Resolution to take from the table the bill in regard to the remo- val of Quarantine, from Assembly, for commissioners of records to pre- 884 887 in regard to the concurrent resolution for commis- 888 for Clerk of Senate to index Senate Journal immedi- that the select committee to which was referred so 908 918 that thanks of Senate be tendered to Hon. Robert 937 that thanks of the Senate be tendered to Hon. Wm. 938 that thanks of Senate be tendered to S. P. Allen, Clerk 938 for Secretary of State to forward Documents and Ses- that thanks of Senate be given to Mr. George Terwil- - to inform Governor the Senate is now ready to ad- 957 to inform Assembly that Senate is now ready to ad- 958 in relation to the death of Hon. William C. Bouck,.. 960 act to amend chapter 16, title 8, article 7, part 1, of act to amend chap. 20, title 21, part 1, of the,- 30 30 44 act to amend chap. 6, title 4, part 2, section 53, rela- act to amend chap. 2, title 266, 285, 287, 293, 589, 624 act to amend, relative to divorces,- 51 Revised Statutes, act to amend chap. 5, part 2, of the,.. 113, 119 118, 129 act to amend, relative to duties of executors and ad- act to amend, relative to courts of Oyer and Terminer, 136 142 act to amend, relative to division fences, 174, 185, 318 284, 318 Castle and Lewisboro'.) (See North act to amend, chapter 18, title 13, part 1, section 47. (See Cape Vincent.) Rhinebeck, act to amend act to incorporate, ... 148, 153, 242, 250 petition from, for Troy University,. Richardson, William and others, petition of, Thomas, act relative to claim of, Richmond county, petition from, 251, 295 198 42 731, 750 108 746 746 petition for law for appointment of commissioner of remonstrance against, act for appointment of commissioner of record in, 341, 387 494, 506 Roads, turnpike and plank. (See Turnpike and Plank roads.) certain public. (See West Farm and Morrisania.) Road, act for construction of, from Osceola. (See Osceola.) Tract.) (See Old Military 373 Robbins, Wm., claims of, act relative to. (See James Woodward.) city of, act to release to D. A. Hanvey part of aban- Rochester, petition in favor of keeping open certain canals, 425 800 Savings Bank, act to amend act to incorporate the,.. 501 Eagle Bank of. (See Eagle Bank.) 704, 741, 828 Rockland Turnpike road. (See Callicoon Depot.) 275, 363 to the,. 904, 916 909 Rome, village of, act in relation to charter of the, Rubber company, New York. (See New York.) Rules of Senate,.. moved to amend 47th, 242, 251 4 73 and Assembly, resolution to suspend the 19th,- 302 notice to rescind part of 26th,.. 821 notice to suspend the 10th,. 784, 785, 821, 824, 825, 851 824 notice to suspend part of 10th so far as relates to As- 824 S. Sackman, Jacob H. and others, petition from. (See East New Sacandaga river, State bridge across the. (See State bridge.) Salt Springs, act concerning the,. &c., 535, 633, 648, 683, 828, 890 Penitentiary.) Springs, village of, act to amend act to provide for ap- 360 191, 199, county, preservation of fish in. (See Fish.) Monument Association, act to incorporate the,.. 481, 495 Springs, village of, act to amend act incorporating the, 781 Savings Bank, Brooklyn. (See Brooklyn.) New York. (See New York.) 840, 897, 916 Troy, to amend laws relative to,- 148, 167, 269, 292, 396 at East New York. (See East New York.) Oswego city. (See Oswego.) Union. (See Union Savings Bank.) Newburgh. (See Newburgh.) Savings Institution, East Brooklyn. (See East Brooklyn.) Bank, Queens county. (See Queens county.) Bank, Peekskill. (See Peekskill.) Schenectady, Mohawk Bank of, relative to capital stock of, 75, 80 city of, to amend charter of,. 161, 420 city of, act to limit powers of common council of, 192, 194 359, 360, 365, 374 city of, to amend act to erect parts of, into separate towns, &c,.. petition from, for a Savings Bank, 632, 680, 729 584 School commissioners districts in Oswego county. (See Oswego.) public, system, act to reorganise. (See New York.) 271 578, 586, 612, 665, 729 768, 803, 826 Schools, common, act to appropriate State tax to, 117, 127, 221 222, 234, 295 free. (See Sing Sing.) common, in Elmira. (See Elmira.) common, in Guilderland. (See Guilderland.) Schoharie Kill Bridge company, act to amend act relative to cer- tain highway assessments, &c., 142, 149, 168, 302, 307 325, 802, 872 Schoharie Kill Turnpike Road company, act for relief of,. 628, 749 Schuylerville, village of, act to change time of charter election Schmidt, Rev. Anthony, petition for relief of,- 253, 295 280 Schroeppel, act to authorize town of, to purchase farm and erect Secretary of State, report of pardons, to print, 131 398 to forward books and documents to members by the 908 to forward documents to deputy clerks,. 938 113, 119 123 60, 115, 383, 385, 397 56 library, for Clerk to purchase two copies of 5th edi- tion of Revised Statutes for the,. - library, for Clerk to purchase two copies of Laws of resolutions to adjourn. (See Resolutions.) Seneca canal, lengthening locks of, Nation of Indians. (See Cattaraugus.) 230 Indians, petition for act to apply Laws of 1857, chap- to,-- Sennett and Auburn Plankroad company, act to authorize board March, 1859, 890 87, 141, 222, 236 town of, act relative to town meeting in, held 1st of Sergeant-at-Arms, to enforce rule,. sent for members, relative to official conduct of the, to take Mr. Spinola in custody, Session Laws, publication of, 274 856 69, 88, 156 of 1857, chapter 628, section 17. (See Seneca Indians.) Sewerage and drainage in Brooklyn. (See Brooklyn.) Shandaken, new town from,... 27, 305, 318, 539, 547, 569, 602 859, 891 |