Imagens das páginas

extent, and if so the probable cost of the same.

On motion of Regent Bishop,

Resolved, That the committee on the Observatory be directed to inquire into the expediency of removing the Observatory on to the University grounds, of the probable cost of such removal, what the ground now occupied for the use of the Observatory and the building thereon can be sold for, and report at their convenience, andthat Dr. Brunnow be added to such committee, for the purposes of this resolution.

Regent Spaulding, from the committee on the Scientific Department, to whom was referred' the communication of Prof. Wood, presented the following resolutions:

Resolved, That Prof. Wood be employed to deliver a course of lectures on Military Engineering, closing with the present college year, and that he be allowed two hundred dollars as full compensation therefor.

Resolved, That twenty-five dollars be appropriated to pur chase the books on Military Engineering recommended by Prof. Wood, in his communication of the 24th instant, to be placed in the Library. Adopted.

On motion of Regent Bishop, the Library Committee was authorized to dispose of the catalogue of the Trowbridge Collection.

A communication was received from Prof. Winchell relative to a catalogue of the Museum. Referred to the committee on the Museum.

A communication was received from Prof. Winchell relative to the employment of an assistant, in accordance with a resolution of the Board. Accepted and placed on file.

On motion of Regent Baxter,

Resolved, That a sum not to exceed fifty dollars be appropriated to print a revised and enlarged edition of the Catalogue of the Museum of Fine Arts, to be expended under the direc tion of Prof. Frieze and Regent McIntyre.

A communication was received from Prof. Winchell, requesting the purchase of a work on Natural History, to be placed in the Library. Referred to the Library Committee.

The following amounts were allowed for Regents' expenses and ordered paid:

[blocks in formation]

On motion the Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, June 24th,

1862, at 9 A. M.

D. L. WOOD, Secretary.


DETROIT, Tuesday, May 20, 1862.

The following members of the Board of Regents, viz: Hon/ B. L. Baxter, Hon. Levi Bishop, Hon. D. McIntyre, and Hon. O. L. Spaulding, assembled at the call of the Executive Committee, at the Michigan Exchange, in the city of Detroit, for the purpose of considering certain propositions in relation to the property sold to the Detroit Young Men's Society, No quorum being present they adjourned. D. L. WOOD, Secretary,


UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Tuesday, June 24, 1862.

The Board of Regents assembled at 10 A. M. Present Pres ident Tappan. Regents Baxter, Johnson, Bishop, McIntyre, Brown, Spaulding, and Bradley.

After prayer by the President, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Regent McIntyre, from the Finance Committee, to whoth was referred the account of Dr. Tappan, for the printing of the catalogue of the Trowbridge collection, reported the same correct. The report was accepted and the account and vouchers placed on file.

The committee on the Medical Department, to whom was referred the resolution in relation to binding Medical Magazines and periodicals, reported in favor of appropriating $100 for general binding purposes. On motion of Regent McIntyre, the report was accepted, and the sum of $100 was appropriated for binding, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee.

Regent McIntyre presented a communication from Prof. Armor requesting permission to deliver his next course of Lectures within four, instead of six months. Referred to the committee on the Medical Department.

On motion of Regent McIntyre,

Resolved, That the thanks of the Board of Regents are hereby tendered to General Edward Clark, of the city of Ann Arbor, for his generous gift to the University of a copy of No. 779 of "The Boston Gazette and country Journal," published in the town of Boston, on Monday, March 12, 1770, "containing the freshest advices, Foreign and Domestic," its advices from New York being up to March 1, 1770, and that the Librarian be, and he is hereby directed to place the same in the general Library of the University, in the best condition for preservation, and that the Secretary present General Clark with a printed copy of the minutes of the present meeting of the Regents containing a copy of this resolution.

A bill of $120 was received from Mr. James Anderson, for making second set of Plans, Elevations, Details, and Specifications for law building. On motion of Regent Johnson the bill was allowed and ordered paid.

A communication was received from Mrs. Henry Goadby, of fering for sale a box of Diagrams, illustrating the links connecting the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms. Referred to the committee on the Museum.

Regent Bradley announced to the Board the death of Hon. L. H. Parsons, Regent of the University from the sixth district. The President appointed Regents Bradley, Baxter, and McIntyre a committee to draft resolutions expressing the sentiments of the Board in relation thereto.

A communication was received from Prof. White asking leave of absence. Referred to the committee on the Classical Department.

The committee appointed to draft resolutions in relation to the decease of Hon. L. H. Parsons presented the following:

WHEREAS, God in his wisdom, has, since the last meeting of the Regents, removed by death from his field of usefulness on earth, our brother and associate Regent, Hon. L. H. Parsons, and thus rendered vacant the seat heretofore occupied by him as a member of this Board. Therefore,

Resolved, That while in this dispensation we recognize the Divine hand which doeth all things well, we cannot but feel

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