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ABSENT himself from Senate without leave first obtained. No member
shall ......

ABSENT members may be sent for, by less than a quorum, at the expense
of such members, unless excused, and then paid out of the contingent


ADDITIONAL numbers of documents to be referred to the Committee on
Printing. Motions to print..........


ADDRESS, or hear any such read. No person shall be admitted to present
any petition, memorial, or


ADJOURN, &c. When a question is under debate no motion shall be
received but to....


ADJOURNMENT shall always be in order, and shall be decided without
debate. The motion for.......


ADJOURNMENT. The substitution of a member to fill the chair shall not
extend beyond an......................


ADJOURNMENTS. Special orders not to lose their position on the calendar
on account of intervening ...

... 31

ADMIT any person in Senate to present a petition, &c., &c. No motion in
order to.....


ADMITTED on the floor of the Senate. Description of persons (and none
others) who shall be


AGRICULTURE, to consist of five members. A standing Committee on...
ALPHABETICALLY. In taking the yeas and nays, or on a call of the House,


the names of the members taken


AMEND. When a question is under debate no motion shall be received
but to adjourn, to lie on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to post-
pone to a day certain, to commit, or to..

AMENDED until twice read, &c. No bill shall be..

AMENDMENT. Any motion may be withdrawn before....




AMENDMENTS containing several points may be divided, but a motion to
strike out and insert shall not be divided. The rejection of a motion
to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to
strike out and insert a different proposition, nor a motion simply to
strike out, nor another motion to strike out and insert......
AMEND the rules. One day's notice of a motion required to
AMENDMENTS to the Constitution same as on bills, &c. The proceedings


AMENDMENT. No amendment shall be received for discussion at a third
reading of any bill, &c., unless by unanimous consent; but such bill,
&c., may be referred to a committee, and should an amendment be
reported, the bill, &c., shall again be read a second time, &c., (see

AMENDMENT shall be, “Whether it shall be engrossed and read a third





time?" The final question on the second reading of any constitutional 29
AMENDMENT proposing additional appropriations shall not be received to
any general appropriation bill, unless to carry out an existing law, or
act, or resolution of the Senate previously passed during that session,
or moved by a standing or select committee, or in pursuance of au
estimate from the head of some of the departments; and no amend-
ment shall be received to provide for a private claim, unless it be to
carry out an existing law or treaty stipulation.....

AMENDMENTS to general appropriation bills, proposing new items of ap-
propriation, shall, one day before they are offered, be referred to the
Committee on Appropriations

AMENDMENTS shall be inserted on the journals. The titles of bills and
parts affected by

AMENDMENTS to treaties. Forms of questions and proceedings on
AMENDMENT to be proposed to the Constitution is under consideration, the








concurrence of two-thirds of the members present shall not be requisite
to decide any question for amendments, or extending to the merits,
being short of the final question. When an..
APPEAL to the Senate. Every question of order shall be decided by the
President, without debate, subject to an.....
APPOINTMENT of all the committees (except the chairman of standing
committees) a plurality of vctes shall make a choice. In the........ 35
APPOINTMENT of standing committees the Senate will proceed, by ballot,
severally to appoint the chairman of each committee, and then, by one
ballot, the other members necessary to complete the same; and a
majority of the whole number of votes given shall be necessary to the
choice of a chairman of a standing committee. All other committees
shall be appointed by ballot, and a plurality of votes shall make a
choice. In the....

APPOINTMENTS. Executive, &c. (See Nominations.)


APPROPRIATION bill. Restrictions upon amendments to any general (see

APPROPRIATIONS to consist of seven members. A standing committee on.
ASSIGNMENT of special orders according to the order of time for which

they were assigned, and at which they were assigned, and over general
ATTENDANCE of members required and absent members sent for, &c....
AUDIT and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, to consist of
three members, to whom shall be referred all resolutions directing the
payment of money out of the contingent fund of the Senate, or creating
a charge on the same. Standing Committee to......

AYE or No. The President of the Senate shall put all questions, and the
members shall answer..

[merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small]


BALLOT, &c. All standing and other committees shall be appointed by.. 35
BALLOTS are being counted, &c. Messengers are introduced in any state
of business, except while the.......


BILL, resolution, &c., has gone out of possession of the Senate. No motion
for reconsideration shall be in order after a...

[subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][subsumed]

BILL. One day's notice shall be given for asking leave to introduce a...
BILLS reported by a committee shall, after first reading, be printed.....
BILL shall receive three readings before being passed. Each...

BILL, which readings shall be on different days, unless Senate unanimously
direct otherwise. The President shall give notice at first, second, and
third reading of each......

BILLS. All resolutions requiring the signature of the President, or grant-
ing money out of contingent or other fund, shall be treated as.......
BILL shall be committed or amended until it shall have been twice read,
after which it may be committed. No......
BILLS on a second reading shall first be considered as in Committee of the
Whole before being considered in Senate, unless otherwise ordered.

[blocks in formation]

BILL in Committee of the Whole, the Vice-President, or President pro
tempore, may call a member to fill the chair, &c. When the Senate
shall consider a..

BILL originating in the Senate shall be, "Whether it shall be engrossed
and read a third time?" The final question on the second reading of



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BILL, unless by unanimous consent of the members present. No amend-
ment shall be received for discussion at the third reading of any..... 29
BILL, to move its commitment. It shall at all times be in order, before the
firal passage of any....

BILLS reported with any amendment, after such commitment, shall be again
read a second time and considered as in Committee of the Whole, and
then the question shall again be put, "Whether it shall be engrossed
and read a third time?".

BILL is under consideration, it shall be in order to move, as a substitute for
it, a resolution of the Senate referring the case to the Court of Claims.
Whenever a private......

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]



BILL, unless to carry out the provisions of some existing law, or act, or
resolution previously passed by the Senate, during that session, or
moved by direction of a standing or select committee of the Senate or
in pursuance of an estimate from the head of some of the departments;
and no amendment shall be received whose object is to provide for a
private claim, unless it be to carry out the provisions of an existing law
or a treaty stipulation. No amendment proposing additional appro-
priations shall be received to any general appropriation....
BILLS and such parts only as shall be affected by proposed amendments
shall be inserted on the journals. The titles of..
BILL or otherwise. The standing committees of the Senate shall be ap-
pointed at the commencement of each session, with leave to report by.. 34
BILLS, to consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to examine all
bills, &c., before they go out of the possession of the Senate, and de-
liver same to Secretary of the Senate, to be entered on the journal as
correctly engrossed. A Committee on Engrossed..........
BILLS to be printed without being referred to the Committee on Printing.. 34
BILLS, to consist of three members. A Committee on Enrolled...
BLANKS the largest sum and longest time shall be first put. In filling.... 13
Books (or journals.) The legislative proceedings, the executive proceed-

ings, and the confidential legislative proceedings of the Senate, shall
be kept in separate and distinct.....

BUSINESS of Senate not to be interrupted by talking, reading newspapers,
or otherwise....





BUSINESS at preceding adjournment shall have preference in the special
orders of the day. The unfinished....


BUSINESS requiring secrecy the doors shall be shut, &c. On the discus-
sion of.....


BUSINESS in the Senate. Order of morning..


BUSINESS except while a question is being put, while the yeas and nays
are being called, or while the ballots are being counted. Messengers
are introduced in any state of the.......

BUSINESS to be continued from session to session of a Congress.


CALENDAR on account of intervening adjournments. Special orders not to
lose their position on the...




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