Imagens das páginas



8 A LECTURE on the Working Men's Party, . . delivered.. before the Charlestown Lyceum,etc. Boston, 1830. 8°

9 SPEECH.. in the House of Representatives.. Feb. 1831, on the execution of the laws and treaties in favour of the Indian Tribes. [Washington, 1831.] 8°

10 AN ADDRESS delivered before the citizens of Worcester, on the fourth of July, 1833. Boston, 1833. 8°

II AN ADDRESS delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society in Yale College, etc. New Haven, 1833. 8°

12 THOUGHTS on "The Excitement" [relating to Freemasonry]; in reply to a letter to Hon. E. Everett, first published in the National Ægis and Massachusetts Yeoman' [by Rev. G. Allen.] Worcester, 1833. 8°

13 EULOGY on Lafayette, delivered in.. Faneuil Hall, . . Sept. 6, 1834. (Second edition.) Boston, 1834. 80

14 ORATION delivered on the fourth day of July, 1835, before the citizens of Beverly. Boston, 1835. 8°

15 REMARKS on the French question, in the House of Representatives; .. with the Reports of the majority and minority of the Committee of Foreign Affairs, on the same subject. Boston, 1835. 8°

16 AN ADDRESS delivered at Lexington, on the 19th (20th) of April, 1835 [in commemoration of the battle of Lexington. First edition]. Charlestown, 1835. 8°

17 AN ADDRESS delivered at Lexington, on the 19th (20th) of April, 1835 [in commemoration of the battle of Lexington]. Second edition. Charlestown, 1835. 8°

18 ORATIONS and Speeches, on various occasions. Boston, 1836. 8vo. 19 AN ADDRESS delivered before the Adelphic Union Society of Williams College on Commencement day, etc. Boston, 1837. 8°

20 AN ADDRESS delivered before the Mercantile Library Association, .. in Boston, etc. Boston, 1838. 8°

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21 A MEMOIR of Mr. J. Lowell, Jun. delivered as the introduction to the lectures on his foundation.. December 31st, 1839. Bost. 1840. 8°

22 IMPORTANCE of Practical Education and Useful Knowledge; a selection from orations and other discourses. Boston, 1840. 12mo.

23 ADDRESSES at the Inauguration of the Hon. Edward Everett as President of the University at Cambridge, April 30, 1846. Boston, Cambridge [printed], 1846. 8vo.

24 AN EULOGY on the Life and Character of J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1848. 8vo.

25 SPEECH in support of the Memorial of Harvard, Williams, and Amherst Colleges, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, Boston. Cambridge, 1849. 8vo.

26 ORATIONS and Speeches on various occasions. Second edition. 2 vol. [vol. 1 only, 2nd edit.] Boston, 1850. 8°

27 THE DISCOVERY and Colonization of America, and immigration to the United States. A lecture delivered before the New York Historical

Society, etc. Boston [Cambridge printed], 1853. 8°

EVERETT, ERASTUS. A System of English Versification; containing rules for the structure of the different kinds of verse; with numerous examples from the best poets. New York, 1848. 12°

EVERETT, HORACE. Speech .. in the House of Representatives. on the Indian Annuity Bill, . . June 3, 1836. [With an appendix of documents.] Washington, 1836. 8°

EVERETT, JOHN. An Oration, delivered July 5, 1824. Boston, 1824. 8°

EVERYBODY'S BOOK: or, something for all. . First series. New York, 1841. 12°

EWBANK, THOMAS. A Descriptive and Historical Account of Hy

draulic and other Machines for raising Water, ancient and modern: with observations on various subjects connected with the mechanic arts, including the progressive development of the steam engine, etc. In five books. New York, 1842. 8vo.

2 A DESCRIPTIVE and Historical Account of Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, ancient and modern; with observations on various subjects connected with the mechanic arts, including the progrefsive development of the steam engine. . . Second edition, to which is added a supplement. New York, 1847. 8°

3 REPORT of T. Ewbank, the Commifsioner of Patents, for . . . 1849. Part 1, Arts and Manufactures; embracing the Commissioner's views of the origin and progress of invention; the motors-chief levers of civilization; proposed applications of the patent fund; . . and on the propulsion of steamers. With an introduction, by H. Greeley. New York, 1850. 8°

EWING, GREVILLE. A Memoir of Barbara Ewing; by her husband, G. Ewing. Philadelphia, 1830. 12o

EWING, STEPHEN S. Report of the President of the Branch of the Bank of the State of Alabama, at Huntsville. Nov. 3, 1841. Tuscaloosa, 1841. 8°

2 REPORT of the President of the Huntsville Branch Bank (S.S. Ewing). Tuscaloosa, 1845. 8°

EWING, THOMAS, of Ohio. Speech


on the removal of the deposites; delivered in the Senate.. Jan. 1834. Washington, 1834. 8°

2 SPEECH . . . on introducing the Bill to settle and determine the Northern Boundary line of . . Ohio; delivered in the Senate. . Dec. 21, 1835. Washington, 1835. 8°

3 SPEECH . . on the Bill to appropriate for a limited time the proceeds of the sales of the public lands: delivered in the Senate . . . March 15 and 16, 1836. Washington, 1836. 8°

EXAMINATION of the Reasons why the present System of Auctions ought to be abolished, as set forth by the Committee of New York merchants, opposed to the auction system. 80 Boston, 1828.

EXCHANGE ADVERTISER, No 94-95. Boston, 1786. Fol.

EXPERIENCE the Test of Government; in eighteen essays... [By W. Duane?] Philadelphia, 1807. 8°

EXTRACTS in Prose and Verse, by a lady of Maryland. Together with a collection of original poetry, never before published; by citizens of Maryland. 2 vol. Annapolis, 1808.


EYRE, JOHN. The Christian Spectator: being a journey from England to Ohio, two years in that state, travels in America, etc. Albany, 1838. 1838. 12°

2 THE EUROPEAN Stranger in America. New York, 1839. 120



ABENS, SEPH W. The Camel Hunt ; a narrative of personal adventure. Boston and Camb. 1851. 12° 2 A STORY of Life on the Isthmus. New York, 1853. 12o

FABER, MARTIN. The Story of a Criminal; and other tales. By the author of "The Yemassee," etc. [W. G. Simms]. 2 vol. N.York, 1837. 12°

FABLE FOR CRITICS. Reader, Walk up at once (it will soon be too late), and buy.. at a perfectly ruinous rate, a Fable for Critics; or,..a glance at a few of our literary progenies. by a Wonderful Quiz [i.e. J. R. Lowell. In verse. Second edition]. New York, 1848. 12°

FACTS and Arguments on the Transmission of Intellectual and Moral Qualities from Parents to Offspring. New York, 1843.


FADETTE: A Domestic Story. From the French [of A. Dudevant]. By M. M. Hays. N. York, 1851. 12°

FAIR, E. Y. Report of the President of the Montgomery Branch Bank (E. Y. Fair). Also, the expense account of said bank. Tuscaloosa, 1845. 8°

FAIRBANK, DRURY. A Sermon [on Isa. xxix. 9, 10] delivered at Plymouth, New Hampshire, on fast day, April 12, 1810. Hanover, 1810. 8°


FAIRFIELD, J. B. A Manual of False Orthography, etc. Andover and New York, 1841. 120

FAIRFIELD, JOHN. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. 3 vol. [Being vol. 10, 11, and 12 of MAINE REPORTS.] Hallowell, 1835, 37. 8°

FAIRFIELD, SUMNER LINCOLN. The Last Night of Pompeii: a poem: and lays and legends. New York, 1832. 8°

2 THE POEMS and Prose Writings of Sumner Lincoln Fairfield. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1841. 8°

FAIRFIELD WEST, Connecticut. Appeal of the Association of Fairfield West to the Associated Ministers connected with the General Association of Connecticut. New York, 1852. 8°



FALCONER, THOMAS, of Lincoln's An Expedition to Santa Fé. account of its journey from Texas through Mexico, with particulars of its capture. New Orleans, 1842. 8vo.

2 [Begins] Mr. Falconer's Reply to Mr. Greenhow's Answer; with Mr. Greenhow's Rejoinder. [Washington 1845.] 8vo.

FALES, WILLIAM R. Memoir of William R. Fales, the Portsmouth Cripple: [an autobiography; with memorandums and letters. Edited by S. H. L.] Philadelphia, 1851. 12°

FAMILY CHRISTIAN ALMANAC for the United States, 1847. Calculated for Boston, New York, Balti

more, and Charleston. New York [1846]. 18mo.

FAMILY PHYSICIAN, and the Farmer's Companion. [Syracuse? 1840?] 12°

FAMILY RECEIPTS: being a compilation from several publications, for cooking, dyeing, varnishing, painting, etc. Syracuse [1840?]. 12°

FAMILY TABLET; containing a selection of original poetry. Boston, 1796. 12mo.

FANCIES of a Whimsical Man. By the author of " Musings of an Invalid." New York, 1852. 8°

FANNING, EDMUND. Voyages Round the World; with sketches of voyages to the South Seas, North and South Pacific Oceans, China, etc. New York, 1833. 8vo.

United States of North America to the same. Accompanied by a map. New York, 1844. 8°

FARNUM, CALEB, the Younger. Practical Grammar. . of the English Language, etc. Providence, 1842. 12o

FARRAR, JOHN. An Elementary Treatise on the application of Trigonometry to orthographic and stereographic projection, dialling, mensuration of heights and distances, navigation, nautical astronomy, surveying and levelling; together with logarithmic and other tables, etc. Cambridge, 1822. 8°

2 AN ELEMENTARY Treatise on Mechanics, comprehending the doctrine of equilibrium and motion, as applied to solids and fluids, etc. Cambridge, 1825. 8°

3 AN EXPERIMENTAL Treatise on Optics, comprehending the leading

FARLEY, HARRIET, Miß. Shells principles of the science, and an ex

from the Strand of the Sea of Genius. .. First Series. Boston, 1847. 12°

FARLEY, STEPHEN. Discourses and Essays on theological and speculative topics. Boston, 1851. 12o

FARMER, DANIEL DAVIS. Trial of Daniel Davis Farmer for the Murder of the widow Anna Ayer, at Goffstown... Reported by A. Rogers and H. B. Chase. Concord, 1821. 8o

FARMER, JOHN. An Historical Sketch of Amherst... New Hampshire, etc. Amherst, 1820. 80

2 A GENEALOGICAL Register of the First Settlers of New England, etc. Lancaster, 1829. 8vo.

FARMER, JOHN, and MOORE, JACOB BAILEY. A Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire. Concord, 1823. 12°

FARNHAM, Eliza W. Mrs. in Prairie Land. N. York, 1847.


FARNHAM, THOMAS J. History of the Oregon Territory: it being a demonstration of the title of these

planation of the more important and curious optical instruments and optical phenomena; being the third part of a course of natural philosophy, etc. Cambridge, 1826. 8°

4 AN ELEMENTARY Treatise on Astronomy, adapted to the present improved state of the science; being the fourth part of a course of natural philosophy. Compiled for the University at Cambridge, New England. Cambridge, 1827. 8°

FARRINT, JOHN. Newport Gaol. Oct. 4, 1773. To the public. [Addrefs by John Farrint on the illegality of his confinement.] Newport [1773]. s. sh. fol.

FAUCHET, JOSEPH. A Sketch of the present state of our political relations with the United States of North America... Translated by the editor of the Aurora. Philadelphia, 1797. 8°

FAUVEL-GOURAUD, FRANÇOIS. Phreno - Mnemotechnic Dictionary: being a philosophical classification of all the homophonic words of the Eng

lish language, etc. Part 1. New York, 1844. 8°

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2 PHRENO-MNEMOTECHNY; or, the art of memory. The series of lectures explanatory. . of the system, delivered in New York and Philadelphia in the beginning of 1844, etc. New York, 1845. 8°

FAULTS on all Sides. The Case of Religion considered: showing the substance of true godliness. presented to the inhabitants (especially) .. of Rhode Island. . . To which is

added, the prophecies...of...J. Usher, Lord Archbishop of Armagh, .. relating to the great persecution that is yet to break out in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Newport, 1728. 8vo.

FAY, H. A. Collection of the Official Accounts in detail, of all the Battles fought by Sea and Land, between the Navy and Army of the United States and the Navy and Army of Great Britain, during the years 1812-15. New York, 1817. 8°

FAY, THEODORE S. romance of New York. York, 1843. 12°


Hoboken: a 2 vol. New

The Obligations of Christians to the Heathen World: a sermon [on Mark xiv. 8, 9] delivered.. before the Auxiliary Foreign Mission Society of Boston, etc. Boston, 1825.

FEARN, THOMas, and others. Report of the Commissioners appointed to examine the Branch of the Bank of the State of Alabama at Huntsville. Tuscaloosa, 1842. 8°

FEATHERSTONHAUGH, GEORGE WILLIAM. The Death of Ugolino. A tragedy. [In five acts, and in prose and verse.] Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo.

2 GEOLOGICAL Report of an Examination made in 1834 of the elevated country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. Washing. 1835. 8°

FEDERALIST: a Collection of Essays written in favour of the new Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, Sept. 17, 1787. [By Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay.] 2 vol. New York, 1788. 12mo.

2 THE FEDERALIST; or, the new Constitution... written in 1778, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jay, and Mr. Madison. New edition. Philadelphia, 1817. 8°

3 THE FEDERALIST; or, the new Constitution...with an appendix, containing the Letters of Pacificus [A.Hamilton], and Helvidius [J. Madison], on the Proclamation of Neutrality Confederation and the Constitution of of 1793; also the original Articles of the United States, with the amendments made thereto. A new edition. The numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by himself. Hallowell, 1837. 8vo.

4 THE FEDERALIST; on, the new Constitution. Written in the year 1788, by A. Hamilton, J. Madison, and J. Jay. With an appendix, containing the Letters of Pacificus [A. Hamilton], and Helvidius [J. Madison], on the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793; the original Articles of Confederation; the letters of.. Washington, as President of the Convention, to the President of Congrefs; the Constitution of the United States, etc. Sixth edition. 2 parts. Philadelphia, 1847, 1845. 8°

FEDERALIST. A Letter to a Federalist, in reply to some of the popular objections to the motives and tendency of the measures of the present administration. Feb. 1805. [Boston, 1805.] 8°

2 AN ANSWER to the questions, Why are you a Federalist? and, Why shall you Vote for Gov. Strong? [Boston], 1805. 8°

FEIJO, DIOGO ANTONIO. Demonstration of the necessity of abolishing a constrained Clerical Celibacy; ex

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