also of considerable length and of greater importance, arraigning the acts of President Lincoln, and "provisionally" declaring the political connection between the United States of America and the people and Government of Missouri dissolved. This was in accordance with an arrangement of Governor Jackson with the government at Richmond for the introduction of Missouri as a member of the Confederacy.

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