Imagens das páginas

tened to shoot him if he spoke. Without hesitation he rushed on them, shouting, "A moi Auvergne, ce sont les ennemis " (Follow me, men, here is the enemy!) and fell pierced by scores of balls. These words are cut on his statue.

At 28 kil. further, passing Molines, is MENDE (see Route 28); beyond that is St. Chaley (48 kil.), and

ST. FLOUR (30 kil.), on the Clermont-Ferrand road, as in Route 52.

The rail from Alais towards Clermont passes Genolhac (21 miles), at the head of the Cèze, etc., under Mont Lozère (4,890 feet above sea), where the wolf is hunted.

A hill near château Marave offers a fine point of view. There are mineral waters at Cauvalot; and, up the Arre, you come to the coal mines, which Mr. Hammond, an Englishman, is Villefort (8 miles), on the borders of the Ardèche working. and Lozére. It lies in the narrow valley of the The road from Le Vigan to Montpellier is de- Devéze, is noted for its lead mines, and is an entrepôt scribed in Route 32.]

LE POMPIDOU (30 kil.), on the Gardon, under the ridge of the Cevennes, which divides the departments of Lozère and Gard. Cassagnas (about 10 kil. north-east), with its caves, was one of the headquarters of the Camisard leaders.

FLORAC (23 kil.), a sous-préfecture in department Lozère, of 2,300 souls, in the valley of the Tarn, where the Tarnon and Minente join it, among the Hautes Cevennes. It began in a castle, of which a part of two low battlemented towers are left; and has but one main street, with a church, a Protestant chapel, palais de justice, &c. The sides of the rock are covered with vines, chestnuts, and oaks.

About 12 kil. up the Tarn, is Pont Montvert, under Mont Lozère (4,890 feet high), where the Camisards murdered the priest Chayla, 1702, a cruel persecutor of the Protestants, for which their leader was burnt alive. Pope Urban V. was born at Grizac, near this.

ISPAGNAC (9 kil.) or HISPAGNAC, on the Tarn, in a pretty valley, near the high, cold, and dreary plain, called the Causse de Sauveterre, 2,870 feet above the sea.

[QUEZAC, nearly opposite it, is noted for its mineral water, and a Gothic bridge and chapel, built by Pope Urban. ST. ENIMIE, 11 kil. further down the Tarn, in the midst of wild and rugged peaks, grew out of a monastery to St. Bennet, founded in the 7th century, by a daughter of Clotaire II. ST. PREJET, 20 kil. still further down the Tarn, is at the bottom of a defile 1,900 feet deep at the Pas de Souci, where it is so narrow that a bridge might be almost run across. Megruies, 20 kil. south-east of this, is noted for three large caves.]

for the wine, silk, salt, oil, grain, &c., of this mountain region. The ruins of Alène (12 kil.)

Langogne (21 miles), a station on the Nismes and Clermont-Ferrand line (Route 31), on the Allier, in the Cevennes, one of the highest places in the department of Lozère or the Cevennes near the head of the Loire. It has a church, which belonged to an abbey of the 10th century, founded by the Viscounts de Gévaudan. A Roman camp is traced on Mont Milan. It is the best station for Le Puy (Route 28).

[GRANDRIEUX (18 kil. west-north-west), is near Agrippa's Roman way from Lyons into Spain, and has an old square tower. Naussac (6 kil. north-west), lower down the Aller, has remains of a château, which the excellent Belzunce, bishop of Marseilles, during the famous plague of 1772, used to visit. It belonged to Chambons abbey.]

Descend the Allier to Jonchères (11 miles), Alleyras (13 miles), etc., to Langeac (21 miles), at the junction of the Déze, a small place where lace is made. St. Georges d'Aurac (4 miles); Paulhaguet (5 miles); and Brioude (11 miles), on the Allier. For which, and the remainder of the rail to Issoire, Clermont-Ferrand, and St. Germain-des-Fossés (see Route 45).


Montpellier, up the Hérault, to Mende. Distance to Le Vigan, about 51 kil., or 32 miles. Montpellier, as in Route 30.

MONTFERRIER (6 kil.), a little to the east of the road, makes a pleasing appearance, being on a volcanic peak about 140 feet above the sea, on or

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round which are grouped an old château of its marquises, a park stretching to the Lez, mills, &c. Another lava peak, Valmahargues, is to the west. One of these heights was the site of a Roman or Gaulic town, called Substantion and Sextantio, according to inscriptions, remains of walls, &c., found there.

ST. GELY (5 kil.)

[At 5 kil. to the east is Prades, at the head of the Lez, which has its source in a ravine (something like Vaucluse), behind the castle of Restinclières.]

ST. MARTIN (12 kil.)

ST. GUILHEM-Le-Desert (7 kil.), in a deep gorge of the Hérault, among the rugged limestone peaks of the Cevennes range, is under the large old Castle, called the Géant, which belonged, they say, to the giant, Gallone, who fought with St. Guilhem. In one part is a primitive suspension bridge, in the Indian style, running from cliff to cliff, about 127 feet long.

ST. BAUZILLE-DU-PUTOIS (6 kil.), a small village on the Hérault, is remarkable for a succession of caves, in the limestone, called (in the patois of this part) Baouma de las Doumaïselas, or the Ladies' Cavern (another name is the Grotto of the Ganges). full of stalactites and stalagmites of all shapes.

GANGES (5 kil.), further up the Hérault.

LE VIGAN, on the Arre, is about 10 kil. northwest of this (see Route 31). St. Hippolyte, about 15 kil. east; and St. Jean du Gard, about 20 kil. north of St. Hippolyte.

From St. Jean the road to

MENDE is as in Route 28, where these places are described.


Montpellier to Lodève, Milhau, and Rodez. Distance to Milhau, 121 kil., or 75 miles. Montpellier, as in Route 30. About 6 kil. distant is the very old church of Celle Neuve, composed of large, well-cut stones.

Pass Fabrègues (7 miles), etc., to

Monthagin Gignac (5 miles), a station for GIGNAC, on the Hérault, which a curious bridge crosses, has a good church, a square tower, and the chapel of Nôtre Dame, on the heights, thought to have been a temple of Vesta. A little higher up the river is Aniane, where St. Bennet was born; the old abbey, founded 782, by a count of Maguelonne, is here.

Paulhan (13 miles), where the line from Bézieres comes in (Route 66), viâ Pézenas, etc. Clermont l'Hérault (7 miles), a small town, where they make cloth, cotton, etc. It has an old castle, and a Gothic church, with a good rose window.

Lodève (11 miles), a sous-préfecture with 11,870 souls, on the Ergue (a branch of the Hérault), in a pretty valley at the foot of the Cevennes mountains, which are cultivated at the top. The old church of St. Fulcran (a cathedral till the Revolution), which was part of St. Sauver's abbey, has a great square machicolated tower, with turrets, &c., and was fortified against the Albigenses, when the town was walled round. It has a mineral spring, and the Juifs' (Jews') grotto. Cardinal Fleury and General Lagarde were born here. It

is the ancient Lutera.

Hotels. De la Croix Blanche (White Cross); Du Cheval Vert (Green Horse).

Here the rail ends. By road to
ST. PIERRE-DE-PAGE (15 kil.)

LE CAYLAR (13 kil.), on a plateau above the source of the Legerce, has remains of its old walls. A charming path, called the Escalette road, leads to several fine points of view, near the source of the Ergue.

LA CABALERIC (22 kil.)

MILHAU (17 kil.), already described (see Route 28), where the roads to Mende and Albi divide off. [About 23 kil. south of Milhau, is Nant, in the beautiful valley of the Dourbie, where it joins the Tarn, in a spot remarkable for the Poujade and other grottoes.]

BOIS DU FOUR (21 kil.)

PONT DE SALARS (26 kil.)

Rodez is 25 kil. further, as in Route 52.





Paris to Sceaux, Orsay, and Limours.

Distance, 22 kil., or 13 miles; trains, every hour, to Sceaux; every other hour, to Orsay. Embarcadère, Barrière d'Enfer, behind the Luxembourg. A single rail, opened 1816.

Passing in view the great Bicêtre Hospital, Petit Montrouge, and the fortifications, then Montrouge quarries and its new fort, you come to

Arcueil-Cachan (3 miles), so called from the aqueduct made by the Romans over the Biévre, two arches of which are seen in the modern aqueduct, built 1613-24 by Desbrosses, for Mary de Medici's palace at the Luxembourg. It stands on 25 arches, is 72 feet high, and 1,200 long. The church is of the 13th-15th centuries. Laplace, the mathematician, resided here. Several country seats are about. Cachan, across the valley, was a country-seat of Philippe le Bel's.

Bourg-la-Reine (14 mile), on the high road to Étampes and Orléans, a pretty place, with a country-seat of Gabrielle d'Estrées, "la Belle Gabrielle," mistress of Henry IV., whose decorated chamber is still shown. It was in the prison here that Condorcet, the philosopher and Girondist, poisoned himself, 1794. The cattle market, or Marché de Sceaux, is held near this every Monday.

To the north-west are Chatillon on a hill, and Bagneaux on another hill-the latter a healthy place with an old church of the 12th or 13th cen

tury. L'Hay and Chevilly lie to the south-west, and Berni château to the south, beyond the viaduct.

[Here the line to Sceaux turns off. This serpentine rail has many small curves in it, to accomplish the ascent to Sceaux, which is 24 yards higher than Fontenay, and only 840 yards distant, as the crow flies. For this purpose the patent jointed carriages of M. Arnoux are used. The gauge is 6 feet. Little wheels, fastened to the rims of the great ones, keep the carriages on the line. They turn freely, and require no buffers. Curves of only 82 feet radius are thus safely passed. Fontenay-aux-Roses (9 kil. from Paris), a charming village, was so called from the rose trees once cultivated here. The house in which Scarron lived now belongs to Ledru Rollin. The vine, strawberry, &c., are grown. Sceaux (11 kil. from Paris), pronounced "So," a sous-préfecture in department Seine (population 1,800), had a château, built 1670, by Colbert, the statesman, and enlarged by the Duchesse de Maine, who married Madame de Montespan's son. Here Voltaire wrote his "Semiramis," &c. It was pulled down at the Revolution, except the orangerie or park, now a public garden for Sunday balls.

Near the Gothic church of St. Jean, which con

tains a marble "Baptism of Christ," is a pillar to Florian, the novelist, who died here,

1794. The Hôtel de Ville is a good building.; 1840; to Orléans, 1843; to Bordeaux (throughout), Plessis, and the forest of Meudon, are to the west; also Robinson and its chestnut trees; Aulnay, where Châteaubriand wrote his "Martyrs," and other works; and Chatenay, where Voltaire was born, 1694. It is now the residence of Eugene Sue.

Coaches to Lenas, Arpajon, Bonelles, Epilly,
Chatenay, and Amblainvilliers ]

The next station to Bourg-la-Reine is
Antony (11 mile), on the Biévre. Coach to the
ancient village of Longjumeau.

Massy (1 mile). Coach to Verrières and its wood. Vilgenis, near this, belongs to Jerome Bonaparte.

Palaiseau (6 miles), on the Yvette, under a hill, was so called from its palatium or château of the early kings, and has a church of the 12th century. Coaches to Igny château (built in 1852, in the Renaissance style, by M. Tourneux, its owner), and Bièvre, in a pretty part of that river. It is hence 9 kil. to Versailles, past Jouy-en-Josas and Buc aqueduct, which supplies the palace with water.

From Palaiseau, up the Yvette, after Lozére, you come to

Orsay (3 miles) and its moated Château, in a picturesque part of the river. Then Gif (2 miles), St. Remy (3 miles), the station for Dampierre, the fine seat of the Duc de Luynes, and Chevreuse, which has an old church and castle ruins, with a good view from another ruin, the Madeline, over the Yvette.

Limours (2 miles). Coaches to Bel Air, Briis, Forges-les-Bains, St. Arnoult, Bonnelles, and Rochefort.



Paris to Orléans, Blois, Tours, Poitiers,
Angoulême, and Bordeaux.

By railway. Station, or embarcadère, Quai d'Austerlitz-3 miles from the Rouen terminus; 2 miles from the Northern; 2 miles from the Strasburg; mile from the Lyons; 1 mile from the Rennes and Brest. The line to Corbeil was opened


1853. Distance to Orléans, 76 miles, or 121 kil.;
eleven trains a day, 2 to 4 hours. To Bordeaux,
383 miles, or 578 kil.; 12 to 19 hours.
allowed, 30 kil., or 66 lbs. Omnibuses meet all
the trains from the branch offices; fare, 30 cents.
(3d.), exclusive of baggage. The direct Route
to Tours, via Bretigny and Vendôme, instead of
going through Orléans, shortens the distance to
Tours and places beyond only two miles.

The line runs out by Barrière de la Gare and
Pont de Bercy, on the Seine, past the bastions at
the bac or ferry, and past IVRY (population, 6,000)
and its fort and large workshops, with Grand
Gentilly, and the Chemin de Ceinture, to the left.
[Gentilly (5 kil. from Paris), on the Bièvre, is
near Villeroy château, and the famous
Bicêtre, once a château of Jean, Duke of Berri,
and a military hospital, now a vast asylum, in
connection with the Salpêtrière, for 3,000 old
people and for lunatics, in a building about 1,000
feet square. In the court is a great well (puits
de Bicêtre), 7 feet diameter, and 187 feet deep,
in the rock; the water is conveyed thence to a
reservoir, 57 feet square. Workshops, gardens,
a farm, &c., are attached. The Duke of Berri's
château replaced a Carthusian house, built by
Bishop John of Winchester, whence comes the
present name-Winchestre, Bicestre, Bicêtre.]
Vitry-sur-Seine (Villejuif to the left) among
nursery gardens, has a seat which belonged to
Count Dubois, and is near a spot on the river,
called Porte à l'Anglais, where the English, who
held Paris in the time of Charles VI., had a camp,
to cut off the Dauphin's communication by the
river. Population, 3,000. An eight-arch viaduct
brings you to

Choisy-le-Roi (6 miles), in department Seineet-Oise, at the five-arch bridge on the Seine, built 1802. It is so called from a château of Louis XV., which was here, but is now occupied by a porcelain factory. Here died, in 1836, Rouget de l'Isle, the author of the famous Marseillaise. Population, 4,650. The large glass-works are no longer carried on; but there are factories for morocco leather, chemicals, &c. Thiais is on the heights, to the south-west, and the Lyons railway on the opposite side of the river. A little further, at the bridge on the Seine, is Villeneuve-le-Roi (opposite Villeneuve

St. Georges), which belonged to Philippe Auguste, and has a good church and several country houses. Ablon (1 mile), in a pretty spot, had a Protestant church, which Sully used to attend. There are large caves here.

Athis-Mons (2 miles), on the Orge, near the Seine, a place of the 11th century, where Louis X. and his grandson Philippe le Bel had a seat. Population, 770.

Juvisy (23 miles), where the branch railway turns off to Corbeil (as below), is on the Orge, and has the château of Marquis de Montessuy, which belonged to the Brancas and Sevennes families. The park was laid out by Lenôtre. At the posthouse of Fromenteau, Napoleon first heard of the capitulation of Paris, in 1814. Population, 410.

[To Corbeil.-A short branch rail, out of the Orléans line, running four trains a-day, in about an hour.

Châtillon, on the Seine, here covered with villas, is noted for a fête champêtre, in May, and is opposite Draveil and Champrosay.

Riz, or Ris-Orangis (2 miles), at the suspension bridge on the Seine, built by Aguado, the banker, whose seat was here. The château was inhabited by Henry IV. That of Fromont belongs to M. Soulange Bodin, and has a wellarranged horticultural garden. De Thou, the historian, once resided here. A little further up the river are Doujons, Soisy-sous-Étoiles, and Petit Bourg, so called after the château of the Duc d'Antin, where Louis XIV. used to visit Madame Montespan. A House of Correction for young criminals occupies the site. A hospital, founded by the Duchess of Bourbon, is also here.

Evry (24 miles), has an old church, and a popula

tion of 880.

Corbeil (2 miles), at the five-arch bridge on the Seine, in a pleasant spot, where the Essonne joins, and turns forty flour mills, is a sous-préfecture (Seine-et-Oise) of 5,220 souls, having a large trade in grain, a halle-au-blé (corn market), St. Spire's old church, a library of 4,000 volumes, and an immense granary of six stories, large enough to feed all Paris for a fortnight. The second wife of Philippe Auguste died here, 1236,

Steamer to Melun and Montereau Coaches to Melun, Fontainebleau (see Route 20), Milly, Beaumont, Ponthierry. Essonne (2 kil. southwest) on that river, was the old Arona, or Exona, and a country-seat which Clotaire gave to St. Denis' abbey. Here is a large fancy paper factory. Population, 2,700. By Mennecy (5 miles), and La Ferté Alais (5) miles), &c., to Malesherbes (15 miles), in a marshy part of Essonne, under a Castle. Here a short branch turns off, via Manchecomt, to Pithiviers (12 miles), a sous-préfecture, in department Loiret (population, 4,800), over a ravine on the Oeuf. It was a strong place, which the Prince of Condé took twice in the League wars, and which Henry IV. dismantled. You see here many Gothic houses, the tower of an abbey, a venerable church, the spire of which, 270 feet high, was burnt in 1853, and fragments of the walls, &c. It was given up to pillage by Platoff in 1815, for shooting the officer sent to parley. Statue to Poisson, the mathematician, born here 17:1. In the neighbourhood are the grotto of St. Gregory, and remains of a castle, which Henry I. of England burnt. At Yèvre-leCha'el are the extensive ruins of another castle.

Trade in grain, wine, honey, saffron, gateaux d'amandes (almond cakes), and pâtés d'alouettes (lark pies), for which it is noted. Hotels.-De l'Ecu (Crown Piece); De la Ville d'Orléans. Coaches to Orléans, Fontainebleau, &c.

The next stations to Malesherbes are La Brosse (3 miles), &c., to Beaune-le-Roi (13 mile); from which it is 10 miles to Montargis, on the line to Nevers (see Route 20).]

Savigny-sur-Orge (14 mile), a village as old as 925, with a castle built by the chamberlain of Charles VIII., 1480, now belonging to the Prince s of Eckmühl. Villiers, near this, was the property of Madame Brinvilliers, the poisoner. Viaduct to

Epinay-sur-Orge (14 mile), a little way from Ville Moisson, on the Orge, where the Yvette joins. A château here, and a church with a good "John the Baptist" in it. St. Geneviève forest is a little further. At Longpont is one of the best

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