OR THE Political Tranfactions OF IRELAND, FROM TH& ACCESSION OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE III. CONTAINING AN IMPARTIAL STATEMENT OF WITH GREAT BRITAIN. CIRCUMSTANTIAL ACCOUNT OF THE LATE REBELLION; WITH THE PRINCIPAL STATE TRIALS IN CONSEQUENCE THEREOF: AND A COMPLEAT VIEW OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS IN THIS COUNTRY IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. 111. BY WILLIAM WENMAN SEWARD, Esq. DUBLIN PRINTED, BY ALEX STEWART, and MR. PHILIPS, St. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, LONDON. FOR MESSRS. WOGAN,-—HALPIN, BROWN, COLBERT,ỌIY,— hun't. Killy. © 3-27-HE BAB Dauber 3-23-45 52071 Collectanea Politica; CHAPTER I. Continuation of the feffion 1793-Meffage from his Majesty refpecting a war with France-addrefs to his Majefty thereon-convention bill-fpeech of Mr. Grattan on the reading of that bill-his motion-debates thereon-motion negativedfurther proceedings and debates on faid bill-speeches of the Attorney General Mr. Curran-Major Doyle-Mr. Geo. Ponfonby c.-Bill passed-particular bills which received the royal affent-Lord Lieutenant's Speech-at the conclufion of the feffion-prorogation of parliament. ON N the 16th of February, 1793, Mr. Secretary Hobart delivered the following meffage to the house from the Lord Lieutenant. "Weftmoreland, "I have his Majefty's commands to acquaint the Houfe of Commons, that the affembly now exercifing the powers of government in France have, without previous notice, directed acts of hoftility to be committed against the perfons and property of his Majefty's fubjects, in breach of the VOL. III. B law |