But He, that hath the steerage of my course, [Exeunt. SCENE V.1 A Hall in CAPULET'S House. Musicians waiting. Enter Servants. 1 Serv. Where's Potpan, that he helps not to take away? he shift a trencher! he scrape a trencher! 2 Serv. When good manners shall lie all in one or two men's hands, and they unwash'd too, 'tis a foul thing. 1 Serv. Away with the joint-stools, remove the court-cupboard, look to the plate. - Good thou, save me a piece of marchpane; and, as thou lovest me, let the porter let in Susan Grindstone, and Nell. - Antony! and Potpan! 2 Serv. Ay, boy; ready. 20 So in the first quarto; the other old copies have suit instead of sail. H. 21 Here the folio adds: "They march about the stage, and serving men come forth with their napkins." 1 The opening of this scene, down to the entrance of Capulet, is not in the quarto of 1597. H. 2 To shift a trencher was technical. Trenchers were used in Shakespeare's time and long after by persons of good fashion and quality. 3 The court cupboard was the ancient sideboard: it was a cuinbrous piece of furniture, with stages or shelves gradually receding, like stairs, to the top, whereon the plate was displayed at festivals. They are mentioned in many old comedies. 4 Marchpane was a constant article in the desserts of our ancestors. It was a sweet cake, composed of filberts, almonds, pistachios, pine kernels, and sugar of roses, with a small portion of flour. They were often made in fantastic forms. 1 Serv. You are look'd for and call'd for, ask'd for and sought for, in the great chamber. 2 Serv. We cannot be here and there too. Cheerly, boys! be brisk awhile, and the longer liver take all. [They retire behind. Enter CAPULET, &c., with the Guests and the Cap. Welcome, gentlemen! ladies, that have their toes 5 Unplagued with corns, will have a bout with you : she, I'll swear, hath corns: Am I come near you now? Such as would please; - 'tis gone, 'tis gone, 'tis gone. You are welcome, gentlemen! - Come, musicians, play. A hall! a hall! give room, and foot it, girls. [Music plays, and they dance. 7 More lights, ye knaves! and turn the tables up, 5 So the first quarto; the other old copies, "will walk about with you." H. 6 An exclamation to make room in a crowd for any particular purpose, as we now say a ring! a ring! 7 The ancient tables were flat leaves or boards joined by hinges and placed on trestles; when they were to be removed they were therefore turned up. 8 Cousin was a common expression for kinsman. For you and I are past our dancing days: Were in a mask? 2 Cap. By'r lady, thirty years. 1 Cap. What, man! 'tis not so much, 'tis not so much: 'Tis since the nuptial of Lucentio, Come pentecost as quickly as it will, Some five-and-twenty years; and then we mask'd. 2 Cap. 'Tis more, 'tis more: his son is elder, sir; His son is thirty. 1 Cap. Will you tell me that? His son was but a ward two years ago. Rom. What lady's that, which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight ? Serv. I know not, sir. Rom. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Tyb. This, by his voice, should be a Montague. 9 So read all the old copies till the second folio, which has, "Her beauty hangs upon the cheek of night." The Poet has a similar passage in his 27th Sonnet: "Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly night, H. 10 So all the old copies except the first quarto, which has happy instead of blessed. H. Fetch me my rapier, boy. - What! dares the slave To fleer and scorn at our solemnity ? 1 Cap. Why, how now, kinsman! wherefore storm you so ? Tyb. Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe; A villain, that is hither come in spite, To scorn at our solemnity this night. 1 Cap. Young Romeo is it? Tyb. 'Tis he, that villain Romeo. 1 Cap. Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone, He bears him like a portly gentleman ; And, to say truth, Verona brags of him, To be a virtuous and well-govern'd youth. I would not for the wealth of all this town, Here, in my house, do him disparagement; Therefore be patient, take no note of him: It is my will; the which if thou respect, Show a fair presence, and put off these frowns, An ill-beseeming semblance for a feast. Tyb. It fits, when such a villain is a guest: I'll not endure him. 1 Cap. He shall be endur'd : go to: What, goodman boy! - I say, he shall; You'll make a mutiny among my guests! You will set cock-a-hoop! you'll be the man! Tyb. Why, uncle, 'tis a shame. 1 Cap. Go to, go to; You are a saucy boy. - Is't so, indeed? This trick may chance to scath you;" - I know what. 11 That is, do you an injury. You must contrary me! marry, 'tis time, Well said, my hearts! go: You are a princox; 12 Be quiet, or - More light! more light, for shame! - Makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting. 12 Minshew calls a princox "a ripe-headed young boy," and derives the word from the Latin precox. The more probable derivation is from prime cock; that is, a cock of prime courage or spirit; hence applied to a pert, conceited, forward person. So in the Return from Parnassus: "Your proud university princox thinkes he is a man of such merit, the world cannot sufficiently endow him with preferment." And in Phaer's Virgil: "Fyne princox, fresh of face, furst uttring youth by buds unshorne." - Coleridge remarks upon this dialogue thus: "How admirable is the old man's impetuosity, at once contrasting, yet harmonized, with young Tybalt's quarrelsome violence! But it would be endless to repeat observations of this sort. Every leaf is different on an oak tree; but still we can only say, - our tongues defrauding our eyes, - This is another oak-leaf!" H. 13 The old copies have sinne instead of fine; an easy misprint when sinne was written with a long s; corrected by Warburton. - In the preceding line, the first quarto has unworthy instead of unworthiest.-The temper of this first interview is very happily suggested by the corresponding passage in Brooke's poem : "As soone as had the knight the vyrgins right hand raught, What chaunce (q' he) unware to me, O lady mine, is hapt, |