Imagens das páginas

to whom was referred the memorial of J. Adams Allen, M. D. asking the remission of the penalty of expulsion and the conferring of the usual Degree upon Julius Sterling Morton was accepted and the committee discharged.

On motion of the same the report was adopted.

On motion, adjourned to meet at 2,30 P. M.

The Board re-assembled at 2,30 P M.

On motion of Regent Bishop the majority report of the committee on the removal of the Medical Department of the University to Detroit was accepted.

On motion of Regent Baxter, the minority report of the committee on the removal of the Medical Department of the University to Detroit was accepted.

On motion of Regent Brown,

Resolved, That the Medical Department of the University of Michigan ought not in the judgment of the Board of Regents to be removed to Detroit, or elsewhere.

The following resolutions having been discussed by the members of the Board and by Professors Sager and Palmer, on motion of Regent Parsors, were laid on the table.

Resolved, that each candidate for admission to the Medical Department of the University shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his own good moral character to the President, and if not a graduate of this or some other University or College, he shall possess a good English Education; a knowledge of Natural Philosophy and the elementary Mathematical Sciences, including Geometry and Algebra, and such an acquaintance with Latin as will entitle him to admission into the Freshman Class of the classical course of the University, to be ascertained and certified by the proper Professsor in that course. This resolution shall take effect on the first day of July next.

Resolved, That from and after the expiration of the approaching Medical term all the Medical Professors shall be required to reside at or near the University during the Medical Lecture term.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 7, P. M.

The Board re-assembled at 7, P. M.

The Finance Committee to whom was referred the annual

account of Prof. Douglass, reported the same correct. On mo. tion of Regent Baxter, the report was accepted.

A bill of $8.50 was received from Wm. Bond for framing map and two diplomas, and ordered paid.

A communication was received from Rev. John Van Vleck tendering his resignation as Regent.

On motion of Regent Parsons, President Tappan was requested to forward said resignation to the Secretary of State.

On motion of Regent Bishop,

Resolved, That the Finance Committee be authorized to ex. pend not to exceed $1,000 for books for the Library.

Resolved, That the Finance Committee be authorized to expend not to exceed $300 for periodicals for the Library.

On motion of Regent Baxter,

Resolved, That a warrant for the sum of $100 be drawn to the order of Prof. Palmer, to be expended for anatomical purposes.

On motion of Regent Parsons,

Resolved, That the Finance Committee be authorized to purchase maps, charts, and stationery for the University, as in their judgment they shall deem it necessary.

On motion adjourned to meet at 8, A. M., to-morrow.

Wednesday, September 23, 1858.

The Board assembled at 8, A. M.

Present President Tap. pan, Regents Baxter, Bishop, McIntyre, Brown, Parsons and Ferry.

The minutes of the preceding day were read, amended and approved.

On motion of Regent Brown, the sum of $12.63 was appropriated for the payment of Tiffany & Co's bill for 20 feet of the Atlantic cable.

Regent McIntyre, from the committee to whom was referred the memorial of several young ladies for admission to the University, submitted his report.

On motion of Regent Bishop the report was accepted and the committee discharged. (See

On motion of Regent McIntyre,

Resolved, That to adapt the University to the education of

both sexes would require such a revolution in the management and conduct of the institution, that we think it wiser, under all the circumstances, both in respect to the interests of the Univer sity and the interests of the young ladies, that their application should not be granted, and that at present it is inexpedient to introduce this change into the institution.

Adjourned to meet at 2, P. M.

Wednesday, September 29, 1858. The Board re-assembled at 2, P. M. Present Regents Baxter, Bishop, McIntyre, Parsons, Brown and Ferry.

Regent Brown was chosen chairman.

A bill of $25.08 was received from L. H. Parsons for expen ses as Regent, and ordered paid.

President Tappan came in and took his seat.

On motion of Regent Bishop,

Resolved, That the Finance Committee be authorized to employ a suitable Demonstrator of Anatomy for the Medical Department.

The annual report of Dr. Zina Pitcher, superintendent of the clinical course, was received and accepted.

On motion of Regent Parsons, the resolution offered September 28th, and laid on the table, in regard to the preparation of candidates for admission to the Medical Department, was taken from the table.

On motion of Regent Parsons,

Resolved, That the said resolution be referred to the Medical Faculty, and that they are hereby requested to report upon the same at the next meeting of this Board.

A communication was received from Professor Wm. P. Trowbridge, proposing to place on deposit in the University his collection in Natural History, now at the Smithsonian Institute. On motion of Regent Brown,

Resolved, That the President be authorized and requested to communicate to Mr. Trowbridge the acceptance by the Board of Regents of the University of Michigan of his proffered collection in Natural History, and to express to him their grateful thanks for the munificent donation.

Resolved, That Regent McIntyre, President Tappan, Profes

sors Winchell, Sager and Douglass, be empowered to make all mecessary arrangements for the transportation and reception of said collection, in accordance with the proposition of Mr. Trowbridge, and the sum of seven hundred dollars is hereby appropriated and placed subject to the order of said committee.

On motion of Regent Parsons,

Resolved, That the sum of $1098.94 be allowed for the payment of expenses incurred in the removal and arranging of the minerals, statuary, paintings, etc.

On motion of Regent McIntyre, the sum of $157.04 was appropriated for contingent expenses.

A bill of $16 was received from E. L. Brown for expenses as Regent, and ordered paid.

A bill of $18.30 was received from D. McIntyre, for expenses as Regent and for stationery, and ordered paid.

On motion of Regent McIntyre, the sum of $808 was appropriated to be paid to Mr. Fitz, on Telescope.

A bill of $23.30 was received from Wm. M. Ferry, Jr., for expenses as Regent, and ordered paid.

A bill of $14 was received from B. L. Baxter for expenses as Regent, and ordered paid.

On motion of Regent Bishop,

Resolved, That every student, before admission to the University, shall pay all fees required by the rules and regulations, to the Treasurer of the Board, and take his receipt therefor, and no student shall be admitted until a compliance with this resolution.

On motion of Regent McIntyre, the sum of $796.08 was appropriated for the payment of the balance due to Joseph H. Vance, Steward, in settlement of his account with the University.

On motion of Regent Baxter,

Resolved, That from and after the first of October next the salary of our Librarian be increased to the sum of six hundred dollars per annum.

On motion of Regent Baxter, the Finance Committee, together with C. C. Trowbridge and H. N. Walker of Detroit were

appointed an auditing committee to examine the Observatory accounts in the hands of Dr. Tappan.

On motion of Regent Baxter,

Resolved, That Prof. White be requested to designate the name of the remaining scholarships established at our last session. On motion adjourned to meet December 21st, at 10, A. M. D. L. WOOD, Secretary.

Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1858.

The Board of Regents assembled at 10, A. M. Present President Tappan, Regents Baxter, Johnson, Bishop, McIntyre, Brown, Whiting, Parsons, Spaulding, and Ferry.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Regent McIntyre, chairman of the Finance Committee, presented their annual report which was accepted and laid on the table.

Regent McIntyre, chairman of the Finance Committee, who was instructed at the June meeting to prepare a memorial to the next Legislature, asking a remission of the debt called the One Hundred Thousand Dollar Loan, presented a memorial, which was accepted and laid on the table.

Regent Parsons, chairman of the Special Committee appointed to ascertain and report the name of each officer, professor, and employee of this Board, what amount of salary is received by each, what changes, if any, may be made in any such salaries, and what, if any, officer or employee may be dispensed with, presented his report, which was accepted and laid on the table Adjourned to meet at 2, P. M.

The Board re-assembled at 2, P. M.

Regent Johnson, from the committee to whom was referred the memorial of Prof. D. Wood relative to the establishment of an engineering course, presented a report, which was accepted and laid on the table.

On motion of Regent Baxter, at the request of the committee, further time was granted them to consider and report upon the subject.

Prof. Palmer presented the report of the Medical Faculty on the resolution referred to them at the last meeting of the Board,


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