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Note on apparently useless Colouring in the Flowers of a Fumitory (Fumaria capreolata var. pallidiflora, F. pallidiflora Jord.) I observe that in this plant at Mentone the flowers attain their brightest colouring after the ovaries are set, and when fertilisation is no longer necessary, or indeed possible. During the period previous to impregnation, the flowers are pale and nearly white, and the pedicels erect or horizontal; afterwards they be come pink, or even crimson, and the pedicels are recurved, and the colour of the petals, which retain their form and position ntil the ovary has nearly attained its full size, intensifies with the lapse of time.

If the reverse had been the case there is little doubt that we should have regarded the bright colouring as specially adapted to attract insects, and as existing for that purpose, insects being, according to Prof. F. Hildebrand,* important agents in the fertilisation of fumitories; but here, as the brighter flowers are those which no longer need or are capable of profiting by the interference of insects, this explanation ceases to be possible. This little fact, therefore, would seem to be one which might be classed with those which teach us that, side by side with the developments and modifications which are plainly beneficial to the organism of which they form a part, there are others, which, as far as we can see, are neither useful nor harmful to their possessor, though they may, and frequently do, supply features which especially attract our attention and admiration. J. TRAHERNE MOGGRIDGE


TWO papers which Mr. Croll has recently published "On the Physical Cause of Ocean Currents" (Philosophical Magazine for Feb. and Mar. 1874), bring the main question at issue between him and myself into very distinct view; and as the results of the Challenger Temperature-survey of the Atlantic, lately made public by the Admiralty, afford (as it seems to me) important data towards the settlement of this question I shall be glad to be allowed to point out what seem to me their chief bearings upon it.

The position taken by Mr. Croll is, that all the great movements of ocean-water, deep as well as superficial, depend on the action of winds upon its surface. And whilst freely admitting that Polar water finds its way along the floor of the great ocean-basins into the equatorial area, he affirms that this is merely the reflux of the current which has been driven into the Polar basins by the agency of winds.

On the other hand, it is fully recognised by myself, that the current movements of surface-water are, for the most part, produced by the agency of winds; but these movements, I contend, all belong to a horizontal circulation, which tends to complete itself,-a surface indraught being produced wherever a surface outflow is kept up, as we see in the horizontal circulations of the North and South Atlantic, the North and South Pacific, and the Indian Ocean, depicted in Mr. Croll's own map. But I maintain that the deep movements of ocean-water are the result of a vertical circulation, which is maintained by the continuance of a disturbed equilibrium between the Polar and equatorial columns, occasioned by the surface-action of Polar cold and equatorial heat. As Mr. Croll is unable to understand why I should speak of Polar cold, rather than equatorial heat, as the primum mobile of this vertical circulation, and accuses me of an ignorance of the fundamental principles of

Ueber die Bestäubungsvorrichtungen bei den Fumariaceen," in Pring heim's "Jahrbücher," vol. vii. part 4, p. 423 (1870). Reviewed in "Bull. Soc. Bot. de France," xix. (1872), p. 145.

physics in so regarding it, I may be allowed first briefly to explain myself; since others may experience the same difficulty, from some want of precision on my part in stating my case. The eminent physicists, however, with whom I have had the advantage of discussing this point, do not share Mr. Croll's objection, but hold my statement to be perfectly correct.

Heat applied to the surface of any body of fresh water, whether by solar radiation, or by the experimental application of a heated plate, will raise the temperature of the surface-film, without producing any downward convection. Limited downward convection, however, is occasioned in salt water by the sinking of the surfacefilms which are concentrated by evaporation; but this convection I found in my Mediterranean observations, which have been fully confirmed by those of the Challenger in the equatorial area, to be practically limited to the first fifty fathoms. Water in a long trough may thus be superficially heated (as I have experimentally ascertained), by the application of surface-heat to one-sixth of its length, until the temperature of its whole surface-film is raised to 100 or more; but the further application of surface-heat expends itself in vaporisation, and does not communicate itself in any sensible degree to the mass of water beneath, which, therefore, can not be put in motion by such application. On the other hand, the moment that surface-cold is applied, a downward convection is produced, as Mr. Croll may easily ascertain for himself if cation of such surface-cold to any one portion of the he will only try the experiment; and the continued applisurface will maintain a constant movement through the entire mass of the liquid, until thermal equilibrium is restored by the cooling-down of the whole. But if the restoration of this thermal equilibrium be prevented by the application of heat to another part of the surface, the disturbance of equilibrium will be kept up, and a vertica circulation maintained, as long as these two opposing agencies are in operation. If Mr. Croll cannot see that this must be the case, I am not responsible for his failure to apprehend that which theory and experiment alike sanction.

I re-affirm, then, that cold applied to the surface has exactly the same motor power as heat applied at the bottom; and that its motor agency is more potent than that of heat applied at the surface, simply because the former is diffused by convection through the entire mass of the water, which it keeps on cooling and moving, whilst the latter is limited to the surface-film, and expends itself in producing evaporation.

Mr. Croll objects to this, that, if it were true, nearly the whole mass of oceanic water must have an almost

Polar temperature. I accept this issue; and refer to the Challenger temperature-soundings, as justifying it. If he will look at the section taken across the equator, he will find that—as I had predicted-Polar water there lies within a very short distance from the surface. At less than 100 fathoms' depth, the temperature falls from 78° at the surface to 55°, and the isotherm of 40° is reached at about 320 fathoms. Below this lies a stratum of more than 2,000 fathoms thickness, whose temperature, ranging downwards from 40° to 32°4, shows it to consist mainly of Polar water. And as, from the data supplied by the Mediterranean and Gulf of Suez temperature-soundings, a body of equatorial water secluded from all connection with the oceanic circulation might be expected to have the uniform (or isocheimal) temperature of 75° from 50 fathoms downwards, it is clear that the influence of Polar cold here extends itself upwards within 100 fathoms of the surface.

Again, Mr. Croll says that I have made no allowance excess of salinity in equatorial water, which, for the according to him, must counterbalance the increase of specific gravity produced in Polar water by the reduction of its temperature. Here, again, he is unfortunate

as regards his facts. He appears to have overlooked the observations proving the lower salinity of inter-tropical water, which I had cited as furnishing an additional indication that Polar water is constantly rising from the bottom towards the surface in the equatorial area. These observations have been most remarkably confirmed by those taken by the physicists of the Challenger. For, whilst in the extra-tropical area the sp. gr. of surface-water was in excess of that of bottom-water, in the equatorial area it was reduced to an almost precise correspondence with it, due allowance for temperature being of course made.

According to Mr. Croll's doctrine, the whole of that vast mass of water in the North Atlantic, averaging, say, 1,500 fathoms in thickness, and 3,600 miles in breadth, the temperature of which (from 40° downwards) as ascertained by the Challenger soundings, clearly shows it to be mainly derived from a Polar source, is nothing else than the reflux of the Gulf Stream. Now, even if we suppose that the whole of this stream, as it passes Sandy Hook, were to go on into the closed Arctic Basin, it would only force out an equivalent body of water. And as, on comparing the sectional areas of the two, I find that of the Gulf Stream to be about 1-900th that of the North Atlantic underflow; and as it is admitted that a large part of the Gulf Stream returns into the MidAtlantic circulation, only a branch of it going on to the north-east; the extreme improbability (may I not say impossibility?) that so vast a mass of water can be put in motion by what is by comparison such a mere rivulet-the north-east motion of which, as a distinct current, has not been traced eastward of 30° W. long.-seems still more obvious.

Lastly, the Challenger observations in the South Atlantic have proved exactly what I had anticipated, viz., that the bottom-temperature is lower, and that the Polar underflow lies much nearer the surface in this ocean than in the North Atlantic. Now this case appears to me to afford the experimentum crucis between Mr. Croll's doctrine and my own. For my prediction of this result was based on the fact, that, as there is here a perfectly open communication between the Polar and equatorial areas, the vertical circulation would take place more freely. On the other hand, according to Mr. Croll's doctrine, it would have been expected that there should be a far smaller reflux, or no reflux at all. For, though a portion of the equatorial current passes southwards when it meets the coast of South America, there is no ground whatever for believing that it ever goes near the Antarctic circle; and if it did find its way thither, there is no "closed basin" from which it can drive back a return current.

As it is usually considered in scientific inquiry that the verification of a prediction affords cogent evidence of the validity of the hypothesis on which it is based, I venture to submit that so far my case has been made good. WILLIAM B. CARPENTER

THE DEATH OF DR. LIVINGSTONE THE HE daily papers have obtained from the London office of the New York Herald the following telegram, containing details of the death of Dr. Livingstone, dated Suez, Sunday, March 29:

"The Malwa arrived off Suez at eleven on Saturday night, having Mr. Arthur Laing and Jacob Wainwright on board, with the body of Livingstone. He had been ill with chronic dysentery for several months past. Although well supplied with stores and medicine, he seems to have had a presentiment that the attack would prove fatal. He rode a donkey, but was subsequently carried, and thus arrived at Muilala, beyond Lake Bemba, in Bisa country, when he said, 'Build me a hut

to die in.' The hut was built by his followers, who first made him a bed. He suffered greatly, groaning night and day. On the third day he said, 'I am very cold; put more grass over the hut.' His followers did not speak or go near him. Kitumbo, Chief of Bisa, sent flour and beans, and behaved well to the party. On the fourth day Livingstone became insensible, and died about midnight. Majuahra, his servant, was present. His last entry in diary was on April 27. He spoke much and sadly of home and family. When first seized he told his followers he intended to change everything for ivory, to give to them, and to push on to Ujiji and Zanzibar, and try to reach England. On the day of his death the followers consulted what to do. The Nassick boys determined to preserve the remains. They were afraid to inform the Chief of Livingstone's death. The secretary removed the body to another hut, around which he built a high fence to ensure privacy. They opened the body and removed the internals, which were placed in a tin box and burned inside the fence under a large tree. Jacob Wanwright cut an inscription on the tree as follows:- Dr. Livingstone died on May 4, 1873,' and superscribed the name of the head man Susa. The body was preserved in salt, and dried in the sun for twelve days. Kitumbo was then informed of the death, and beat drums and fired guns as a token of respect, and allowed the followers to remove the body, which was placed in a coffin formed of bark, then journeyed to Unyanyembe about six months, sending an advanced party with information addressed to Livingstone's son, which met Cameron. The latter sent back a bale of cloth and powder. The body arrived at Unyanyembe ten days after advanced party, and rested there a fortnight. Cameron, Murphy, and Dillon together there. Latter very ill, blind, and mind affected. Committed suicide at Kasakera; buried there. Here Livingstone's remains were put in another bark case, smaller, done up as a bale to deceive natives who objected to the passage of the corpse, which was thus carried to Zanzibar. Livingstone's clothing, papers, and instruments accompany the body. When ill Livingstone prayed much. At Muilala he said, 'I am going home." Chumah remains at Zanzibar. Webb, American consul at Zanzibar, is on his way home, and has letters handed to him by Murphy from Livingstone for Stanley, which he will deliver personally only. Geographical news follows. After Stanley's departure the Doctor left Unyanyembe, rounded the south end of Lake Tanganyika, and travelled south o Lake Bemba, or Bangneoleo, crossed it south to north, then along east side, returning north through marshes to Muilala. All papers sealed. Address Secretary of State, in charge of Arthur Laing, a British merchant from Zanzibar. Murphy and Cameron remain behind."

These details are few but intensely touching. We believe that the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Bombay steamer Malwa, with Dr. Livingstone's body on board, is due on April 13 at Southampton. The body will be landed at that port and conveyed to London, by railway, for interment in Westminster Abbey; it is to be regretted that the faithful Chumah does not accompany his master's remains. It is impossible that Government will fail in doing what the whole civilised world takes for granted it will do-pay all possible honour to the remains of H. M. Consul, and of probably the greatest traveller that this or any other country ever produced.



THE new Hunterian Professor, Mr. W. Kitchen Parker, has just completed his course of eighteen lectures at the College of Surgeons, embodying in them the resurts of his researches on that most difficult problem, the deve

lopment of the vertebrate skull. The plan pursued by Mr. Parker has been to describe first in their adult state, and afterwards in the various stages of their development, the skulls of certain prominent vertebrates which should serve as types for the other members of the group, and to deduce from the facts thus established the principles on which the cranium is constructed in the whole sub-kingdom. The types selected were the shark, skate, salmon, axolotl, frog, snake, fowl, and pig.

I.-Morphological Elements of the Skull. Nothing can be more hopeless than the attempt to unravel and explain the vertebrate skull by the study of adult forms only. The modification of face and brain-case, in the long line of creatures which begins with the lamprey and ends with man, are so endless that, until the study of embryology put the matter on a new and firm foundation, the best observers failed signally to produce a true "theory of the skull," the most elaborate attempt of the kind-the "vertebral theory" started by Goethe and Oken in Germany, and perfected by Prof. Owen in Englandhaving resulted only in a convenient working hypothesis.

When, however, instead of starting with the highly differentiated skulls of adult animals, the embryos of these animals from their earliest conditions are made the subject of investigation, a new light is shed on the whole question. It is found that the skulls of all the vertebrata which have yet been thoroughly worked out, originate in, practically, a precisely similar manner; and even in some of the more advanced stages it would be hard to point out very essential differences between the skulls of a fish, a bird, or a mammal. Before entering upon the description of the skull of the shark, the first type to be gone into,* it will be advisable to consider the distinct elements of which the primordial cranium of any vertebrate animal is made up.

a. On either side of the anterior termination of the notochord, or primitive axis of the body (Fig. 1, Ch.), is developed a cartilaginous plate (I.M), which as a rule unites both above and below the notochord with its fellow of the opposite side. These plates taken together



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FIG. 1.-DIAGRAM OF VERTEBRATE SKULL. Ch, Notochord; Vr1, Vr2, first and second vertebræ ; I. M, investing mass; Au, auditory capsule; E, eye; Na, nasal capsule; Tr, trabecular; Mn, mandibular; Hy, hyoid; Br.1-5, branchial arches; Pl. Pt, pterygo-palatine process; M, mouth; Ty. Eu, tympano-Eustachian passage: Cl.1-5, branchial clefts; V, orbito-nasal; V2, maxillary; V3, mandibular; V4, palatine division of the trigeminal nerve; VII, vidian; VIIP, hyomandibular divisions of portiodura; IX, glossopharyngeal; X,


pharyngeal cavity. These are the visceral arches (pleural elements, Huxley), the spaces between them the visceral clefts. The usual number of these bars is eight, although in certain exceptional cases they may be increased to nine (Hexanchus) or ten (Heptanchus). Taken from before backwards, the pleural arches are named as follows:1. trabecular (Tr), 2. mandibular (Mn), 3. hyoid (Hy), 4-8. branchial (Br. 1-5), the clefts separating them being in like manner, the mouth (M), the tympano-Eustachian passage (Ty Eu) and the branchial clefts (Cl 1-5). At a very early period, the mandibular arch gives off a forward process, the palato-pterygoid arcade (Pl Pt) which in certain cases takes on the form of a distinct pleural element. In the branchiate vertebrata (Fishes and

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FIG. 2.-SKULL OF SHARK. O.C., occipital condyle; Pt. O, pterotic, and Sp.O sphenotic process; S.Or, supra-orbital ridge; B.Tr, basi-trabecular 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, labial cartilages; Pl.Tr., palato-trabecular ligament; M. Pt., meta-pterygoid; Mck, Meckel's cartilage; H.M, hyo-mandibular; C. Hy, cerato-hyal: Ph. Br, E. Br, C. Br, H.Br, and B. Br, pharyngo-, epi-, cerato-, hypo-, and basi-branchial; Ex. Br, extra-branchials; Sp, spiracle; II, Optic foramen. Amphibia) all these arches with the single exception of the trabecular may bear functional gills, the presence of these organs being the chief physiological test of their serial homology.

Far more important, however, in the determination of these elements of the skull, are the morphological landmarks afforded by the cranial nerves, especially by the 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th pairs. It is the constant habit of these nerves to fork above a visceral cleft, one of the branches thus formed supplying the posterior face of the

The development of the skull in the Marsipobranchii (Lamprey and Hag), the lowest group of craniate Vertebrata, has not yet been studied with sufficient accuracy to allow of the determination of its parts with any degree of certainty.

arch in front of the cleft, the other the anterior face of the arch behind and (see Fig. 1). The orbito-nasal or ophthalmic (V1) and the palatine (V) divisions of the trigeminal are the special trabecular nerves, the former passing over the optic nerve, the latter below it. The posterior primary subdivision of this nerve passes behind the mouth-cleft, and divides into two branches, both of which are distributed to the anterior (or in the altered position of the three foremost arches, outer) side of the mandibular arch; the mandibular, or inferior maxillary nerve (V3) passing along the original direction of the arch, the superior maxillary (V2) following the pterygopalatine process. The seventh nerve, or portiodura, divides above the tympano-Eustachian passage, its anterior

branch (VII) going to the inner (posterior) side of the mandibular arch, and its posterior (VIIP) division to the outer side of the hyoid. The glossopharyngeal (IX.), in like manner, is distributed to the inner side of the hyoid and the front face of the first branchial, the hinder face of which, as well as all the remaining branchial arches, is supplied by the great tenth nerve, or vagus (X). By Rathke, to whom are due the first accurate observations on the development of the skull, the trabecular arches were looked upon as mere forward processes of the investing mass, and were called trabecula cranii, or "rafters of the skull." This misconception of their true nature arose from the fact that they very soon coalesce with the investing mass, and are only to be found distinct in extremely early stages.

c. Round the organs of smell and hearing cartilaginous investments are formed, known respectively as the nasal (Na) and auditory (Au) capsules. The latter become, at a very early period, united with the investing mass, while the nasal capsules come into close relations with the anterior or distal ends of the trabecula. These are the paraneural elements of the primordial skull.

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d. Certain cartilages may be developed in relation with and external to the visceral arches, called from this circumstance extra-viscerals." Of this nature are the labial cartilages, which take so large a share in the formation of the skull of many cartilaginous fishes.

e. Lastly, the general membranous roof and walls of the brain-case may chondrify to a greater or less extent, but this chondrification is in nearly every case continuous with the trabeculæ and nasal capsules in front and below, and with the investing mass and auditory capsules behind.

Not only is the originally membranous cranium thus strengthened by deposits of cartilage, but osseous deposits may take place either in the primordial skull itself, or in the subcutaneous tissue surrounding it. The latter are called "investing-bones," or parostoses; the former may be of two kinds; when occurring as mere calcifications of the substance of the cartilage, they are known as endostoses, when having the structure of true bone, as ectostoses.

II-Skull of the Shark (Lesser Spotted Dog-fish, Scyllium canicula).--The skull of the shark is one of the best examples of the chondro-cranium in its least altered state, being entirely uncomplicated by the development of investing bones, and covered simply by a close-set series of superficial calcifications.

The brain-case is much flattened both above and below. Seen from above, it is greatly excavated in its central portion by the orbits, but expanded in front by the rounded nasal capsules (Fig. 2, Na), and behind by the more or less quadrate auditory capsules (Au). The cartilaginous roof of the skull, or tegmen cranii, is interrupted by an oval membranous space, or "fontanelle," situated between the hinder boundaries of the nasal sacs, a position peculiar to the sharks. The upper surface of the otic capsules exhibits three well-marked elevations for the semi-circular canals, and just within that for the anterior canal, a small rounded aperture, the remains of the primitive involution of the integument from which the organ of hearing arose. An elevation on the hinder end of the posterior canal marks the position of the epiotic ossification so well developed in the osseous fish; the pterotic is also indicated by a large outstanding process (Pt O) which forms the postero-external angle of the skull, and the sphenotic (post-frontal of Cuvier) by the posterior portion of the supra-orbital ridge (S Or) when it coalesces with the auditory capsule (Sp O). The anterior

The Sclerotic, the fibrous (mammalia), or cartilaginous (Sauropsida and Ichthyopsida) capsule developed around the organ of sight (E) never really forms part of the skull, although in the sharks and rays, and some osseous fish, it is articulated with the side walls of the brain case by a cartilaginous pedicle. The form of the skull is, however, greatly governed by the presence of these optic capsules.

extremity of this ridge forms in like manner the pre-front: process. One very noteworthy point, observable both a an upper, under, or side view, is the presence between the nasal capsules of a short rod of cartilage (B Tr) repre senting the median basal portion, or keystone of the te becular arch, and hence called the basi-trabecular.

Viewed from behind, the skull presents a large forane magnum, bounded below and at the sides by the wel developed occipital condyles, between which is a sligh elevation, showing the point where the notochord org nally entered the investing mass. External to the occi pital foramen, and marking the original boundary between the parachordal and otic elements of the skull is the foramen for the exit of the 9th and 10th nerves. The trigeminal foramen, which always points to the anterior limit of the otic region, forms a large aperture in the side wall of the brain-case (V), as also does the optic forames (II).

The jaws are very loosely united to the other parts i the skull, and consist of an upper and a lower dentigerous arch, the former of which is connected with the skull by two bands of ligamentous fibres. The lower arch (Mck. which articulates with the posterior end of the upper, is the homologue of Meckel's cartilage, the rod which forms the foundation of the lower jaw in all vertebrata, but which as a rule, owing to the great development of invest ing bases, is reduced to a more slender style, or is even suppressed altogether. The posterior portion of the upper dentigerous arch (Qu) answers to the quadrate, a bone which in all Teleostei, as well as in Amphibia and Sauropsida, gives attachment to the mandible. The remainder of this "upper-jaw" represents the series of bones, (pterygoid, meso-pterygoid, and palatine) which in the osseous fish connect the quadrate with the fore part of the skull, the meta-pterygoid or proximal end of the mandibular arch being represented by the band of fibrous tissue (M Pt) which connects the quadrate with the auditory capsule.

Close behind the attachment of the meta-pterygoid ligament, a large phalangiform cartilage (H M) is artic lated to the auditory capsule; this represents the byomandibular of the osseous fish, the largest bone in the suspensory apparatus of the lower jaw, and the uppermos portion of the hyoid arch. Between this cartilage and the meta-pterygoid is a space (Sp), which in the recent state forms a communication between the cavity of the mouth and the exterior. This is called the spiracle, and answers to the tympano-Eustachian passage of the higher vertbrata. The distal portion of the hyoid arch consists of a large and strong cartilage, the cerato-hyal (C Hy), below which is a basal piece, common to both sides (shown the figure by dotted lines), the basi-hyal. This is an es tremely simple mode of segmentation of the hyoid arch and approaches nearly to the primitive condition.

The cerato-hyal is connected with the mandible by a ligament-the mandibulo-hyoid ligament (mhl).

There are five branchial arches, all of which are split up into four segments, called, after the names originally given by Prof. Owen to the corresponding parts in the Teleostei, pharyngo- epi-, cerato-, and hypo-branchial. The inferior median piece, or basi-branchial (B Br), occurs only in the hinder part of the series.

The extra-viscerals are represented by the labial cartlages (1-15) and by the extra-branchials (Ex Br 1-3 between which and the branchial arches extend cartelaginous rods, acting as supports to the septa between the gill-pouches. The last arch, however, bears no gill and has no extra-branchial corresponding to it. The hyoid also is devoid of an extra-visceral, although it bears a series of greatly divided cartilages, which support the anterior wall of the first gill-sac; this arch, consequently, carries a half-gill. The branchia of the mandibular arch is repre sented by a vascular plexus (pseudo-branchia) on the anterior side of the spiracular opening.


AN International Horticultural Show is to be held at Florence in May, from the 11th to the 25th. The Société Royale Toscane d'Horticulture offers 100 medals of gold, 221 of silver, and 131 of bronze, and five grand prix d'honneur are offered respectively by the King of Italy, the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, the province of Florence, the town of Florence, and the lady patronesses. Prince Demidoff and Prof. Parlatore have also placed gold medals for special classes, at the disposal of the committee. Coincidently with the Show the International Botanical Congress will be held at Florence under the presidency of Prof. Parlatore. The programme of subjects for discussion includes questions on the nature and functions of hairs on plants, on cell circulation, on the latex, on the automic movement of the leaves of plants, on the causes which determine the direction of the root in the germination of a seed, on the causes which influence the direction of the growth of branches, especially of weeping trees, on the analysis of the organs of reproduction between cryptogams and phanerogams, as well as many other subjects more widely known, and subjects of debate such as the origin of Bacteria, the determination of fossil plants by their leaves, the distinction between species, race, and variety, and the origin of insular and alpine floras. The President and Secretaries of the Société Royale Toscane d'Horticulture announce their readiness to communicate with any botanists who wish for further information with a view to attending the Congress. The official language of the Congress will be Italian, but papers may be communicated and discussions conducted in any language. Representatives to the Congress have been appointed from the various countries of Europe, and from Egypt, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, &c. Among the names of those who are expected are announced the following English botanists :-Messrs. Hooker, Trimen, Ball, Hiern, Hogg, Maw, Murray, Allmann, and Binney. As a measure of precaution against the introduction of the Phylloxera, the importation of vines and of other fruittrees into Italy has been rigorously prohibited since October 31 last.

THE Syndics of the Cambridge Botanic garden in their annual report state that the Curator has nearly completed the rearrangement of the herbaceous plants, and it is hoped the laborious task will be finished in the ensuing year. The plant houses are in a good state of repair, but over-crowded. The Professor and Curator are unable to see in what manner the number of plants kept in them can be materially reduced without injuring the efficiency of the garden. Several of the finest and most valuable specimen plants now threaten to grow through the roof of the houses. The Syndics acknowledge some donations of foreign seeds and plants, but they are under the necessity of discouraging gifts of seeds of plants belonging to warmer regions, because of the want of room for their proper cultivation.

We are very glad to hear that negotiations are pending for the transfer of the valuable Museum of Natural History, which was formerly in the possession of the East India Company, from the India House, where it has been for some time stored, to South Kensington, where it will at last be available for reference and study. This desirable transfer we strongly recommended in an article which appeared about a year ago (NATURE, vol. vii, P. 457).

A PURSE of 540 guineas has recently been presented by mem bers of the British Association and other friends to Mr. W. Pengelly, F.R.S., F.G.S., as a testimony to the high value of his labours in conducting the exploration of Kent's Cavern, Torquay, and of his other services to science. After the presentation it appeared that many of Mr. Pengelly's friends and advisers had been left in ignorance of what was proposed. To

enable all such persons to join in this mark of appreciation the hon. sec. to the testimonial fund, Mr. J. E. Lee, F.G.S., Villa Syracusa, Torquay, is prepared still to receive subscriptions up to the 17th of April.

A GERMAN Natural History and Anthropological Society for Eastern Asia has now existed for a twelvemonth, having been established on March 22, 1873. The headquarters is at Tokio, and the Society consists of fifty-two 'members, twenty-three being resident at Yokohama, twenty at Tokio, seven in Hiogo, and two at Singapore. Herr von Brandt, the Minister for the German Empire in Japan, is its president. The Society has already published a volume of "Proceedings," containing several interesting and important papers on the subjects for the cultivation of which the Society was founded, especially on the ancient customs and history of Japan.

A MONUMENT to Antonio Bertolini, author of "Flora Italica," has been inaugurated at Bologna.

DR. ASCHERSON, of Berlin, has gone to Egypt as a member of a commission of exploration. Prof. Planchon, of Montpellier, has been sent by the French Government to the United States to inquire into the new vine disease caused by the Pemphigus vitifolia. Other botanists at present occupied with foreign exploration are, Sig. Pichler in the east, and Messrs. Lorentz and Hieronymus.

THE chairs of Botany at the Universities of Genoa and of Modena were announced vacant at the end of January.

THE new edition of Pritzel's "Thesaurus" will be edited by Prof. Jessen.

PROF. STEFANO DE' ROSSI has just started in Rome a Bulle tino del Vulcani. The learned geologist has undertaken to chronicle and to comment upon all the volcanic phenomena which are observed in Italy and the surrounding islands. Two parts of the periodical have been published, giving details of every commotion felt during 1873. The ground was in such activity that Prof. Stefano de' Rossi has been able to report more than three hundred separate phenomena. The mean number of seismic commotions in the whole Peninsula is almost one daily.

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AN aeronautical experiment of great importance took place on March 22. The ballcon "Etoile Polaire" was sent up with two aeronauts, M. Sivel and Croce-Spinelli, to test if the respiration of an air rich in oxygen would enable observers to reach a high level without being suffocated by the rarity of the surrounding medium. The experiment was suggested by M. W. de Fonvielle in his "Science en Ballon," and an apparatus was constructed by M. Paul Pert, Professor at the Sorbonne, and a Member of the National Assembly. The "Etoile Polaire" started at 11.40 A. M. from the La Villette gasworks, and at 12.4 P.M. had reached 5,000 metres. The temperature, which was 13° C. on the ground, had sunk to 10° C. M. CroceSpinelli was almost suffocated, but by using the oxygenised-air respirator he recovered. His pulse, which was beating 86 on the ground, was beating 140, and with the respirator 120 only. These experiments were conducted from 12.4 to 1.30 P. M., when the balloon had reached 7,400 metres, where the thermometer sank to 24°. No observation was taken during the descent, which took place at 2.12 P.M. at Bar-sur-Seine, 120 miles from Paris. On landing, the temperature was + 17°. M. Croce-Spinelli had with him a little hand spectroscope supplied by M. Janssen. He states that all the aqueous lines belonging to the vapour had disappeared, and that the solar rays D and F were growing very dark. When not using the respirator the sky seemed quite dark, but the blue colour was restored when respiring oxygenised air. The measurement of the balloon was 2,800 cubic metres. It was elevated with 1,650 metres of lighting

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